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 Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad    Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad   Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:48 pm

[size=32]Cupping in Prophetic Medicine[/size]

[size=32]Book of Zaad [size=32] [/size][/size]

[ltr]Separation in a gift in treatment by drinking honey, cupping, and ironing[/ltr]
[ltr]Bukhari: Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, the Prophet peace be upon him, said: "Healing is in three things: drinking honey, and cupper, and cauterizing with fire, and I finished all my ironing."[/ltr]

[ltr]Said Abu Abdullah Almazari: Alamtlaúah diseases: either to be bloody, or biliary, or Bulgmah, or melancholia. If it is a bloody, Vchweaha eject blood, albeit of three sections remaining, Vchweaha diarrhea, which is fitting for all mixing them, like peace be upon him honey on laxatives, and cupping on phlebotomy, has said some people: The phlebotomy enters in saying: cupper. If conscious medicine, Deluxe Ironing Medicine, Vzl peace be upon him in drugs, because it is used when the predominance of foul forces of medicines, and where the medication does not work drink. And he said: I finished my nation for ironing, and in the modern one: What I would love to cauterized, an indication that delaying treatment until paid necessity to him, nor precipitate Therapeutics him because of its rush of intense pain in the payment of the pain may be weaker than the pain of ironing, ended his speech .[/ltr]

[ltr]He said some doctors: diseases moods: either to be textured, with or without substance, and material including: either hot, or cold, or wet, or dry, or ride them, and these qualities of the four, including Kevitan Vaaltan: namely, heat and cold, and Kevitan Mnfltan , and two moisture and dryness, and the necessary predominance of one Alkevitin Alvaalten rooming how excited her, as was each and every one of the blends in the body, and other vehicles Kevitan: active and passive .[/ltr]

[ltr]Picking so that the origin of diseases mood is of the strongest modes of blends that are heat and cold, came the word of prophecy in the origin of treating diseases that are hot and cold on the road to representation, the disease was a warm, dealt with before eject blood, Balvsd was or cupping, because at that Astfraga of the material, and cooling the mood. Though it was cool dealt with before heated, and it is present in honey, if the need, however, vomiting Article cold, honey is also doing it because it is ripening, and chipping, and mitigation, and evacuation, and Annealing, gets so vomiting that article gently and security of Defiance laxatives strong .[/ltr]

[ltr]The Ironing: it is because every one of the diseases material, can be either sharp Vicu fast disclosure is for one of the parties, it needs it, and can be either chronic, and the best treatment after vomiting ironing in the Member may be ironing, because it does not have a chronic but substance cool thick has established In Lists, and spoiled his mood, and referred all up to him to essentially similar, triggering the User, Vistkhrj Balki that article from that place which is where the fiery extermination located Balki to that [size=24]article.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Vtalmana this hadith taking all the physical treatment of diseases, as Astenbtna treatment of diseases of the naive saying peace be upon him: "The severity of the fever of the exhalation of hell, Vibrduha water."[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation: The cupping In Sunan Ibn Majah of modern Jabara bin Amols, - he is weak - for many bin Sulayem, said: I heard Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "What I passed the night my family controling but said: O Muhammad! cupping over the nation. "[/ltr]
[ltr]And at the University of Al-Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn Abbas this talk: and he said: "You cupping, O Muhammad."[/ltr]
[ltr]In correct: talk of a peacock, Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet peace be upon him: "cupping and gave the cupper hiswages."[/ltr]
[ltr]In the correct also, for long-Hamid, from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Abu good size, and ordered him Besain of food, and spoke disloyal, Fajvvo him from taking its toll, and said: "The best thing about Tdaoeetm by cupping."[/ltr]

