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 Learn how to read 25,000 words per minute with full absorption her!

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Learn how to read 25,000 words per minute with full absorption her!  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learn how to read 25,000 words per minute with full absorption her!    Learn how to read 25,000 words per minute with full absorption her!  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:49 am

Learn how to read 25,000 words per minute with full absorption her! 
I seek refuge with Allah from the evil of the accursed Satan the devil, but the dreaded curse of God in the worlds 

In the name of God the Merciful 

God Save the destruction and his family and Adam Azza and Victory of victory and humiliate the let down 
Oh God, you and Maulana you, O Lord, our Lord Save this edifice destroyed his enemies, O Lord of lords Bholk 
Loya Loya reasoned reasons creator of the creation of dust ... Amin Amin Amin ....... ..... 

Peace be upon the martyrs of Iraq peace deprived of peace on orphans and bereaved companions 
Peace on the patient honorable peace on this nation and carrying the banner of religion 
This is your day to Bcrkm God that the promise of God and the right of human patient
Who when afflicted with calamity they said I am God and to him we shall return. 

God of peace, mercy and blessings 

Today Jotkm the subject of a very special human development and capacity Taattaiwir 
Self read so you pray to read 25,000 words per minute 
This figure is not the imagination of the fact that he may be connected to people who actually managed through 
Develop their abilities to arrive in this advanced level 
I leave you with the article 

