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 Ghost texts killed, tortured and expelled from home

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Ghost texts killed, tortured and expelled from home Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Ghost texts killed, tortured and expelled from home   Ghost texts killed, tortured and expelled from home Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 7:50 pm

This determination as originally filed forums Albaqria previously benefited hoping that you call the back of the unseen is valid compromise, but I put my trust in God upon him and Follow-up
) In the name of God the Merciful (

(This is our book speaks to you right, we were clone what ye) (fell right and champion what they were doing) (when he threw Moussa said what you came by ٱshr that Allah Sabtalh that Allah does not fit the work ٱmufsudain entitled Allah Assuredly his word even hating ٱlmejrmon) (and offered to what worked Fjalnah of work down the drain) (and We send down of the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy for believers and not more than the oppressors only ruin) (Far, very far because Totn). In the name of God and God is God and God is not God nor Ghalib predominantly fugitive escapes from God and no power except in Allah Almighty. I rely on God and trust in God and GATT my back to God and enlisted in God and seek help in Allah and authorize warrants to Allah is Seer of His slaves what God is no power except with Allah and victory comes only from God and Sabri only God and compromise but God Yes Kader God yes omnipotent God, yes Mawla God, yes protagonist of God does not come Bal_husnat God does not only distract the evil deeds God does not only marketed good but God and it's all in God's hands and Acetkfa God and were used by God and Astaiv and ask forgiveness of God and prayed to God to Prophet Muhammad and his family and him and the prophets of God and the righteous servants of Allah (It involves God as if another of the sky Vtaktafh bird or tapering off by the wind in a place immemorial) (though the Koran cert by mountains or cut off by land or spoke to the dead, but God is all) Invite you, O accursed rebel overriding the accursed Satan and leaver to the order of the Merciful, O malignant abomination wherever you or in any image you or any doctrine you I Invite you the names of God paranormal burners burn every demon rebellious and charming militant and demon rebel Thriqk Bchb Althoaqb but what came out and I finished and retired and left and moved away, and Knight for this patient names bones and verses valued from the words of King Alam I Osrvk God who is no God but is Otrdek the revelations of Allah and Oqhrk esteem God and is that the authority of God and Ozoak the revelations of Allah and Otqoy you the names of God and hired you Grace of God (ٱkhrj them Mzauma and rejected) (a ٱlqahir over His slaves he ٱgam ٱlkhbayr) Invite you the book of God Aziz, who (not done wrong in the hands of his successor download from the wise Hamid) and take upon you, O magicians rebels and Gin stubborn reign of God which Aahidkm him and his covenant which Othagkm him and the era of Prophet Solomon son of David, peace be upon them, and his reign and charter, and I swear to you Bazaúm God and testify of God be upon you and his angels, His Books, his messengers and prophets, but what did you go out and Ansrvatm and Anzoeetm and've moved away and Naeetm for this patient nor Tsamua has heard nor Tamoa him Besra not changed his mind and not a member nor Tdharoh something dear viewer Exposed indignantly God and torment and turning our backs and Nekalh I Invite you book of God that you are soldiers of the two wizards or class oppressors or tribes devils or folk recalcitrant rebels or you you wind Red and disease bulk or devils or Aladavsh or Olarralsh or Coptic or Alffersdeghih or Zwabah or Tgalsh or Alfoahach or lesbianism or Aerobacter or Altwabah or Urdu or Aerobacter warm or cold concealed or in plain or fancy Omtaada an infidel or a Christian or a Jew or Omjusya Iraqis or Hamia or Imania Obharia or Priya or a Muslim or a sorcerer determined to you in any image you Beckham from the mountains or the mountains of canted or dune sands or existing or sitting or Sayre or recumbent or Ikadan Oshahd or absent, or present or Sultan or a magician or a kidnapper or passengers or giggled or teary or institutes or institutes resolved upon God and Tqoat you Koran arbitrator, name the greatest Invite you and Oazlkm and Otrdekm and Otrgm all the names of God and the greatness of God The perfection of God and God's power and majesty of God and about God and God's power and authority of God and conquer God and the oppression of God, but what came out and left and retired for this patient and only God sent you detonators torment of fire and inflammation lets thawed body of doom Invite you that ye who dwell country and roams among the subjects or who inhabited the prairies or those who live the atmosphere and clouds, or those who dwell layers of the atmosphere in fancy or who dwells Alshal, mountains and prairies and wasteland or the bottom of the sea or those who dwell hills and Alagam and deserts in