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 Cupping - 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping - 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping - 2   Cupping - 2 Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:40 pm

[ltr]Cupping - 2 Cupping2[/ltr]

[ltr]Cupping definition: is the craft and did cupper, size: Sucking. Said: the size of the boy's mother's breast if matzo.And cupper: Sucker. Al-Azhari said: It is said to Hajim reluctance to absorb the mouth of a scaled; said I'm the air: vacuum, broken, a machine that combines the blood cupping when sucking, he said, and the vacuum was also a scalpel cupper; and him talk: lick honey or cupper. "See San Arabs"[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping has been known since ancient times, known to the Chinese and the Babylonians and the Pharaohs, and showed their tracks and carved images on the use of cupping in the treatment of some diseases, and they were in the past, using metal cups and horns of bulls and trees, bamboo for this purpose and they Ivergunha from the air after putting on the skin by suction and then used cups glass and that Kano unload them from the air by burning a piece of cotton or wool inside the cup.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping the beginning:[/ltr]
[ltr]It was said that he was cupping at the beginning of its inception are used only for the treatment of boils and draw blood and pus them, and have been used as adjunctive therapy accompanied treatment means Traditional Chinese, then proved this way the therapeutic efficiency and the development of use to include medication from several diseases, and was the most prominent reasons to use Cassatt air at the Chinese expulsion " coolness "of energy corridors body, and was used cups warm" Hot Cupping "for dealing with these cases, was heated cups of bamboo in boiled Ashab before placing it on the patient's body, as it was prescribed to treat the pain the joints and muscles in particular and pathological conditions associated with cold[/ltr]
[ltr]Some conversations cupping[/ltr]
[ltr]Al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh from Saeed bin Jubair from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him healing in three drinking honey and cupper, and cauterizing with fire and ended my cauterization, in the novel Anas may Allah be pleased with him that he was asked about the reward cupper said, cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him its size Abu Taiba and gave him food and Sain of kilometers disloyal Fajvvo him and said that what the optimum Tdaoeetm by cupping and straight-Marine. In the novel 'Umar ibn Qatada said: I heard Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him I heard the Prophet peace be upon him says that he was in something of your medicines or be in something of your medicines good In cupper or drinking honey or acor fire cure the disease and I would love to cauterized . When Ahmad bin Samra said grasshopper saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Ihtjm a horn tip of the knife and the condition of the man who went Shamkh said to him, did not allow your back or your neck of this by doing what I said to this size, which is better than what Tdaoeetm him. In Musnad Ahmad Ayoub bin Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Rafe for his grandmother Selma server Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said what I've heard anyone ever complain to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and hurts in his head, but said cupping nor hurts in his legs, but said Akhaddbhma henna. And drove Ahmed and the Governor and corrected and the son of Mardawayh, from Ibn Abbas - God bless them - said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "What passed fill of angels night my family, but they said you cupping" In utter over the nation cupping.[/ltr]

[ltr]Sites for cupping, which reported that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Ahtgmeha[/ltr]
[ltr]Al-Bukhaari from Ibn Abbas cupping the Prophet peace be upon him in the head and is forbidden from soreness was done with water said to his neighborhood sentences and said Mohammed bin both told us Hisham Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping, which is forbidden in the head of sister was done. Abu Hurayrah that the father of India's size Prophet peace be upon him in the fontanelle of the wrench was done, in the novel that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping above his head that day Muharram, in the novel cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, a forbidden beards sentences in the middle his head,"which is above the fontanelle among the highest centuries."[/ltr]
[ltr]Pies: bone of the head[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]When Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah from Anas that the Prophet peace be upon him cupping three times in theOkhaddaan and Withers (Alakhadda sweat side of the neck and withers between the shoulders, and Alokhaddaan: sweaty Khvaan in the position of the cupping of the neck, and may have been the police on one Vinzv owner because Alokhadda Division of vein). When Ahmad Ibn Abbas said, cupping the Prophet peace be upon him inAlokhaddaan and between the shoulders. When in his Sunan Ibn Majah from Jabir that the Prophet peace be upon him fell from his horse on the trunk of his Vanvict said and Kia mean that the Prophet peace be upon him and cupping them from Te. When Abi Dawood Jabir that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping on his hipfrom Te was doing. In Sunan Women for Qatada from Anas that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping a Muharram on the back foot and it was Te (soreness affects Lists of non-breaking). In the novel, when Ahmed Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping a Muharram was Burkh of sprains or back. Jaber was happening and that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him cupping on his shouldersfor the sheep that eat its size Abu Hind sire sons Bayaadah Horn.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping times for weekdays and month[/ltr]

