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 Types of cupping

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Types of cupping Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Types of cupping   Types of cupping Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:42 pm

[size=32]Types of cupping[/size]

Cupping four types   : Phlebotomy, cupping dry, wet cupping, cupping worm clot.


1 _ phlebotomy 

2_ the cupping worm clot. Blood-sucking leech

Son says perspective in San Arabs leeches: red Doadh be attached to the body in the water and sucks 

Types of cupping Leech

Blood, one of the medicines and throat tumors of blood To be absorbed mostly on human blood.Almaellouk and of animals and people: leeches who took the ring when drinking. Has the condition and position of the human Mahajm and sends it even leeches sucking blood. The clot: worm sucks blood in the water, And combine commented. And Alaalaq: Send leeches to suck the blood of the position. In modern Amer: good medicine leeches and cupping; leeches: red Doadh be attached to the body in the water and sucks blood, one of the medicines and throat tumor vessels.


In the modern (the best medicine arch and snuff, walking, cupping and leeches) opens the eye and lam adjusts seeded Douiba red be in the water attached to the body and sucks blood, one of the drugs throat and tumor vessels to Musha blood mostly human, see Fath al-Qadeer explain the small mosque This method is still used in most countries of the world   Atajawn Balalq types to this day, says son Quff 630-685 AH: The leeches Lured Materials Vessels Told Of AttractCupping Had He Less Of Phlebotomy. It Leeches What Edition Toxicity And it What Is Free Of Toxicity It is User In TherapeuticsMedical And hunted Before Day Or Two days Then OTCBB On Heads Even Out All What In Egwavha Even Intensifies Their hunger And Tltqm Skin Even If Filled Egwavha Down The comment Other If Necessary [size=24]Matter.[/size]


Then attached Mahajm On Indexes And sucking Gar Strong To side Blood Remaining In [size=24]Position.[/size]

3 _ dry cupping "Cassatt air."

According to the transfer of positions batters bad pain to the surface of the skin and thus disappears large part of the pain, and differ from pressed 

Types of cupping Cupping3

Medallion wet "Ptharit skin."


The modus operandi of dry cupping:

1.    Infertility position to be cupping medical disinfectant.

2.    Maybe you need to put a little bit of oil or Vaseline on the edge of the cup until governs scaled pasted on the skin.

3.    Place the cup on a scaled position of Murad pilgrimage MATE.

4.    Deflate Cup scaled from the air by a tow.

5.    Will pull the skin into the cup.

6.    After five minutes to ten minutes, "favored that no more than 10 minutes."   Remove the cup and gently pressing on the skin at the edge of the cup.

7.    In the case of facial cupping period of not more than about half a minute.

4_ wet cupping:

And differ from dry cupping "Ptharit Tharita skin lightly" and put on a scaled place striping and discharged from the air by sucking blood Vindf blends of shoddy capillaries and small veins to the surface of the skin due to the discharge caused by sucking, which is .

The modus operandi of wet cupping:

1.   The place in which to conduct cupping should be clean, and formatted for the cupping [size=24]process.    [/size]

2.   I would recommend that they simply be covered with earth or plastic spreader like the one used for food, fearing the fall of scaled or drops of blood.

3.   Be sure to clean and disinfect machines cupping, and use new and sterile scalpel for each person.

Types of cupping Headcup

4.   Infertility position to be cupping medical disinfectant.

5.   The person who does cupping wear medical gloves (sequined glove a la).   

6.   You may need to put a little bit of oil or Vaseline on the edge of the cup until governs scaled pasted on the skin.

7.   Place the cup on the position to be scaled Hjamth.

8.   Deflate Cup scaled from the air by a tow.

9.   Will pull the skin into the cup.

10.   After two minutes or so, remove the cup and gently pressing on the skin at the edge of the cup or pull Albulv.

11. Requirement of the position of cupping scalpel (or a sterile razor) Tharita mild superficial "and you can use a needle check blood type in case of diabetes and blood thinners   ".

12.   Must be striping along the veins and not offer any lengthwise from head to hand, hand foot.

13.   Put the cup on the same position to be Hjamth again.

14. Deflate Cup scaled from the air, and in order to ease the pain of cupping gradient scaled discharge from the air "sucking" it is better to be lighter than the second and the second to be lighter than the third.

15.     Will pull the skin into the cup and the blood comes out through the wounds caused by the scalpel.

16.     If deflate the cup is filled with blood, and repeat the same process again, until blood comes out a net thin, or cut off the flow of blood.

17.     Scour the subject of medical cupping disinfectant put medical adhesive on the position of the wounds Ergo, ifnot blood.

