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  Learn how to express the vision (first lesson)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

 Learn how to express the vision (first lesson) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learn how to express the vision (first lesson)    Learn how to express the vision (first lesson) Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:46 am

[ltr]In the name of God the Merciful, and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad Syed the first two and the others and sent as a mercy to the worlds, and on his family and companions. And after: 
He knew the vision of where they are known cherished the few of its people and the few less Nasrōha .... 
It's part note after a break of origin and go with the original proof of it remained Vakzbt an honor and a privilege as well as original and perfect .... 
I went prophecy and did not stay, but the missionaries .... true dreams part of forty-six part of the prophecy .... and other chatter Asahah .... 
And because it was so well means that the prophecy is not without completion of its parts van and found the prophecy of what not to be a science of expression depending on, and so it was the prophets and dispatchers are the first people in this science-Aziz and therefore find them build sentences and Istl_khason judgment of Revelation others. ... 
Fraaahm inspired word and one other place and thought, diligence and right and wrong .... 
Aftlaq Ismail peace be upon him Wife of vision ... 
And the king of peace be upon him for the vision .... 
And survival of a prisoner to the vision of the king of Egypt .... 
And the other end of the life of the prisoner to the vision of ... 
Savings and wheat spikes for seven vision ... 
And the slaughter of Ibrahim peace be upon him for his son's vision .... 
And enter the Sacred Mosque to the vision .... 
And the victory of the Muslims at Badr vision for ... 
Calendar dead Quraysh polytheists in one vision .... 
The formula ears and his words to the vision of ... 
And much more of this ....... 
And we can not in this place to discuss Interceptor and squeeze the sails of the pro However, the heads of recalcitrant Banan wounded skin and in the nose Jdat brochures Mbthoth between the folds of the other letters .... 

Aware of expression is divided into two section and section Cosby Elhami sense: 
The first section requires the owner to Tools Mmlomsh However, the other part enters the track under the tender God and so it was this aspect which is considered by the giveaway ... 
And this donation comes several reasons: 
Including: Fidelity is sincere in his work and trust in God was the creator and his agent and Hsiba .... 
And the antithesis of this craft with money taken from a few .... 
And including: frequent pray and pray for the fate Atagan in the sky and pray and pay much of the amount is God. 
And including: defending the oppressed and relieve the plight of the believer, it was the finish of this jurisprudence and God answered him and what pleases ...... 

While the first section is required, claiming the following: 
- Science and linguistic grammar and whenever converged footsteps crossing in this art whenever approached he put it right ... 
- Interpretation of the Koran and study the meaning and Sunnah as well as the key to understanding this art ... 
- Fully aware of the whistling Every other state has ever known, and its tone and at least this science from other sciences ... 
- Mastering the words of the people of hair Vvhia put things in perspective .... 

This overall tools crossing it learns them and a number of several crossing is yes ..... 
And only Fletdrj of the infant and even respond to the very end of life .... 

Aldders first: 
What he sees as the sleeper is one of the three: 
-1-Valid and truthful vision is to update the King 
-2 Dream of the devil, and the devil is updated 
-3- Update the same rights and the same is updated 

And so what he sees as the sleeping face of potentially faces three and possibly coalesce and meet at a time and one place .. 
Sometimes what he sees to be the sleeper is a vision and a dream and update the same and those who said his experience thinking that pipe dreams Fermi displayed his ignorance of the wall and not to reconcile .... 
And if that door as well as it is the first to meet with the sleeper and the two sides of the object visible: 
Becomes us seven types: 
1- honest vision 
2 Revelation honest with dream 
3 vision honest with update the same 
4 of vision honest with updated with the same dream 
5. dream 
6 dream and update the same 
7 update the same 

Terms true dreams: 
1 to be far from the imagination of the seer and what he sees and vigilance, but they often update the same ... 
2 to be a little wordy 
3 to be a short duration during sleep 
4. not forgotten 
5. afford Bishara or Nmarh

Praise be to God and prayer and peace be upon Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family and his family and from God ... 
Supplement what we started telling the help of God and reconcile: 
Nnsa times of the vision and the best one for Nboukr with the tools at hand crossing in front of the seer ... 

Valmabron two sections, the Department does not need to question and not answer queries where the story and set up and this is confined with the prophets and dispatchers Faouhy them suggests them as an expression of legislation .... 

