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 Learn how to extract the lucky numbers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Learn how to extract the lucky numbers    Learn how to extract the lucky numbers  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:50 am

Learn how to extract the lucky numbers 
The information below is not from Andiati, but it is a numbers simplified to one of the branches of science metaphysical ... It experiences do not conflict with logic and reason, if we are convinced that the phenomena, and the facts that are unable to interpret the mind and science, does not mean that we deny, and rejected by faith, there is a lot things are (above the capacity of the mind, and the interpretation of the flag) and here we have to resort to the logic of (postmodern), which opens up the potential for other non-traditional ways of knowing Kalakl and scientific explanation. 

And attention to the sense of magic numbers .. very old dates back to the time when kings: Harut and Marut on the land of Babylon, has reached this flag golden age at the hands of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who has pupils taught them the secrets of this science in workshops secret day was magic, astronomy part of the study of philosophy . 

The main philosophy of the meanings of the numbers in the magic that everything can be reduced to numbers, and the numbers of private spirituality affect everything, especially in terms of human qualities, grades fortunes, and an (inevitable) amazing! 

As for how to calculate lucky numbers for the man, and in a simple, each man three figures luck permanent lifetime, and you know these numbers by date of birth, Horoscope, composed numbers from 1 to 9 only Mazad this is reduced by a calculation by collecting figures and traced to its origin, for example: my date of birth is: 29-2 - 1960 extract lucky numbers are as follows: 

9 +2 +2 +0 +6 +9 +1 = 29, then the resulting number is reduced: 9 +2 = 11 then 1 +1 = 2 and this is the number of principal amount, and then extract number which is the Birth Day 29: 9 + 2 = 2 number is Christmas Day, and the third number takes from the tower, and since I was born in Pisces Vicu tower number is: -7- shall be my lucky numbers are: 2.2.7, and note here repeat the figure -2. 

The meanings of the nine figures are: 

Figure 1 - 
The ramifications figures: 10-19-28 ... etc. 
Qualities: strength, leadership abilities, independence, enthusiasm and rush, sparkle and radiation within the community, and the tendencies of art, as well as of his qualities: the behavior of the dictatorial, and selfishness, and frankness and harshness in the speech, a figure in Leo, and is linked to the planet of the sun. 

Figure -2 
The ramifications figures: 11-20-29 ... etc. 
Qualities: spiritual, sensitive to the degree of the curse, and easily wounded feelings, the power of memory superstitious, romance, The Sixth Sense, nostalgia and live in the past, and passion to ensure at night, and his qualities as well: a reluctance to make decisions, and not to forget the abuse of others, rebellion, secession, Tower, a number of cancer, and is linked to the planet moon. 

Figure -3- 
The ramifications figures: 12-21-30 ... etc. 
Qualities: is the number of good luck, it exists this figure has enjoy luck happy lifetime, and optimism, and self-expression, and fun, and multiple interests, and respect for the law, and Safeth lack of seriousness, and waste, a figure Sagittarius, and is linked to Jupiter. 

Figure -4- 
The ramifications Figures: 13- 22-31 -... etc. 
Qualities: pragmatism, and talent in the scientific inventions, and intellectual creativity, reverence for freedom, and social life, hung up the world of childhood, and the sense of the human, and The Sixth Sense, and his qualities: the tendency to depression, the occurrence of surprises happy, and the bad of it to others, as well as the occurrence of surprises to him, a number Aquarius, and is linked to the planet Eranos. 

Figure -5- 
The ramifications figures: 14 23-32 ... etc. 
Qualities: mental energy, speed axiom, the ability to learn languages​​, the spirit of challenge and adventure, and his attributes: constant anxiety, nervousness excess, and the tendency of deceit and deception, a figure that the twin towers of Gemini and Virgo, and is linked to the planet Mercury. 

Figure -6- 
The ramifications figures: 15 24-33 ... etc. 
Qualities: strength of emotions, romantic, peaceful spirit, artistic tendencies, and attributes: stubbornness, laziness, a figure that the twin towers of the bull and the balance, is linked to Venus / Venus. 

Figure -7- 
The ramifications figures: 16 25-34 -... etc. 
Qualities: is the number sacred in all religions, a number mysticism, philosophical thinking, and a tendency to isolation, and religious concerns, and the study of science magic, The Sixth Sense, and his qualities: imagination and frequent delusions, and distance from reality, a number Pisces, and is linked to the planet Neptune. 

Figure -8- 
The ramifications figures: 17 26-35 ... etc. 
The qualities: ambition, physical thinking, continuing struggle for the achievement of objectives, realism, and the ability to take responsibility, difficulty expressing feelings, rigor and firmness, and his qualities: Parsimony, deep depression, and figure -8- tired to its owner because of -qlh - luck, a figure Tower Capricorn, and is linked to the planet Saturn. 

Figure -9- 
The ramifications figures: 18. 27-36 ... etc. 
Qualities: courage, idealism, physical energy, spirit of adventure, self-confidence, and leadership talent, and the strength of sexual arousal, and qualities: impulsive and reckless behavior and decision-making, the tendency of the dictatorship, the severity in the case of dispute, a figure that the twin towers of the pregnancy, and Scorpio, and is linked to the planet Mars .
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Learn how to extract the lucky numbers
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