18. There is a special ointments in pharmacies wound helps protect the wound from bacteria also speed up the healing of wounds and more importantly, they leave no trace of the striping on the skin "   .


Scalpel: scalpel: Scalpel, and Almusharat and Almusharth: a machine that by the condition.


The select Abul Qasim Khalaf Al-Zahrawi deceased year 404 AH in the "book of discharge for those unable to authoring" sites for cupping saying and Mahajm used condition and directed his blood fourteen subject of the body, one of which Mahajm a paragraph, a back of the head and withers, a central Alagafa and Mahajm Alokhaddaan two Cefana neck from both sides All the Mahajm time a submandibular of mouth and Mahajm shoulders and Mahajm coccyx on the tailbone and Mahajm Alzendan two central arms and Mahajm legs and Mahajm Aerqhoben then explain different diseases addressed by cupping and it's associated sites cupping example, says about cuppingAlokhaddaan it benefit from aches incident in the head and conjunctivitis and migraine The noose and wrenchassets teeth and cupping coccyx say they benefit from hemorrhoids sitz and sores down and then going in the same chapter to how cupping says that the scaled "tool cupping" predicted first empty and sucking gar moderate and affects the development of Mahajm but placed quickly and tend quickly to accept blends into position turnout levels and repeat it and befriend even see the place was red and swollen and appeared red blood, then the condition and re-sucking slowly then seen in the case of bodies, it was the people licenses meat Mtkhalkhal pores Vichert police and not one but lest ulcerate position and expands the requirement and deepens a bit and re-Sucking in the annex and moving nicely Van was in the blood thicken Vichert twice in the time first to open the way for a nice blood and Maúath and Amaalthanih Vlasstqsae take out the blood mixture and that the blood was thick turbid very Fkrr condition for the third time to an end, and describes the reduction of moderate condition as deep as the depth of the skin only. "citing fronds Riyadh Monday 16 February 1423 number 12362 "


In Book Surgery Ibn Quff) 630-685 (E   The Cupping When Surgeons Means Article Vessels Almstoleh On Zahir HullThem out The Provided (Moist) or Without Condition (dry), which Otherwise Condition Either Fire Or OtherwiseFire (sucking),   The doctor Server Nature Follow Footsteps Actions If Called Movement Natural Article To Hand OfAgencies Or IFO Is Herself To Those The , It is Duty That Suffered On Reformatted And drying Amount And soOpen Normalcy Or Provided Skin Then Put What Appoints On Saliency Bamahajm. Cupping Obliges While NeedNo Particularly In Chilling Ailing With Taking into account the The amount of Condition (Length And depthAccording to The amount of Article Confused And forces) and Amrkh Lists Before Condition Tmartiaa Strong The comment It Mahajm Time And other Otherwise Condition To gravitate Materials Be Reformatted. EitherPlacements Appropriate Cupping Mismatch Fovea Which Above Scruff Four Fingers The benefit Of ConjunctivitisAnd the weight Head And Aalghemhdoh And Alakhaddaan In Both sides of the Neck And chin And WithersBetween Shoulders And the shoulder Versus Collarbone Of Back And Nagd Behind Hand. And Mahajm OtherwiseFire Vtmus Gar Adults And relieve Lists To soothe Ache. And Mahajm Fire Is placed Cotton Inside Scaled Or In MugAppropriate And Kindles Where Fire Then Talghemh Lists It Attracted The Ams Gar [size=24]Strong.[/size]

Types of cupping Misuse,cupping(020809)


The color of blood

Not to exit the blood [size=24]may evidenced by the integrity of the Member of ills.[/size]

Blood red liquid: it has inferred that the integrity of the position of ills.

Black blood means: evidenced by the presence of mixtures harmful "Bad Blood" (1) in that member.

Black coagulated blood: evidenced by the presence of mixtures of many harmful in that member.

Stop the flow of blood or plasma exit (2) Article yellow utilized on the end of the cupping and must stop and not to exaggerate in sucking "suction".

Blood may continue to go out because of the depth of striping, should stop vomiting after the appropriate amount of blood from that member, which is about 200 [size=24]ml.[/size]

(1)    "Plasma plasma" Blisters layer tends to yellowish color which constitute 55% of blood volume. They contain sugars and amino acids, calcium, magnesium, iodine and iron in the form of different compounds also containhormones and yeasts, which controls the growth of the body and its various activities.

(2)    Blood   Rotten: This definition is called the blood containing the proportion of super erythropoiesis aging and Ochaabahaa and forms of abnormal blood vessels and other impurities.

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