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 Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part"

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 505
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part" Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part"   Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part" Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:58 pm

[ltr]Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part"[/ltr]

[ltr]Discoverer of the laws of scientific precision to the process of cupping[/ltr]
[ltr]Mark the great Arab Shehu Mohammed Amin was born in Damascus (1308 e 1890)[/ltr]

[ltr]Definition of cupping:[/ltr]
[ltr]The word (cupping) taken from the (size) and (size), says: size matter, ie returned to its normal size. We say: the size of the graces in the grace of one, ie: make them containing all the characteristics of those blessings. And (declined) against a (progress), it is reluctant to cupping diseases from exposure to him.[/ltr]
[ltr]And cupping be: re-blood to redress the natural and thus stimulate blood circulation, and remove what increased from corrupt (pyramid) of blood that the inability of the body to get rid of it from Tulf bloody and impurities and others in a timely manner, which generates this blessing graces win-win on the body and his treatment and prevention.[/ltr]

[ltr]Description cup used in the process of cupping:[/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping is working on the creation of a sort of tension in the bloody withers area of the body using a special cups made ​​of glass known as (Cassatt air) with a distended abdomen and neck elongated slightly smaller than the diameter of the abdominal opening round ends regular [Figure 2].[/ltr]
[ltr]In the past these cups taken from the centuries hollows of some animals or made ​​of sticks plants solid hollow like the branches of bamboo (when the people of China), was later developed into the cups made ​​of glass blowing to easily cleaned and sterilized and transparency that allows the reluctance to see the blood extracted from Amahgom.[/ltr]

[ltr]Mechanism of action of cupping Cup (Cassatt air):[/ltr]
[ltr]We burn a piece of paper cone-shaped, in any suppression and should preferably be from the leaves of the newspapers for easy ignition sized canned nozzle inserted in the cup user. After the introduction of the cone flared inside the cup Nlsq nozzle cup directly on the bottom of the scapula (area Withers) [Figure 3] .. who shall Cone paperwork flared this burned a large part of the air inside the cup and this happens a decrease in pressure Vimits skin and pull it from the nozzle cup slightly This adjusts for the decline in the cup and as a result shows a bloody sore spot.[/ltr]

[ltr]This attraction to the skin and the heat a little bit inside the cup occur expansion and Aaúaa superficially in the region of the withers installed by a glass cupping, where the subject of blood also attract standing, Tewardh for this region, and contributes to the survival of the cup long enough attractive to the skin to prevent the involvement of blood accumulated in the circulatory system somewhat.[/ltr]
[ltr]Then the cupper surface finishes for this congested area of the skin (after removal of the cup), the tip of a sharp blade sterile .. and later we are going to explain the detail of this work.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping at the withers:[/ltr]
[ltr]Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and classed, and the Governor and corrected Anas «that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Ihtjm was at the withers ».[/ltr]
[ltr]And converge the wisdom of Muhammadiyah, which is proceeded god maker body with the fact that medical science discovered the withers area is the area to make optimal cupping, and interest can only be done through this region exclusively, it features Bmayle:[/ltr]
[ltr]1) It is a gathering area for erythropoiesis impotent and damaged vessels and impurities in general and large molecules with a high molecular weight, where dismiss these impurities in this region during sleep.[/ltr]
[ltr]2) It's a safe area, even if one is suffering from diabetes or hemophilia no risk of surface finishes, as well as it is a quick healing without resulting in any infections as long as cupping conducted in conditions and situations correct and healthy.[/ltr]
[ltr]3) Add to this it is an area free of any blood vessels is a serious wound.[/ltr]
[ltr]Although this cupping prior experiences that we've made ​​over the past half a century did not result in any complications like this never.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Scientific reasoning to make the process of cupping in the region of the withers:[/ltr]
[ltr]Before starting the research in the area of the reason for choosing the withers exclusively to conduct the process in which cupping, it is imperative to offer a brief idea about the blood and circulatory system:[/ltr]
[ltr]A brief overview of the blood and circulatory system:[/ltr]
[ltr]Is the circulatory system in the human body transportation network great did not witness unprecedented in existence in the organization and offshoots of complex micro-supervision of the court to control all the members of the cells of the human body with all its functions, logistics and distribution of food, Vgmae eye differs from the diet ear that if he came to the eye cause her blindness, and food eye that came to the ear caused her deafness, and in the supply of precincts combat which are the fields of world wars missiles, long-range secreted by leukocytes Ktrellaqat affect the objectives of the germs bomber toxins and alien to the body, the dimensions of it as a dimension of the Moon from the Earth relatively .. The body universe Inspired wondrous mastermind and programmer on the foundations and techniques in the development of high self-miraculous in innovation.[/ltr]

