Use the genie Basham
Jana use Basham is owned by a small serve you throughout your life and submitted to Merd yen in the road
I understand guide: It tasted bitter for him to lick honey do not ask me about Shahad then, never ask a Spirituality in the piece after use and pray for me that Ivedny Thawka pray to Allah and His Messenger Secretary revelation that came to him and Downloads
He says that:
Cham 2 Lahiya Cherahia Obbaat Adonai Elohim Al Shiday Alalion deer 2 2 Weah and Osbaúta Saliōta Sbauta
Osballn Tigmat Aamcgosair Aakhosha Aamleja Aazaaot Aashloh Aams clove Iabrzenja Ialuta Iaalohim Aaamishqvfieh Sbouh holy is the Lord of angels and the Spirit Adonai Obbaat heavens and the earth Mmlan your light and your glory and Bosmaúk great, which I mentioned to Kmoksmt you, O angels of pure disinfectant Holy extended Khaddam these names right on you and Bazatha with you and Bjellalha you Aamlaaúal you Aalheiaúal and you Ayasrfaaúal you Aatermaaúal Ojibwa and rushed and obey Trust to bring the seven upper and seven bottom, Khaddam watches, omens and stairs, minutes, and the spirit of the season and the spirit of the year and the spirit of the month and day of Akhaddmony and comply warrants and observe my right and said, We hear and obey the forgiveness of our Lord and thee-determination and milk on Macolh agent Ojibwa, O kings, top and bottom and provided Khaddama to jinn serves me and talking to me
Guided not bother me nor Arhgueny not betray my progress in my gin image that God created the
And tell me what your custom and religion and what ur idol and Signal me and you and your presence at the Bzulk The Besrir door or the little voice Tzaa O Jana and speak God bless you and you and you'll only be Matlute a burning and destruction
Bdaat work on Sunday of the first month of the Arab ICE week and be incense time determination and the recitation of any incense smell good starts Beladd 111 times after links to dinner and every day more than 10 until the end Beladd 191 and fast for everything that came out of the Spirit and not eating Almnfrat Tilt days of the week
I hope to God that one of the WIRED Kha Iba
Was the door
God, my hand this section did not reach the creature nor heard him originally, but I Ahiditha Nafha Mskih Nbria Qtovha Dania those who come to me by and say yes I've attended with me and has the ear Mona anyone who wants to work out, even if they worked out a thousand or two thousand a piece of the ability of the Lord of the Worlds will be a certified us Booze and be tackled to create and the poor, the weak and the rich last.
Question of the elders may God give them Khirhl this is true and thank you.