caves, markets and countryside and Alkhrapat and buildings and roofs, desert and Alkniv and Almsaih and crematoria and cemeteries and Asmah, roles and Alambaos, churches, and buying and selling or who dwell Abom and trees, or those who dwell mosques, roads and rivers or those who participate idolaters or those who dwell houses on fire or where the object of you or where no one knows except God, I Oaivh you God who not only Allah alone with no partner, and it is not the ability for you on these sections and the names and verses evidence taken and made ​​and Ahjpt this patient from the evil of pain suffered by him and from the evil winds static wind and lightning from the evil of fever and evil is exposed to wind, the bad and the evil of the viewer exposed, which no one knows except God, I Oaivh God that there is no god but He, who gave Solomon great king and took Abraham a close friend spoke to Moses and God, who is not his only is the creation of Issa of the Holy Spirit is God and not God, but He sent Muhammad, peace be upon him to the creation harbinger and warner (and calling God his permission and lamp illuminating) Invite you, O aspirant mighty stubborn Almkzb Day of religion, but what retired and left and I finished this carcass anthropomorphism God who chose Muhammad, peace be upon him on the Prophets, all that you believe in God and converted to Islam in God and his book Aziz, who (not done wrong in the hands of his successor download from the wise Hamid) and his staff are all verses Ezz Lise cleared Holy large venerable great from the Torah and the Bible and the Psalms and the Criterion great and Muhammad e and Bakoara Koran and Basba vescico out and departed Dear ache Almtardaly this carcass otherwise, I swear to you small amount that is not greater than the great which is not greater than with oppression and severe glorious throne with Sultan lofty The King lavish Lord of the Worlds hOME Torah and the Bible and the Criterion great, but what came out and left in peace peace right names bones and words light twin corner and place and Alkaabtin and hairy Sacred and the angels and the prophets, they better prayer and peace (and darkest of those who said the revelations of his Lord and then introduce them I'm from criminals Mentqmon) out, God willing, has enlisted you in God and took you the book of God directed otherwise Fberit of God and acquitted of God you go out the right God, the Lord of angels close (neighborhood Gayoom does not take nor sleep) out the right name which is written on the heart of the sun and has a lined and boarded his throne swore you not what went right the name that is written on the heart of the moon and the name that exploded with water stone and the name that is written on the leg throne and name who wrote the paper olive and thrown into the fire did not burn and the name that has passed through Jesus son of Mary on the water did not get wet feet and the name that God created by Adam and chosen by the chosen Mohammed e and the Prophets and raise him Idris high place and raise him the sky and the sun and the moon and put him earths and styled by mountains and sent by the wind and the creation of his creations and Osrj by the sun and lit up by the moon and the name which is written on the throne and the name that LEC by Gabriel, peace be upon him, and the name that create by Michael and the name that created by the angels and the throne, and the chair and the name that opens its gates of heaven and name, which was revealed in much of the night and where differentiates each command wise and the name that shock him in the heavens and the earth, but of God (and all get lost Dkhran) and the name that sends him of the graves and the name that (DNA Vtdly * was just around the corner * Voouhy to Abdo what has been revealed), but what I have heard and obeyed and precipitated director Dear ache viewer Exposed and the infringer that the God you witness and certify you God and his angels and prophets and messengers and books and do not harm him something I swear to you the book of God Aziz, who (not done wrong in the hands of his successor download from the wise Hamid) revealed knowledge and the angels bear witness, and enough is Allah (Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, among those most humiliated God wrote to Ogbann I Worsley God is strong Aziz) I swear to you, O ache and fever and Exposed the name of God the greatest, and his name Karim and his name Webmasters and by his inventory and his name Galilee term great bulk great greatest light proof Shafi enough that supports obey does not succeed to stick out my viewer, God willing Invite you resolutely God that there is no god is the individual Samad Aziz Metaal Shakur and the name of the God who created the his throne and his name great great great-term bulk Holy Mannan listener Muti Graspers capable Hallelujah unseen world and a Alhman Rahim (Vsikveckhm God, He is the All Knower Sibghatullah is better than Allah dye and to Him we worship) overcame argument God appeared Sultan God and differentiate the enemies of God and remains the face God was Sultan of God and the benefit of the remembrance of Allah O Allah, I Oaiv this patient the right to