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 Exam four complexions

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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Exam four complexions. 
Jewish magic secrets 
....... But not yet explain how to attract and attracts Gregor him gin and goblins and demons, and what is their relationship? From this point we have to know that Gregor spirit overhead derives its strength and energy of her life of dhikr and wills that repeated magicians Jews, he (ie Gregor) is linked to that group and stay alive linked mentioning, Flo happened and that stopped the group from the recitation of those supplications, for certain becomes Gregor compelled to live a ... energy in it, when carried that energy died, just like the human body, he needs to lunch to strengthen and live, when stopped man from eating the flesh dissolving fat and energy stored within it, when melted all the fat , the body consumes meat until there are only then when the bone of the human body arrived to this stage and did not find lunch consumes a man died. 

If Gregor need to even mention that strengthens and grows up and live, and die without a male thing is something Livni and even disappear, if this is the relationship between the two, but now we have to explain how to attract Gregor jinn and demons and goblins to him? As I explained above and boring detail, for Gregor spirit top pure and the greater the number who remember the name who lives for Gregor it was a magnitude larger, and lives upper light and incandescent, and as is well known light attractive for everything, if lit at night, a flashlight electronically noticed that insects are attracted him and revolve around him, because he issued thermal energy influential on those insects, jinn and demons and goblins also attracted some colors and some types of energy, Vlgregor issued vital energy and thermal attract to those lives, knowing that Gregor spirit not body him, and it is like the fiery which illuminates the place colors and heat delight hearts, these energy exported to Gregor attract the spirits only the bottom, comes those lives and take them the need of energy, when taken from that energy become imperative for them to come back to it to be supplied from a new energy that issued for Gregor and thus become associated with it, just like a person addicted to the consumption of narcotic substance can not live without them, and whenever became the consumption of these drugs has become more significant association with them and need them great. If you extend the life of Gregor bottom card is vital to live, when they took him to become a subsidiary, and the greater the consumption of this energy has increased relate this to Gregor. 

The final conclusion that the relationship trilogy; relationship guardian linking to Gregor Balsahr because the capacity of bio-derived dhikrs magician, then second relationship between Gregor and spirits lower because these spirits derive vital force of it, and the latter is a three relationship tied together because they all derive their strength vital each other. 

Now and after that we gave a detailed explanation of this matter we must show how the Jews used to Gregor in their spirituality? 
First we need to know that each Igregor characteristics not found in the other his ilk, because each one is linked to a particular group may be more or less a number of other group, strength of Gregor be great whenever the number of members belonging to the group big and vice versa, secondly; each Igregor table its own name and the name of a secret and force used to appeal and request aid him during business spirituality, will not elaborate here more than this because this explanation requires a separate subject because of the length and importance. 

First we need to make it clear that the process of revitalization of Gregor and how to ask for help from the spiritual relies on three basic conditions to be right to work are as follows: 
01) know the secret name of Gregor. 
02) the possession of the ring secret Gregor. 
03) know the secret name or roses or resolve its own. 

The absence of one of these conditions simply means that this spirit will not respond to the enchanting while calling him, because his work is incomplete, but and before going to explain these things as detailed I must warn everyone to another order is not as important as the three conditions required for the process to ask for help and duration of it ; this important point is how to link up to respond to the call when the magician asked him periods, Fattabai me very carefully because it is very important. 

How to link Bulgregor: 

While run a novice to enter a particular group of groups, magicians Jews, the first step he must overcome is that acceptable to the Chief Rabbi's ruling on the group you want to engage them, then had to this topic group more than Sheikh and one (ie, three or five or seven) must be acceptable to the at least two-thirds of the Senate, any acceptable for at least two, if the number of senators three, or three elders that number was five, or five elders that the number was seven, and in the case of equal number of senators who have accepted the new member, subject to the candidate for the exam given and the results of the exam determines acceptance of his fate, whether or expulsion. May seem to us this process or this tradition complicated but each nation has its own way in the conduct of its affairs, and Jewish rabbis in this way queuing finest novices to teach spirituality, and therefore not Spirituality Hebrew is open to all of Hebb and Melt, but is limited to the squeezer devotees and Khirthm, and on the other hand is way too smart and cunning to save the science of spirituality common among the general public. 
When exceeded Debutante stage of acceptance; Sheikh is displayed on a particular intent or rabbi and his experience of his probation, this exam known as the natures of the four exam (any exam fire, and then test the air, and then test the water, and finally test the soil) are aware of these exams without Debutante, so that no one dared members to alert engaged the new obstacles that will be placed in its way, because the goal is to choose the best youth and best suited to receive the science of spirituality, and all involved new fails in more than one exam does not accept and expelled before receiving a lesson one, from here we conclude that the Hebrew Spirituality is open only to sap the candidates are so strong, because those who practice it well versed in this area. 
While engaged exceed these new exams only four alleyway Rabbi Bulgregor, and not before, because what Sekshvh his rabbi about the secrets of this spirit is strictly prohibited secretly broadcast by revealing or disclosing it and we will see when we get to the section that harms Debutante while linking this Spirit 
If Alakbtan the only engaged in by the new, namely: 
One: the rabbis accept him. 
Second exam four complexions. 

