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 Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery   Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 9:08 pm

[ltr]Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery[/ltr]
[ltr]Secretary of State Mowaffaq Abu Faraj al-Din ibn Jacob Ben Quff[/ltr]
[ltr]630-685 AH[/ltr]
Chapter in phlebotomy, Tuberculosis and amputations and ironing: 

Since the time of the ancient Greeks to the modern era was this business surgical Hatah, actually, we find a description of venesection in books hippocratism and said Galen, was influenced by the Arabs in this process and spread them and wrote about many in Islam known son Quff phlebotomy differentiate contact involuntary, particularly veins have special machines I know badminton Gentle-made ax and scalpel is used when no increase and takeover Blends (Article vessels) to subcontractors in quantitative or qualitative with the increase in temperature. 

Required in Alvasd be knowledgeable autopsy to know the paths of veins and their positions and beyond and how Scalpel saves from pure rust and freckles and how biting and pulling at phlebotomy gang-minute moderate supply. 

In places phlebotomy has Hsrōha in thirty-four Woreda: twelve in the head Kalaak and Alkhcha and rabbit and Alodjin, and twelve in the hands Kalekhal and Albaslev, and eight in the men as a race of women, and Alac_lem and where connects the ulna above the elbow with four fingers. 

The arteries Sometimes Tfsd and sometimes amputated if plead too out of the blood in which either an error occurred in the phlebotomy if venesection other and then signed by the scalpel in it and either because he accidentally Vsdh as Ne artery temples Vavrt out blood never ceased to develop Cutters blood it will be well placed amputation disclose the subject of the artery and disqualified him objects of meat around it and attaches Besnarh and enters underneath each side of the needle thread Abrism not Bhadh head and connects closely to then cut Bnsfin placement of fissure or left to cut the blood and wounds. "

And sometimes reach the arteries as does the human barriers temples in brotherly and wrench eye and bronchitis chronic "as shave the hair and then searching for the artery even know the place, and he knows it ink and then shove the skin rip visible along the artery and attached to the skin Besnanar and reveal the artery and extends to over Besnarh and go and out of the piece length of three fingers clenched to each other and then placed him Cutters blood or using tensile thread Abrism from both sides and have them as much as three fingers and then cut between it and the wounds. " 

Ouattara Tkoy arteries rather than Zlea, so that the laundry is taken as the thickness of the head on the capacity of the artery and protects the skin and even burn up the fire to the artery and shrinks everyone to some part so that the blood and cut off his exit wounds. Raises Author Ban Ironing treat wholesome to prevent the spread of corruption and drying Alrtobat or heating member cold temperament or love blood may plead too or effusion materials as in the common eye and stomach and cold hip and sciatica or melting flesh corrupt have failed drugs solubility without affecting something of nerves and muscles and tendons.

The machine used by the working of gold or silver, but according to the opinion of the best iron-Zahrawi. The author describes a way so that the judges shave the patient's head and then sits a box with his hands on the thigh, and he knows the position and the surgeon puts his hand on his nose and his fingers between his eyes and protects the presser very olivine and iron. Either in the bug sciatica well placed ironing on four faces: 

A- be the subject of detailed in the laundry through the tube without infect anything if it can not get off of pain. 

2 The Iron three kyat one from behind the depth of the joint, and the other above the knee, and a third over the outside of the heel. 

3 to take the machine-like slander of copper or iron length half an inch and thicken her lip as the nucleus pass, and within slander another, and a third inside and be the dimension of each mug mug as much as holding thumb open on both sides until it comes out of them smoke when ironing of the party and have them contact then take to handle all of the iron protects fire and sear it right hip? Fresh and leaning back on his side right and deepens the ironing then leaves for three days and painted with shortening and reveals the wound for days until he graduated article then addresses him with ointments. 

4 that the Iron mug with hot water inside another and between them arrived in the middle of the mug and compressed by the right hip through it and crimp well and pour hot water between them and the patient is recommended that the patient Alrdja the position Alza: burn. After raising Akaddhan wipe the place with water and leaves three days and painted with shortening. Treated with ointments saga.

[ltr]Quoting site Islam six: http://www.islamset.co m[/ltr]

[ltr]And stated in the book «News Scientists sages news» Minister Jamal al-Din Alagafti died in 646 AH:[/ltr]
[ltr]Said Isa ibn al-Hakam rode with Dad judgment in the city of Damascus Vajtzna Bhanot reluctance may stop it preached many when the sight of us some of the group said they released this provision Almttabb and Isa son when he was released folk If a man FD Vsdh cupper in sweat basilic vein Vsadda broad and was Albasbaiq the artery did not improve cupper to comment sweat hitting the artery was not at cupper trick in cutting blood Fastamlna trick in a piece Balrvaúd and weave the spider and lint did not cut off and he asked the referee and his son Jesus what trick told him that does the trick has said Issa called Dad Pfstqh cracked ordered open and ask what is already there and then take a half- crust Fjolh on the subject of phlebotomy and then taking a footnote Linen thick FLV them into phlebotomy to peel Alvestqh Huelva severe was yelling Almtfsd of intensity and then tighten it after tweaking Shada severe and ordered to carry the man to the Barada River introduced his hand in the water and stepped on him on the shore of the river and sleep it and ordered Vhsa Glimpses eggs and all his two disciples of his disciples and commanded them to banish him from the output of the hand from a position of phlebotomy from the water, but when the time for prayer or worried about him dying of tightening Burda, the fear ear to him in the output of his hand awhile and then Umrah its response Vfla until night and then ordered by carrying to his home and forbidden from coverage of the subject of phlebotomy and solution tensile Phil Astaatmam five days and he did it, but he walked to him on the fourth day was a tumor Eddh and arm tumor severely The same tensile something easy and the man said the tumor is easier than death when he was in the fifth day solution tensile Fujdna peel Alvestqh glued meat man said my father to the man in this survived death, although Murawab this chaff before Ankhalall and fall of non-doing you draw yourself Issa said he fell chaff on the seventh day and remained in place the blood of crusty created in Alvestqh forbade my father about tampering or Knit around him or Fayette none of that blood did not Wiesel that blood Athat even exposed position phlebotomy in more than forty nights and exonerated man.[/ltr]
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Excerpts from the book of the mayor in surgery
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