these names and signs and effects of Kidd each Kayed and Qaida and charm all fascinating and charming and messes all messed up and frivolous and punk all Bagh and aggressive and the envy of all envious and begrudgingly and cunning all cunning and sly and every demon who wants to reap tenacious and puck severe Wannsee right homeless and every viewer has been subjected to God-Aziz al-Hakim, unseen world and is the Merciful resolved upon you, O flatus and aches and-exposed, but what did you go and Ansrvatm about his body and his body and his heart and himself and his hair and his wealth and his family and children in the name of God, who (the creation of man from clay of flesh, the elderly and the elves have created from before the fire toxins) and the name that is doing the resurrection and limit its biology and honors its dead and save him shipwrecked and Wenge by Alhlky and sends him in the graves, but what I answered and heard and obeyed, and precipitated the director's right to obey Allah and obey the Messenger e rightly Gabriel and Michael and Israfil and rightly Taha Yassin lotus and the owner lives and the sanctity of Amittron and the sanctity of campaign throne and right angels close queuing and the right of Solomon the son of David peace be upon them and the custody and charter upon magnification is the master, and the right of God the great majority who singled out by all the king close or a prophet and the name that Akram himself and turned him on his throne and his throne and created by his angels and his heavens and land the committee and its fire and days and nights, and between him and Zafar on the enemy and the large command and appeared on his authority and established by the clouds and sent down by the rain and held by rivers and conducted by the eyes and as his fate and darker by night, lit by daylight and nail him on his enemy a name stock Webmasters only what I answered and heard and obeyed and precipitated director now in this time, otherwise I in God's name Osoukk the name of God Ogbak and the name of God let you down in the name of God Ahriqk and in the name of God kill in the name of God Otrdek and the name of God Osrvk even graduated from his hair or skin and flesh and blood and veins and bones and Mnasmh not come back to him never God who is no God but is not (not aware of the eyes, aware eyes a gentle expert) (knows traitor ٱloaan and concealed ٱlsdor) and amulets God who diagnosed him sight and Tartej him souls and the name that created by Isa ibn Maryam, peace be upon them and revived him dead, God willing, and with all the names of Allah are all by name, who grabs it all mighty stubborn and reap the very demon who wants the name of God, strong and severe in the name of God who flooded by the people of Noah and sent them the flood and the name that burned God by people who returned and sent Knowing the wind aseptic (what devastating than anything brought him only made ​​him Karemeim) and the name that took him Thamood Hooray they became in their homes, cowering and soldiers companions and name, which limits its first two and others by name, who survived by Younis from the belly of the whale that Tingi this patient from all enemies and Tanjieh of all the aches and flatus and Shrhogan and demons by name, who called him Noah on the ship owners and the name that survived by Ismail peace be upon him slaughter and the name that God responded by Jacob sight and by name, who bestowed it upon the children of Israel Vdillt them clouds and inflicted on them manna and name who called him David, peace be upon him on his people and Invite you only what I went out and go out and retired him and precipitated the director, O pain and disease, if you believe in God and the day the other, waving from the body itself and ravenously and all Mnasmh and go to the call of God with another god Oh God, I Oaivh your book home (and if ٱlqrouan Vٱstmawa been read and listened to him, that ye may obtain mercy).(He of Solomon, and he name of God the Merciful * but above and Otoni Muslims) (The Lord God who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then turned on the throne blurred the night the day requested by actively and the sun and the moon and the stars Mskharc ordering not his creation and the command God bless the Lord of the Worlds Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret, He likes not the aggressors nor mischief on the earth after repair and invite him in fear and hope that the mercy of God is near benefactors) (and make the Roissy from above and blessed it and measured therein its sustenance in four days, both for asking then turned to the heaven when it was smoke, and said it and the land Come both willingly or loth Vqdahn seven heavens in two days and inspired in each heaven its adorned the lower heaven with lamps and preserved so the two verses) Invite you, O flatus and aches and symptoms and the jinn and demons and Shrhokhrjkm and Otrdekm (Balsafat description and Zajrat Zgra Valtagliat mention that your God for one employer the heavens and the earth and what is between them and Lord of the east Lo adorned the lower heaven ornament planets and preserved from every demon genie do not listen