-------------------------------------------------- ------ 
Figurative reading 

Says Darcoha and her teachers it the most effective way to confront and absorb the flood informational .. and affirm you of which you can read 0.25000 words per minute and two pages in one second .. faced this skill all varieties of sarcasm and scorn and qualify Balkhialah and underrated minds is that many of the supporters of the opinion above became interested and enrolled Bdoradtha and became advocates have yet to have attained a high degree of satisfaction and acceptance .. it's the skill of reading soundtracks. 
I will not talk about, but I will open more and bred margin of the most prominent coaches, Dr. Nasser Al-Zahrani, who became involved in the experiment for nearly a decade and here is posed more spontaneously through this dialogue that interview with the "culture of today." 
7 Tell us about starting reading pictorial inventor? 
- In today's world, which is characterized by the technology world, pouring down the information over our heads from all directions and at an unprecedented speed, where it flows daily deluge of subjects through books, magazines, newspapers and daily reports and mailings and e-mails and faxes, there is the World Wide Web, which can not see the limits of information available where and others, Xerox Corporation has recently conducted assessment (for the average business manager level) where he must read more than a million words in a week, just to keep pace with the tremendous development reached by human today. 
So, what is the technique that will help you to absorb the flood of information? Answer (nothing) With all this modern technology, you still read the same rate of speed that it was our ancestors from hundreds of years. 
But I'm sure that will change soon. The skills of reading about to elevate and re-designed for learning that can keep pace with the twenty-century atheist. Before starting to talk about reading soundtrack, let me explain to you what we mean reading soundtracks. Reading soundtrack is a literal translation of the title, England) Dhuzmvlyh (and the fact that Alqrahaltsoaria are not reading the literal sense of the word, but filming of the pages between your hands, and you can say is scan the page) SKF (computer language., A total use of Dmag.dhat can anyone say no person that uses this method. and speed up any of us to more than 0.25000 words per minute where take pp (two-sided) just one second. thus can the individual us to read a book of 250-300 pages in less than five minutes. despite the fact that this speech more like a fantasy, but that in the courses provided by the audience proved this talk, and by the country's west., and I should not forget that the Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, was when he read in the pages of the book puts his hand on the other page, which is in the area of ​​consideration, for fear that interfere information and cluttered Alih.doaol feet of the subject (reading soundtrack) is Paul Chile. has mentioned in his book (reading pictorial) that preliminary experiments in school made ​​learning to read slow and confused. Chile says that after years of graduating from the University of Minnesota income test speed reading and got 170 words per minute rates and absorb 70%, hit by a day of frustration, where he discovered that the sixteen years of study and work him under normal reading rate. The feel of heaviness when reading slow and I think it's greater understanding of the reading speed will be reduced. 
In 1984 entered the courses in speed reading, and after five weeks of training, the rate of speed of 5000 words per minute and by absorbing 70%. By the end of 1985, finished the course in NLP (we will talk about later if you wish) and began doing research in the field of cognitive unconscious and pre-awareness and proved that man has the ability mentality can not be imagined at this stage, one can out to absorb visual information without interference awareness. Try this and several books on the matter until the appearance of what he called "the figurative reading." 
He then worked on the revision and improvement of the curriculum, and educational materials, and methods of marketing for these courses On 16 May 1986, at the University of Minnesota Department of learning strategies to adopt the reading soundtracks. Since that period turned into reality courses in development and human capacity development and the acquisition of new skills. 
7 What practical steps? 
- Reading pictorial help you to confrontation, we live in the information age, you learn that the Library of Congress, for example, arrive hundreds or even millions of books, magazines and non-daily newspapers. If you want to become a reader of this new way of these steps must Scientific using the capabilities of your mind firmly and effectively, enabling you to access any subject you want in the shortest possible time, namely: 
The first step: Preparing 
Reading affecting starts to put a clear goal and be confident of getting it. This means that fully aware of what we want and the kind of reading. For example, you may need to review a summary of the main points, and you may need to get certain details, such as solutions to a specific problem, and may need to supplement work, you may need only to look for ideas that will help in this. The goal is to work as a signal subconscious mind to search for the results we want, Fendkhal Relaxation in the state of consciousness (the ideal learning situation) without anxiety or boredom. 
The second step an overview 
They scan written material. To accomplish this, we read a book with the outer casing, table of contents, index, headlines, and other outline what he believed was important .. 
Throwing outlook is based on an important principle: Reading take effective location of the colleges to where particles begin with an overview of the thing, and then turn to small parts and details. In short, throwing outlook gives us the organizational structure of the book or text. 
The third step pictorial reading 
Technology pictorial reading starts to put ourselves in a relaxed state of mind and physical condition called Tam optimal learning. Where and dissipate all cases of anxiety and tension and anxieties. 
After that we control our outlook towards the middle of the book. The goal is to use the mind in a new way so as to include full pages instead of focusing on individual words. Valbarh pictorial window lets you configure a snapshot of direct access to the mind. In this case, the snapshot mentally Nassour, in some way before we get to that state of consciousness, and the image of each page excite the nerve to answer. The mind does its job without being hindered by cash or logical ideas. And quickly seconds per sneaky can read the book graphically in three or five minutes. This is not a traditional reading. After reading soundtrack, it has to have a few articles have been addressed in the state of consciousness. This means that we do not consciously know nothing. The following steps give us conscious attention is required. 
