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 Sort complexions (for discussion)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Sort complexions (for discussion)    Sort complexions (for discussion)  Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:00 pm

Sort complexions (for discussion) 
In the name of God the Merciful 
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds 
Pray to God and the Prophet Muhammad servant and messenger illiterate Prophet and his family and companions and ladder 
Peace, mercy and blessings of God 
ÍÜÜÜíÜÜÜÇßÜÜă God brothers Distinguished 
God bless you know I Oqlkm note and I only snooped on this field which has a masters and I hope that Tadhiroa Jhalta May Allah reward you 
I'll start with how the case got to the conclusion that this was not the one ahead of me on what I know and God knows 
Which I yesterday I was sitting at night and read pink roses exist within this noble Surah located 
Reaching to the verse: 
Have you thought about what Tmanon 
Oontm Tkhalqouna or we Creators 
We destiny of death among you and we Bmspoqan 
That alter your likes and Nncikm in what you do not know 
I have you know the first creation Without you remember 
Have you thought about what Thrthon 
Oontm Tzeronh or we Growers 
If we want to we made debris Fezltm Tfkhon 
I am fond of 
But we are deprived 
Have you thought about the water we drink 
Oontm Onzeltamoh of Mozon or we Almenzlon 
If starch made ​​it Odjaja Without thankful 
Have you thought about a fire that Torun 
Oontm Oncotm Hgertha Or are we the originators 
We made ​​it to the ticket and baggage Mqoan 
Vsobh name of your Lord Almighty 
Fastoagaftna these verses of the great and the arrangement is clear and visible on the order of the four elements 

It is the first wind Second soil water Third Fourth Fire 
Unlike all sects and there is no better than the word of God to weigh things 

And weighed it and found the Prophet's noble rhetoric sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him tells about the beginning of creation, and some of these: 

Imam Ahmad in his Musnad Ibn Razin said: 
I said, 'O Messenger of Allah Where was God Almighty and that creates Gelqubl created .. He said: Ame was in what is beneath and above air-conditioning then created his throne on the water. 
Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah 
Ame and the word means zipper or vacuum Neutral him 

In the opinion of the majority of scholars in the order of what the creatures came in Sahih Muslim and Musnad Ahmad: 
Abu Hurayrah Anehghal: Taking the Messenger of Allah Allahsaly Sllambida him and said: 
God created the soil on Saturday, and the creation of mountains, where on Sunday, and the creation of trees, where on Monday, and the creation of the hated on Tuesday and created light on Wednesday and broadcast the animals on Thursday and the creation of Adam, peace be upon him in the afternoon on Friday last character in the last hour of Friday between the afternoon to night. 

Then I wanted to be the account numerical weight 
Here are some examples that you calculated 
Nice = 129 Ksmnaha on the number of items was 4 n = 1 
Al-Qaeda and that one does Astkhrzinaha here Aeolian wind and a nice contrast to the fire and did not see it dense and see 
And also calculated the name Noor equals 256 Ksmnaha 4 gave us the number 4 and the fourth place we have here is the fire 
The name of Muhammad peace be upon him being named Noor 92 divided by 4 equals 4 and is ranked fourth fire 
And other 
I hope to discuss this rule and God bless you 
And I thank you for your hearts Capacity
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