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 Excerpts from the book cupping Key treatment in alternative medicine

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Excerpts from the book cupping Key treatment in alternative medicine Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Excerpts from the book cupping Key treatment in alternative medicine   Excerpts from the book cupping Key treatment in alternative medicine Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:59 pm

[ltr][size=32]Excerpts from the book cupping[/ltr][/size]
[ltr][size=32]Key treatment in alternative medicine[/ltr][/size]

Thankfully Enough and prayers and peace upon the chosen later. 
The wonder which call for or ridicule at the same time is the belief in the sanctity of the West and they are top-notch and note affair, what should familiarize scholars there Multi cupping Othbtoha their research and even cheered for them and the people originally Tnadoa importance of cupping and took in the publication.[/ltr]
The issue of cupping after Astgosaith through books and the Internet and sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him did not find the medical command may discolour and Zaid Woods as it did with cupping, if it was on schedule or time or even in place.[/ltr]
The cupping is the year of pharmaceutical uncertain to say and act the Prophet peace be upon him no room to rant or denied, it is the treatment and prevention but not as imagined or promoted by some of it drug magician Shafi of everything and we are in this place say that cupping may itself be satisfactory but often assist and complement the work of medications and other treatments. I have objected to some scholars, including Ibn Khaldun, followed by some contemporary writers that the sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him at the door of the medicine is not advice from the door of the legislation. They quoted saying peace be upon him Sad you know something your world) (28), and made ​​medicine industries experimental, and it matters not to the legislation of the field, and this is clear nullity, because what is stated in the Qur'an and the correct year is legislation does not doubt if it is proved that not only medicine, nor arrogant argument for it, but what was the news stories or cited for a sermon and mind but nevertheless not devoid of judgment and other targets.[/ltr]
The first informed me on cupping prophetic was during my Alternative Medicine, where I was asked her teacher to prepare detailed research about cupping in Islam and more aroused Hfazth, and Ibkah then is to determine Mustafa peace be upon him to meeqaat and told me the letter (of Muhammad taught secretly ancient secrets of the emperors of China ).[/ltr]
The history of cupping Molg in the foot for more than five centuries practiced by the people and the people of the Middle West and was passed down from one generation to another. Even Islam came to select her Mustafa peace be upon him meeqaat chronologically according to the movement of the moon from its inception to demise came modern science to prove through analysis sincerity miracle peace be upon him and say the right word in Omadtha people after that weak religious faith they have and after that enter them a lot of voodoo.[/ltr]
Vahadjama are ordered delegate to him in Islam and their positions on the body is not that what any devotional reported from the Prophet peace be upon him and taken him to other places, and was told by him what peace is the best.[/ltr]
We may find from the public, doctors or intellectuals who question the feasibility of, and knowingly or unknowingly averse people, including and even after that they see their usefulness respond to the psychological factor may help them in their case Tnta fools and Almtkspin who claims to be (reluctance) Vlolhm may Nzeroha in a book or saw on television ... .veceioa ignorance of many people, while in the case and injure mistaken in ten, this stress the obvious fact is that you leave the jurisdiction of his family and is reluctant to obey God than people without knowledge.[/ltr]
Including that of science in movement advanced advanced cupping very slow beginnings indeed, and their positions and methods of diagnosis and became a computer plays an essential role in which, no longer of this science monopolized by the people of the West alone These Bisharat emerged in Malaysia, Iran and Syria studies serious and promising and grows up to the degree of the world on the subject of cupping.[/ltr]
This booklet is squeezer effort and research in many books, newspapers, references and Web sites in addition to the advice and messages of many of our brothers in the Arab and Islamic countries and to encourage the people of virtue in this country full of his family and the experience lasted for seven years, we offer the hands of the reader, which is the proper way modern cupping.[/ltr]
We thank here Dr Fadil Hussein Captain professor of Hadith at Al Najah University to review the book and comment on it as well as our thanks to Professor Qadeer Mahmoud Abu Ezz revised book linguistically also thank Mr. Shadi Al-Nouri to prefer to print the draft of this book I also thank the people of my home what he had fled from the comfort me during the preparation of the book. As brother and thank Dr. Ibrahim Abu ewes from India for his effort in his letters and guidance. After I ask God to bless everyone on the health and benefit of this effort every needy Amen. 

