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 Cupping Drug strange "Part II"

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping Drug strange "Part II" Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping Drug strange "Part II"   Cupping Drug strange "Part II" Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:57 pm

[ltr]Drug strange "Part II"[/ltr]

[ltr]Cupping effect on headache and migraine (migraine pain):[/ltr]
[ltr]Headache for many reasons and a variety of clinical forms ..[/ltr]
[ltr]Valsaddaa Willem tissue outside the skull, and the most common is headache (tension), namely: headache nervousness and emotion-induced contractions infect the scalp and the nape of the neck, and the pain extends from the back of the head above the eyes, and is accompanied by a feeling of pressure and tension. And hide or go away when stopped muscle cramps. The headaches sometimes accompanied by temporary paralysis in the arm or leg or eye, and headache, which coincides with the sweat of the brow, and facial glow, and sore eyes, streaming nose, severe headaches, which is seen in some forms sister. However, the medicine in some forms of headache stop Moktovhma paralyzed hands.[/ltr]
[ltr]The strange thing is that the drug, which is given for headaches more than any other drug given to the disease, and the best proof of that daily consumption of drugs and the enormous headache medications. Doctor failed located in confusion in front of the complainant, can not find a way prescribed painkillers, but generously, and puts it. And distract the complainant with her ​​and crying, then view and headache is not a disease .. evidence of a latent defect cause headaches, while painkillers and tranquilizers are paved for new difficulties.[/ltr]

[ltr]The sister begins visual disorders, sees the injured or together and Lambda Hijackers of light in one side and blurred eyesight points radioactive. It is not unlikely that one loses the sense of vision temporarily. And perhaps follow these symptoms numbness or tingling pins and needles in the hand and face, and probably feel weak at the tip of the limbs, or in half his body, after (20) or (30) minutes give these symptoms field for an annoying pain in the side of the head. And increases the intensity of the pain until it reaches a peak after an hour or more, and sometimes lasts for days. Become a vibrant and headaches, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting with him, this is the traditional sister, however, that there are many forms differ in their symptoms and stages. Valhqikh atypical is the most common species occurs headaches and nausea without nausea, and in the absence of other symptoms known. Sister and generally occur in the form of bouts separated by periods of rest, and lasts a few hours, or a few days rest. The snapping Cherrh types of cuisine, be it because the patient prone to sensitivity, responsive to Alrgia. It is said that chocolate, cheese and fish is a close relationship by Nubia, and the intensity and violence.[/ltr]

[ltr]Cupping effect on the kidneys:[/ltr]
[ltr]The cupping when regulating the blood supply of the active members of the blood supply to the kidneys, and we know that the college collects toxic substances that reach them through the blood circulation and graduating with urine (hemodialysis). When activated the passage of blood where and when to tell ischemia good functioning optimally be saved blood from his poison and prophylactics this disease (urea) when rising material urea in the blood of the inability of the college to get rid of them and remove them to affect this toxin on the brain and kill cells.[/ltr]

[ltr]If Lack of blood supply to the college cause its inability to function directorial (liquidation) do good and cause kidney failure or that the disease contained male (Paulina). When the rise in blood urea lead to drop the level of all organs and members of the body and the body is susceptible to various diseases, and cupping the best prevention and cure for this condition.[/ltr]
[ltr]Valcletan that are dual element in a rights offering at their jobs and are summarized in the basic cleaning of the body of nitrogenous products.[/ltr]
[ltr]The kidneys are the following functions:[/ltr]
[ltr]1) Ask exotic materials and the results of metabolic and non-volatile mainly nitrogenous substances.[/ltr]
[ltr]2) Organization of the concentration of sodium.[/ltr]
[ltr]3) regulate the metabolism of body fluids.[/ltr]
[ltr]4) The organization of blood concentration of electrolytes.[/ltr]
[ltr]5) regulation of acid-alkali balance in the body.[/ltr]

[ltr]Laboratory study[/ltr]
[ltr]Proved laboratory study conducted by a team that cupping cupping reduce the proportion of blood creatinine increased (66.66%) of the cases, the blood cupping always contains a high concentration of creatinine, which emphasizes the issue of revitalization of the college.[/ltr]

