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 Learn-touch therapy and Quantum Energy

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Learn-touch therapy and Quantum Energy Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learn-touch therapy and Quantum Energy   Learn-touch therapy and Quantum Energy Emptyالأحد أغسطس 17, 2014 3:25 am

It needs to do exercises sense of energy, particularly in the area of hands, the more time your exercise greater the competence train on healing sessions and practice also
In conjunction to exercise power and breathing exercises together and breathing helps you focus more on the removal of muscular tension and physical and psychological
Exercise: the highest index finger in the air, a sign the certificate and focused on the sense of this finger for two minutes and try Mathar characterization of him through the intensification of awareness on the finger
Do you feel your skin on the finger and whether that senses the blood flow in the finger and nail implanted in the finger ... use your imagination center backed a sense of where focus and think you find the energy Va_i_ar energy in your finger and those around him may feel tingling or hotter in the finger of awakening a sense of card life and the awakening of the property sensing her According to translate the feeling of your nature, which may vary from one person to another Kthagl or hotter, or the pangs of things which are not featured, but you're unaware of them, you are feeling now opens new horizons for the feeling and the sense you were absent or extension Uaak but gradually
When not feel something here, use your imagination and if you pass the feather on your finger and pen, a sense of coexistence pass on your skin, perhaps find other sensations your body away from your finger but wonderful sensations that senses the presence for the first time with the innovation and diversity in Exercise
Each stage .... we will cite and technology in a separate post and time to accommodate even the subject of Anml
The next step is the application of exercise on a larger scale to cover your whole body and of course you will find difficulty in sensing some areas do not despair, and use your imagination and circumvent intensive and diverse, it is possible to use another person passes the traditional longitudinally on your body even a non-touch starting from the soles of the feet and then trying to apply Without touching the sensor can, for example, pass your finger on the soles of the feet and then regain the sense of focusing on the imagination even senses the spectrum and are applicable to the whole body as a process sensing survey of all members of the body and Atantql to other stages before versed on Malk
When you have mastered the previous step, you will experience your imagination to pass a stream of energy and not in a limited area, for example, from the soles of the feet up to the knees, and when they focus on the area of Ataatrkha even mastering and transmitted to the other and thus try in other areas and then try to pass the energy from the soles of the feet until the top of the head and type in your exercise until you feel thoroughness
And up to a great sense of all the parts of your body and sensor stream energy in force in the forces and then move to another step tingling energy to remote sensing and transmission in my mind, not my body ... and a sense of mental control in the energy pathways
Close your hand on the grip shape and try running stream of energy and collected in a fist .. then open your hand and fingers and Straighten sensed energy collector again
After completing this set of exercises tried to exploit the times of their mind Achgl Koqat wait or relax in front of the television and March, these exercises are fun and Entertained With frequent practice will gain a lot of control and evoke the energy center
Along using deep breathing exercises with your exercise all well inhale previous material life energy from the air also talked about Alaugiyn name Prana priests or Mayan civilizations on behalf of Mana, doomed from the impact of a great body extended card life
Most people are shallow culture for proper breathing and exceeding their breath Mptdy first chest gasping breath becomes shallow, leaving a large portion of the lung is idle and a breeding ground for microbes
Proper breathing ... singled out your shoulders back at straightening and Alshahyv feel when you take the exit to the outside of the abdomen and a little sense of air until the top of the chest
Breathe on successive 2-6 works on the body-powered charging means inhale the air in Adtan then you pay out in six Aadat and so
The exercise supreme power in breathing vein 4: 1 where energy flows are given higher
Of course begins shortly is currently only minutes failed to conduct even fainted for a beginner, and if you do not use these technologies while driving or carrying heavy stuff
There are the so-called breathing fire Tmareny It is used between the first and second breath .. pulls the same forces quickly and then pay at the power of exhaling at the same speed and strength like you blew out the candle is also called breath Agth ... Repeated from six to ten times
Breathe 4-4
Of the strongest favorite ways that give a sense of overwhelm the body's energy strongly
We now turn to the link between breathing and activation energy
Breathe from 6-2
Inspiratory summons by the energy of the air you breathe and collect energy when hands
((You can choose a suitable male to adjust the timing))
Then enter the technical 4-1
The same steps and always focused on increasing a sense of power in the hands
Take the third step breathe fire with an increased sense of energy Btdaf strongly in hands and with the familiarity of the three steps to be eligible for the therapy sessions ...
Express here the flexibility that you can adapt to your nature, which show the strongest out of energy without adherence to the previous order of the steps Vciologitk this depends on your practices and experiences, which discovered

[size=32]Start your experience with a friend suffering we experience pain and ask him about the duration of the power of a nation and put it in the evaluation of one to ten means, for example, 6 of the 10 or .. or .. and you'll often find evaluative strong go after a bout of pain and then ask you the pain cause him to hit big and how ((in I think questions like these make it more specifically for pain and awareness of its processor, which helps in the psychological rehabilitation of the patient))
[size=32]This is in order to limit the area of pain for you then also start to limit the area of pain between your hands and start sending vibrations permeate the area of pain and adjust their positions in the course of corrective works tissues and cells to heal itself[/size]
[size=32]If the problem in the back or neck to put all the palm side of the paragraphs of effective annexation of three fingers of each hand[/size]
[size=32]During treatment has always focused on deep breathing and if you feel dizzy during treatment stopped a little ... make sure your hands relaxed and not tense your muscles as if you practiced calisthenics in smoother and fun even given a room for the flow of energy and strength fluent[/size]
[size=32]You follow the patient now question whether the pain is diminished or moving from one place to another and if there is move your hand to chase the pain and if the pain did not hide quickly left hand from 20-30 minutes with a patient follow-up question or tells is of his own changes, it is important to focus You are the other as a therapist on the sensations nascent have to gain awareness and integration also with the situation and the ability to control the momentum of energy or sense of disability, as if a huge block of the problems caused pain and needed more time maybe to 40 minutes ... or even an hour you will find the reaction of your energy goes up significantly for a period of certain then feel Bankhvadha This means that a node pain large to the demise of such a high plateau you crossed and often when you're in this situation you can use to breathe fire to intensify energy and may not be the causes serious but attribute to the weight of the physiological response of the patient .... In some cases, when you put your hands with time and not feel something when your hands feel a little twinge here know that this part was full of energy and then feel a tingling once my brother pass the broadcast power several times until the tingling sensation disappears there is no harm to the patient from broadcast increase energy[/size]
[size=32]After a therapy session of duty washing arm of the elbow to the hands with soap and water, and there is another way in the treatment of vital energy to work on the reset energy hands and Malk pass desist surrounded the arm from the elbow to the hands, as if you take off the glove and imagine out all the energy of the arms and received in the fire and fake to get rid of the growths Energy and any negative energy or intrusive of the patient and the work of this exercise is also a time when they operate on the compilation of energy Bkivak[/size]
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Learn-touch therapy and Quantum Energy
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