1: cupping in the language: 
Cupping of size (ha open and populate the gym) ... any Sucking .. declined against progress. 
Cupping is an act Alhajm and his craft and cupper (broken ha) is Sucker and re-size any thing to pose ... the original. If you are a craft and do the work ... and said Azhari (reportedly for Hajim .. reluctance to absorb blood from the mouth of vacuum) .oamahgm is a machine that combines the blood vial any cupper also a scalpel. 
The word (cupping) taken from the (size) and (size), and a group graces flinch in the grace of one, ie: make them containing all the characteristics of those blessings., It is reluctant to cupping diseases from exposure to him.[/ltr]

2: cupping and some of their names in other languages 
A: English suction cup therapy: or cupping therapy 
B: Chinese: Ba Guan Zi or Baguanfa A: Japanese: kyuka ku d: Malaysian: bekam e: German: Afassk (Ptfajam ta)[/ltr]

3: When the people of jurisprudence: the blood is directed by well known from a special place at a specific time after the condition of vacuum and sucking blood .opahadjama We have brought us back to the blood and thus redress natural Nctna blood circulation, remove what has been increased from corrupt (pyramid) of blood that the inability of the body get rid of it from Tulf bloody and impurities and other timely, which generates this blessing ... graces win-win on the body and then healing occurs. Cupping is different from a phlebotomy output venous blood directly from the race are also through blood donation and it will be a large amount of blood and does not have the benefits of cupping.[/ltr]

Note: The bad blood: this definition is called the blood containing the proportion of super erythropoiesis aging and Ochaabahaa and forms of abnormal blood vessels and other impurities.[/ltr]

4: Only when the people of the industry: the industry takes them cupper amount of information and blood condition that position to be Hjamth sucking blood brokered private Mahajm called: cupping condition or wet or bloody. Use of vacuum or without a scalpel, and called: cupping unconditionally, or dry cupping. Interest including: keeping health holds, or recovered fleeting.[/ltr]

5: In The Interpretation of Dreams by Ibn Sirin: (from he felt reluctant or Ihtjm Crown mandate, or imitated Secretariat or wrote him a book condition or married because the neck position of the Secretariat. They said cupping go the disease and said a lack of money, and was told he saw a cupper size it go money him in the benefit of, or true, his body in that year, and was told he felt cupping earned a profit and money, or hit a year and survive the agony. and narrated that Yazid bin Muhallab was in Gypsum Pilgrims saw in a dream that he Ihtjm Venja of imprisonment, and saw Maan bin trailing like Sradgah cupping and smearing of blood when he entered it became Osudan Iktlah.[/ltr]

6: Alttber: a method to remove the blood from the head and neck mediated by sharp objects (usually prevalent in some areas of Iran and Iraq conducted in accordance with the specific ritual), has no relevance to the process of cupping and has no basis in therapy.[/ltr]

Date of cupping: 
The history of cupping Molg in the foot is not known exactly how it began the process of cupping for the first time but Altark blogger mention briefly cupping in every age.[/ltr]

cupping when the Pharaohs 3200 BC: 
The first to use cupping therapy are the Pharaohs has been quite evident in the drawings cemetery (Tutankhamun), as well as inscriptions in the temple (Kom Ombo), which was the largest hospital in that era (29). As also found in the basements of the Pharaohs cups metal and other Made from trees, bamboo, in addition to the centuries-old animals that dig into the pointed end of which hole to suck the blood from which brokered the mouth, and the score for the Egyptians also the first use of the cups of glass, which was emptied of air, including burning a piece of cotton inside them as well as they are the first to use leeches in treatment. It is believed that cupping moved from the Pharaohs to (Almnonan) residents of the island of Crete, and also to the Sumerians who they conducted in accordance with the ritual, especially in Hmamathm and temples.[/ltr]

