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 The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2   The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2 Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 2:33 am

Though the planets unlike what we have pictures born Shahuanaa in intercourse dirt cheap over Tkba of ugly Girollae apparent in intercourse Lahiya Mokhtdy for women and especially for Qrapat them disliking for the beautiful solo poor Walrus owner things Khaddah Mrdhula Vajra in matters of sexual intercourse commits ugly and riding him for something abroad for the course of the natural loving to do that the appellant's age and Balandal of people. Unlike Riah and animals do not fear God Disregarding Bosrarh and body and evenly Msthtra licentious introduces himself in everything.
Van was sort of problem for the Mercury, he said the case was commendable Sir Almolodbagesa news for students of Nschermahba lover, consider the wage covert His wonders His measure of self-weaning Mstgosaia of science and reason mine.
And if the planets unlike what we have Sir Almolodhcoda chagrin self Mlauda disliking his relatives loving misery Haúy incommunicable people in the care of the owner of spells and deception is a traitor Mngeh.
Either the buyer that he was the owner and self-management alone, he was the owner of that measure self alone that he was on the case commendable become self-born big welcome Mkhiara and is capable of loving people beautiful scenery Zarif free things just great vigor chaste individuals in the womb Mtodedda his actions.
Though the planets unlike what we have, it becomes the conditions of the same baby-like work that we mentioned, but it will be weaker and Ahmed and non-discriminate like he rather be self wasteful and rather chaste admirer and instead of love for people of good character and rather beautiful thing a lover of people and instead of the great Tyaha Instead of goodness Senior and the like.
Though the buyer sort of problem for Mars, he said it was a case commendable Sir born risking the owner of War director His movement is subject to owner Asakrsahb work bent tired loving Mkablhaly Alamurmazfr large self-loving dignity Gdopa distinctive owner ordered and forbade .vama was planets at odds Mazkrna the baby be Stama rude thick few of member Mnfredamtaba sinner seeking fast moving lightly His remorse does not prove anything silly undistinguished few different manners of thinking turbulent conditions of mind going to work Mtahea and The money Mtlava.
The planet was Mcha both the flower and was a condition if commendable Sir born jurist Mtnaha loving Mazafah lover of industries and look at things a lover of fun and playing a lover of good morals improved merciful sound heart loving God, loving Aaqlanqy self thankful Maza loving relatives of a lover of justice, dignity and gumption, a wise expert Fadel.
If the planets at odds Mazkrna was born to live deliciously feminine self wrath like the wrath of the owner of adoring women often joked intercourse where Vajra lover of Zina mind mind women often it matters structures to progress in matters that is characterized by his secrets.
Van Shackle these planets Mercury and was unchanged commendable Sir born many consider books a lover of measurement engineer owner Sciences poet Khtabaafeefa portable irrigation good advice Mahmoud Biography improved based measure of good morals companion Mahbaal_husd His request and a policy of good religion loving demand and request the kings of wisdom and gumption and destiny.
If the planets at odds Mazkrna was born breach weir ignorant mistake many small displays his mind go Michbta Bamurmhmara people think that he himself ruled a colorless mind occupied turbulent movement impressed many modern education compelling the owner desires.
Either the owner if the measure alone, it is commendable that was the case a strong president was born organically loving arms Mtcefa very owner of the facts of the risks of himself is not subject intrepid Disregarding Balamursahb policy.
If the planets, contrary to what we were born to loving Battasa bloodshed loving people Dhahakamtkpra not have mercy wretched deeds turbulent Mbadhana for nearly does not know God mad
Van was the planets sort of problem Venus was unchanged as commendable was born Pasha good doctrine loving to his friends in the EZE live happy joy Sarja Hasan authorship and shape a lover of dance His love Mtnqy owner calls fast tendency to commit incest and Attam which are with the group but it is mine Liberal sane severe reprimand for himself His characterize fast irregularity jealous women.
If it was unlike what we had Almolodkther intercourse Mnhecma which various conditions Msthzina people Vajra Stama liar Gacha Tricks strange Some quickly to the desires of the Lahiya spoiler married women and Alabtar hot temper turbulent Muftala owner perjured himself, but he was quick silver spoiler mind and perhaps also the lover of decorative reckless commits Alguibh him unclean
.vama Shackle this planets Atader then was unchanged situation commendable was born commander companion fast-moving Cdoda with his boats and literature relegated tongue virulent Gacha to prove his employer tricks poor business fast understanding deceive poor doctrine large self-loving evil, but it was good affection for his ilk Hassan acceptance of them and towards Wholesale detrimental to his enemies improved his friends.
If the planets unlike what we were born alive Manaagafa Gabba rude bold His remorse vanquished turbulent motion liar Hantha Yemen malignant clumsy Gladiator evil mugger enslaved fighting men.
Either if you measure self Venus alone were unchanged as commendable Fa-born have band safely apparent owner of the idea of ​​a lover of dance, very jealous disliking evil lover of industries loving God very good shape good conditions good dreams good conditions Mtodedda improved merciful for his or her good conduct and treatment mine, a wholesale slant to things intercourse.
  If such planets unlike what we were born Mtawanaa His love feminine condition that is similar to the conditions of women for his last-ditch inert mentioned frequently on women.
If the like of this planets Mercury and then was unchanged unchanged commendable was born loving Industries and wisdom The knowledge innocent poet, a lover of music-loving Jamil Hassan morality luxurious pleased Hasanuddin lover of pretty good care straight road loving education by learning from his own exemplary Bahl credited and imitate their good word Pasha in loved his mild manners virtuous lover of effort and a distinctive Kthera Elan fun of Mjamah women tilted to the scientists Giora them.
If such planets unlike what we were born Khbuthaia many tricks obscene speech Maugean and Saanen poor rai obscene deception liar owner reneged on the right remote Ghor Gacha to Oodlp deception for women owner Zina Mqbh all the stuff was probably this stuff unspoiled and probably did Balhiqih the owner's actions are ugly and remorse various works.

