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 Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)    Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 12:23 am

Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III) 
Third House 
And this house shows the brothers and sisters phrase 
- The sun and Saturn Lord of the first triangular indicate adult brothers 
- Jupiter and Mars Lord of the second triangular indicate Brothers Alaoasit 
- Lord of the triangular third shows the young brothers 
- Shares brothers and sisters demonstrated the brothers and sisters of adult and young 
- If the sun was her third house of horoscope and was burnt to the Lord, second or shares or share the happiness money was damaging to the money that was born because of his sisters, and he hit them Mgarm and dispersion and loss and many Playa 
- If the householder brothers and brothers share in wedges and drinking places were strong and Msaudin a sound of combustion and corruption, especially if the owner of the house plus the brothers in the light upward in astronomy 
The so-born brothers have them Aad and Nuar frequent, though otherwise indicated by the few and catabolism and unity 
- Zodiac animate two bodies and many children if the Lord of the third and the shares were brothers Saud headmistress consider him to accept, strength, and authentication, the so-born brothers and many have preferred and Soudade and conditions pretty well.
But if it was Alnhos headmistress of positions enmity and anti Garkablh he sees damage and catabolism and dispersion in sisters 
Lord of the van was not fated seen householder brothers were remains of them broken or followed by or Agterb of the country in which the baby to another country 
- Combustion householder brothers and combustion of the arrow and the occurrence of the sun in the house of the brothers against the buyer or showed a lack of brothers and Tbddhm and their destruction and Antqasm and dispersion of the respondents and their number. 
If you feel the householder brothers over land that was originally to who and beyond. 
Say, as well as in the goodness and happiness, especially if Saad was strong in places Praised 
- If you met the Lord of triangular-fated first, second and third in the third or the sixth or ninth or twelfth considered them feel or did not consider, that the baby will be those who do not are brothers to him or die brothers and stays alone unique and scatter about the country where he is to a country other. 
But benefit from his brothers, born and benefit from e if compare householder brothers share happiness or owner in drinking places strong 
If the employer and the moon horoscope MARNE Bahram Aguema or Mercury or look to them from the square or interview if share happiness 
In the third tower of fortune and consider him the owner of the positions of friendship and love was for the newborn brothers Yudhm and Eodonh and benefit them and benefit from it, especially if it looked fated to them van that indicates Turasa, fortitude and Althab and approval of excessive health and fullness and power, God willing 
- If the brothers share in the tenth and compare Lord of the house alone, and looked at him Saud of Bruges friendship and affection, the brothers are born happy greats heads and have them male and Soudade and if high dishonest 
Though Fiottd the ground and looked at him and did not have Alnhos not patronize a tributary of Saud is indicated by the fall and humiliation and poverty Osa case and rising prosperity and happiness 
If the buyer collector Saturn in the house of the brothers was the guilt, Venus, due to them from squaring the interview took place or who was born in the calamity of his brothers, and say, delight and joy and because of injury worries and distress and sorrows of many nuisances 
Interview Saturn shares Brothers and Lord of the house of the brothers and compared to them but one of them or their position in the second, one of fortune, especially if you look to them Bahram Aguema or a slow walk and kill the brothers indicates Tfahm and Antqasm and the arrival of pests and Almkarh them 