- cupping China in 4000 BC: 
In 1973 discovered a medical book is made ​​of silk in the cemetery of the royal family (Han) stated that cupping was prescribed for the disease tuberculosis, oord also in the book (the Yellow Emperor of diseases of the Interior and Umrah four thousand years) description of the process of cupping and the breakdown of the exchange resolution boils and skin ulcers were called (method century) relative to the century animal, and evolved cupping and expanded by the physician (Roe is Fang) where A Book (types of cups therapeutic) has expanded in this book and added a doctor (Zhao Semin) Dynasty (Koenig ruling) where he put a detailed description of the working methods of cupping their positions and pains associated with arthritis and diseases resulting from the cold and is the first to use (Cassatt fire) glass, as is the case when the pharaohs.[/ltr]

cupping India in 3000 BC: 
Cupping knew a long time ago in the Indian subcontinent have separated the different tools cupping hitting it in the book (Aloiorbda), who wrote in Alsnsecratah old and this reference is one of the oldest books in the history of Indian medicine. The doctor (Sacherta) a larger scientists India (100 BC) and is attributed to him first cosmetic procedures and (plastic) has been considered (Sacherta) cupping one of the main treatments for diseases of the blood.[/ltr]

cupping when the Greeks: 
Was a popular belief among the ancient Greeks that the disease occurs as a result of entering evil spirits in the body, and therefore must continue this life and go out, either process Alterbna (a hole in the skull) or the process of cupping .ela that cupping evolved in the post, to be applied in accordance with the theory of humours and temperaments that met with great demand in that era and the subsequent times, and added cupping (therapeutic), the processes of phlebotomy and ironing, to be proficient in this art therapeutic doctor (Jallenius) of (131-201m) 0 except that (Hippocrates) separation theory of balance between body fluids, a blood and phlegm (sputum) and bile yellow bile and black bile juices, but preferred to Hippocrates and excelled in the phlebotomy more than cupping his path and walked on the famous doctor (Gallen).[/ltr]

cupping when the Romans: 
Cared Romans cupping, and there were 900 public bath in the length of the Empire and display (32), where he was to get rid Almsthm waste toxicity and excess blood in his body after bathing, were these baths offer disinfectants strong before cupping and beyond, has excelled surgeon Byzantine ( Anelios) in the conduct of finishing on the rear occipital regions and atrial front and temporal processing fever, and is still popularly followed this method in some areas of Palestine.[/ltr]

cupping when the Arabs: 
Arabs knew cupping and ironing and description herbs for a long time, and the right to have a bona fide doctors Arabs did not study in a scientific way is correct, and the son of the most famous doctors Huzeim ideals that hit his skills and knowledge of medical capacity. And the Aws ibn Hajar said: (Will you where to I Basir including conscious Alntasa Huzeima). 
This Nadar bin Harith bin Caldp died in 13 AH, the most famous doctors Arabs from Bani Thaqeef when asked fractions for cupping said (in the lack of Crescent, on a clear day not a cloud in it, and self-Taiba, and the veins static, for the pleasure surprise they Abaeidk), and knew the Arabs ignorance often of diseases and drugs, and placed each member of the human and animal a name and description 0 and when the advent of Islam known cupping to do the Prophet peace be upon her and urged them were miracle peace be upon him which determined the time precision of each month Hegira .Where proved Medicine and laboratories laboratory modern miracle.[/ltr]

The first chapter of the role of the doctor cupping is a conciliator bin Abi Faraj al-Din ibn Ishaq bin Quff Karaki Royal, and was writing (the mayor in surgery) from the mission works in the science of cupping the Andalusian physician Al-Zahrawi has excelled in the use of leeches can not be used while cucurbitula He described son Sina cupping therapy for more than thirty illness in his book Law as A (Bkhchua bin Jibril) an entire book in either Razi cupping cupping has been described in a special method for the prevention of smallpox and measles.[/ltr]

