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 The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3   The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3 Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 2:34 am

Van was one of the psychologists in these places and the Saturn was born to be a lot of thought and attention Mhama on himself and of Hikhalth.
Though Mars is indicated by the heat and light that idea ribald and less harmful
Alnhcis see if it monkey and Asia, said one of them and was looking to accept if the Lord of fortune in the balcony Msauda strong due Saud was born who hears and reads to him, especially if higher.
Albeit with the householder or the Lord of the Sultan in honor of the tenth was his obedience Hspb Sultan and the householder was the fourth was due to parents
Any planet becomes to practice after the birth or fortune, who becomes the subject of the moon to the planet that it proves you happiness, wealth, and his presidency.
Van was the Lord of pollen in the horoscope was born honorable in his family headmistress him met him and the degree of luck with Saad or beam Saad his horoscope share of the newborn obtained from goodness, happiness and health of the soul and the body's integrity what Ikria eye and the body and happier self highly of it in print, and his van was to the left of luck and Alnhos look at him and hurt him and the class was corrupt ambiguous Balnhos .ouchaaaatha van that was born to be homeless and in his homeland and set up the movie earned Playa and scare and Roat and grave matters.
Lord of fortune in the fortune to be born lieutenant of his picks on what else likes tenderness especially if payment masterminding fortune does not accept the measure of the fact that the sun if they have been born president van was from the sons of Acrava was a king, or close to the King .van was in luck far at half Tower of the earth are bestowed upon parents or Bsabhm.
-oan Moon was in luck Msauda in his home and his honor is given Mahmoud happiness and health of the body and that was in the horoscope is what we were born Saturn in the horoscope in his home or honor to be born in a loving monopoly and physiognomy.
Unlike indicates that the pelvic in the body and the soul enters and hated it
-alzahrh In sound-fated love of people and the good treatment and live chastity and righteousness and good praise it.
See who was born in -ttard be born virtuous many weddings are purified with him every Z especially if Msauda properly consider Alnhos.
-van Mercury and was visible in the tower with Alneryn feminine and degrees of female well-being of the newborn .rb sixth Lord Elzimana share in the fortune if they realized the baby and his parents' privations and do not need, especially if Mnkulaia.
-almstry If luck is indicated in the pomp and the preciousness and the credit capacity and consolation in the Brotherhood and mates if the birth day.
And that was at night and has no luck in fated spoil the money his father was a good restaurant.
-almstry If the horoscope with Alneryn and Venus was born honest, especially if they did not honor them Zadeh
-ttard Sun if Nhsa was born in fortune telling and won him his mother and harmful.
The occurrence Sadan in horoscope with guilt had to perdition.
Saturn in the horoscope born in the daytime weaken the power of his voice and the baby and that was the night of the birth of his enemies abounded with people and evil dwells housing and be an ugly business.
The tower was fated Saturn Ola said Baker was born and his mother, as well as if it is in the rest of the wedges.
-amartia If a house in the horoscope opportunity led armies were victorious in the opening of the towns and shed blood on his hands
And that was in the horoscope is a delight, but the chances of luck Mtheltth owner of the Kings and pimp and received Presidential understand.
Van was in place was Western Njadda brave or Jaddada then Vicu Joja to get involved and breaks while reciting self Gulwqa .walzahrh bored in the house in the horoscope glee receive alms supervision
The omen was the image of people was a worshiper with his family and Nasca bless her with kings and undermines the good trade and the sun in an hour and the sun is appearing Bombard be born of his father, and less meat.
-rb Fortune in the sixth and connected to the moon planet corrupt position the baby does the work of slaves.
Contact the employer-fated Lord of the sixth was sick understanding of the large number of foods, evil.
-okzlk That it was the Lord of betaine one planet, and if the Lord of Call-fated planet in honor of overseeing and Call-born Khalthm.
-van Was at stake and that the honor was won Zaúla not seen the conditions of fortune were without it
-oan Had lapsed hit his home and drops them quickly
-oan Was fixed in Bruges Thbtt home
-oan Was in women with repeated embody happiness
Albeit overturned did not prove to them anyway so go away and in different places, the one who fixed the strongest
-odleyl Fated born and raised by the evidence of the planet to which it relates.

