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 Neptune expectations for the general birth

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Neptune expectations for the general birth    Neptune expectations for the general birth  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 12:51 am

Neptune expectations for the general birth 
Expectations of transmission Neptune and its effects on the human exclusively 

About the Neptune 
Anthac Neptune in Waldo (landing) impact on every living organism in the suffering and negligence and failure and the delusions and the occurrence in Afajakhhsp house, which solves the advise in pursuing your horoscope and zodiac horoscope Kmalk who knows the time of its birth Kmalk because the events are linked in particular was Dikh planets in Aquarius hours day or birthday Fa effect will be stronger and tougher and has Artbatabmalk see the birth of the planet 

The Neptune influence in changing the reality and impact of thin and quiet breeze comes by and unforeseen circumstances and awakens a sense of responsibility and guilt 
Anxiety and confusion and illusion, deception and all associated Neptune 
Cal Escape controls the subtleties and Science mysterious spirituality and when Menths makes things look convincing picture and when the happy turn the thing that we are sure of it into something completely different. The Neptune planet delusions and thus controls the subconscious mind in all areas hidden Kaalm other or Bmaysmy world starburst that underlie our normal mental and beyond our ability to establish the truth as we see it from the point of view of logic that we see, so it makes you face betrayed the logic that you see and stir things from the logical thing to something completely different. Is the planet of deception and illusions, frustration and fraud are all things linked to this planet and where the solution Anths makes you believe by mysterious is immortality; but more complex is impossible for us to understand and when the Neptune in the worst conditions of humans illusions are not unfounded in the tower moving it and when it is in better the conditions of it inspires poetry and music and the revelation of love in its highest forms and has control over a lot of kinds of arts Neptune moved in the February 3, 2011 and events remind us the month 4-5-6 2011 and the beginning of 2012 m probably faced the facts in that period and made ​​clear mysterious things and changed some of our beliefs as field influential each tower I will try to develop my expectations Assapgah Baaltfesel. Note that it will submit in 17 of the month 11-2013 and its effects have a clear and strong and we will face the realities of the piece and its effects will be monitored while dating and in expectations Anths 

Look at the horoscope and Taek Kmalk 

Neptune Aohmk in your relationships Ba friends suffered betrayals friends there, friends are bad or phishers Malchik in your beliefs about them for the piece may reveal a bitter reality for a friend The refugee turn into his enemy, and experience difficulty in achieving security or perhaps I sought and labored to realize the dreams and wishful thinking and projects fictional and fictitious Now is the time to achieve them Observe Taek Kmalk .. you follow the goals of imaginary Malchik in your audience and your supporters and Antmaúatk transmission of Neptune in 2011 to Pisces will be a reason to bring health will be a reason for imprisoned in hospitals when Anthach Vracb when due and when to apply Faraguah admits in deep sorrow and disease require staying above the bed as evidenced by the grief and fears of Sciences otherworldliness 

Professional ambitions have been difficult because of the things vague and perhaps fancy. And exposed to the failure of the AFS and professional reputation. And probably did not get the promotion and the success it seeks, because some delusions that dominated the thoughts professional. Did not find any external support or endorsement. Maybe there was ambiguous relationship with a famous person or an employer or the like discovered facts about him or betrayal as isolated from social life and people who around you There is events in this area will return again and face the facts again to grow things clearer Vhan time now to achieve Omnia professional or get Alyttrekaya or the position of many of the baby boomers and the bull will achieve success in your career oblique and attain glory and fame and good relations socially and professionally and with employers. May reveal who is friend and who is Alta ..usbandt Facts about God 