[ltr]The need for kidney tissue of oxygen high in comparison with other tissues need, and go big quantity of oxygen to breathe crust.[/ltr]
[ltr]Can collect many renal diseases into two main categories:[/ltr]
[ltr]1) acute kidney failure.[/ltr]
[ltr]2) chronic kidney failure.[/ltr]
[ltr]One of the reasons causing acute renal failure decreased blood supply to the kidneys .. and here we can see the need to adhere to this Sunnah.[/ltr]
[ltr]Although renal vascular injuries Wholesale cause of chronic renal failure Kaltsalb atherosclerosis of the renal arteries and large Spastic gradual stenosis of the blood vessels. And also shows us the need for prevention of these rigidities as much as possible to resort to cupping, which are like cleaning of the blood vessels of Tersbadtha and prevent these deposits as much as possible to keep it natural Busatha. If that increase the blood supply to the kidneys lead to all its functions optimally and this is what it would in a large public body, as it strengthens against diseases in general, improves cupping Vqsour kidneys and in many cases achieved high levels of improvement after cupping.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping effect on hypertension and vascular sentence:[/ltr]
[ltr]The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: «Ahtgmoa ... you do not Itbag blood Fiktlkm».[/ltr]
[ltr]And hyperemia: Is the increase irritability, and tyranny, from prostitutes and wanting them Itbag, in San Arabs: hyperemia by blood, any incandescent him. This happens more than what happens in hypertension, as it occurs in hypererythrocythemia real, and the symptoms seen in hypertension and in hyper Rouge real little headache and a sense of fullness in the head, dizziness, irritability, and visual disturbances.[/ltr]

[ltr]Rising tension arterial, which still causes many unknown, and to date remains treatments generally non-causal, still this disease cast of great importance in the medical community to spread wide and its complications serious, it accelerates atherosclerosis, and the latter as taught by predispose to the occurrence of injuries in coronary artery and cerebrovascular accidents and renal insufficiency and peripheral vascular diseases and occurs Tkhana and blockage in the lumen small arteries may occur mothers of small blood in cerebrovascular insightful, and predispose to relax the heart has been turned into a high-pressure malignant deadly, and the latter limits the owner to a maximum of two years.[/ltr]

[ltr]Moreover, the high proportion of red blood cells in the blood (hyper-real) leads to acute arterial thrombosis, as you get symptoms of arterial insufficiency by the injured .. The injured carotid artery got symptoms of ischemic cerebrovascular insufficiency, although injured coronary arteries caused symptoms of angina and heart attack infestations.[/ltr]

[ltr]Whatever the case, and thus should not be forgotten that hypertension leads to hardening of the arteries atheromatous Arteriosclerosis The second leads to the first, both in addition to redness True Blood leads to the formation of blood clots, as they lead the existence of such causes of Artsas erythrocytes and accumulation with a large number of platelets and other such fibers to form a clot of blood, especially when forest blood vessels (arteries) [form (44)]. The fact that this blood clot but bloody spore Spore And involving under Speaking  : «Not Itbag blood ...». Vrcol God  Outlook window folds times to speak ..  Since more than 1400 years from the principle of blood clots form and its mechanism and its causes and gives the solution great for prevention and treatment, which is essential for humanitarian refer to it in order to reap the fruits of precious interest, and avoid the dangers are endless, as all disease is caused by the predominance of the blood of those parallel to Etbigh, what ischemia output for atherosclerosis atherosclerosis but primarily responsible for the lack of jobs and the members of the body, especially in the aging .. The Z accompanied by increasing the number of red blood cells in aging, which makes non-current flow bloody slow and raises the level of seriousness of the intravascular coagulation.[/ltr]

[ltr]Cupping effect on heart disease:[/ltr]
[ltr]The cardiovascular disease has become a major concern for the health departments in all countries of the world, whether developed countries or developing countries, statistics have proven that cardiovascular disease represents (50%) of the causes of mortality in these countries. The coronary heart disease the number one killer in America, and that the incidence of cardiovascular disease causes significant economic losses too, as these diseases affect segments of society at the top of its bid, and the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases cost the states billions. These diseases are spread in more affluent societies than others, and rising rates of incidence of these diseases, the prevalence of risk factors such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.[/ltr]

[ltr]What makes us stand with respect to this commandment prophetic value that the whole world looking at this time about the ways of prevention, country is developed malt topics treatment costly and began her studies are all concentrated in the preventive aspect, and that is what cupping, it prevents the emergence of risk factors completely turned without the high blood sugar and maintain normal blood pressure and remove the causes to prevent any rise in cholesterol and triglycerides. This is what Binh laboratory report of the study methodology cupping.[/ltr]