In India, save the Muslims there medical history of the first Muslims and increased attic literature many still cupping there is widely practiced as it was in the past, for example, (book masterpiece Distinguished doctor Ahmed Sayed) Among the most famous kings who were interested in the curriculum of medical King Abdullah Qutb Shah, who Akram Persian physician Nizamuddin Ahmed Gilani.[/ltr]

cupping in Europe: 
In Europe, what pre-Renaissance medicine was shaving one profession fell cupping to the decline in the role of the bathrooms, which were scattered in the era Romania, and a link cupping sorcery so turnoff monks them, but in the Renaissance has been associated with cupping in astrology which in turn is linked to every member of the human locus star, and it became a disease associated sites towers, the patient was reluctant according to specific timetables regardless of his illness for this discarded doctors later describing her crazy wasting blood. 

cupping among American Indians: 
There are some recent discoveries that depict the use of American Indians first cupping, but their ingenuity and where, as in the ancient Inca civilization, even if their written language to know the secrets of cupping to have a bit too much.[/ltr]

cupping and modern times: - at the beginning of the modern era and the late Renaissance, was the effects of the discovery and production of antibiotics and antipyretics enormous impact on people, the strength and effectiveness in the fight against disease and overlooked the side effects caused by these drugs from one generation to another even appeared Soatha and failing to processing a lot of pain.[/ltr]

It is the beginnings of writing books on medicine modern until 1960 were not published a magazine or a medical book, but, according to the cupping and detailing their benefits and ways of conduct where it was used to treat many diseases, including blood pressure and inflammation of the heart muscle and relieve the pain of angina were also used in the treatment of diseases of the chest and trachea as well as the pain of the gall bladder, intestines and testicles, and perhaps the most important reasons for the disappearance of cupping in the sixties of the last century are economic reasons as stated Hashim al-Qazwini, in his book (prevention and treatment) when he entered the colonization of our country (the Indian subcontinent and Iran) to prevent the wise veterans of the treatment of patients and the practice of medicine in the old 1953 was circulated control law in the treatment and prevention of cupping represent and capture Alhjamin in various regions of the country.[/ltr]

But with the expansion of the use of chemical-based medicines vehicle and the discovery of its side effects, and the greed of pharmaceutical companies giant controlling and trafficking to the health of millions of people, this whole push doctors to probe the depth of the past and prospecting for cures, and in the latter half of the century, and with the expansion of methods of communication and the spread of the Internet appeared Research The studies documented elevated to the degree of global particular compositions Professors German Johann goofy and book values ​​(cupping method of therapeutic fitter) and also studied the value (phlebotomy and cupping), which was a compendium of more than twenty years of research and exploration in the cupping and outcomes, and this was removed ignorance about cupping and returned this way the emergence of new, and the tools have evolved in terms of diagnosis and treatment, and became a sterilization and the use of cups are under medical procedures and preventive strict.[/ltr]

The computer became plays a key role in determining the sites for cupping, and elevated this therapeutic method for studying in private institutes or attached Platform faculties of medicine, cupping now spread from American to Malaysia Unfortunately, more research cupping conducted in places of non-Arab at the hands of doctors non-Muslims, (and the fact must Male great effort done by the medical team as well as the Syrian and Research Foundation cupping in Iran, this effort with satellite channels contributed to the publication of cupping with the early twenty-first century). 

Cupping cupping types are divided into two main types:[/ltr]

[ltr]1: Wet cupping (Olmbzgh): It started out whereby blood from the surface of the skin. 
2: dry cupping.[/ltr]