The process of link Bulgregor If after these two phases and not before them, as are the linking process through special spiritual ritual together we will see in him, God Almighty does not get ahead of events. 

If after going through these obstacles; starts Rabbi in creating Debutante or the new member inadvertently linked Bulgregor, and the first step here is to identify the name of the secret is engaged, and the private Talsmh; may seem vague to you these things but it will not be so after the following explanation: 

What is the secret name of the enchanting? As everyone knows; each and every one of us a name note called him when born even known among the people and determine what it is clearly, if not every one of us a special name for the mingled Gabl piggledy and what we were able to differentiate between people, Valasm symbol indicates a particular person, and the target Name of the distinction between the people and if their names were similar. The same measure is applied here, but the balance of spiritual, Valasm secret magician is not the name of science known by the people, it is a kind of code or code to be able to Gregor distinguish between magicians who are involved in activated and supplied with power for his life, and even pointed out more than this I'll give you an example simple; has proven scientific research that animals do not discriminate between people the features of the face, but to distinguish between people smell emitted from each person, the Jack Russell, for example, does not know the owner the features of his face, but he knows the scent because every human being has the smell of its own quite different from the rest of humanity, even if they were twenty billion for every one of them smelled own, and this is a sign of God's creation. From here say that the spirituality of human beings do not know their names known to science in our physical world, and the best proof that the Holy Prophet Muhammad His name in the ground and between the people of the sky, Ahmed, and had spoken of God Almighty in the Holy Quran. From here we discover something new is that everyone is aware of the name of names known by the general public in the sensory world, and the name of a secret known by the inhabitants of heaven. The first step to connect the Debutante new start knowing his name secret in the kingdom, and the way I'm going to complete in place and when we reach it, God willing. This name is a secret keys in the basic science of spirituality Hebrew, and to know this name is a prerequisite and the first stage of the link spirituality upper and lower. I repeat; secret name is the name of the enchanting hidden disciple of that spirituality which recognize upper and lower on every person who wants to enter their world, they do not know people's names, which Knua them when they were born but you know what he called the names of God in the kingdom before their creation. 

Why is the name secret and what is his role? I explained that the name secret is a special blade each and every one of us in the kingdom, and by this name only recognize spirituality to every person and distinguish between humans, and the best proof of this is that the Holy Prophet named in the earth Mohammed and in the sky or in the kingdom Ahmed, and if it were not for these names secret does not know that only God because God chose the Almighty to His name Ahmed in the sky, and the proof is in the Koran for those who wanted to make sure of the validity of this information, which overlooked a lot of us, in spite of its presence in the Holy great pregnant each miracles. 

How is the secret name: unfortunately this point ask a lesson in full, because the qualitative full to determine the name secret present I have in manuscript Hebrew Atiq written on 35 pages, it is impossible to reveal to you about the way in full here and if I did it for turning this article into a book, but everyone I Saferd prepared a special lesson in this regard at the earliest opportunity 

First: This name is a secret too, and should not be one knows except Rabbi Almtkvl Palmreden and which tracks the process teach them science of spirituality, because this name is the key to true in the spiritual world, and is suggesting a particular person, is strongly linked to the upper and lower certain, so it is forbidden to disclose by any other person for whatever reason. 

Second, in some Jewish groups and given the very large number of magicians belonging to this group, the rabbis creating more than Agregor one, that is, they make each rabbi Agregor its own, and is sharing Almurden among the rabbis of course, the goal here is to strengthen the group's spiritual to the maximum border, devotees here can link more than one Agregor (always within the same group only), but they have to find each Agregor name link, and may not use one name for the total life-university community in which it operates. 

Third, while the name is determined by the enchanting secret can not be changed whatever the reasons and remains using this name until he dies magician. 

And sometimes within the same group are similar to the names of confidential devotees and with that this similarity does not constitute any forms or hindrance, because Gregor depends on three elements to determine the identity of the magician associated are: 
01) Name the secret. 
02) secret talisman for pneumoconiosis. 
03), which puts a drop of blood and Juba and mandatory in every enchanting afternoon Talsmh secret. 