Step Four: excitement 
In the case of the excitement we re moving the mind of questions and discover the parts of the text raises our attention. Then we start throwing a quick look at the middle of each page or column. And stop at every word then forcibly stopped the eye. It is a message from the mind says that this paragraph is important for the topic you are looking for. 
Step five: the mental map 
They understand what type of words that stopped the eye in the form of map, called afforestation. This generally. And all of this is based on relaxation. 
7 What about relaxing? 
- The relaxation of the most important things in either reading or other pictorial. It is well known that the mind issue electromagnetic waves alpha, beta, delta and theta depending on the situation, which is going through and that concerns us here is that the alpha issued when the human being in a relaxed state, and also issued the mind wave theta, which is the state of creativity and between the two cases be a case of learning optimal. This case combines alpha and theta. It is reassuring that this skill is quick to learn and easy. Whenever I managed to relax seized control of your state of mind and also physical. There are countless methods in the process of relaxation. 
7 What is the difference between him and the inactivity? 
- Inactivity resulting from illness or severe fatigue and affects the body and paralyzes thinking, which is a negative situation. As they relax positive cases carried out consciously and then feel comfortable psychological and mental. The prayer of the most important things that relaxing least pain peace be upon him "by Comfort Us O Bilal." 
7 through the parade you read pictorial shows that the goal of the research is primarily away from the fun? 
- For that is primarily aimed at research properly. You are a journalist looking for information amid a tremendous amount of information you need, as well as researchers and scholars, employers and trade lawyers and all those who want to be looking for information or a particular topic, as well as preachers and preachers, and many others, it is very convenient for them. The fun comes from the target, which is used by the figurative reading, if you want to search for specific text in a beautiful book reading of large-sized pictorial will help you in that and here comes the fun. But if the goal of reading is to read and enjoy the meanings and camel hair or you want him to read harmony between words Reading soundtrack is not for you. I would like to say here that deals with reading pictorial images and does not deal with sounds. If you want to study a particular poet through poems Reading pictorial help you in so certainly. I remember in this regard that one of the women studied Hemingway's literature through reading written soundtracks. The fact that researchers and deals with writing or preachers, and deals with the word I tell him you read soundtracks. 
7 Tlhon on trust and goal .. what details the psychological dimension? 
- Self-confidence and capabilities is after psychological, skills and behavior also after psychological. Though the psychological dimension is the cover for this year to do these special skills and psychology now enters in many other sciences, we find now is industrial psychology, psychology, literature and social psychology .. etc.. Confidence and skill set goals after her myself. Man can not live without a goal like this which is driving the car without a goal Vtgda spins in a circle. The man was not found on this simple but to the goal and this goal is in his nature. 
7 how to interact with the weak perceptive reading soundtrack? 
- Cognition as defined Ponte "is to understand the meaning inherent in the form of sensory prior to each rule" Each takes a reading of pictorial know as much as them. It can increase the cognitive process of reading through pictorial. If you mean young, I was in the former impregnable pupils mean pupils ranks of middle and high school from entering Duarte but changed my idea after attending've got in Dammam, the sons of some of the brothers participants, and they were of the administrators and the Ministry of Education, one of whom was in the first year average and the other in the first secondary to what I think has excelled in her skill, but I was told that the student who is in the first year average used in the final test. 
7, whichever is more tense during the reading of .. read reading pictorial manner or in a manner quick reading? 
- The truth is that reading depends on the person himself, but in reading and pictorial during the first sessions begin to relax and then reading soundtracks. He says Chile for reading soundtrack, "The only requirements for reading soundtrack is a firm desire to experience, relax and deal with it like a toy." 
7 Do you serve the reading acquisition figurative language (vocabulary accuracy acoustic)? 
- Yes Reading soundtracks as I mentioned earlier it depends on the image and not on sound. So who wants to learn the language and intonation Reading soundtracks are not suitable for him. But it may help in increasing the enrichment of language, for example, when reading the dictionary Arabic language, and has a knowledge of the English language, the mind can combine two words, for example, in a sense, an Arabic word and word of English, I have heard this and did not try. 
7 (of tasks subconscious store all the information) ... what about the speed and the mechanism is invoked to invest culturally? 
- It is known that the subconscious mind stores all the information from birth, and was told by birth until death, whether perceived or not perceived. The method of calling this information depends on the method of encoding this information in mind how it relates to other information and things. 
7 What is the nature fork pictorial reading about NLP? 
- Chile fact that Paul mentioned in his book that the programming language helped him in that, but did not mention us how. There is no direct relationship between reading and pictorial NLP. In my courses, I use NLP in training. Use the anchor and relax and get rid of the belief disabled and exercises self-confidence .. etc., to make the sessions more fun reading soundtrack, albeit better not to attend the reading of pictorial only completed a diploma course in NLP. 
7 Do your research done at the University of Reading pictorial manner? Expose us to experience in this? 
