السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت
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 Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions.

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions.  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions.    Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions.  Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:22 pm

Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions. 
His manuscript goes QBs lights and collector secrets to doctrines that divide the characters in the four complexions doctrines, but five. 

Remind them respectively for discussion and observation. 

1. doctrine scientists and astronomers India (Nehmet). 
Motorcycle (a i m e P u y). 
Bikes (b and n j r t z). 
Water (c g k o w s J). 
Dirt (d h l p t x N). 

And their justification as they say Pkroah seeded Earth and that the letters must be divided by the astronomy and astronomical complexions as the universe extended from each other. 

2. doctrine of Nature (accuse). 
Motorcycle (a i m e P u y). 
Dirt (d h l p t x N). 
Bikes (b and n j r t z). 
Water (c g k o w s J). 

And justify the Holocaust and that the fire comes as Balabs create ash and is printed on the crusty earth (dirt), then their evidence on the dirt after the fire. And gave the air on the water because the rain will not be until after the cloud and the air held it rains, then the air is on the top water polo. 

3 and the doctrine of the foul mood (Nmth). 
Motorcycle (a i m e P u y). 
Water (c g k o w s J). 
Dirt (d h l p t x N). 
Bikes (b and n j r t z). 

Male seed that this is the doctrine of Ibn al-Arabi, and justify this doctrine they say, of course, drainage and mood the viewer. In business you should consider to copyright mostly on Responsible and dispose of it, including the adversary against him (fire / water ... cold wet / dry chili). 

4. doctrine of the zodiac and natures (care). 
Motorcycle (a i m e P u y). 
Bikes (b and n j r t z). 
Dirt (d h l p t x N). 
Water (c g k o w s J). 

Male seed that this is the doctrine of Punic, and its index of characters that divided the zodiac and the zodiac arranged in this order (firearms / Eastern then aerobic / West then dirt / South and finally water / North). And adds that the air is seeded which assesses fire and Aoukdha and Ahejeha, then if pollen tower in the east-west against him in Morocco, as he went to him. 

Doctrine fifth. 
And is, on the alleged workbook, the doctrine of the son of seventy, and is the doctrine arrange the letters on the exits SOUND four chest and throat and palate and tongue, and did not mention seeded only the first group, which is for the fire, which differ for each of the four schools (a ar e i h P u). 


1. first note that all four schools have agreed on the same clustering and if they differed in the order Tabaúaa, they are all the same collection of characters in a single block on the four groups (A e i m p u y), (b and n j r t z), (c g k o w s J), (d h l p t x N). 

2 of the four schools agreed that the first group reprinted fire. 
Here, have a taste agreed on these two points, what is the whole between the characters of each group, the common point between them? 

3 We also note that, and if we did not find an explanation for the classification of characters and homogeneity in groups of four, but what some say that the taste, but it is undoubtedly the arrangement complexions was not based on taste but on the external cosmic knowledge (ancient astronomy and science nature ...). 
And scientific examination may make mistakes all the justifications coming from every denomination. 

4. other important note here cited the owner of the manuscript, and work-related these different arrangements, how to choose among them spiritual and you depend? 

The answer from the owner of the manuscript that the spiritual can be either an emulator or diligent. 

If the diligent action, Bajtahadeh, if he wanted to say also that of spiritual freedom in the field of creativity and innovation, and innovation is the order of his own jurisdiction is set out arrangements for the elders, and here is the question; Is spiritual remade today? Can Rohani today that invents a new arrangement based on the age of astronomical sciences and natural, psychological, and social? And this is the crux of the matter in this review. 

But if he has an emulator that uses the order of Sheikh, who received his interest, if the interest received for spirituality and Punic For the student to seek and to arrange Punic Tabaúaa for these characters, and so on. 

We beseech interaction and evaluate what serpentine in this topic and add unless it contains the information and analysis.
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Four schools in order of the letters on the complexions.
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