Even if the owner is self Mercury alone, a commendable understanding of the case was born Aftna narrator of many conversations the owner of the benefits and experiences of His logic speaker in matters of natural owner given intelligent Mtadia improved owner thought a good intuition Science secretive owner of the mystery.
If such planets unlike what we were born Mkara Sakhva Mgta passengers banner fast moving fast lightly refer idiot ignorant mistake among many error turbulent conditions.
And I know that Mercury would have been at home in the company and has a fortune and Mars seen from non-Saud given a straight demonstrates daughter.
And that this was due to Altejet and Regala Alfadma and if so, has Libenge us to know that he may appoint the things that we have mentioned
.hal Moon also some aid and if so in turn the subject of the day Aljnobihy and North was certain to change unkept and frequent self Ahilha and speed of transmission.
If this Alakadian was a certain morality on the cheek and uniqueness in the acts and speed and also evoked the moon if any coming up out of the beam and increasing its light was set to be more and months and explained what CKD.
If the light of which was Mestbra or less under the beam was set to Hmulhe and displays the Altrad and Altlv mobile and has had to what we have said some aid.
If participated planets Metwally measure if it is self Haktlh unchanged and the case was commendable morality and self-fairest and farthest from the injustice and Akram and order and the best religion.
And if it otherwise was not the sun the planets problems was unkept self best and most beautiful and the most influential and Ahmed Balrayoasab doctrine.
And I know that everything that we have stated in the conditions of self-indication of Mercury and the Moon seized on pollen abundance horoscope lines and Lord shared the evidence and Emsjan them that God Almighty does not offer the human mind and the moon's origin born connects Mercury.
When was the Mercury in the houses of Mars was Kthirazn Tiasha though it was a collective murderer Svaka blood disliking right Gshawma.

Employers triangles

And also looks to the conditions of each of the employers Almlthelthat house and planets in his horoscope Almaaúlh related to his Lord.
To see employers triangles fated van the first of which shows the life
The second shows the situation in which it becomes
And the third of his birth and domicile.
Van was the first in which Sa'd omen or tenth in his honor or alone, or some of his chances or his realm and Saud Thagtlh look at him and it shows the power of education, longevity and health of the body and the attainment of the pyramid
Though Western Mjosa Zaúla indicated by bad parenting and lack of survival and short life, but he will be at his parents for not order.
And that was the Lord of the second triangular on what Ceftna of happiness and goodness, strength and well-being was perfect goodness and happiness in sex companion, who is it and acknowledge his name and frequently
Though otherwise it was a bad case Lazy humiliated.
Though triangular third of what we describe happiness and power was born in the case of Westernization and let a few Scriptures in comfort and grace and was a resident at the home he gets his living in his family and pardoned his homeland and his son.
Though otherwise sojourned and traveled and say, persistence and resistance in the country where he was born and knew him.
To see fated van was the one Sadan Oklahoma and was Alnhos is serious, him or lob it showed the strength of the baby and the health of the body and the integrity of Alaalal and calamities and received good and happiness of printed Saad and form his own house and sections fated .oaalm that one Sadan if the horoscope Oklahoma or in other wedges del happiness and good for the baby even thank him did not make him known, though Alnhsan or one of them wedges on what we have in Sadan Fidel corruption education and that he would do good in people Collect did not praise did not thank him and Iedi did not harm him something even seen from All people mind and gloom
Your beauty and variety of our Terms one and all to the * indicates that beauty
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The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house)
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3
» Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)
» Neptune expectations for the general birth
»  Qrani- talisman for keeping calm in the House

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