[ltr]Blood is the center of a vital means are by which all biological processes throughout the body and through which apply to life and emits the ability to sustain, when is the digestion of food in the stomach and containing different ratios of the nutritional needs of the body Banazare and its compounds different scrambling to the intestine (to complete the represented tract) where absorbed millions of underbrush absorbent lining the small intestine after it has become ready Boukasth Alkiloseh to transfer the absorbed him by the blood to the liver Vsaúr throughout the body in a long journey frequent Mara network immense vascular rivers huge ripped from the lower body to the maximum loaded with need members and tissues of compounds and nutrients and water. It is the lungs of oxygen to organs Aúb way to excretion sheds where what carry him from the waste and toxic waste coal as a gas, and urea to the other is the (hardware) role in ridding the body of them.[/ltr]

[ltr]As well as into which metabolic products of the glands and organs Faousel each to a place it's needed and put others out of the body in one of the ways Tarahh products excess toxic and stores each other for the time it is needed, such as glucose (blood sugar), which stores in the liver in the form of Gluckugen (sugar complex). Although it takes time this session (30) seconds, the heart where the role of the pump Arphih tremendous pressure of the arteries and blood vessels until the additional role complements its blood. On his way back with the help of arrest which are the body's muscles, which in turn put pressure on the veins back to the heart again. And it is in a huge network of blood vessels up some of Qatar (2.5 cm) to Tstdq and ends in the smaller vessels to become microscopic lattice. The total length of the network (100.000) km ie: homosexual and a half perimeter of the globe.[/ltr]

[ltr]And to identify the components of the blood we using the machine centrifuge tube containing the test contains a few of the blood quickly spins (3000) d / d (1), we find that the components of the blood are deposited depending on the weight gradually to settle heavy in the bottom of the tube and then the lightest Valokhv. Thus, blood is composed of two layers:[/ltr]
[ltr]1) layer blisters tends to a yellowish color to a plasma The form (55%) of the blood volume. They contain sugars and amino acids, calcium, magnesium, iodine and iron in the form of different compounds also contain hormones and yeasts, which controls the growth of the body and its various activities.[/ltr]
[ltr]2) form the bottom layer (45%) of the blood volume, which gives him a red pigment that consists of: (platelet leukocytes erythrocytes).[/ltr]
[ltr]Thrombocytopenia: The number (150-350) A / mm 3, and the size (1-3) microns (1) and confined to their mission to stop the bleeding blood vessels and Ariqaúha.[/ltr]
[ltr]Leukocytes: It contains ml per cubic meter on the (7000) globule, in diameter (10-12) microns, whose primary mission is to attack germs, as tensile from the walls of the capillaries into the tissue, thanks to their legs false enable movement spiral toward germs attempt diners and eliminate them Thanks to afford subversive materials from germs.[/ltr]

[ltr]Erythrocytes: It contains ml per cubic meter of blood on the (5) million globule of a population of about 25 thousand billion balls in a man's body of any (5 × 1210) in a liter so as to contain the human body (5-6) liters of blood [ form.[/ltr]
[ltr]Renewed them daily equivalent of 250 billion globule and take these pellets shaped wheels with tires blown, in diameter (7) microns and tend these pellets to adhesion attached temporarily (sound natural ones), creating what looks like a description of a compact of coins superimposed over each other Rouleaux   And return it to the surface wife [the form of (12)]. Upon examination of erythrocytes microscopically found to be useless cells with nuclei flexibility that allows it to bend on the same property as they are high in the transport of oxygen.[/ltr]

[ltr]The imbalance qualitative and quantitative in the work of these erythrocytes reflects the major problems serious, are common effects among people in general, so the prevention and treatment by cupping concentrated upon and revolves around the members and associated functions are the element bloody active and effective permanent and central in the course of the life cycle and maintain them for this human being .. and date of birth begins in the bone marrow where it starts, it starts to ripen after young active tasks to perform in the natural conditions to the fullest and did anyway.[/ltr]

[ltr]Even if completed percent and twenty days from the date of her birthday became senescent had been consumed by the ongoing work takes its wilt and her life toward decay and lose their flexibility has Converted to pellet dead dependent on blood circulation Wiczoa with billions of their counterparts to the walls of blood vessels Ttdafha pellets young inhibiting the flow of blood, which lead to imbalances in the circulatory system with the weakness of the biography in general and the lack of physiology caused by lack of blood supply caused by the disabilities of these pellets, and appears evident when people aging of the inability of their devices for the prevention of this dilemma is worsening and the associated rise in blood pressure.[/ltr]