[ltr]In the collector Tirmidhi from sunflower Ben Mansour, said: I heard Sabri says: Ibn Abbas was Ghalma three Hjamon, Aglan it was two, and his family, and one for its size, and the size of his family. He said: Ibn Abbas said: said the prophet of Allah peace be upon him: "Yes, slave cupper go with blood, and hide the steel, and Galloway sight", and said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, where he ascended, what passed on to fill one of the angels, but they said: "You cupping", and said: "The best thing about the day Thtgmon seventeen, and nineteen days, and twenty-one day", said: "The best thing about him Tdaoeetm snuff and arch Cupping and walking, "and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him LED said:" From the Denny? They are all caught, and he said: Do not stay in a house, but only LED Abbas ". Said: This is strange talk, and narrated by Ibn Majah.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation: The benefits of cupping: they purify the surface of the hull more than phlebotomy and phlebotomy to the depths of the body better, and cupping extracted blood from areas of the skin.[/ltr]
[ltr]I said, and the investigation into her and ordered phlebotomy, they differ according to time, place, and teeth, and temperaments, country is warm, and times warm, and temperaments warm blood of their owners in a very mature cupping where the most useful of phlebotomy much, the blood is cooked, and pity and come out to the surface of the body inside, What does not come out cupping helmed phlebotomy, therefore, was more beneficial for boys of phlebotomy, and those who do not strength to phlebotomy, doctors have stated that the country's warm cupping where the most useful and best of phlebotomy, and mustahabb in the middle of the month, and after the middle.And wholesale, in the third quarter of the quarters of the month, because the blood in the first month had not yet incandescent and hyperemia, and at the end may be habitable. But in the middle and far, so at the end of Altazad.[/ltr]

[ltr]The owner of the law: and ordered the use of cupping is not in the first month, because the batters may not be moved and Hajt, and at the end they may have decreased, but in the middle of the month when the blends in very rough for their increase over the moon light in the offense. It was narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him, that he He said: "The best thing about Tdaoeetm by cupping and phlebotomy." In an interview: "The best medicine cupping and phlebotomy." Ended.[/ltr]

[ltr]And saying peace be upon him: "The best thing about Tdaoeetm by cupping" signal to the people of Hijaz, and the country is warm, because the blood is thin, which tend to Zahir their bodies to attract heat beyond them to the surface of the body, meeting in the realms of the skin, and because the pores of their bodies and wide, and their strength Mtkhalkhalh In Phlebotomy them at risk, and cupping differentiate communicative involuntary followed by vomiting total of the veins, especially veins that do not Tfsd much, but venesection each and every one of them the benefit of special, Vvsd basilic vein: benefit from the heat of the liver and spleen and tumors located two of the blood, and the benefit of lung tumors, and to benefit from Cosh and pleurisy, and all blood diseases crossbar from the bottom of the knee to the [size=24]hip.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]And venesection Akhal: benefit of the viewer in the fullness of all the body if bloody, as well as if the blood had spoiled in the entire [size=24]body.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And venesection Agayval: benefit of ills crossbar in the head and neck of the large number of blood or [size=24]corruption.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And venesection Alodjin: benefit of soreness spleen, asthma, and Albehr, wrench and [size=24]forehead.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Cupping the withers: benefit from the shoulder and throat [size=24]ache.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Cupping on Alokhaddaan, benefit from diseases of the head, and its parts, such as the face, and teeth, ears, eyes, nose, and throat if caused by an excess of blood or corruption, or all of them. Said Anas, may Allah Almighty: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Ihtjm in Alokhaddaan and withers.[/ltr]