Talisman private or secret Magician: After the name comes talisman secret or private; This talisman is a sign of increased privacy aspirant and even the rabbi in the spiritual world, and is very similar to the card own definition, they are complementary to the name secret, but every tyro free to choose Talsmh private, so that it can take any geometric shape is complicated Talsma him, can be used as characters from the ancient symbol of his letters, they noticed me a sample of the secret incantations used by a group of rabbis lived in Algeria out of date. 

Naturally increased complicate matters and became a situation is difficult, but I assure everyone that these things actually exist in Spirituality Hebrew and Christian, and is new to us, because it was never one that deepens at the heart of the magic of the Hebrew, and this is the first time we address such matters, which has been for centuries and centuries-old secret among the Jews, and with such precision. 

When select debutante named secret, and Talsmh secret did not remain in front of him but to move to the next stage of the work that is being Bulgregor link. 

I know very well that I did not elaborate enough, but what is better to speak less and Del also says the Arab example. 

After that we have provided sufficient explanation to the means necessary for the disciple inadvertently link Bulgregor, we must now go back to the crux of the matter, and that the complete explanation of how the work of these spirits. 

First: Just like magicians, each Igregor name secret, and talisman secret, and the name of the power of its own; these four corners can not be accessed unless it is accepted candidate to belong to the group, and does not provide engaged new this information only after being accepted, and succeed in your exam Batabaúa four, and of course, yet to find his name secret and private Talsmh, here is a rabbi who take care process to provide this information to the new aspirant. 

Secret name of Gregor: We all know that everything in the ground and in the sky known name it, whether this thing a human being, or committees, or king, or animal or plant, for every Igregor If the name of a secret nicknamed him, and the Sunnah of Allah and exalted in himself and in his creation, and if not for these names mingled everything. Came in the Qur'an in Sura great (and taught Adam all the names, and then presenting them to the angels said Onbioni the names of these if ye are truthful Sobhnak they said we have no knowledge except what You have taught us you Alim Hakim). 
Specify the name of Gregor returns to the rabbis, because they bodyguards and senior Sdnth, they take over the process of creation and provide energy needed for life, Valmered can not only take part in the dhikr special to activate it, and can request Timers spiritual him no more than that. 

Gregor talisman secret: Just like the name of each Igregor special talisman must be present in all the benefits of spirituality carried out by magicians Jews 

How magician asks the Jewish periods of Gregor? We have come here to a very important point and secrets that will not EMWIS not in the manuscript and not in the book; When starts magician Jew in the implementation of the benefit of the spirituality of what, and after that distract Amar and activates the circuit protection or conservation, and before the start of the implementation of interest whatsoever, dials periods of Gregor, when hair arrival periods moves on to the process of implementation of the interest that is going to work, this means that all the benefits of spirituality Hebrew is divided into two sections the first section the private benefit in itself, while the second section is the application process for the periods spiritual from to Gregor, and here it should be noted that the spirit will be carried out by the lower required compelled to respond to the call of the Jewish magician, because the power of the upper Tgzarha and ordering pandering to request whatever. If we can say that the benefits of spirituality Hebrew contains in its entirety on the process of secondary but very important and essential is the activation of Gregor and request periods of it, and can not afford life-bottom, even if they were the kings of the elves that are not implemented is the force ruling Alawite them and Gazrh her. If this is a very important point, and the secrets of the hidden Jews, and Vaarafoa much like what came to you and asked Allah Almighty to help me to complete the message initiated by a short-life and death, right, and Oqrbena to die elderly patient. 

How and what are the application process for the supply of Gregor? We say that the request periods of spiritual Igregor require any knowledge of his name and possession Talsmh, but this is not enough, we also need to candle made ​​Boutrgah very special and to a certain type of scalding. 

Definition of scalding: is a piece of cloth from the silk black length of 120 centimeters and displayed 90 centimeter decree in the midst of quite the ring Slimani Hebrew (ie, five-pointed star of Staff) and on both sides Alawites to star quintet Staff image of the moon ascending and descending, ie, it represents an increase of the moon in hand, and decreasing in the second, and in the bottom of the Pentagram ring of Staff drawing code group, which belongs to the magician, say accurately code the group and is usually animal picture creepy or breaker, the symbol of the group that took them manuscripts when Algeria's independence was a snake and is the group did not still have its impact today and may look for another of its members in Europe but found it had vanished and did not keep her staying 

We said that we need to tablecloth, and is a piece of cloth length 120 centimeters and displayed 90 centimeter black painted with five-pointed star of Staff and code moon overload and the moon incomplete, as we need to talisman this to Gregor, but until now, we need to a third element and essential to complete the triple duty prepared even be fully working one hundred per cent. This third element is the candle Alastnzal. 

