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 Education therapy AZ (Multi participation of everyone)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Education therapy AZ (Multi participation of everyone) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Education therapy AZ (Multi participation of everyone)   Education therapy AZ (Multi participation of everyone) Emptyالأحد أغسطس 17, 2014 3:59 pm

In the name of God the Merciful

 Dear brothers and God Bless you and May Allah reward us richly rewarded

 The most important thing is looking for an all-in this forum and in the other side is the treatment

 And put points on the characters, alas, we find the existing marginal treatment does not solve the problem and does not give a detailed picture of the assets of the treatment and how to become a

 Human desire is a wizard behind the treatment of the face of God

 That is why I thought of writing this subject Rajya from God to be a serious All of the participants in the treatment order and all of the known information written to benefit

 Brothers and novices have a reward from God the Holy Wahab

[ltr] __________________
In the name of God the Merciful
 Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.

 My siblings God first in Welcome on the table in the home-Rahman, a book of God Almighty

 It is not Ishvh Koran does not heal him and God, which guides the way

 My first letter to my brothers who want to Econoamadjin the book of God
 1- you obey God and away from sin and closer to God, including likes and satisfies
 2 Aqidk must be approved by the doctrine of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his companions without suspicions of God Almighty says (van believed as much as they believed it was guided though they turn away for he were in schism Vsikveckhm God, He is the All Knower) must be a lesbian companions and their Imam the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
 3 Bara from any distortion or an increase in the doctrine of the Messenger of Allah and his companions
 4-absolute faith in the book of God and the power of God to exchange what you or make you a reason not to treat your brothers Agrk devil in you you what processor you only reason and healing from God
 5 seeks thereby what I was able to face God in your treatment, what matters but that its structures and modern Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
 6 correct dogma of your brothers and yourself that God is not Elshafy veil or book Onscherh or otherwise
 7-outsourcing to fear God and pray

In the name of God the Merciful

 My brothers in God that the first things you have to know the processor is 0

 # Ruling on working with this flag: -

 I know my brother in God that the work of this science to impose a duty on each of the learned, because this serves as ATD and defending the oppressed and relieve the plight of distressed, which is one of the greatest jihad in the way of Allah

Second: - What are the weapons of the processor, which is fighting with the devil and his party: -

 • piety control of God Almighty 0
 • Flag provisions of the Islamic Sharia and the imposition of a duty and delegate hated 0
 • knowing how to cure 0
 • Practice at the hands of a teacher 0
 Fortified words of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger peace be upon him

Qualities that must be displayed by the wizard: -

 • fidelity to the words of God Almighty (and ordered not to worship God sincerely his religion) and the words of the Prophet peace be upon him (God Almighty does not accept the work, but what was pure and, seeking his face)
 patience to the words of God Almighty (but carried out Alsaberon their reward without account) and need treatment with Gin's grandfather and the skin and the same long and patiently for them 0
 Do not despair has long treatment and Lemuel processor has despaired of healing This is the greatest error and uglier traits, because it does not despair with the mercy of God is not known Muslim despair and see Muslim brother to the story of the prophet Job, the story of Jacob and the story of the prophet Zechariah, and the stories of the Koran and all the Prophets peace be upon them learn them not to despair of God's Spirit 0
 • It is the certainty of faith that is not mixed with skepticism, several processor Certainty is a secret to his success in his work and whenever the processor was strong in his faith in God and confidence in Nasrallah and his belief therapy secrets of the Koran and the Book of God was Nasrallah has the fastest and most support him 0
 humility, a feature of the faithful, a recipe companions of the Prophet peace be upon him said, Come (submissive believers noblest of the unbelievers) said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (does not decrease because of charity money, and Mazad God slave pardon but attributed, and the humility of anyone except God raised ) 0
 • Mercy must Ali processor is characterized by a mercy to the words of God Almighty (The mercy of God is near benefactors) 0
 a trust in God and trust in the meaning of Islam is the introduction of the reasons legitimate and available and then leave it to God then said uphold (and he puts his trust God suffices) 0
 General good manners, because the Prophet peace be upon him (complete believers in faith is good manners) 0
 These conditions are written in brief so as not to subject the reader bored and the result is the opposite of God and reconcile the Crown 0
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Education therapy AZ (Multi participation of everyone)
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