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 Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine   Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:48 pm

[ltr][size=32]Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine[/ltr][/size]

Bari and open the correct explanation

Door: Ihtjm any hour. 

Door: Size in travel and Ihram. 

Door: cupping of the disease 

Door: cupping on the head. 

Door: Size of sisterly and headaches. 

Door: Ihtjm any hour. 

Abu Musa and cupping night. [U (and cupping ..) mentioned here to indicate that he does not have time to do cupping, of the day or night. See fasting, the door: ()]. Ibn Abbas said, cupping the Prophet peace be upon him when he was fasting. [T:]. 

Door: Size in travel and Ihram. 

Buhaynah son said, that the Prophet peace be upon him. [T:]. Tell us outstanding: Tell us Sufyan, Amr, about Tawoos, and tender, Ibn Abbas said, cupping the Prophet peace be upon him which is forbidden. [T:]. 

Door: cupping of the disease. 

Anas may Allah be pleased with him: he was asked about the reward cupper, he said, cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, the size of Abu good, and gave Sain of food, and spoke disloyal Fajvvo him, and said: (The optimum what Tdaoeetm by cupping, and straight-sea). He said: (not Tazbwa your children in wink of virginity, and you have a straight). [T:]. [U (disloyal) who Oatqoh. (Fajvvo him) from the abscess imposed on it. (Straight-marine) See section: (). (Wink) era tipped fingers. (Virginity) See:]. Tell us Saeed bin Taled said: Tell me son of the donation, said: Tell me Amr and others: that Pkara told him: that Asim bin Omar bin Qatada told him: that Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them: called Mystery and then said: I will not stop until Tanjm, I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: (if the cure). [T:]. [U (I will not stop) do not go from where I am and do not go out. 

Door: cupping on the head. 

Tell us Ismail said: Suleiman told me, for Alqamah: Abdel-Rahman that he heard the lame: he had heard Abdullah bin Buhaynah happen: that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping beards sentences of Makkah Road, which is forbidden, in the middle of his head. Ansari said: Hisham bin Hassan told us: Tell us Ikrimah, from Ibn 'Abbaas that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him cupping his head. [T:,. 

Door: Size of sisterly and headaches. 

Mohammed bin Bashar told me: Tell us Ibn Abi Adi, Hisham, Ikrimah, from Ibn Abbas: cupping the Prophet peace be upon him in the head a Muharram, the wrench was done, with water said to his neighborhood sentences. Said Mohammed bin either: Hisham told us, for the regions, from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him cupping, which is forbidden in his head, was the sister of him. [T:]. [U (sister) wrench in a naughty head, headache pain in the head members. Tell us Ismail bin Aban: Tell us the son washing said: Tell me Asim ibn Umar, Jabir bin Abdullah said: I heard the Prophet peace be upon him says: (If it is in something of your medicines is better, in drinking honey, or cupper, or acor of fire, and I would love to cauterized). 

[ltr]Baari correct explanation[/ltr]
[ltr]Book Medicine[/ltr]
[ltr]Door any hour Ihtjm[/ltr]