This matter any expression dreams is one of the things religious, where part of the prophecy, and things are two of them mundane and other otherworldly and the first an rotates within the framework of (the people of Mecca know the twists) and (you know to matters your world) hadeeth and so it was Allah bless him and grant him peace based the advice of his friends in the first urgent matters Kmchorh Solomon digging the trench .... 

While not find Allah bless him and grant him peace aims landmarks expression to the owners to do their duty to the crossing discerning where expression and communication between them _khasos and pan Valtbleg includes expression and expression of the legislation and therefore due to (God knows) when the subordination of the apostles and prophets, and their companionship. ... 

And said this when asked about one of the pioneers of the reason for the large number of my questions accumulated upon the seer was my (Ithaf humans before writing his vision upon sixteen) .... 

And the second section of the crossings are lifted from their infallibility likes of companions and followers and their followers continued to this day .... 
All reunion going on in expression between right and wrong and then right on mattresses him in the sense of certainty and last words, probably more correct The former does not realize Atnyen only two things: 

1 can be expressed as a prophet or a messenger. 
2 that are located on the vision according to the words of the crossing 

And then when the second position diligence dominated by the conjecture at the crossing Vivsah including to whom God of science and adds after that by saying (God knows) 

And between right and wrong come up two places, one in the sense of doubt and conjecture other words, Almarjouh ...... 

And uncertainty, which calls for the crossing of the questions that bulking up Balraúa to safety and then either keep his vision in her home and then probably Ntlfez heart (Simply the Best) and a template (and the best of science, but a little). 
And most recently the types of vision is what probably outweigh the side to the bottom so that the expression became likely thinking Marjouha presents an expression greets the seer and the crossing .... 
If the expression has become as follows: 

1-term certainty 
2-expression Znnni Rajah 
3-expression Sheki 
4-expression I think Marjouh 

Based on this crossing is different from his peers and the likes of crossings including posed in front of the seer fluidly ... 

Some of them are bulking and riding and I am personally inclined to side Begrudging where I think that the crossing Ktabib then when the patient failed to answer in the treatment so far and with the seer and the crossing, there Atstia and after crossing the seal of God on the apostles that disqualify aid of seer not must be asked and asked, .... 

And most important of the seer requires that he knew follows: 

Type 1 seer stated or female and hermaphrodite or problem .... 
Vary the nature of the female from the male in terms of visual and pleasures of this world and their costs and what there is of things .... 
Gold, praise for women and men to be compelled to dress well and blushes and other ..... 

2-knowing seer lifetime dream and awakening .... 

And do not miss this for many concepts, where the boy's puberty does not come without his vision in a manner that was so young and Tkhl and response to the very end of life ... 
Fraaa good old boat comfortable and fast plane shown on his death and his committee, however, the young man a new phase in his life and well .... 
And seeing the old teeth combined Almnatherh not like someone who saw her young and moreover who is without puberty ..... 

And we will continue that God Almighty .... 

Note: These questions first lesson: please do not review what we have written during the answer and we hope to send the answers on this same page .... 

1 Number of three vision of the prophets? (3 points) 
2-km part of prophecy is? (Two points) 
3 Tools crossing number? (3 points) 
4 kinds of what he sees as the sleeper? (7 points) 
5. Terms true dreams? (5 points) 


Also used before and access to complete what stopped him lessons in the previous display introduction is not without interest, and the result desired .... 

And so I say that vision is inspired cryptic meant to preach or warn other words feet or volumes sometimes show the vision to do what is or what to leave work ... or continue to work interruptions or what 
What about the work ... 

There is a contravention of the law and no prohibition as well .... It is a vision telling him it is sin between the two cases, it indicates either left or is the dream of the devil only two ... 

And all visions descend house of the book, what book they agreed honest and valid except this and that demonic dream .... 

And the vision of the prophets are not Krwia Veron what others deny minds what shall be rest assured him of souls Fraaa slaughter Ibrahim peace be upon him for single vision honest at the time of revelation and the descent of Gabriel peace be upon him and other vision Kraaah does not mean his quest and this is clear and obvious ... 