Anas ibn Malik that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said he wanted cupping Flethr of seventeen or nineteen or twenty-one nor Itbag Bahdkm blood and killed. Narrated by Ibn Majah in his Sunan, in the novel from Nafi from Ibn Umar said, Nafi has hyperemia my blood and look for something to me a cupper and make it a companion if you can not make him an old man and a young boy, I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says, cupping on an empty stomach optimized and the healing and blessing The increase in the mind and in the conservation Vahtgmoa God's blessing on Thursday and avoid cupping on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and Sunday Tharia and Ahtgmoa on Monday and Tuesday, it is the day on which Affey God where Ayoub of affliction and beaten afflictions on Wednesday it does not seem to leprosy and leprosy, but on Wednesday or Wednesday night. Narrated by Ibn Majah

[rtl]The blood is intended Baheejan hyperemia says peace be upon him any blood on the predominance of Rights, said by hyperemia blood if the frequency. Hyperemia by blood: incandescent him, and show that while Hmrth in the hull and the water if it hyperemia frequency and Boggle in Mgrah.oa not wanting blood and killed him, the prostitute: Alhadd.omenh overstepping the modern age may Allah be pleased with him . It is that feeling of a headache and fullness in the head, dizziness, irritability, visual disturbances may occur.[/rtl]

Manual is useful in times and places of cupping:

Cupping times: we mentioned above for some of the conversations contained Mustafa peace be upon him useful designate days and times and places of cupping and the fact that too many conversations cupping correct the mismatch and weak and subject, and the best days of the month of 17-19-21 every Hijri month. The best times of the year to conduct it this spring, but the prohibition contained in conversations about cupping in some days of the week, so to speak Vicu also said Mowaffak al-Din al-Baghdadi in Prophetic Medicine: This forbidding all if cupping case of health or time for the disease and, when necessary, then whether seven ten or twenty, and was Ahmad ibn Hanbal Ihtjm at any time incandescent upon the blood and any hour was Boerma. says the son of values ​​in medicine and in the part of these conversations developed mustahabb Therapeutics, and mustahabb cupping, and they are in the position that the case may be, and passport Ahtjam Muharram , and Al to cut anything from hair ...and passport Ahtjam jejunum, the in Sahih Bukhari that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "cupping when he was fasting." But do you break it, or not? Right: Mushrooms cupping, for his health for the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him of non-shows, and the healthiest that is opposed by the modern Hjamth he is fasting Boerma.But scientists say prudent to delay the cupping into the night after breakfast departure from the dispute.