[ltr]Has been shown to be due to several factors causing not only for those with disabilities, but also to the formation of blood clots, namely:[/ltr]
[ltr]Viscosity surfaces of these pellets.[/ltr]
[ltr]High density which is greater than the density of comic 1095-1100 <1024-1028.[/ltr]
[ltr]The viscosity of blood plasma proteins.[/ltr]
[ltr]All of this pushes the pellets to randomly sticking to each other or Antzamaa are Trakba Rouleaux Soon disappear thanks to the flexibility of these pellets boys during Tdafha cycle through the blood.[/ltr]
[ltr]The pellets aging and dead, they lose their characteristic flexibility it would be difficult to be separated from each other, and the presence of fibers and platelets are formed blood clots, which in turn become crippling to the movement of blood, and as a result of these deposits on the walls of the blood and as a result Arqlat functioning of the blood rises in blood pressure .. and the status of high blood pressure with the presence of plaque on the walls of different vessels lead to hardening of the arteries, which in turn leads to high pressure, and so on. Each is lead to another.[/ltr]
[ltr]If I stood bewildered what you read amusingly surprised that the serious problems of atherosclerosis and the resulting whole back to what I mentioned! Depositions.[/ltr]
[ltr]I say: You got it, you just need to be aware of the definition of the World Health Organization WHo Atherosclerosis atherosclerosis, as it says Who : (Hardening of the arteries that atherosclerosis is a condition that arises from the sum of variables Asthalah occur in the middle class and the inner lining of the blood vessel arterial Intima of arteries Which consists of the epicenter of the backlog fatty and complex carbohydrates, as well as the origin of the material as well as material bloody blood itself and fibrous tissue, and calcium deposition of material).This description of the situation and its meaning: hardening of the coronary arteries, are almost synonymous with the word (porridge) Atheroma .[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]The fate of clots pellets aging and coming on the pyramid in circulation:[/ltr]
[ltr]It turns out that clots pellets decrepit looking at her for areas less active and movement of harboring them, and so on until mostly concentrated in the region of the withers and it happens every day during sleep in this region, which is considered arcade area in the human body and what characterizes it is a zone free of joints fully animated, Vmvasalha type of arthritis animated half .. and muscles where muscles are tightening and install the bones so that the kneeling position and are Ptqos the lower part of the spine and the rest of this region Psoah one.[/ltr]

[ltr]As the network of capillaries are greatest dendritic and abundance in the area of the withers, it is no secret what its impact on the speed of the blood and less than fade away.[/ltr]
[ltr]An example of the pellets in her behavior in the circulatory system and the area Withers especially, like a river with Rsubyate, A river is the strongest force flowing upstream sweep in front of everything except what the weight of too much, then you see diminished gradually in the middle until it becomes at its mouth quiet is almost stagnant, Rsubyate derogatory terms that were stuck waters ongoing sail in her bottom. In the area of the withers speed drops of blood in the blood surface thresholds (capillary in the skin) and blood vessels deep ones (muscle and skin layers deep) Fatht sediments blood sail where to go down so fast the blood more .. Thus, in an inverse relationship between them, which leads to high blood pressure in the body.[/ltr]

[ltr]These qualities aging societies pay the pellets and dead with impurities and blood clots to deposition in these vessels a day (especially during sleep to calm the circulatory system). As it is also known that red blood cells that DNA for them and with the passage of time it becomes difficult for them to pass the exact rotation.[/ltr]
[ltr]These sediments may appear primitively represented by widespread pain in the back area of the withers (Kalotab for example), to Vnljo Sports Massage Massage For this region, who works in real time effect in stimulating the movement of the blood and increase the blood supply to the tissues Wegerv bloodstream Almtdaf massage is the accumulation of impurities from the blood and toxins, which are harmful substances (resulting from the metabolism of cells) causing pain unwanted materials (Like an ant lactic acid Lactique Acid ) And fed with food and adequate oxygenation.[/ltr]

[ltr]Let us look forward to a wider perimeter of these pains dorsal Valalh what root out ab after, man's body all interdependent of the lowest cell to the largest and greatest member of it, and the blood in which the link between all its members, and this we see that the body has become vulnerable to all diseases such as headaches and eyes The back and the digestive system, liver, lungs and joint pain, angina, heart attack infestations. This is what the doctor's observations Japanese Kuakuroiwa Kwakoroawa .. he stressed on the fact that after one inferred that his research has focused on the cupping is that the impurities in the blood are the cause of various diseases afflicted us.[/ltr]

[ltr]And do not forget that cupping rid also of blood viscosity excess gotta rid the body of the unemployed of erythropoiesis, we have reduced blood viscosity excess is does not affect its functionality, but still pitfalls and made ​​available for blood to move easily and freely in pressure conditions perfect regular-Qaeda Medical says: (It Whenever decreased blood viscosity greater the Mauath and still constitute a risk of blood clots), and most doctors prescribe blood thinners for heart patients.[/ltr]

[ltr]  [/ltr]