[ltr]First: cardiac arrhythmias (a disorder Automatic self):[/ltr]
[ltr]One of the reasons that cause this disease is ischemia, hypoxia. If not the cupping medicine and prevention of this disease![/ltr]
[ltr]Then the complications of hypertension (which saved him cupping) are angina, heart failure, cerebrovascular accidents, intermittent claudication. If not the cupping protection and salvation of all the Lord![/ltr]

[ltr]Second: in myocardial infarction:[/ltr]
[ltr]The reason is ischemia resulting from vasoconstriction (coronary arteries) and placed clot in the arteries, if a person followed this advice divine worship, which is Ksaana and cleaning of these vessels in general, and prevent formation of clots have been away from these serious diseases. In any case, People with these diseases if they return to this commandment and execute annually Vanma will improve their condition and slowly recover.[/ltr]

[ltr]Third: angina pectoris:[/ltr]
[ltr]Pain in the heart caused by the loss of balance between the need for oxygen and contained it to that muscle, and also the reason why this disease is a partial blockage of the artery coronary also results from fatty deposits and other, and Kiryat aging red (material originally bloody) hand in this blockage is which weakens the supply portion of the blood to the heart).[/ltr]
[ltr]All treatments followed trying to remove the lack of blood supply to the heart, if and rather for us to go back to cupping to guard against these diseases, or to make it from processors effective feasible if we who suffer these diseases (God forbid) and provide on our bodies (and to the extent possible) a lot of medications and their of harmful side effects ..[/ltr]

[ltr]Fourth: high blood pressure, prolonged (years) happens magnitude of the heart and this ultimately leads to chronic heart failure.[/ltr]

[ltr]Fifth: Prolonged high blood pressure in the arteries happens sclerosis, to pay atoms fat and materials origin of blood and bloody material itself (1) to the walls of the arteries. How cupping Nrih our heart and temper with him a heavy weight and looted energetic, happy life, which earned brimming with health and activity!.[/ltr]

[ltr]Laboratory study[/ltr]
[ltr]The medical team to conduct cupping of many different people with heart disease, and through planning supply before and after the cupping Although exact comparison results were surprising and impressive, ranging between a return to the natural state diagram or significant improvement. The laboratory has improved in all cases and yeasts, which confirms attack on the charts, as demonstrated electrical.[/ltr]

[ltr]  [/ltr]
[ltr]If after what turned out to us from the scientific evidence process, and after that we saw on the side of the keenness of our humanitarian and advised him cupping for diseases of the circulatory and heart; not be on patients with heart and circulatory system in general persevere and Adomoa them to relieve their hearts great effort and intensifies and extends her age.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]The effect of cupping on patients with diabetes:[/ltr]
[ltr]One of the factors is the lack of high sugar blood supply, which causes the inability of the members to do their job and therefore weakness occurs Activity (also weaken the activity of the pancreas responsible for the rise in sugar twice the blood supply).[/ltr]
[ltr]Contained the body ischemia liberalization of glucose (sugar) to raise the activity of its members, but unfortunately Valalh not burning and ability, but a lack of blood supply that weaken Members and this is what accounts for the healing of many patients with diabetes after they cupping immediately, was ratified by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when he said: «cupping benefit of all disease not Vahtgmoa». They are served on a whole cures and healing, however, Rahman, who taught us. If used cupping each disease and prophylaxis within the official schedule and within its own terms enacted legal right.[/ltr]

Vahadjama cure for many diseases and internal recalcitrant ones, because the blood is going on all the members Fbaslaha fit all, how many of these cupping protect us from the dangers and problems and pain!.