  -van Contact prep-fated planet in his honor at Del is born who needs him, the owners of the Sultan and the supervision of the people and ask what he has
-ually As much as the house, which is where the planet to which it relates or related fated Lord is the Lord of luck it will be significant.
-van It was in the tenth Sultan though it is ten in the atheist Brotherhood as well as other homes as evidenced by.
-van Was Lord of fortune in his honor in a wedge-born Hassan won the honor of the house.
-oan Not a wedge in his home and honor of the planets were related to him was followed by --oan he was a follower related .van was acceptable Ahmed praised him
-oan Was unacceptable was disgraced Dieiva.
-van Was fated Lord or planets that connects indicates the honor in the House, the case without it, because the biggest and the greatest honor in Almzelh.
-van Was not where it was and it is triangular in both cases without
Vavhm this arrangement and considered the best in the measurement and do not let the combination of planets and hopes intact.
And when was the Lord of the planet in the horoscope related decline indicated that the baby will be a burden on himself as well as to contact him from getting off the planet.
-oan Contact prep-fated planet was Lord-fated landing in the planet, it presents for the newborn and the severity of the scourge were wedge or one of them was the case, the greatest and most Wedge was the center of the sky was the Sultan of Blaneh
-oan He was ill-fated, or BLE help of his body in the van, it was the seventh women and Aladharad and discounts
- And that was the fourth in the original parents and real estate,
-oan Planet, which was related to the demolition of the wall falling Qormi its position in the high
-humicy Was fated pregnancy and was in honor of Mars was born many carefree and thought DISSATISFIED Condition
- Van was fated pregnancy and the moon was in Jawaza was born long life in misery and bemuse
Scorpio -ovy be Zbaha Kther Sagk Damaauacol that this provision on the point of time from the top, according to their habit in like
- If either Mars in the horoscope in pregnancy and Mars was in honor and if it agreed to a night underground is hapless and either the moon if Atfoa If agreed Gemini Mnhosa also indicated by the intensity and Alhqoh.
As for his place in Scorpio and told he demonstrates many Alzbouk and bloodshed, the Scorpio eighth pregnancy and her place in the drop indicates the bloodshed as a butcher because folks landing does not indicate that the industry is not honorable in the case against goats.
Arrows in the season if he shares the happiness out of the sound beam and the Lord as well as the health of the newborn Del and good upbringing.
-van Was Mnhosa and under the beam is indicated by misery and ill-bred
-oan Was the owner of the stock as well as the severity of the Sultan At albeit in fortune was the worst case.
-oan Was a vision of Alnhos and the beam was true Hassan's body and prevent good manners expanded on himself.
-shm Religion in Capricorn shows a good attitude and he was not ill when born
Though in pregnancy or Assad or Scorpio is born shows that fast Alaill severe non-consuming
- If the moon was not connected to Jupiter where it is indicated that the baby grubby Poor tight assisted Unless connected in terms of Venus is not happy baby did not raise his head, especially in struggling marriages and women.
-van Not connected to the Mercury Del-born actor is not good, especially if Fahim was in Bruges is not flat on the road.

I know the first day of the moon horoscope degree who went and who is related to or is a walk-free
It also tends to create the mood of the baby departed from him or contact him
- And that was a walk-free, it does not indicate anything and see the first planet meets the horoscope Soyaalghemrfanah also feed predominantly print-born
-oma You want to know the baby Aafeef or obscene Know km between Mars threw it from the horoscope Where implemented, the number given to him or Mars was the first to deliver a beam of Mars Baltser was Vajra.
-oma Lord was fated Mercury was in Scorpio on Del slag and immorality
A meeting the sun and Saturn indicates corruption because it is a reminder of the Mzkran met wastes reminding them.
Van they were in the house for two of luck is so good and that was in the west has increased in Albulahhma that was fated Mazzamavy Cdahma in a water tower in the degree of luck to him Anzera Venus be born Lin bones or joints.
And see the sun during the day's second and third to twelve births and the second and third moon to twelve per child is born at night
As seen horoscope and other houses
And also to see the sun during the day and the moon at night and whether one of them relates to the planet or planets or three in his sign before turning into the other tower.
Contact -van planet and one was born of the pension committee to die
Contact -oan Pkkban had lived from her sex, and so on
See that and to the moon in the third born in such a time where he was born was the extent and Saad Saad was born sang forces
Saad was weak and that the average
Though in the end jinx jinx forces and the average
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The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house)
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2
» Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)
» Neptune expectations for the general birth
»  Qrani- talisman for keeping calm in the House

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