[ltr]In the correct him: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Ihtjm three: one on his shoulders, and two on[size=24]Alokhaddaan.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]On the right: with him, he was treated with cupping, which is forbidden in his head was a headache for [size=24]him.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In Sunan Ibn Majah Ali, Gabriel descended to the Prophet peace be upon him Bhjama Alokhaddaan and [size=24]withers.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In Sunan Abi Dawood narrated from Jabir, that the Prophet peace be upon him: "cupping in the thigh of the sprain was doing."[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation and doctors differed in cupping Click on the nape, a Aalghemhdoh .[/ltr]
[ltr]He said Abu Naim in the book prophetic medicine is brought newly "You cupping in Walnut Aalghemhdoh, it cures the ills of five," he mentioned leprosy.[/ltr]
[ltr]In another interview: "You cupping in Walnut Aalghemhdoh, they heal from seventy-two Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad   HeadlDisease. "[/ltr]
[ltr]Aftaúfah Asthassanth them and said: It is a benefit of the eye pop out, and where the viewer Extrusion, and many of the diseases, and the weight of the eyebrows and eyelids, and benefit from Djerba. It was narrated that Ahmad ibn Hanbal I need, Vahtjm on both sides of the scruff of his neck, did not Ihtjm in the fovea, and those who hated the owner of the law and said she inherited forgetfulness really, as said the prophet and Maulana and the owner of our religion Muhammad peace be upon him,, the back of the brain into Alhaft, cupping erase , ended his speech.[/ltr]

[ltr]Retorted others, and said: talk does not prove, though Thbt Vahadjama, but weaken the back of the brain if used for non-necessity, either if used for the predominance of blood it, it useless to him polygraph and religiously, it was proven that the Prophet peace be upon him that he was treated with cupping in several places of necessitated by the scruff of his neck, according to the case, and cupping in the scruff according to what is called for by the toilet.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]

[ltr]Separation: Cupping under the chin benefit from toothache, face and throat, if used at the right time, and purify the head and jaw, cupping on the back foot fir for venesection saphenous, a sweat great at the heel, and benefit from sores thighs and legs, and menopause, and itching crossbar in two females, and cupping in the bottom of the chest of useful Dmamal thigh, Try and revolution, and gout, hemorrhoids, itching the elephant back.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation:   The teachings in times of cupping[/ltr]
[ltr]Al-Tirmidhi in the University: from Ibn Abbas bump: "The best thing about Thtgmon in a seventh day ten, ninth or ten, and twenty-one day."[/ltr]
[ltr]And the "Anas was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Ihtjm in Alokhaddaan and withers, and was Ihtjm to seventeen, nineteen, and twenty-one."[/ltr]
[ltr]In Sunan Ibn Majah is brought from Anas: "Whoever wants cupping Flethr seventeen or nineteen, or twenty-one, not Itbag Bahdkm blood and [size=24]killed."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In Sunan Abi Dawood narrated from Abu Hurayrah is brought: "cupping from ten to seven, nine, or ten, or twenty-one, was a cure for every disease," and this means that for every disease is caused by the predominance of [size=24]blood.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]These conversations approval of what doctors unanimously agreed, that cupping in the second half, and what followed from the third quarter of the quarters of the most useful and the end of the beginning, and if you use when you need it ever did work was the first of the month and so [size=24]on.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Khallaal said: Tell me the infallibility of bin Essam, told us: Hanbal, he said, was Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Hanbal Ihtjm any time by incandescent blood, were any hour.[/ltr]

[ltr]The owner of the law: the times in the day: the second or third time, and must be prevented after a bath, but those who Glait his blood, you must bathe, then resting hours, then Ihtjm, [size=24]ended.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And hate them cupping on the satiety, they probably bequeathed Sdedda diseases and poor, especially if the food is thick poorly. In effect: "cupping medication on an empty stomach, and satiety on the disease, and in seventeen month of [size=24]healing."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The choice of these times cupping, whether as a precaution, and avoided from harm, and to preserve the health. As in healing diseases, found Alaanaah Where it shall be used. In saying: "I do not Itbag Bahdkm blood and killed," an indication that, I mean, lest Itbag, then deleting the preposition with (that), then deleted (that). And hyperemia: Alheij, an inverted prostitute, a sense, it is punk and raging blood. The progress that Imam Ahmad was Ihtjm ever needed of the month.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation: The choice of days of the week for cupping, said in Khallaal University: Tell us the war bin Ismail, said: I said to Ahmad: you hate something in cupping of days? He said, has come in the Wednesday and Saturday.[/ltr]