[ltr]Yes, I realize all the dimensions of this abysmal doctor humanitarian peace be upon him   Prevention Science bomber on his understanding of higher Antgah Lord until he sees the right of the right horizon was soon shown from the Almighty and soon created, it was a god with him everything was in his hands before bouncing to the tip .. advised peace be upon him   His companions that all disease is caused by the predominance of blood, cupping benefit of all disease not Vahtgmoa.[/ltr]
[ltr]So the companions of the apostles realized valued and pursued them in truth, it is necessary to get rid of these annually erythropoiesis aging cupping.[/ltr]
[ltr]And cupping only regain its circulation smoothly and easily without suffering from high pressure, and regain its full member optimum and this is what they call in modern medicine and biological medicine, which relies on the activation and physiology.[/ltr]
[ltr]By applying the commandments of the Apostles valued conduct cupping Spring Spring returned to you, O body and your devices bloomed seven, and she became a wonderful continuing to bear fruit and the fruit became Oana valid ..[/ltr]
[ltr]Now may Angsl the body from disease and Honor went from aches and pains originally ..[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]The role of the liver and spleen in blood purification from impurities:[/ltr]
[ltr]Perhaps you say: You went to far on the subject of gathering the pellets in the withers and elaborated to focus on the role of impurities bloody pellets aging and coming on the pyramid in the incidence of most diseases mechanism linked Btenca and the accumulation of these pitfalls and cited even by saying the doctor famous Japanese (Kwakoroawa), but either of the liver and spleen of God created the role in this swallow the pellets and pitfalls and destroy it and reduce its negative effects on the circulatory system.[/ltr]
[ltr]In the process of this we say: Yes, I gave God everything then created Huda, though the liver and spleen, a lot of jobs necessary for the continuation of the structure of the human on the right track, including phagocytosis those pellets and impurities of blood, what a lack of god on this human thing, but as it is self-evident of man's relationship with this universe and what turned him from taking Word, as well as the messenger god instrumental fundamental and necessary and without guided cardiac divine can not be going ship of life in the midst of the sea to exist in safety and contentment .. if there is a failure in anything, and this failure Marjuah to default in the mechanism of action of thought and dominion in things. And when this man was in a minor amount of knowledge no matter how high and amounted to, was the mercy of God requires that all short him, sent him a merciful mercy of Almighty shows and instructs wayward drifter to the way of deliverance from all dilemmas.[/ltr]

[ltr]These are for my age grace graces all .. you see that the Holy Prophet did not leave aspect of life but doused the commandments of food and its origins, and sleep and marriage, work and rest, in war and fighting, to peace and peace, in the fountains of the earth and the sea, in the universe and the universe, even also extended to the Day of Judgment, Fterah Otte of everything note .. Avhl spare us Barashadh to cupping after realizing incident yard; and everything wear whatever the liver and spleen are serious in their work must aid hasten the Holy Prophet peace be upon him by the ministry of his fellow human beings rushed in advising cupping Movia advice explanations and details of each respects and trends.[/ltr]
[ltr]In order to be his advice to effect us, made ​​us a way of scientific research and bond even keep his commandments Mthakqan .. Vtair fly wings, Vjnah of the Holy Prophet  , Suite us, takes our hands to ways to survive and succeed and the farmer.[/ltr]
[ltr]He is now our face to increase the survey Flanbges in the mechanism of action of both members (liver and spleen) in order to expose revealed the great importance of the process of cupping in this area and other trends for Kamal health of the body and the soul, which has made ​​no secret about piercing insight peace be upon him, was a role model and pioneer in this area.[/ltr]

[ltr]Liver (Liver ):[/ltr]
[ltr]And weighs (1200-1500) G. .. Anbaiq a great place where thousands of complex chemical processes.[/ltr]
[ltr]Mention of the functions of the liver:[/ltr]
[ltr]1)          Nominate toxic substances from the blood and fluid Istqlbha vitiating toxicity, or puts it through the yellow out of the body.[/ltr]
[ltr]2)          Manufactures liquid bile from the outputs of cracking erythropoiesis damaged.[/ltr]
[ltr]3)          Metabolism plays Bastqlabat sugars Edited and stored for when needed.[/ltr]
[ltr]4)          The Bastqlab and synthesize proteins.[/ltr]
[ltr]5)          There are vehicles that help blood to clot and Taktherh in the development of bleeding.[/ltr]
[ltr]6)          Undertaken Bastqlab fat lepids And triglycerides Triglycerides The discharge of cholesterol metabolism and biliary fluid.[/ltr]
[ltr]7)          Works on the metabolism and storage of most types of vitamins and a number of metallic elements such as iron and other .. It has the function of hormonal destination.[/ltr]
[ltr]Cool          For the liver of great importance in embryonic life, as shared with the spleen in the formation of blood.[/ltr]
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Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part"
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