- Yes, it may be the best example of that during the preparatory doctoral thesis in Britain, there have been many books you must read it may take to read one book a month, and then find it does not benefit you much and you've strained yourself and lost big time without interest. But reading soundtracks can you know this book will benefit you or not within five minutes in doing so, have provided your effort and your time. 
7 How anticipating future ... Will proposed school? 
- Reading soundtrack is a skill like any other skill of self, like the writing skill of thinking creativity and other skills of the many can be learned easily, and is characterized by the skill of reading pictorial in its importance, in that the information floating around the world and the need for those who read it and grasp it from here comes the importance and especially we, as I said previously living in the era of information flow. The proposed school where it looked Valtlmiv first needed basis for his knowledge and then can be used to read pictorial skill. It can not be read soundtracks that come eaten without there being a balance of knowledge-based reader. Hence, do not sing pictorial reading for reading or regular food in any way, but learned skill, but nothing wrong with that and call her. 
7 Why not be a separate note? 
- This is a good question, and I do not mean by reading soundtrack, but that there will be in general education classes to learn skills and answer (how). Often hear from our teachers and our parents (studying to succeed) and other orders, or (Believe in Yourself), or (imagine yourself) ... or ... etc., but did not tell us how. 
How do I study? How do I read? How do I write? How do I understand? How do I trust myself? What is the correct way so ... etc.. These skills which we hope that our children learn in school and how to find answers for (how). It is the most important science so to speak, which is the answer to how NLP. 
7 Can mastery without enroll? 
- There are simple skills possible human learns to read the book or not, and there are skills that can not be. NLP read by before he joined Bdoradtha and God did not understand something, but after attending a course in the city of Cardiff which I lived where I understood what the books that you read in the past. There are things you need them to help coach and directs you to reach your goal. And the seriousness of learning a skill that a person without a coach us may not reach a conclusion and then judged on skill Doe it does not work, and possible swear that you try it on it was not working with him. This is simple if ordinary skill but there are other skills may cost him his life, and skills will benefit him more than it hurt him, and so on. And do not forget that some of the books that talk about skills such as thinking skills or the skills of the imagination are difficult to understand without a coach. But that some of the books written for a certain class of people carry the contents is not as easy to understand sentences wherein words carry more meaning than the words of a transition and there may not notice her reader. On this occasion Victab Peter Combe (breakthrough in speed-reading) of good books in answer to how to quickly read and absorb the largest. So I say that reading pictorial hard to master or skill Let me tell you know that there will be without coach explains what the intended exercise or training Doe Doe, especially since it has a lot of exercises that rely on imagination and thinking. 
7 How do you respond to ridicule Mnkeraha who consider it a fantasy? 
- Most of us know the truth that man is ignorant of the enemy, and therefore our mission and colleagues show that this skill and Nscherhaa has recorded some videos for those who have benefited from the experience of reading a pictorial found at the Foundation, both in human capacity in Riyadh or Dammam Anyone can see it. 
7 Are some of them turned to the advocates of her? 
- Yes, many of them thankfully become advocates. Some of them even demanded a special session to get a certificate in reading coach soundtracks. 
7 What's New and new works in this field? 
- New in these courses is offered monthly through the institution of human capabilities. The Jdede I Akef these days writing a book on the nine keys to successful work with all of the Small Wood and his wife, he talks about the Supreme programs in neuro-linguistic programming, and I hope to finish the work of this book is distributed by the end of this year. The translation also guide the practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming (or what is known as psychological engineering) to the Arabic language to become the approved version of the Practitioner Association World Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming. And also some books on neuro-linguistic programming. 
7 and mention of the book on the occasion of Peter Combe (breakthrough in speed reading) ... How do you assess him? 
- Comes to my assessment of this book I read several books in this field, including: 
How to read a book 
Written by: Mortimer Adler and Charles Fandorn 
Talal al-Homsi translation 
Arab Scientific Publishers 1416. 
The correct reading 
Effective system to master reading in business. 
Phyllis Mindell 
Translate Jarir Bookstore, 2000. 
These two books from a specialized books on how to answer that we have mentioned in the past, and do not relate to how quickly you read, but reading books is one of the useful books and I would recommend reading it, especially the first The second is also mentioned in regard to the title of the book business and businessmen. 
Speed ​​Reading in business 
Steve Muidl 
Translate Jarir Bookstore, 2001. 
How to master the art of speed reading 
D. Laurie Rosax 
Translate Jarir Bookstore, 1998. 

Accelerate the development of reading and comprehension 
Preparation Anas Mohammed Adnan Rifai and Salem 
House Contemporary Thought Lebanon 1417 
These three books about the speed of reading and best speed reading book in business despite the small size, but it is characterized by good organization. These books also answer how to read quickly. 
Reading fruitful 
A. D. Karim Bakkar 
Dar pen. Damascus 1420 
This book is to urge people to read, it raises emotions rather than answers on how to read the reading of fruit, a theoretical rather than practical! 
The Speed ​​Reading Book 
Tony Buzan 
BBC Book 1997 
Book Tony Buzan is one of the oldest books written in the field of fast reading and quoted him as many a more in-depth answers on how to read quickly and it is good for the diagnosis of the causes of slow reading. 
As for the book Peter Combe starting in quick reading and translated this book Jarir Bookstore. Includes book on thirty-six chapters. The writer knew what it means starting to read fast. And how fast reading skills began in the forties at the School of Salt Lake City, and how it can transform the average reader to reader fast and not only fast but extremely fast with the largest accommodating
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