to the public up and throw from each side Dhora and torment them and pour only of kidnapping Alkhtafh Votbah Shahab Saqib) and Invite you (Balmariaat leave off Valhamlat and Kara Valjarriet easier Valmksmat but to be honest though Totn religion to reality. And the sky full of paths. You say to in various .aavk him of AVC. Kherasson killed. Who are in the midst of Sahon. Ian asking the Day of Judgment. Days are fascinated by fire. Taste Vtntekm this that you do hasten), but what came out dear viewer Exposed and Satan rebellious and flatus and aches for this patient, but I Invite You (Palmrslat norm Valaasfat stormiest .walneshrat published. Valvarqat difference. Valmlkiet male .adhira or vow .anma Totn to honest. If stars obliterated. spaced and if the sky. Amaaljebal and blew up. If the Apostles scavenge .loa day postponed .leom Chapter .oma knows what day chapter. Woe that Day to Mkzben). However, what I have heard and obeyed and retired precipitated director at this time the right of these verses bones from the words of King Alam and Invite You to a verse of the Holy (there is no god but He, the neighborhood Gayoom does not take nor sleep him what is in the heavens and on earth, Who intercede with Him except with his permission. He knows what is before them and behind them and do not surround some of his knowledge, but as he wishes expanded his chair of the heavens and the earth, nor Aúdh saved it is Almighty. no compulsion in religion shows majority of the canceled it disbelieves in idols and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold inextricable and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. Crown who believe God brings them out from darkness to light, and those who disbelieve masters Juggernaut drive them out of the darkness and into the light of those owners of the Fire they will abide therein). (I'm accustomed to the wrong-doers fire took their Sradgaha though Istgathoa Agathoa water Kalmhl grilling faces an evil brew and worsened Mrtfaqa) (pours from above their heads ٱhumaim * fused by what in their stomachs and ٱljlod * and them Mqama iron * whenever they wanted to get out of them from GM returned them and Taste the torment ٱharik) (that we have Onekala and hell * and food for a lump and painful punishment) (from behind hell and irrigated water pus * Etjrah hardly Esegh and he gets ٱlmut from everywhere and what is Mitt It is a harsh doom) (for those who disbelieve in their Lord torments of hell and good riddance) (those who disbelieve Our ​​revelations will fire whenever Nsalém mature skin Bdlnahm Geloda others to taste the torment that Allah was ever Mighty, Wise) (shelter those hell not find them Mahissa). (The ٱlven ٱstnkova and ٱcetkbroa Faazbhm painful punishment does not find them without Allah nor helper) (those ٱlven Ibsilwa including earned them a drink of intimate and painful punishment for what they disbelieve) (them from hell thalamus and above them Gouache and also reward wrongdoers) (and say: Taste the torment ٱharik so as provided in your hands and that Allah is not injustice of slaves) (and ٱlven disbelieve them drink from the intimate and painful punishment for what they disbelieve) (those were not Madzen in the earth and had them without Allah parents compounding them ٱlamab what they can ٱlsama and they shall see) (they have exhalation and inhalation) (and see ٱlmejrmin that day Mqrnin in ٱlosvad Srabilhm of tar and blurred the faces, 'Is) (for Nhrguenh then Nnsvenh in ٱlam demolition) (to hit the faces,' Is illusion where Klhon) (and we are accustomed to those who lied Bٱsah Blaze) (if sees them from a remote location heard her Ngaza and Zvera) (for Aazpinh severe suffering or Ozbhanh) (day Agchehem ٱlamab from above them and from under their feet and say: Taste what ye) (and there comes ٱlnazir taste the what's Zlim of Naseer) (While not Tanthoa to Nerjmenkm and Emsenkm us a painful torment) (if only cry one if they are all our Mhoudron) (if only cry unit if they Khmdon) (I sent them a shout Unit they were Khisham ٱmahtzer) (youre Zaiqo ٱlamab ٱlolam and requited only what ye) (This although the Tgan evil Moab hell would offer evil ٱlmhad this Vlivoukoh intimate and Gusaq and Eakhar of shape marry off this regiment intruder you do not hello to them they Salo 'Is) (as ٱlogll in Oangahm and ٱsalsl pulling in ٱhumaim then in' Is Asgron) (the penalty enemies of Allah, 'Is them the house mole reward for what they Biaatna deny) (The ٱlmejrmin in the torment of Hell Khaldun unfailing them they where Mpelson ((The Hgert ٱlzkom food ٱlothem Kٱlmhl boiled in ٱlbton Cgly ٱhumaim Take him Vٱatloh to whether ٱlgeham then poured over his head from the torment of ٱhumaim Zq you are ٱlaziz ٱlkarim that this is what you do Tmitron) (and ٱlven disbelieve Biaat Lord torment them from the wrath painful) (the torment of your Lord of the reality of the What's his motive) (if ٱlmejrmin in misled and price on the day dragged on, 'Is on their faces Taste Miss Hell) (O jinn and mankind that you can be Tnfzu of the heavens and the earth Fanfzu No Tnfdhun only Bsultan.fboa agents Lord Tkzban) (When Ouasfona ٱntqmana them Vogrguenhm wholes ((Verily to them Mentqmon) (The ٱlven evildoers Vmoahm 'Is