First: Wet cupping are two types, namely: - 
A: Dodd-mediated leeches BLOOD SUCKING LEECH and its scientific name HIRUDO MEDICINALIS 
Leeches: is Doadh red be in the water attached to the body (skin), blood-sucking, including what is Sam is not used in medicine, (1) The non-toxic become hungry for a day or two in fresh water after it empties what Bgeoffha of food, then called on the skin , to absorb the blood from the positions of congestion, even if it is filled with the combine fell, and the other attached if necessary to do so for more than 4 Doadat in each treatment session and after these relationships be used to execute a one-time (16). 
This Aldoadh secrete substances for pain killer and blood-thinning prevent Taktherh. And thus make it easier for these Aldoadh sucking blood, in Paris in 1829 used 5.6 million mu'allaq suck 85 thousand liters of blood.[/ltr]

Relationships and reared in private farms to ensure the safety of sterile and free of disease and its market is now in vogue and her private farms in each of France, Britain, Russia, and the estimated millions of dollars in trade where the price of one of them in 2002 had estimated ten dollars. And the effect of cupping Balalq Easat better and faster effect because the attraction of the material circulation and informed her natural ability to sense positions congestion and thus sucking the blood congested but more often used to spokesman Alan few meat such as ear, nose or where can not put Cupping Cup. However, their use has many caveats in terms of disease transmission or in terms of toxicity.[/ltr]

[ltr]B: mediated cups CUPPING THERAPY 
Description cup used in the process of cupping (old): 
Working cupping on the creation of a sort of congestion blood on the surface of the skin, in the region of the withers of the body, using cups, especially made ​​of glass known as (Cassatt air) with a distended abdomen and neck elongated slightly diameter smaller than the abdomen ends opening round regular 0 of the most popular types of cups sucking old is the kind of (Arnold) and type (Colleen) (9), a French-made, and it contains the kit, including the cups in addition to the blades, finishing, and the old have been used cups made ​​from trees, bamboo, glass, metal, and when you do not provide these cups they use animal horns After piercing the pointed end and put the other end of the century on the skin and the process is sucking the air emptying mediated mouth. 

[ltr]The newly There special devices either manual or managed devices mediated air intake and output of blood after finishing the skin, called the (Chinese cups of air), which will Npinha and recommend their use in the work of cupping.[/ltr]

How to make this kind of cupping: 
* Sanitize the area to be Hjamtha well. 
* Cup cupping placed on the skin and empties the amount of air required (mediated absorbent) and leaves of 3-5 minutes until congestion occurs (can repeat this process more than once if the skin is tough or did not happen congestion from the first time). 
* Tends cup and sterilizes place cupping again. 
* The condition position, mediated by a special needle or scalpel own small, that it does not exceed the allowable limit, which is five lines in each longitudinal line Mn6-7 pangs or 2-3 dashes along each 3 mm or less frequently depending on the patient's condition and the region Hjamtha be. 
* Disposable Cup again and emptied of air again, Vinshab skin blood come out to cup. 
* Leaves the cup for 5-7 minutes should not exceed this period, fearing the emergence of bubbles in the water as burns. 
* Tends cup and licked the blood from him mediated sterile gauze. 
* Placed the cup again and the process is repeated until the previous color liquid diabetes (blood plasma), and here stopped cupping and acupuncture sterilizes place or striping well (can put a sterile gauze and install it in the case of non-interruption of the blood). 
* Rub a little oil on a sterile place of vacuum.[/ltr]

1 in all cases, not exceeding the amount of blood Amahgom 10-15 cm 30 
2 cups sterilized after it well, or used only once. 
3 to move away from the veins of blood or the so-called foreign (varicose veins). 
4 repeated cupping wet as needed usually 3-5 times a therapeutic session. 
5 for the first cupping Use 2-3 cups that no more than what you use it after about 2-5 cups in each treatment session.

[ltr]It is a method of ancient Chinese cupping used the cups glass only, and is working to boil cups water for 15 minutes then remove from boiling water and cool edges put the edge over a towel wet with cold water for half a minute lifted after proving on the position (place) cupping With time shrink air inside the cup withdrawn his skin, but not in favor of this method for fear of the fall of the cup above the patient's skin Faihrgah. 
General observations: - 
1 patient should be comfortable and do not move during a therapy session. [/ltr]
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Excerpts from the book cupping Key treatment in alternative medicine
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