[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping effect on the diseased tissue and articular muscle pain:[/ltr]
[ltr]As the process of cupping incite blood circulation and so increase blood supply to these tissues diseased and that's what helps secure an excessive amount of oxygen and food needed in addition to the hormones (k human growth hormone and testosterone and estrogen) and enzymes necessary Konzim (5-alpha Radjoktaz) allowing to renew and rebuild fast cells diseased tissue, especially the liver that supports the operation of activated protein necessary.[/ltr]
[ltr]The increase in muscle blood supply leads to a leveling material accumulated as a result of stress and muscle ischemia blood like an ant (lactic acid) that causes pain.[/ltr]

[ltr]Then that support the muscles and joints, including mentioned of oxygen and hormones and enzymes farewell to generate electrical energy vitality (bioenergy) Bioelectric energy Working to feed the cells and nerves topical and produces the hormone DHT Which maintains the warmth and relaxation of tissue, turning to Dana and flexibility of muscles and joints, and thus fear the spasms and contractions and Alantinaat painful joints and muscles. As a result of the above is clear to us the benefit of this Sunnah in the salvation of muscle and joint pain and back pain and got rid of cases of myasthenia and convulsions. It has been shown that the medical team during a process of cupping both suffering from muscle pain in general, and especially in the back area (Alutab) they disappear immediately.[/ltr]
[ltr]Moreover, these neurotrophic which Ttamn of vital energy generated power is therapeutic ship nervous system and increase transportation nervous shall be considered to address the most nerve pain and disabilities organic arising from the origin of the nervous .. and so was cupping achieved in stages advanced in the healing of the types of paralysis and disorders of movements volitional and improve the senses (sight, hearing ..).[/ltr]

[ltr]Cupping effect on blood diseases:[/ltr]
[ltr]First, the proliferation of disease pure:[/ltr]
[ltr]The proliferation of pure diseases are a group of disorders characterized by an increase of the production of blood cells, and the start of abnormalities in the level of cell hematopoietic stem.[/ltr]
[ltr]Acute myelogenous leukemia (CML ):[/ltr]
[ltr]In myeloid cell disorder is characterized by a clear increase in the pure; exceeded the most number of leukocytes [the form of (50)] .. and enlarged spleen, anemia associated with excessive or metabolism with weight loss and fatigue, fever and high level of uric acid in blood. The only possible treatment is the cultivation of pure compatible chromosomes, but if we can specifically find a compatible donor, but we were histologically and risk of morbidity and mortality for the cultivation of pure. Although the overall objective of the treatment patients with leukemia (CML ) Is to reduce the pure components and control the disease and its symptoms, and there are many chemical-based medicines achieved but non-specific and are not able to delay the development of seizures Aborigines. As for the process of cupping has been commissioned by the medical team for many patients with myeloid leukemia, and the results were fantastic.[/ltr]