To get back to the heart of the matter: we had our numbers would require the crossing during the expression of questions created and appointed on his career and reminded them Tntan and this third and what followed: 

3 knowing seer social status and health in various forms and various Allowanhma ... 
Fraaa bachelor Krwia not married, as well as the gift of God, not the offspring of someone who was in the isolation of the patient and it is not correct .... 
Because mostly unmarried vision centered on marriage and courtship and Mekdmathma .... 
While the vision of married Ttercz about happy life and divorce and birth control ... 
And the latter split into two parts, it was included in the gift of God [Allah belongs the heavens and the earth creates what He will come to those who pleases female and male who wishes to come. Or Azojhm our anniversary and female, and makes it pleases sterile He knows things. (Shura 49.50)] is not as much like someone that does not have a son who prays for him after his death .... 
Also, be patient vision revolves around the disease and its kind and the healing time and the type of treatment, however, and so the correct sound is rich in such species often sees the work or project Come, and on .... 
Putting water in the well of the celibate wife or committed adultery and the other is married or lust while drawing water for single and weakness and inability to divorce and married a feud .... 
And this is not a dream which is glad to launch vary depending on the symbols and monuments ...... 
And eat yellow color of the patient's death or the length of his illness and the true disease .... 
Pastor and the rest of the things on it and come back to it publicly restricted in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah that God Almighty .... 

4 learn the profession of the seer and the quality is not to eat from the sweat of the brow like begging perjury ... 
And so it was a non-factor composite compound is unemployed, it is seen in the same plane as That function of the employee and the highest and finest of livelihood unemployed or work .... 

5. know the habits of the seer, and this is necessary to distinguish the vision for modern psychology, it happened the same Bammer what they had seen in the form of vision and of accustomed to a particular dress or drinking type often sees on the whole, as in the vigilance and so we multiply the likes of this and that wall display. ... 

6 knowing seer religion first, then the extent of his commitment to Bmak religion .... 
Fraaa Krwia infidel is not a Muslim and not a dream of a Muslim believer Krwia as that vision is not calling Krwia the general public .... 
If the order is as follows: 
1-vision Muslim: 
3 farewell 
2 infidel vision: 
1-believer religion 
2 Mohsen religion 
3 advocate for his religion 

And when the Muslim faith of safe Barkan faith in word and act, and the belief and Enhanced watched from God in every small and large .... 
And it's also for the faithless .......... 

Note: These questions Lesson Two: please do not review what we have written during and answer the questions, please put on the same page: 

1 Do people express a vision of things religious and what is the evidence? (4 points) 
2-When we know that vision certainties? And certain of them? (Two points) 
3 Number of types of expression in terms of right and wrong (3 points) 
4 When bulking crossing of his questions and why? (3 points) 
5 through vision, trying to use the following tools crossing between independent and Makthar questions to reach a clear vision: 
(I saw while I see a sleeping hen's egg broke and drove them worm yellow Facht no movement and so I did not fly) 
This vision has been achieved: nay Taoakm (8 points)