whenever they wanted to get out of them sent back where they were told: Taste the torment,' Is well nigh broken you used to deny) (and there comes ٱlnazir taste the What's Zlim of Naseer) (Take him Vgloh then ٱlgeham Sloh then in a series Dhiraha seventy cubits Vaskouh he was not believed Bٱllah ٱlazim) (It displays all male Rabbo being followed torment uphill) (those who disobey Allah and his Messenger, his fire of hell Abiding therein for ever) (Sasalih Hell knows what Hell does not remain be devastating to the oasis for humans by nineteen) (Sasalih Hell knows what Hell does not remain be devastating to the oasis for humans by nineteen) (I'm accustomed to the unbelievers race series and the Oglala and Blaze) (they are designed Bashrr Kٱkasr like Wast zero Lowell Day to Mkzben) (if hell was Mrsada for Tgan Moab to Buthain where Ahkaba not taste coolness nor drink but intimate and Gusaca penalty according they were not beg account and lied Biaatna liar and everything Ahchinh books taste the will Nziedkm only punishment) ('ll let Thbora and pray Blaze ((they have the torments of hell and torment them ٱharik) (God from behind the perimeter) (it is the Qur'an Majeed in the preserved tablet) (what Lehman force nor Nasser) (faces that day should always comply with worker Nesbh pray Nara garrison) (both to denounce the ٱlahtma and realized what ٱlahtma fire of Allah ٱlmoukdh ٱlty looked on ٱlavidh it on them Masdh in deliberately lying) (pray a fire with a flame and ٱmroth bra ٱlahtb in both good rope of occlusive) (those accompanies' Is are where Khaldun (Azmat you dear viewer and flatus and aches and jinn and demons and wizards, including the determination of God to the angels to carry the throne great, but what came out and retired and precipitated director for this patient and do not come back to him never truly did not take her and not a boy, the abit the God you witness and his angels and the campaign of the Mighty Throne, the abit the blood to me Halal and has disowned of God and God is innocent you hear and obey what I tell you, the enemy of God out of it and do not come back to him never ye aches and flatus I Invite you to God the Merciful and the king, who is in it except what came out of it and do not come back to him never Invite you to a verse of the Holy and the Lord of the Most High and Invite you to God and I commend you to God and Othelt you and I start with God and conclude in God but what came out of it and do not come back to him never truly did not take her and not a son Invite you Almighty God individual Samad beneficial and Invite you dear viewer, aches and flatus generally God and the light of God and the names of God, full and a house of God which is indescribable and God who is no God but is only what came out for this Almarbo not come back to him and never, but I Invite you Bturah God characters characters and each character hundred thousand determination and Invite you the gospel of God's characters characters and every letter a hundred thousand Invite you Balvriqan great characters characters never Invite you dear viewer and aches and flatus you generally God and the right of God the Merciful and the king, who is the Invite you the names of Bari are all but what came out of it and do not come back to him never Invite you majesty of God neighborhood Gayoom, but what came out of it and do not come back to him never Invite you Lord of the heavens and the earth Hearing, the Knowing only what came out of it and do not come back to him never Invite you dear viewer and ache and wind Basba vescico and the Great Qur'an and the right of the Cave and the Inscription and the right of the name of God Rahim (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Merciful. The owner of the Day of Judgment. Beware of worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight path. Way, who bestowed on them is not wrath, and who lost) and Invite you and the Lord of the seven heavens and seven earthly deeds are what and what and what Voukhen Tanhen and including Ihamhin and are including brochures with his right hand and Atoihn Ikdinn and Amskhen and willing Callahan Azmat you Bazaúm God hundred A determination and all of the names of God one hundred thousand resolute determination Azmat Allah that you described and do not see one, but not the mountains perished and only Tdkcanut and stranded assets of the heavens and not only cleft asunder and trembled and Invite you dear viewer Exposed right of the names of God which bones send its own people, but what came out of it and do not come back to him never Invite you dear viewer and aches and flatus and the jinn and demons and magicians determination of God and Atrdek him the revelations of Allah and his words full and names and divisions Invite you hijab, which between you and Adam, peace be upon him said that you can be Tzarōh and it is the veil of God and his names and Auzh and his book and its verses, and I swear you, O aches despicable unjust malicious disobedient rebel Btts and TaSeenMeem and Hmasag sucking and Khaas and (Yassin. Qur'an al-Hakim. Inc. for those senders. on a straight path) if you are a Christian, I swear to you Gospel and what of the male and the download