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 The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips:

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips:  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips:    The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips:  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:22 am

The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips: 

The founder of a. D. Hannibal Joseph Harb founded aware of the treatment card chips Nur, who is a school of healing depends on the energies of chips the light emanating from the structure Nouri in the healing of diseases and ailments through diseases simple and down to mental illness and that depending on the controls and scientific results of risk trial carried out with a crew of scientists assistants using the secrets of power chips Romani has been met with this way of healing diseases was highly successful and today has become influential in the school healing treatments on the human level for the year as a non-existent cost effective ... effect ... a quick recovery .... easy to learn a few steps ... easy ... practice ... you do not need tools ... a strong influence and without side effects and the most important thing where you're dealing with energy derived from Romani and chips that are one hundred percent natural. 


This method several properties, including: 

1. It is a public school: (internal - Children - Women - kind - urinary - genital ........ etc.), they are addressing each of these disciplines approach to an energy efficient one. 

2. simple: where this school depends on the healing secrets of simple where everyone can Whatever declined scientific culture that understands these secrets. 

3 simple: where anyone can practice the rules of this science from the age of fourteen and above and without any difficulty. 

4. ease indoctrination: where to rehabilitation therapy with the knowledge of the processor card chips are light through several levels, simple does not exceed the level of each of the seven days, every day for a few hours. 

5. modernity: Although they are used Noraniat which extended since time immemorial, but they deal with the latest scientific information and medical discoveries and they are cosmic and spiritual authenticity University School of ancient secrets and modern discoveries of modern energy. 

6 Research Methodology: it depends on the healing of this school rules and regulations of scientific research in the report of the exact mechanisms and secrets and adjust the conditions do not rely Secret energetic as in the treatment of a disease only after it subject to rules and regulations and Arts Research flour. 

7 Evolution: School scalable and modernization in accordance with the requirements of scientific research and recent discoveries. 

Global 8: Although it is aware of the founder of the world at the hands of Syrian Arabic language but it is healing School negotiable by all the civilizations of Earth 

9 renewed: the first school where they talk about healing in the human structure Nouri, a fact that scientific work to develop and establish a bases-founder. D. A. D. Joseph Hannibal war. 

10. independence: This school is not related to any specific civilization, but is not a comprehensive public related to any religion or rely on specific language. 

Draw upon: 

Science of healing cards, chips light draws its secrets and its lights, rules and controls and mechanisms of healing energy Almknozh in chips Romani emanating from the structure of Antioch in the human body. 


Looking into the accountability of pathological conditions of human and how to treat and dispose of the simplest ways of healing through identifying the laws of energy chips light and the rules in force in the structure of the energy of the human with the scientific study detailed for these chips and their relationship with the structure of the energy and the human body from the point of emergence of the disease and deal with it. 

The job: 

The science of healing function cards chips light: 

1. revive the energy of humanity. 
2. rid the human body of the nation. 
3 new solutions, modern, and inexpensive telemedicine human. 
4. make healing accessible base of each one. 
5. make self-healing and permissible for each person, the fact that he does not know you like yourself, if this school possessed healing're better able to practice the rules of healing 


School science is characterized by healing light chips cards including the following: 

1. complementary medicine .... This is in the early stages where it is practiced processor rules of this science. 

2. alternative medicine .... and that after a period of exercise of the spiritual energy of the processor before the rules of this science. 

3 depends on linking the power structure of the energy chips in the human body processor Almtabb graduation and then this energy within an innovative mechanism of the processor to the energy structure in the patient's body to expel the disease. 

4. treatment with the knowledge of the healing light of cards chips is very, very safe in the event of a mistake processor work rules of treatment the patient will be in safety and peace right .. The energy Romani therapeutic chips do not do unless the rules are correct remedial action in the event of an error of the wizard, the healing mechanism non-existent and do not react in the body of the patient and the patient is in a safe position very very very. 

5. ideal: While regular schools healing can heal every disease on the unit and stand in front of confused and there are four to five diseases in the human being per the School healing cards, chips light can heal several diseases together in a single human being, and without side effects 

No side effects to this school.
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The definition of the science of light therapy cards chips:
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