That I was born in the fifties and sixties have been an illusion and trick in your religious beliefs and scientific and religious history - Alajanb- languages ​​that you are an older Fidel Bank changed Dink previously or religious beliefs and signed in the trap and the things that are not true about God and life and death and the past. The piece may reveal this truth about gods, especially if Taek-Assad or cancer fait accompli perhaps disease since suffered 2011 and suffer from facing reality and crash any logic is real Besaoppe.ama young perhaps Mchaakl projects and imaginary graduate and failure in science and possibly suffered from Aliens or things travel and foreign illusions and failure in the study. Much of Gemini subjected to the failure of vocational and compliance, unemployment and surprises, unexpected perhaps changed Devtk more than once surmised the length of 14 years Scheduled every Masaad Neptune in Pisces makes you interested in a man a political force may help to achieve fame and success and professional advancement there years before you, the volatility of your life to as the best in life professional and disappear unemployment, which imposed itself to you in previous years Vhan time to change some of the false beliefs and convictions and face reality, starting from next month, when advancing Neptune and Pisces is happy in the sky so that it will disappear any professional or scientific they suffer from it since almost three Ashahur. 

Neptune in your home eighth was his influence you in everything Metaphysical probably in 2011, I suffered from things metaphysical, confidential and hide from the secrets or the like Ba promised immortality may have been exposed, or the like. Faced with the reality of what things or trauma in Rdjatk to the past. As you are in reality illusions in everything Ka far past pre-death, for example, the eighth house is the house of the wife's property, capabilities and talents and legacies of the ruling house and the house of minds invisible. That you are in touch with all that is maddening for consideration surmised the Betrayal of stiff someone may reveal the secret of the fact, or perhaps all the gods and may be as regards the past. Death. Hereafter. Magic. Things hidden and otherworldliness. Almorarat. . From February 3, 2011 will change your religion or your religious beliefs gradually ăÚáćăĺ information on withering. Because of a fait accompli, especially if he or Gemini Taek-Assad has clarified things for you. As often born from cancer for the first time traveling to a foreign country by a long dream and will face some facts about the graduate and universities have long suffered are very successful. The nice thing that you have studied primitive things and beneficent science and abandon any beliefs and Sciences harmful for your future long watched Saadeh Neptune or Anthach in monthly forecasts in order to be guided by. He also has three months almost see in your home ninth .pet scientific beliefs and the house of travel and foreign debt and suffered delusions and still currently have beliefs and illusory promises immortality Ba believes he charged in the month of 11-2012 m actually quite changed. And continues in passing a few degrees and you'll clearly see his influence in 2013, 2014, 2015 

Will be exposed to shock, however, my friend. It tells a lot in public opinion or Arai others. Exposed to criticism from parents and relatives and acquaintances because Tohmk things in particular that was scientific or religious belonging to the afterlife, death and life, the gods and was amazed at his way of thinking humble and simple imagining Bank on the right you deluded in what logic. And began facing Alkhqaúq since 2011 and continues the tale, especially if Taek cancer or Gemini. Some of Assad suffered from the courts Ba self that you have planets in Aquarius day of your birth. Haye yourself from now to facing reality there is really shocking Stusbanda gradually Neptune now come back walking straight in the sky whale in the month of 11-2012 and return some of the events or breakthrough in the project's legacy and find financial support and eliminate many debts and perhaps thinking of Commerce .kthira born al-Assad have been subjected to injustice before the courts .orbma theft. 

I had a healthy, my friend from delusions in thy works everyday in alone and Anzawa and moved away from the people and it tells in your health and suffered from chronic illness and may have begun Ba treatments and the time for facing facts Health Care since 2011. Exposure of illusions and betrayals and deception of your coworkers or people Alrotanyenkazemla the net and continued with people phishers and perhaps feeling Ba hate them because of the negative energy and transaction them delusional. The failure of your marriage or previously delayed for Malk Be ready to experience a new matrimonial. Often born of the Virgin marry since 2011. Some of them achieve success in the courts and the signing of contracts and breakthroughs Good 

But you, my darling balance it tells much beloved project betrothal perhaps separated or secede. Locked in emotional trauma unexpected Mawhoum you're in love you will reveal the betrayal beloved and clarified things. Interested in health issues and reveal some facts were either healthy or with Zmlaea work. Libra just in betrothal or perhaps in the opposite sex and the promise of immortality Ba in love with placebo but I seems that this story has ended emotional. Opinion was not correct in matters of art and the kids and fantastic projects that I sought her by the year 2011 I was conned and Mawhoum in your children and got remarkable changes, and now you can safely HISTORY when Neptune is retarded down your health Vracb returning and walking 