[ltr]Door any hour Ihtjm and cupping Abu Musa night[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (Ihtjm door any hour) in a novel Akoshmihna "any hour" without E, and hourly in the translation to be an absolute time is not generally accepted _khasos [size=24]time.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying (and cupping Abu Musa night) offers connected in the book of fasting, and that the abstention of cupping day was because of fasting, lest enter defect, and so went the owner of the idea of cupping for the fasting, lest lured enjoining, not because cupping break the [size=24]fast.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The research progress in an interview with "breaks the fast and Alhajm Amahgom" There is reportedly in decent times cupping conversations is not the thing to the police, as if he pointed out that it made ​​when needed and do not adhere to time without the time, he said Ctjam [size=24]night.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Narrated Abu Muammar Tell us Abdelwareth Tell us about Ayoub Sabri Ibn Abbas said, cupping the Prophet peace be upon him when he was fasting[/ltr]
[ltr]Male hadeeth of Ibn Abbas, "that the Prophet peace be upon him cupping he is fasting," which requires the fact that he has done during the day, and when the doctors that the most useful cupping is located at the second or third, and that is not located after vomiting intercourse or bath or other nor after satiation nor [size=24]hunger.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]As stated in the appointment days for cupping an interview with the son of Omar Ibn Majah raised during the interview and the "Vahtgmoa God's blessing on Thursday, and Ahtgmoa on Monday and Tuesday; and avoid cupping on Wednesday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday," narrated from two roads weak, and has a third way also weak at Casablanca Lumbar in "individuals" and directed a good bond Ibn Umar suspended, and the transfer of all sorts of Ahmad that he disliked cupping on the days mentioned that the talk has not been proven, and told that a man cupping on Wednesday, hitting lepers for being lax [size=24]talking.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And Abu Dawood narrated from Abu reel that he hated cupping on Tuesday and said, "The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: on Tuesday on the blood, and the clock does not Ergo [size=24]it."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And appeared in a number of month sayings: which is narrated by Abu Dawood narrated from Abu Hurayrah lifted "from cupping to seventeen and nineteen and twenty-one was a cure for every disease," a novel Saeed bin Abdul Rahman Jamhi for Suhail bin Abi Saleh, and glad claim the most and soft some of them before you save [size=24]it.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Corroborating evidence in the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbas Ahmad, Tirmidhi and his men are trustworthy, but [size=24]Ma'lul.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And watched the last of Anas Ibn Majah, and Sindh [size=24]weak.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]It is when Tirmidhi from Anas face another but do peace be upon him, and the fact that these conversations did not correct them something Hanbal ibn Ishaq said: Ahmed was Ihtjm any time by incandescent blood was any [size=24]hour.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The doctors agreed that cupping in the second half of the month and then in the third quarter of quarters is more beneficial than cupping at the beginning and at the end, al-Baghdadi said the conciliator: so that batters in the first month irritation and at the end you live, what will be nearer during which [size=24]vomiting.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]God [size=24]knows.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Door size in travel and Ihram[/ltr]
[ltr]Buhaynah son said that the Prophet peace be upon him[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (door size in the travel and Ihram, said son Buhaynah the Prophet peace be upon him) as if he refers to as reported in the door that followed connected for Obeid-Allah ibn Buhaynah "that the Prophet peace be upon him cupping in Mecca Road" has been shown in an interview Ibn Abbas that he was then a taboo, Vantzaat translator of modern together, to talk to Ibn Abbas alone enough to do so, because of a necessary being peace be upon him was forbidden to be traveling, because it was never denied a [size=24]resident.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]We have already discussed what respect Bhjama taboo in the book of the pilgrimage, and the cupping of the traveler For what progress they are doing when needed frenzy of blood and so do not regard this condition without the case, and God knows [size=24]best.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Cupping the door of the disease[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (cupping door of the disease) due to any [size=24]disease.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Said the conciliator Baghdadi: cupping purify the surface of the hull more than phlebotomy and phlebotomy to the depths of the body, and cupping for boys in the country warm first of phlebotomy and safe scourge, has been singing for many of the drugs, but this received conversations mentioning without phlebotomy, and because the Arabs were often known only [size=24]cupping.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The owner of the guidance: investigation of phlebotomy and cupping they differ depending on the time, place and mood, Vahadjama at times warm and places warm and chilling the warm blood of their owners in a very mature the most beneficial, and phlebotomy versa, but this was cupping is more beneficial for boys and those who do not strength to [size=24]phlebotomy.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Tell us Mohammed bin fighter told Abdullah told Hamid long Anas may Allah be pleased with him that he was asked about the reward cupper said, cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him its size Abu Taiba and gave Sain of food and kilometers disloyal Fajvvo him and said that optimize what Tdaoeetm by cupping and straight-Marine and said no Tazbwa your children in wink of virginity and you have a straight-[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (Abdullah) is the son of the [size=24]blessed.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (Anas) in the Division of novel Hamid "I heard ANSA" I have made ​​reference to it in the [size=24]lease.