[ltr]Redness of the blood (Polycythemia ):[/ltr]
[ltr]هو ازدياد بجميع العناصر المكونة للدم في الـ (مم3) منه عن الحدود الطبيعية بالنسبة إلى سن وجنس المريض، وينتج خاصة عن ازدياد في الكريات الحمر بشكل رئيسي (فرط الكريات الحمراء) Erythremia .[/ltr]
[ltr]نقول إن كثرة الكريات الحمر الحقيقية Poly Cythemia Vera وهي أحد اضطرابات تكاثر النقي تترافق مع سيطرة فرط إنتاج الكريات الحمر وتمدد واتساع العناصر الأخرى وكثرة الحمر الحقيقية. تبدأ بشكل متدرج وتترقى بشكل بطيء. وقد عُرِّف هذا المرض بصورته السريرية أنه مرض الكهولة والشيخوخة، حيث تصادف أكثر إصاباته في العقد الخامس من العمر مما يؤدي لحدوث خثرات واختلاطات وعواقب النزوف، وهناك سيطرة في إصابة الذكور نسبةً للإناث. وإن سبب هذا المرض غير معروف ويترافق هذا المرض مع صداع ودوار وطنين وتشوش بالرؤيا، سهولة الإصابة بالكدمات، الرعاف، نزوف الأنبوب الهضمي، فقدان الوزن، التعرُّق، ألم الأقدام، الحكة الشديدة.[/ltr]
[ltr]نقول هناك قاعدة طبية(1) تقول: (إن أكسجة النسج تعمل كمنظِّم أساسي لإنتاج كريات الدم الحمراء).. وعلى هذا يتم تنظيم كتلة خلايا الدم الحمراء في جهاز الدوران ضمن حدود ضيقة بحيث يتواجد منها دائماً العدد المناسب القادر على توفير أكسجة كافية للأنسجة من دون زيادة تركيزها للحد المعيق لجريان الدم.. فمثلاً حالة فشل القلب تؤدي لتوليد أعداد كبيرة من الكريات الحمراء، وكذا حالة كثرة الكريات الحمر الفيزيولوجية، الحادثة عند سكان المناطق التي تتراوح ارتفاعاتها بين (4000-5000) متر، حيث يصل عدد كرياتهم الحمراء في الميلمتر المكعب (6-7) مليون كرية(2) .[/ltr]
[ltr]أما مرض احمرار الدم Erythremia والذي يصيب الكهول، فأصحاب هذا المرض يملكون عدداً من الكريات الحمراء يتراوح بين (7-8 مليون كرية/مم3) وما هذا الإنتاج الزائد (الخلل في الإنتاج) في العناصر الدموية وخصوصاً في الكريات الحمراء إلاَّ حالة ناجمة عن عدم كفاية هذه العناصر لأداء الوظيفة المخصَّصة لها فرغم أنها بعددها المناسب لكنها لا تؤدي متطلبات الجسم منها بالشكل الأمثل (وذلك قبل حلول هذا المرض).[/ltr]
[ltr]When this man grew older and exceed forty years and has increased the accumulated impurities from the blood cells of senescent red .. these pellets and ghosts (1) the red cell ghostsWhich has the form of the pellet completely without performing the job for the loss plateaux, became the impurities generally disruptive and immunosuppressant work and function of the elements of the bloody sound active disabling of ischemia vessels in general, requires the body to increase the elements of blood Kmeneks naturally thinking that the vowels in number to avoid this shortcoming and deficiencies in the quench cells oxygen and the exchange of food and waste, despite the availability of the ideal number of red blood cells but not functioning disabilities existing and palaces perfusion and the presence of a proportion of these pellets idle ineffective (senescent ghosts) and reflexively as a result of this situation is increasing the number of blood cells and the problem becomes larger, where it ends sometimes to death.[/ltr]
[ltr]And dealing with these cases, redness of the blood mainly Balvsd he took blood from a vein and give some inhibitory drugs to produce these elements bloody ..[/ltr]
[ltr]The phlebotomy are indicated in all patients to reduce the hematocrit, but with persistence there is a possibility of the development of iron deficiency, which may cause unwanted side effects, and it must be pointed out the existence of the risk of thrombotic complications. Valvsd (which is taking venous blood) .. being on stages and for several days until the fall of the limits of the natural pigment .. It is true that this process benefit, but Annie usefulness and must repeat the process every three months or less with taking medications Balvsd .. but do not get rid of the reason that led to the disease nor Izt causes of this disease because it is a minor about it, while cupping wherein a cure for this disease with uprooting its causes because they got rid of those pellets idle and disruptive to the work of others and the perfusion of blood in general, and which confirms the fact that the females do not get this disease only rarely because of menstruation (PMS). Says the Prophet peace be upon him: «The best thing Tdaoeetm by cupping».[/ltr]
[ltr]Vahadjama works perfectly as a filter liquidate the blood of impurities that cause disease, and it we have got rid generally increase erythropoiesis and mainly the cause of this increase, if that these middle-aged and elderly people have followed this advice since the beginning of their incomes in age (21) and above what redness of the blood got them all, and what they were prone to clots (blood clots) and other complications of the disease.[/ltr]
[ltr]The medical team performs a cupping of many cases Fzalt symptoms completely and returned to the red blood cell counts normal.[/ltr]

[ltr]Laboratory study[/ltr]
[ltr]The Panel noted the laboratory that the blood resulting from the process of cupping and all cases of the study, blood dark red very heavy very viscous and coagulates very quickly, so that the large increase for this viscosity makes D drop of this blood on the plate is very difficult, because it is predominantly Great Kiryat red (Pyramid of them and ghosts ).[/ltr]

[ltr]  [/ltr]
[ltr]Fboah mechanism great this taught by the discoverer of cupping trendy our Jalil Mohammed Amin Shehu of God, where is this salvation only from erythrocytes and in particular the pyramid of them and atypical forms, and thereby stimulate blood supply and circulation in general because we have saved us from the constraints and there is no need to increase the number erythrocytes, as has become their cards Great doing its job.[/ltr]
[ltr]Vahadjama prevention and treatment .. What I will extol O merciful Lord Bdalaltk these slaves wholes ..[/ltr]
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Cupping Drug strange "Part II"
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Cupping Book Summary wonder drug, "the first part"
» Cupping at Ibn Sina
» Types of cupping
» Illustrations cupping wet and dry
» Cupping - 2

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