Definition candle Alastnzal: unfortunately missed in our time Senate educators who enabled them to God from Science spirituality they became his permission Almighty men revealed Gbeat things and Mpehmadtha, absence of these elders in our time, or at least tell them and Ndhirthm, made ​​of Sciences spirituality Takhareef and superstitions are real, so that the inability of the majority of spiritual neo achieve what they dreamed of, I mean that many of those who claim that they are elders and doctors and scientists are not the only crooks goal first and the last, of defamation for themselves accidentally eat money people vanities, had these swindlers elders as they say what needed to defame themselves and proclaim that they are elders and scholars, the first degree in the real science is humility, then the delivery of the strong and the weak, then tell the truth and if on themselves and in the last mute password and maintenance because Spirituality is not a toy and is not permissible for any person whatsoever that declare with his strength because the power of God and his Messenger and to the believers. It claims to force weak die as the saying goes in Morocco and Algeria, and from said I lied because the slave weak and if the Prophet Solomon's ruling on humans and elves it best prayers and good peace. From here shall be the open arc about Alastnzal in general, because he had already said that Spirituality originally one and stems from Siraj one, Alastnzal if the word is derived from the root down any rappel thing, and landing in classical Arabic is the revelation of something from the top to the bottom, is intended landing force high overhead inhabit a place where it is to the student. And Alastnzal three sections are: 
01) Alastnzal Bnazawr. 
02) Alastnzal psychological. 
03) use. 

Definition Alastnzal Bnazawr: is the process of spirituality through which the student process evoke the elves in a particular person meets the conditions of the sample, was the boy Zuhri, or a pregnant woman, or a black slave; in this kind of Alastnzal not see the student anything so be Nador mode between student and attended by Jean, which concerns us here is that this kind of Alastnzal very weak and doubtful for reasons too many of them that the elves are not obliged to tell the truth because it is not bound together by the student who is being process Alastnzal any era, understanding therefore is forced to tell the truth even if they swore over the Koran, to assure that all types Alastnzal is weaker, which is laparoscopic. 

Definition Alastnzal psychological: in terms of the definition is very similar to the deduction of laparoscopic except that it is not in the current or a boy or a slave, but is in the Mirror or dish Chinese coated with oil or other, and it exposed the veil between the student and the elves Vriham and speak to them himself without having to mode, as is the case for deducting Bnazawr, but this kind of Alastnzal benefit for some things, such as detection of a thief, or sick, or ask about the absent, in addition to other things outs, while matters of importance such as the detection of treasures Here lie. 

Definition of Use: It is the highest degree of Alastnzal and the best of them, because they are not only after the sport and being alone and is acting at all, because the genie here is linked to the era of taking it, it becomes obliged to respond, whatever the circumstances. 

Some may wonder about the relationship Alastnzal what we say here about the Jewish magic and mysteries? The answer is very simple; application process Timers spiritual from Gregor is very similar to the process of deducting, but is the process of deducting real, because Gregor will be present in the interest carried out by the magician Jewish, and his presence burner Svljen because loft, and no energy to lower the loft, and here is the response Links and mandatory. 

I go back and say that the process of invoking the need to Gregor three elements: 
01) scalding. 
02) secret talisman for Gregor. 
03) Candle conjuring. 

Q What is this candle and how to make: Spirituality in general sciences traditional I mean they need to be means do not buy from the market, but the student must be made ​​by himself, because the manufacturing process must be carried out according to certain standards can not makers of tools spirituality provided because cramming commercial, while the goal of the student Rohani, in some Arab rule, or the love interest, for example, must be done in a candle made ​​of beeswax free in certain astronomical clock, is there any maker of wax while taking into account the astronomical clocks made ​​of thousands of candles hydroxide at once? Of course not, because his goal is not commercial and spiritual, as I said. 

If the wax devoted to calling for Gregor made ​​and not bought, because it is made according to certain rules and under certain astronomical observation process and are mobilizing this candle-powered according to a certain way. This candle should be made of pure beeswax free, and have a length of about 10 cm and a diameter of about 04 centimeters. The engraved name of Gregor and Talsmh the one hand, and on the other talisman magician and his name secret. 

This candle is usable for six months at the latest estimate, and that the event exceeded six months Vltalib freedom candle making new, or re-packaged energy through certain weather. And in the case if they have been exhausted before the specified period may be making a new one according to how self-respect and with the same conditions of manufacture. 

If the call to Gregor and request help him put scalding on the ground behind the student and not in front of him, and in the center of the star painted on scalding placed a talisman for Gregor, and over the talisman glow of the candle, and remain lit until the end of the whole process, the event and that the benefits to be do very long and require a long time doubles the length of the candle when you made ​​that have a length of 20 centimeters instead of 10; but in the extreme and can not exceed the maximum length of the candle in the border 25 centimeter
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