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying (about wage cupper) in a novel about Ahmad Yahya Hamid Al-Qattan "cupper [size=24]win."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (Abu good size) to open the neglected and stillness Althtanih then unified, said progress in leasing renamed and set disloyal, as well as the genus is given of the fare and pass it, and the rule of his earnings, for the richest[size=24]return.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (He said that optimum what Tdaoeetm by cupping) is plugged into the attribution mentioned, has been directed by women solely by way of Ziad bin Saad and others from Humaid from Anas words, "the best thing Tdaoeetm by cupping" It is through the pilgrims Hamid word "best", he said the people of knowledge: speech to the people of Hijaz so it was In their meaning from the people of the country, warm, because the blood is thin and tend to apparent chilling to attract extra heat to the surface of her body, and this is taken from the speech that the Senate is also the lack of heat in their [size=24]bodies.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The bond properly directed Tabari from Ibn Sirin said: If a man reaches forty years did not [size=24]Ihtjm.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Tabari [size=24]said.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And that it then becomes of the diminution of the old and the dissolution of the forces of his body, it should not be aggravated and Haya remove a blood [size=24]e.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]It is portable from Taataan did not need him, and did not negligible, has said Ibn Sina in Erjosth: It was back phlebotomy was not cut the habit and then pointed to his mother that gradually reduces to that phrase interrupted in ten [size=24]eighty.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (He does not wink your children in Tazbwa of virginity; installment and you) is also connected to the attribution to Hamid mentioned that Anas is [size=24]brought.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The report by the Women of the road over bin Zerai Hamid him Amadmoma to talk, "the best thing Tdaoeetm by cupping" This has included talk on the legality of the cupping and incentives for therapeutics out especially to those who need it, and on the rule of earning cupper has been made ​​in the lease, and on medication for justice The progress soon, and will come in to speak to Aloalaq virginity and wink at the "door [size=24]arch."[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Tell us Saeed bin Taled said told me son of the donation, said he told me Amr and others that Pkara told him that Asim bin Omar bin Qatada told him that Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them returned convincing then said I will not stop until Tanjm I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says that when a cure[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (Tell us Saeed bin Taled) and L Bmtnah weight Said, He Said bin Isa bin Taled ratios grandfather, an Egyptian, claim Abu Younis said: He was a scholar in modern bibliography, and he was writing to the [size=24]judges.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (Tell me Amr and others), but Amr is the son of al-Harith, and the other, what I knew; and I reckon he is the son Lahee'ah, has directed modern Ahmad and Muslim women and Abu Awana Tahhaawi and Ismaili and Ibn methods for the son of the donation from the Amr ibn al-Harith alone did not say a in the attribution "and other" God [size=24]knows.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (Pkara told him that) Thus conscience singled out for one after that two male feet, and Bakir is the son of Abdullah bin Ashajj probably attributed to his grandfather, a civilian housing Egypt, and the Egyptians [size=24]attribution.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (returned Mystery) and N Bagaf heavy open is the son Sinan [size=24]followers.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]I do not know, but in this [size=24]talk.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (if the healing) as well as mentioning Bakir bin Ashajj brief, and went in, "the door of the medication with honey" by way of washing Abdul Rahman Ibn Asim bin Omar at length, and will also come up [size=24]close.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Cupping door on the head[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (door cupping the head) stated in the preferred cupping in the head weak hadeeth narrated by Ibn Adi by way of Omar bin Rabah Abdullah bin Tawoos from his father from Ibn Abbas lifted "cupping in the head avail of seven: madness, leprosy and leprosy, drowsiness, headaches and soreness tooth and [size=24]eye. "[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And Omar up threw Filas and other of lying, but the doctors said: The cupping in the center of the head very useful, has proven that peace be upon him did, as in the first newborn door and most recently though it never is restricted Bolhma, and he was reportedly peace be upon him cupping also in Alokhaddaan Withers and Tirmidhi and classed and Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and [size=24]ruling.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The scholars said medicine: venesection basilic vein benefit the temperature of the liver, spleen, lung and Cosh and pleurisy and other diseases of blood crossbar from below the knee to the hip, and venesection Akhal benefit fullness viewer in the entire body if bloody, particularly if it is spoiled, and venesection Agayval benefit from the ills of the head And neck if much blood or spoiled, and venesection Alodjin to wrench the spleen, asthma and face ribs, cupping the withers benefit from the face of the shoulder and throat, and acting on behalf of venesection basilic vein, and cupping on Alokhaddaan benefit of diseases head and face Kaloznin, eyes, teeth, nose, and throat, and acting on behalf of venesection Agayval, Cupping under the chin benefit from toothache, face and throat and purify the head, cupping on the back foot fir for venesection saphenous a sweat at the heel and benefit from sores thighs, legs and menopause and itching crossbar in two females, cupping the bottom of the chest beneficial from Dmamal thigh and tried it and revolution and gout, hemorrhoids and diabetes Elephant and itching, knapsacks, and replace it all if all the blood he had encountered rough time and need him, cupping the sitz soak the intestines and the corruption of [size=24]menstruation.[/ltr][/size]