You have a negative impact in terms of land and real estate probably entered into a fanciful. And family matters and problems in the home and family or with parents and perhaps illusions in the homeland. You shed Daw Neptune in the house for the family home quaternions relationship Ba parents homeland. A trick has been exposed probably in 2011, as the emergence of some of the emotional relationships and the opposite sex may have occurred the first time gets to you and now you are to still mentally ill and deluded in a romantic relationship or art project is retarded because of the return of Neptune a few months ago and Ptdaúa of next month, the month of 11 signed the courtship and marriage of after falling true love in this love that reminds you of the month 4 and 5 of the year 2011 there is a link or betrothal in 2013 and 2014 

Effect you negatively Neptune in regards to the third house of Beit brothers, relatives, neighbors and the media may regret or disclose the secret to a brother or relative and reveal the true shocking and face reality gradually possibly exposed to the delusions of the project media or in Thagavatk and the way your words and faced the realities of 2011 and projects across the telecommunications and the Internet almost . In the era of Neptune Pisces sign purchase the land or the house I dreamed so much and the relationship of good family and uncover the facts about your heritage family from now, especially that of Neptune progresses in the next month, month in 17-11 and advanced a few degrees has been regulated to the club -thtm in hotels -tstrk in swimming pool 

Been erected and deception in commerce or perhaps a fancy projects and lost your money and problems in the banking and personal possessions and perhaps Dvt your finances in fanciful project suffered some crises and losses, which had been due to physical crises Good decisions of others, delusions and blind trust. The facts'zajht Since 2011 a month 4 and 5. Kmalk predicted breakthrough regarding studies and communication projects are interested in the project through the net or media projects and communicate with people who are respectful or spiritual or scholars in religion. Has come to terms with a brother or close after you clear things where it tells a lot. You're Mawhoum in your abilities and talents before 2011 

Enemies are waiting for your watching your steps and possibly subjected to injustice formerly criticism character Ovkdtk confidence in yourself and your energy collapsed suffered from AFS estimate of others wishing so much public support may have failed, despite some successes generated from falling failure. Now, allow me to congratulate you on the victory that will achieve seem Conspicuous. Competitors feel your strength and possibly weaken before you clarified some couches and couches seem strong and correct. Neptune heal transmission of disease have been previously revealed things ambiguous or inattention or trick your opinions or your character or your mental, especially if you have planets in Aquarius on your birthday have to do with what happens to you and these details can be found in your own maps. There happened from the coming months remind the year 2011 Kmalk transmission Neptune indicates the oblique and the beginning of something in your life psychological and personal material and business profits may operate in commerce, banking, I will not forget how old Kmalk profit financial and bend important after agonized materially years ago Neptune Kmalk offer of illusions and Aalraúa sinner as regards your talents almost especially if you have a relationship Ba .alhar art. Dance etc.. .tusband A fact about your personality and your morals and your dealings with others and correct some mistakes when things become clearer. Significant changes in your personal and financial, health, psychological, perhaps exposed to obesity in the coming years 

I suffered a lot of prisons, hospitals or escape from reality what. There are breakthroughs and face the facts Since 2011 you will notice a difference Aajalba much energy. Also there are illusions and Akhadaa or subjected to negligence in couches or Amarok or personal spirituality predicted victory over every enemy hidden, especially Bank suffered from envy and hatred of some people exposed to infidelities in your previous life .stafrh a victory may improve your morals and your actions in past dealings with people seems you were deceptive. Intervention in eye-catching projects. Characterized by strong mentality and see things clearly. Disappear all the fears and concerns in previous years about your future You Ba self, my friend, the whale will bless you from the depths of my heart Valve Congratulations and I was at the back of Neptune in Pisces will tire psychologically and Otaatard toxin or chemical magic and illusions religious and scientific things that are not true about science and religion Vracb when due and progresses, and now is passiveness and will advance in the 17-11 and will face the fact
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Neptune expectations for the general birth
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