Number of brothers: 
Headmistress of the planets known to the house of the brothers, and the role of the householder and the younger brothers of the Lord of the triangular Almazzama fortune to fortune if above ground 
It is fated to him if underground each one tower and diluted number if embodied in those zodiac 
And that was in Lord of the triangular-fated fated Van Baker, born of his father and mother and be born in the time 
As well as if it was the middle of the sky or a fourth, four-Bakr 
The wedge was in the seventh was a virgin or seventh seven 
As well as the householder brothers if he was born in the horoscope Bakr and be lonely without a brother or sister 
And if it was not among the middle of the sky-fated planet was born Bakr 
Van was bigger than his brothers perished, and he was the biggest of his brothers and the fact that they lived fraternity house two towers and two bodies to share in the tower with two bodies shows that the baby be his brothers from his father and his mother, and he does not have all of his brothers, or one 
- If the Lord of the triangular brothers first Msauda strong steady acceptable plus the stronger brothers and Slaham and so many of the Zaadthm and Nuar numbers and their mutual love and Tahabhm and benefit each of them 
Though otherwise indicated by the lack of brothers and Antqasm and Tbagdahm and Nfadehm and their downfall and lack of happiness and the weakness of their situation 
- And that was the Lord of the triangular second buyer or Mercury was Msauda strong and was accepted them and one of them, the Almkolod be religious and devout chaste world Wadibia philosopher His wisdom and science and literature strange and was among those who look at things the mysterious deep Veptda in the arts unless or unheard 
- Though otherwise it was an evildoer Vajra Mraúaa be ignorant and Kalphimh that do not know, but what I ate and drank 
- And that was the third Lord of the triangular in strength and Salah HE was in the wedge of the wedges was among those who benefit from Scriptures which in his family and in his homeland 
- And that was Zaúla for wedges which in the case of Salah, strength, and happiness was among those who Agterb travels and benefit Basvarh and diligence 
- Though otherwise was Hqia Xlana trusting and be Agterb who travels and risking himself does not see in his travels good nor good, nor happiness, as well as lengthened his absence and be in CKD and misery and be who die in the crash and alienation. 
Also see shares of the brothers and his Lord, as I looked out the third and the Lord agreed Dalalthma rolls and eliminate it disagreed Mix 
Tower and I know the brothers and the Lord is stronger than arrows and Rabbo if the Lord of the third Lord of the origin of the fortune or tripled Asds 
Del Thab on brotherhood and affection clearance 
The contact was Baltmazij and Drjtahma distant affection was displayed on the way and showing off Almkeshrh 
- Mars Brothers Guide: Van was strong my chances were brothers in no strength and happiness 
- And that was in the fall of Vaeks say 
- And that was between fortune and was the tenth of the adult brothers and Almsaudh this case, according to Mars 
- If Mars between fortune and the fourth was a proof of the brothers who are born after they are young 
- If the third tower and the tower eighth planet and one that is consistent in the spike and the whale, the baby sees the death of his brothers 
- And that the moon was in a third-fated Lord Orb share happiness plus Del light on Fiqh and religiosity and abscess and possibly house or affects many of the folks Imola religions and houses of worship and be faithful to their lockers 
- Was with him, the sun came out of the meeting, he who worships idols feminine 
- Though Saturn from the sun instead of the moon with the born Dahia be a lover of discounts, including lying to him an infidel sinner in God 
- And that was the moon with the art buyer who was born to be a scientist Star 
- And that was the moon with Mars be bold to take what does not have much to gain from strangers 
- The Mars was a strong position in the home or in honor or image born to be a leader, he follows Hlava liar collects money Balgsb and Zaamat in anger Kings 
- That was the sun and the moon which is indicated by alienation and frequent travel 
- And that was the master of the house in a good place in his home or honor and consider him Del happiness in his briefing and overseeing the goodness of friends 
- Though Saturn and Mercury del so the sincerity of vision in the expression of dreams and secrets News 
- Though it shares the happiness which indicated that the baby was male or female marries a stranger or a strange 
- That was the flower which is indicated by stating that the newborn goodness of women 
- And that was the third house Asertaln and Assad in which Venus, Jupiter, or looking at him on the DL happiness kings and supervision, 
- The view that a shortage Alnhsan him and 'Enter the harm by friends 
- And that the house was a Sagittarius and Pisces and was viewed by the buyer during the day or at night Venus del happiness and communion supervision 
- Look to them, the Mars was born owner of a dangerous weapon 
- And look to them, a strong Saturn in a good place, it attaches immense things 
- The house was a third pregnancy and Scorpio, Mars and Venus looking at Leh on Del frequent, especially since his marriage was in luck Mars Venus 
- And that was met with Gemini or spike the intensity of his brothers 
- And that was the owner of this house in the zodiac and the many boy looked at him Saud indicated by the large number of brothers and pleasure with friends 
- And that was where Saturn and Mars or looking at him on the DL nuisances brothers and parents nuisances 
- And that was the Saturn solo in the tower said the baby be a philosopher discreet secrets or maybe tomorrow or predicting took over houses of worship and was of the NSX 
- And that was the day the buyer proves religion born and a verse and frequent worship and good conduct, and perhaps also predicting tomorrow 
- And that the buyer was the night the baby be a liar Raaúa incredible vision 
- And that was where the Mercury was born to be a master of good living, the view of him Hqia Mars was fatal for his money 
- And that was the Western Mercury indicated that Mttabb born Hassan industry lives with slaves in houses of worship 
- His third if he was born in the good fortune of his brothers and injuring him good and Lena Sahouna 
- If in the second, they Nzonh in his 
- In the third, they Aeddonh and Ansrunh and have them chief 
- In the fourth, they go Father and lacks money to them, the parents
- On the fifth and travels frequently rude awakening their children and perhaps Rizk born brothers in exile 
- In the sixth Iedi brothers 
- In the seventh marry some of his brothers, some of his wives and infect them and a son 
- In the eighth indicates the bad condition of the brothers and the lack of survival 
- In the ninth brothers marry foreign women in exile, and moving to them and live with them 
- In X indicates the death of the brothers and the lack of survival and Thacdhm and Tbagdahm 
- In ten atheist to be devout and his brothers remember him by 
- In the twelfth Iedi brothers and injuring authority outnumber him by.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Provisions of the houses in the newborn (House III)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Introduction to the provisions of the houses in the newborn
» Provisions of the houses in the newborn (second home)
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house)
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 2
» The rulers of the houses in the birth (the first house) 3

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