[ltr]Tell us Ismail said told me Suleiman Alqamah he heard Abdul Rahman lame that he heard Abdullah Ibn Buhaynah happens that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him cupping beards sentences of Makkah Road, which is forbidden in the middle of his head and said Ansari told Hisham bin Hassan told us Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased them that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him cupping his head in[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (Tell us Ismail) is the son of my father Uys, and Solomon is the son Bilal, and is the son of my father Alqamah Alqamah, and the whole of Sindh civilians, has been offering the same in a statement Mahsr doors in the[size=24]pilgrimage.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (cupping flesh sentences) as well as signed Balttnah and provide the wording of individuals and lam open and may be broken, and sentences to open the gym and Meem, Ibn al-Wadah: The spot is a well known hurdle handsome seven miles from Alskie, and claimed some of them it is a machine that cupping her any cupping bone sentences , and the first approved, and I will mention in the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas that the story of the [size=24]permit.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (in the middle of his head) to open the Seine neglected and may encampment, offering his statement in the Book of Hajj and telling difference between [size=24]them.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (Ansari said) Link Ismaili said: "Tell us Hasan ibn Sufyan Tell us Obeid-Allah ibn Faddaalah told of Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Ansari," he mentioned the words, "cupping Ahtgama in the head" and mawsool Bayhaqi via Abu Hatim al-Razi told us Ansari term "cupping a forbidden from headache was done or disease, and said while cupping his neighborhood camel "and so directed by Ahmad Ansari, and will come in the door after which Ibn Abbas said in an interview with the wording," said his neighborhood, including a [size=24]camel. "[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Cupping door of sisterly and headaches[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (cupping door of sisterly and headaches) Any emitted, has fallen this translation of the novel Nasafi, and cited what where in the one before, a [size=24]vector.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]And sister with Chen lexicon and Qaffin weight great: wrench takes one side of the head or in the introduction, and said the people of medicine that chronic diseases, and is caused by fumes high or mixtures hot or cold up to the brain, the not find an outlet latest headache, the money to a brat opinion latest sister, though the king of vertex latest disease [size=24]egg.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]According headaches after year after [size=24]private.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The causes of headaches too many: which of the above, some of which will be for a tumor in the stomach or in the veins, or Wind thick where or fullness, including what would be the movement of violent Kaljamaa, vomiting, vomiting or iPod or talking too much, including what happens for purposes of psychological Calem and Gloom and sadness, hunger and fever, which is what happens in the head from an accident hit by a blow, or a tumor in the brain peritoneum, or carrying something heavy presses the head, or heated to wear something out of moderation, or cooled campaign against air or water in the [size=24]cold.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The sister about them and they are in the arteries of the head alone, and specializes in the placement of the weakest head; treatable and has pulled out of the gang Ahmed of modern Buraidah "that peace be upon him was probably took sister; Vimkt day and days do not come out" [size=24]talk.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Offers in the death of the Prophet Ibn 'Abbas, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him has been the backbone of his [size=24]head."[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Tell me Mohammed bin Bashar Ibn Abi Adi told us about all the regions, from Hisham Ibn Abbas cupping the Prophet peace be upon him in the head and is forbidden from soreness was said to him by the water district sentences Said Mohammed bin Hisham told us both regions, from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping, which is forbidden in his head from his sister was[/ltr]
[ltr][size=24](Hisham) is the son of Hassan, saying: "soreness" had him in the novel after that.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying: (said Mohammed bin either) Bmanmlh extension is Alsdosa, and the name of his grandfather ward Bmanmlh and N and uniform; optical known as Abu Khattab, what has in Bukhari only talk unplugged before in morality; and another comes in the literature, this commentator, has Link Ismaili said: "Tell us Abu Ali told of Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Azdi Tell us whether Mohammed bin "Vzl [size=24]either.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Have agreed to these roads from Ibn Abbas that cupping peace be upon him, which is forbidden in his head, and Uagaha interview with the son Buhaynah, and otherwise Anas: waving Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi in "merits" and Women's and classed son Khuzaymah and Ibn than by Muammar Qatada him said, cupping the Prophet peace be upon him a Muharram on the back foot from the wrench was done, and the men are the men the right; but that Abu Dawood narrated from Ahmad Saeed bin Abi Arabism Narrated Qatada sent him, and happy memorized from Muammar, but this is not the illness Qadhh, combining newborn Ibn Abbas, Anas clear pregnancy on diversity; pointed out that [size=24]al-Tabari.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In the modern passport as well cupping of Muharram and ejected blood does not detract in ihraam, has been offering a statement that in the book of the pilgrimage, which may be summed that taboo that cupping the center of his head to excuse Jazz at all, the hair pieces and is obliged to pay the ransom, the cupping is no excuse, and cut the campus; God [size=24]knows.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Tell us Ismail bin Aban son told us he told me washing Asim bin Omar Jabir bin Abdullah said: I heard the Prophet peace be upon him says that he was in a bit of good in your medicines or drinking honey cupper or acor of fire and what I like to cauterized[/ltr]
[ltr]Saying: (Tell us Ismail bin Aban) is Warraq Azadi Kufi Abu Ishaq - or Abu Ibrahim - of elders [size=24]Bukhari.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]It is truthful, it spoke Aljosjani for Shiism, son Uday said: It is with so [size=24]truthful.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]In his time, Ismail bin Aban said to him last al-Ghanawi, said a son: and al-Ghanawi bouncing Warraq [size=24]confidence.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]His son Urban: No Warraq and al-Ghanawi quite a bit written about him and his legacy, and his weakness [size=24]too.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]As well as the difference between them and Ahmed Osman Bin Abi Shaybah and the group, and grade of mixing[size=24]them.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]The death of al-Ghanawi Warraq six years ago, and God knows [size=24]best.[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]Saying (son told washing) is Abdul Rahman bin Suleiman, offered to explain the status [size=24]soon.[/ltr][/size]
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Cupping in Sahih Bukhari Book of Medicine
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