Praise be to God and prayer and peace be upon the best of creation companions and his family and his companions and their successors Bahassanan to the Day of Judgment: 
But after: 
Vkther ado and loud outcries about the goal of the speech crossings Vasmona Aqbha and say Aglza and become the owner of argument (without breath yourself, without our offer ....) and something like this wordy honeyed first and second, however, prohibited Azlea not pure net where no take the bees from homes in the mountains, but what Dhaka them and not from the trees, but what went into the oven .... 
And then did not eat these bees of all fruits is what he went to color and disappeared splendor was the fruit as a verse (and people of like saying in this life, and God is my witness to what is in his heart and is the father of strife) (and if took sought in the ground to spoil where and destroy crops and birth control ....) 
And therefore did not come out of their bellies a drink Mtakhtlv colors, wherein is healing! 
And where not prohibited as is said of him like this talk we beggars at the doors of science under the slogan (we have increased our Lord) I was young and still small ..... 
And that I wanted to see me and what I wished Rafqata you open your mouth, but that saying .... small ... small ... even cut off your breath and then find me there ......... 
He came from Aatbna waving ropes and sticks Pharaoh's magicians Vagayna stick Moses peace be upon him and he fell right to champion what they do ........ 
Spokesman said the case ... and woe and Ahznah ... Almnak Vaftit teen and Arushdnak I chose sanity without keeping up! 
Abizaid then mouthpiece article ... Wallis explanation is metaphysical science ???? Wallis in your own words is ignorance stupid? 
Aftotot Bal_husrp my head and remorse Feznha booty Vomatart then a barrage of arguments, injuring place its core, and is set to take this and that and Belal may !!!!!!! 
Vtlosm tongue including Rift Valley is the right Vtata Arabic script and inserting the Hebrew letters and betrayed in the home of Aziz bit and I did not understand it is Sverh! 
Vamskt tongue Matba and deposited behind the bars of the Quartet and canines and heard Aninh and Aoelh teams have given my heart and talk to him, he said with a sigh comforter and extremely incendiary tear: 
(Znntna Khntek and betrayed your God and do not ... but the war and intrigue ... and your companion have not got a clue Vlguenth lesson in Hebrew, Arabic and .... I finished sparring between you ... he may Manal an achievable and you ... and good talk peace ...) 
And then _o away from Alkhial_ wanted notation arguments and proofs, but not extinguished the fire of grief is Obeirkm O Rayaheen .... 
I mean, oh ye of you opened your homes and your positions and become our homes and our greet Njul and Blades and not for what you are near the God stigmatized refer to us! 
Yes Aqsdkm O webmasters Islamic Web site ... Yes Aqsdkm ye, O pioneers of those sites .... 
Vshiddtm on our hands and where Ableetm acquitted ourselves and become Amnatkm our wishes .... 
And not for God then what Olakm to encourage us to move a character by typing the symbols solves what you see at night and during the day .... Ischglkm 
Vqrbena this science Aziz pride and strange between his family in order to increase the numbers of folks darkening expression and refute suspicions folks calibration !!!! 
And if your names listed for the feared Khun mind what is printed and wired it ... it's the scourge of oblivion ... and so addressing you by combining the individual and A_khaskm ..... 
Did not explicitly Ttauna myself deficient in reply to that, fearing that Sheikh Mcoltna become a slogan Itagn by the enemies of our approach and our approach ... 
There is no problem stepping aside pupil of many aspects violates the sheikh and beloved! 
It's fine that it becomes the Zlla Mazlola otherwise !!!! 
Thee, O Sheikh ... you, brethren ... you, sisters: 
Airnni Samakm at the start of my tongue and Kvvo Dmekm when cruelty Abrati If you went to the injured tones and you walked around you all took shape !!!!! 
Salkm you and your answer to Vpkmkm heard and used the same Samkm and used for the same intonations and 
And Amikm upon hearing and pronunciation and place this is and that he and the world peace .... 
Know that the unseen and not on the pace of one missed me ... what has become a present you have missed and what you might be present when someone else .... 
And so it was a verse praising his heirs in early Sura (pain, this book is no doubt, guidance and good news for the righteous, who believe in the unseen ...) 
And unseen here everything you missed from the Commission and fire and torment and bliss .... 
All of this was buried and you have not become a devout believer in faith until after the generality of superstition, while some of this was not Israa after the Prophet, peace be upon him by heart for him may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 
He saw heaven and its delights and saw fire and Sairha and became what missed him was no longer present his faith in this belief understood metaphysically .... 
And things unseen presence of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his belief in Vaamanna understood metaphysically, while his companions are no longer valued this recital of things unseen for them and so on from the rest by heart came after them .... 
And a priest on this the rest of the things ... it turns out that you unseen varies between Zaman and Zaman and rises from the Han people without the people it serves visions and dreams ..... 
Raining from the unseen place as late in Surat Alalgheman (that God has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the womb and know what the same tomorrow what you earn and what unknowingly the same die any land that God knows expert) 
And sits not aware Ghaith and coming off of workmanship perfected astronomy than any other .... 