[ltr]Cupping places:   The places cupping P are places not because they Baltoukafah of medicine, not from acts ofworship, says the son of values ​​in medicine and in these conversations within advanced mustahabb Therapeutics, and mustahabb cupping, and they are in the position that the case may be Boerma. Through tell me a lot of books and Web sites of foreign and found that there are no places restricted cupping but places discretionary teach people experience, which is also said Mr. Ahmed Hifni / Cairo / hot olive: in a lecture published papers and tapes that cupping is working on power lines, It is used in acupuncture, and says he found that cupping come better results tenfold from acupuncture, and works cupping placements nerves own reactions, and works cupping the lymphnodes, and are activated, and is also working on blood vessels and nerves. It has a nice long talk we have benefited from it and summarize some of these pages in God has divided us and Muslims all the best, and I've explained the most famous places in cupping in separate pages in the form of illustrations.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]What do you do after blood cupping:[/ltr]
[ltr]Should be buried blood buried with dirt after cupping in order to preserve it from manipulation magicians do and so as not to be a cause in the spread of germs and infectious diseases, as stated in some of the conversations and that was weak but elicit them narrated that Umm Saad said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him ordered to bury the blood if cupping, and Amer bin Abdullah bin Zubair says that his father told him that he came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, which Ihtjm, when he finished he said: O Abdullah Bring this blood Vohrgah where does not see one, and when he emerged from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him baptized into the blood drank, and when he returned he said: O Abdullah, what I did? He said: hid him in a secret place that I thought about the people. He said: Perhaps you drank? , Said yes. He said: did not drink blood, and woe to the people you Will you people. And a novel about Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr said, cupping the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and he gave me his blood, he said, do not go looking for him sparkling seven or a dog or a human being, Vtnhat Fsharpth then came to the Prophet peace be upon him, said what I did? I said: who ordered me made, he said: What I see you only have drank it! I said: Yes, he said: What you received my! Abu Salamah Veron said that the force, which was in force from Ibn al-Zubayr blood Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. In an interview that peace be upon him was ordered to bury the seven things: human hair, nail, blood, and Alehidh, age, and clot, and the placenta.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Repeat cupping:[/ltr]
[ltr]Imam Ali al-Rida as it is written in the "Message gold to Dr. Mohammed Ali bar," Let cupping as far as going from the years Son of twenty years Ihtjm in every twenty days, and I'm thirty in every thirty days once, and also reached the age of forty years Ihtjm all forty days time and increased According to the .o.h. Perhaps, the right and God know it can be repeated cupping every week when you need it, as stated by Dr. Ali Ramadan. Because some diseases disappear from the first cupping and other disappear after a few times.[/ltr]

[ltr]Taking a taxi to cupping:[/ltr]
[ltr]Anas was asked about earning cupper? Anas said: cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. Abu Taiba and size. He ordered his Besain of food and spoke to his family from Kharaga they put him and said, "The best thing Tdaoeetm by cupping" or "The optimal Doaúkm of cupping."[/ltr]
[ltr]Abu Issa said Anas good talk properly. The licenses of some of the scholars of the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him and others. Earn cupper. This is the view Shafei.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]Ibn al-Jawziyyah in Zaad in the guidance of the best subjects: The giving of the Prophet peace be upon him cupper his wages, not opposed to saying ((gain cupper malignant)), it did not say: that giving him a sly, but given either duty, either desirable, or legal But is the sly for Taker, and for Khbuth to eat it, it is a malicious gain, and did not need to be from that prohibition, it has named the Prophet peace be upon him, garlic and onions with the legalization of Khbaythen Oklhma.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]The most important references this topic:[/ltr]
[ltr]Prophetic Medicine / son of values.[/ltr]
[ltr]Prophetic Medicine / Baghdadi.[/ltr]
[ltr]Baari correct explanation.[/ltr]
[ltr]Message in Prophetic Medicine / d. Muhammad Ali bar.[/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping / Shahabuddin Shafei.[/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping / Mohamed Abdel-Rahim.[/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping / Study consists of 13 pages with 2 cassette tape / Ahmed Hifni[/ltr]
[ltr]Reminder of David / David Antioch.[/ltr]
[ltr]Book marvelous medicine / Mohammad Amin Shehu.[/ltr]
[ltr]Many foreign sites from the Internet.[/ltr]
[ltr]In addition to some personal experiences[/ltr]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Cupping - 2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Cupping - 1
» Types of cupping
» Illustrations cupping wet and dry
» Cupping at Ibn Sina
» Cupping between rejection and acceptance

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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Ancient medicine treatment-
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