[ltr]And where: for Hussein Bin Hassan, he asked Abu Abdullah about cupping: any day you hate? He said on Saturday, and on Wednesday, and say: on Friday.[/ltr]

[ltr]And Khallaal narrated from Abu Salama and Abu Sa'eed al-Maqbari, from Abu Hurayrah is brought "from cupping on Wednesday or Saturday, hitting a blank or lepers, no one to blame but himself." Said Khallaal: Tell us Mohammed bin Ali bin Jaafar, that Jacob Ben circumcision Hdthm , said Ahmad was asked about the inflorescence and cupping on Saturday and Wednesday? Vlha. He said: for sale! Man that enlighten, and cupping means on Wednesday, hitting lepers. I told him, if he neglects to speak? He said: [size=24]Yes.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In the book individuals Dariqtunai, from modern Nafie said: Lee Abdullah ibn Umar: hyperemia my blood, Fabg me a cupper, nor was a boy and an old man Kbera, I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says: "cupping increase Hafiz preserved, and the rational mind , Vahtgmoa the name of God Almighty, nor Thtgmoa Thursday and Friday, and Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Ahtgmoa, and it was not leprosy leprosy, but came down on Wednesday. " Daaraqutni said: uniqueness Ziad Bin Yahya, Ayub was narrated from Nafi, in which he said: "The Ahtgmoa on Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday [size=24]Thtgmoa."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]It was narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan narrated from Abu reel, he was hated cupping on Tuesday, and said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "On Tuesday, the blood on the hour and not by Ergo blood."[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Separation: In these conversations within advanced mustahabb Therapeutics, and mustahabb cupping, and they are in the position that the case may [size=24]be, and passport Ahtjam Muharram, al-though to cut anything from hair, it is permissible. In the ransom should be looked upon, nor strengthens obligatory, and passport Ahtjam jejunum, the in Sahih Bukhari that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "cupping when he was fasting." But do you break it, or not? Other question, right: Mushrooms cupping, for his health for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him of non-shows, and the healthiest that is opposed by the modern Hjamth he is fasting, but it does not indicate a lack of mushrooms after only four things.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]One: that fasting was imposed.[/ltr]
[ltr]Second: he was a resident.[/ltr]
[ltr]Third: it was not done with the disease need to cupping.[/ltr]
[ltr]IV: that this talk about late saying: "breaks the fast and Alhajm Amahgom."[/ltr]

[ltr]If proven these introductions four possible inference doing, peace be upon him on the survival of fasting with cupping, but why not be fasting naafil may get out of it by cupping the other, or of Ramadan, but in travel, or of Ramadan in urban areas, but it is most needed as calls for the need of his illness to al-Fitr, or the imposition of Ramadan in non-urban areas of need, but is maintained on the original. And he said: "breaks the fast and Alhajm Amahgom", Transmission and late, Viaan determination to him, there is no way to prove one of these four introductions, how Bathbadtha whole.[/ltr]

[ltr]And guide them to hire a doctor and other non-contract leave, but give him the fare goes, or what pleases.[/ltr]

[ltr]And where the evidence is permissible to earn a living industry cupping, albeit not a pleasure to heat eat conducted by the [size=24]non-prohibition, therefore, the Prophet peace be upon him gave him his wages, did not prevent him from eating it, and called him a malignant Kedzmath of garlic and onions Khbaythen, not necessary that is haraam.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And where the evidence is permissible to hit the man abscess on his servant every day something known as much capacity, and that the slave to act with increased on the abscess, even prevent from acting, he earned all abscess had no appreciation of the benefit, but what grew on the abscess, it is ownership of his master him behaving as he wanted, and God knows best.[/ltr]
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Cupping in Prophetic Medicine Book of Zaad
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