In the sense that the man who said an experienced science astronomical benzol Ghaith tomorrow is not a thing understood metaphysically for him as he saw Bnizarh manual and its moon heavenly and both of their own making that the clouds The color black bears Geetha vector transform North quickly 77 kilometers per hour will reach the bottom of the valleys on Monday At four in the afternoon ..... 
This is not by heart for him where he saw with his own eyes what is a fact, however, it varies with the odium of this work, the workmanship proverb said first claimed by heart punishable by .... 
The former adds that he needed after published and attributed it to the foreknowledge of God the Almighty saying (and God knows) 
Because the course of its existence, and this I mean the clouds part, and may change the order of the king becomes a liar when people claiming while if this ratio to the whole science of God to disagree article and foremost .... 
Shaykh al-Islam, and spoke about the eclipse and lunar eclipses it's not metaphysical things for its people, and this in his time! 
The talk about the times such as these in the first memorize while talking about it in our present those created in March and told what he saw with his own eyes .... 
Knowledge of the fetus of things unseen as is the case with raining ... 
But the doctor in turn determine the sex of the baby based on what you see in his eye, he says, embryos operative eye sees a male and determines this through his observations of the masculine qualities does this is by heart? 
By heart for those who like me and like you did not see what he saw the doctor, as well as by his vision of those qualities, there is a science, but misses and infects and God turns day and night whenever he wants and time willing, the Almighty .... 
And taste of pussy our word aforementioned realized that the interview is not the crossing by heart for being a conduit .... 
But in this case, and differ with those of people without it is true that someone will say, and what is running in your vision committees expression means Kate and Kate and dunk rules and assets ... 
The former any crossing through what he saw with his own eyes, and the concept of his heart, while the other coveted and do his appetite The former spoke of what is present and the other spoke the truth and what is missing and imagine .... 
The former Mthab and Alakharmaaqub Malam ..... 
Then if the vision of a whole people by heart and there were not mildly useful and desirable fruit darling of saying peace be upon him (I went prophecy and is no longer only the missionaries .... true dreams he sees slave or see him ...), or as he said may Allah bless him and grant him peace 
Or is it the vision is modeled on one and a different taste .... Fraaa Ibrahim, peace be upon him, such as splitting the morning vision and the vision of Omar Alvarriq his shirt and vision needed to decoders .... 
And so it was necessary to the existence of the crossing and recalibrated for this induction to exist if it were a vision of people Krwia Ibrahim, peace be upon him .... 
It denied the expression of the vision of others FINE finds himself the precursors of ???? 
Either deny continued to talk and either explain that his understanding of blunt .... 
Fowlihama to great danger and secondly, deliverance and bliss ... 
Choose you, O slave we guidance and enlightenment and determination and you have the option ... 
Then they said: you understand the minor is still compromised list: 
Timers and we asked help from God and we told him Toklna: 
Suppose calamity befalls the Muslims, how you order it from .... 
Were not in the era of prophecy ... 
There is no verse or talk .... 
And what more than a few times of calamity and religion !!!!! 
They strive Vnkti or share ... 
We said we say, what is your opinion of the new ???? 
They said: hard we have built on bases and assets ... 
We said: Who told you and that our expression outside assets? 
They said: the sanctity of smoking does not harm the text and Do No Harm 
We said: Women and black head mollified text and B and Dirar 
Then they said: you understand the minor is still compromised list: 
We said: He said peace be upon him (if you saw a vision then it is loved by God and by God Fleihmd happen to them .....) talk 
Your Lord, say to me how to talk about vague and are not lifting the symbols and did not realize its significance ???? 
They said: Yes Fleihdt by Krwia Ibrahim peace be upon him 
We say: How does it happen that it was like a vision of peace be upon him? 
They said: Kiaqhob crosses the Prophet peace be upon him 
We said: What is your opinion words is without the friend and the prophets, peace be upon them? 
They said the presence of this ring true apostles and prophets, peace be upon them and upon 
We said: What is your opinion in (you hit some and missed some) saying peace be upon him 
They said there is an error and the duty statement and revelation existing neighborhood and the Prophet peace be upon him 
We said: said friend told me I swear to Him who made a mistake, he said (do not divide) he peace 
They said he must have his place among his mistake he is the Messenger peace be upon him 
We say: the department and ended talk Bukhari and newborn with you is the finest peace 
Dear brothers and sisters was a lesson Day according to the calamities we saw refute lapses, picking the best fruits of science .... 
I hope that a lesson be conscious enough and you want more and that you have your insights errands .... 
And not for the tight time and watches the message was cut off the heads of the people of fads and Alsiat but Alsoarv and preoccupation of mind prevented what bargained earned and sisters ..... 
And not excluded under the vision of our sister exams ... 
Condition may choose goodness and Tsktwa for gaffes ... 
And share your expression may sinned and Tsabon decoders freaks .... 
And to you and to the vision of God Altclan:
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Learn how to express the vision (first lesson)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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