and what was revealed to Jesus son of Mary peace be upon them, and if you're a Jew, I swear to you, and what the Torah of the male and the verses and what was revealed to Moses, son of Imran peace be upon him, and if you're a believer religion of Allah, I swear you Koran great and it has some male and proof and what was revealed to Muhammad e and if you Mjusya Fannie Invite you the sun and the moon and the light and fire Invite you if you idolater is God disbeliever in God who created you and your photos, but what came out with him and Oenzuet and moved away and Nit for this patient does not come back to him never Fannie Ahriqk from the Book of Allah Bchb Althoaqb and lightning and Otrdek wind storms and sea-destructive and Invite on you and on your right and on your left Bazaúm God that the determination by the heavens and the Earth (he said it and the land ٱitia voluntarily or involuntarily saying come disobedient) Invite you by name and the names and sections that Islam was a religion, O wind viewer Exposed remove him by name disgraced and rejected Invite you by name, which rose by Elias to heaven and the name that split by sea to Musa bin Imran Invite you name who (manifested Lord of the mountain make Dhaka Locher Moses accidental) drove out the greatness of the revelations of God God God drove out with authority words of Allah took out the book of God took out the power of God took out the power of God out right is no god but God is the Lord of the Great Throne took out the light of God, which burns out all the giant demon and only sent you (Mlikh stern Shaddad do not disobey Allah what He commanded them and do what they ordered) Invite you angels who carry the Mighty Throne and those around him praising the praise of their Lord, their food praise and their drink sanctification, but what came out and I turned and moved away, and Knight and Aatzltan this patient and not closer and does not harm his flesh and not permeated his Besra and does not stigmatize him heard and does not change his members and do not mind and not closer to the work of the Business Almighty God and Bosmaúh that if reported shaken them souls and silence them ears and Ocalt including hearts and Khhat ones eyes and trembled, including the statutes and shaking her throne and the names of the great God and blocking Bosmaúh bones and angels Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar testify, but there is no god but Allah and I testify that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God Come to prayer Come to prayer neighborhood on the farmer come to the farmer Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar is no god but Allah Invite you, O Satan cursed Exposed rebellious (say ٱhamd God nigh broken did not take the boy did not have a partner in ٱlof did not have gone from ٱlzl and magnify magnification) Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu However, the biggest bear witness there is no god but Allah and I testify that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God Come to prayer Come to prayer, come to success neighborhood on the farmer may have had prayer prayer Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar is no god but Allah. And Invite you greetings blessings of God and prayers Altaibat peace on the Prophet and God's mercy and blessings of peace be upon us and on the righteous slaves of Allah I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah e sent (with guidance and the religion of truth to proclaim it over all religion though the Pagans may detest) Invite you Basbah blocking and Basbah books and Basbah interview and Basbah similar and Basbah circle and Basbah static and Basbah Nadharh and Basbah car and Basbah names and Basbah caliphs and Basbah spirituality and Basbah physical and Basbah list, but what came out with him this time and only sent God you thousand thousand door of doom every door from him a thousand thousand kind of chains and shackles Invite you paradise of bliss and the Great Qur'an and name the greatest great and seats throne and Time King and the planets of the car and Alkhns (ٱjawar ٱlkens and night continue if Asas and ٱlsubh If respiration) Invite you have to go out and walk away from this patient, but I Invite you to God and commend you to God and Othelt God and take you God's covenant and the covenant to go out and give it up and do not come back to him never (I've come to you a messenger from yourselves Aziz him what Ye careful you Bٱlmamnin Merciful If they turn away, say resort to Allah is no god but it is a trust in the Lord ٱerh ٱlazim) and God is enough, and yes, the agent Mawla Yes and Yes protagonist and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and always to the Day of Judgment
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Ghost texts killed, tortured and expelled from home
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Provisions of the houses in the newborn (second home)
» Use the ghost Basham
» Those who wanted to use Jen (ghost) believer
» Mr. Memon use Ghost Abanuch
» Oil magical rare Ghost

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Texts call ghosts and spirits-
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