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 Log in and learn how to prepare ghost to reap the most clearly and easily, and a detailed explanation

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Log in and learn how to prepare ghost to reap the most clearly and easily, and a detailed explanation Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Log in and learn how to prepare ghost to reap the most clearly and easily, and a detailed explanation   Log in and learn how to prepare ghost to reap the most clearly and easily, and a detailed explanation Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 1:02 pm

Preparation reap all the clarity and ease and detailed explanation ....

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In the name of God, prayer and peace be upon the noblest of God's creation Prophet Muhammad prayers and peace be upon the Lord after either:
(Two choices: either you can read the entire topic or Atqroh to college if you took half the information and applied the preparation may be hurt because you did not read the notes and alerts the job)

I discovered that most explicitly spiritual sheikhs of things full unanimous Many times I see the information that is incomplete and that Ydlewnha either for fear that affected one or want to counter materially. I have a way to make you speak with the jinn who are around you initialed This method is easy and can be anyone that he does in fact this method is proven to me and tried dozens of times and very effective ..... I trust in God that tell you this way, but before I start I will describe some of the alerts and conditions Even Anbari of any person acting work contrary to Islamic law.

Conditions and alerts the task:
1 God bless you know I do not know, I Magm forensic work in this preparation .... **** if I Anbari and ask forgiveness of my Lord, and I advise you to not work out that never even Atathm. If this method is not ungodly Vahzb remuneration from the Lord of the Worlds, and ask God to make it in the balance Hassanati.

2 do not work this preparation if you are not committed to the teachings of al-Shara Kalslwat five Adhkaar Morodh and others because compliance is better fortified.

3 You can not be too scared And there you feel afraid not dare experiment ... It is natural to worry a little bit in the beginning, but make sure you are not too scared when preparation.

4 You can do this preparation in any time you want. (Did not try any time other than midnight, but I am confident that this preparation work at any time and depending on the jinn who around you)

5. possible more than one person be present during the preparation as three or four or more people ... I do myself, especially after midnight and did not try it with one but I know people who Ejreboha group and did work with them.

6 I often mention supplications mentioned in the Koran and the Sunna and Almaumat before the start of the immunization I advise you to immunization with prayers in the Koran and the sayings of the year.

Tools required to prepare:
The tools required can be obtained from anywhere and is easy to requests for access to, and most applications Sthsalha at home, God willing.

1 box cover health recycled water (water found in health stores) or milk carton lid or cover any flask provided make it clear that cover a very small vial cover Albibisa Ainf, for example, because it's small.

2 cardboard box on a form provided Maicon small box ... For example, the size of the box, such as the size of a computer screen 17 inches or the like. Possible answer cardboard and cut it in the form of a square or a smooth plank or the like (which I use is paper carton). If you want to use cardboard, I advise you to collect more than paper over some Tlsqhm and even increase hardness.

3 normal pen or thick.

How to make a board to prepare:
Write on the board the word Yes box in the top left-hand corner and the word is not in the top left corner
Then on the next line I write all the letters of the alphabet and each letter needed to be clear and significant
And continued writing until the end (can take two or three).

After the letters of the alphabet type numbers. The numbers are in one line from zero to nine
Below are the type them clearly and then type the word or farewell with safety clearly and this word needed to be in the middle and the bottom of the numbers.

Note: If you have a normal pen you will have to make the character by typing the character is thick like discoloration until the line is clear.

Now you have a slab preparation, the board will use this whenever I wanted to speak with the jinn.

Important Note: It is necessary to have a smooth surface .... For example, a tablet of paper carton factory, if you want to prepare, brought me a glass slab equal to the size of the slab preparation bearing slab above preparation .... When you get a glass table for decoration or table to put Desserts and most of the tables for decoration there is a glass panel met for the dislocation ..... and if it does not have to have a plate glass, try to attend without a glass plate, but the surface is required to be smooth and that, God willing, will succeed process. (where people Aamloha above the surface of a wooden sleek and did work with them).

Now Take Cover (cover water or milk cap) and put it over the plate preparation in the middle.

How to prepare:
First possible attend if the lighting is dim or normal (lighting has no effect never).
Place your finger far left and right index finger on the lid, but Do not press against the lid and do not make you touch the cover is very light, but Make it normal and then say:
Welcome all and now I would like to speak with one of the jinn who are Chamber I to Aarakm but you of course see me, but before that comes and Thadtna I will i ask questions you may belong to Avalmkm and some questions for you if you are eager to talk with me go to Yes. (This talk is not limited, but possible Know yourself and just tell him to go if you want my conversation Yes) Wait a bit if he wants to reap the conversation will move the cover to automatically Yes. And most of the time talking with you and if you did not go to yes and went to do it does not want the conversation. If you did not move to cover probably does not reap in the room or does not want to talk to you. When you go to ask questions Yes you want the genie will answer u initialed may be the movement of the lid slow or fast, and I know that which drives the cover is a genie.

This type preparation I consider one of the strangest curiosities because it does not need to talismans and Ataaoiv and Ashe and I tried it myself and God martyr on Macol ..... possible says before preparation I am so and so ... etc. (know yourself) some gin to Aatkelm you very much and go, therefore I prefer to tell Gin kind of questions that Stsalha or the type of topic that will open with him then tell him to talk to me if you want to go to this and yes it will be long with you, God willing. Talk to him like you talk with quite forget For example, tell him I'm not married and a college student Are you married? If you said yes to say Congratulations Tell me about Aialk and sometimes i ask his opinion in politics and sometimes questions about their lives .... etc. (
(Frankly I enjoy talking with Gin more than mankind, mankind often boring, but good companionship)
If you want to go tell him that you want to go and slide the cover to the word of farewell, and if he wanted to go to Vsivhb word of farewell.
Then salvation is the conversation ended.

Feedback is very very very:
1, the jinn who Sthadth is one of the jinn who are the room it is possible to be an infidel or Muslim, it is possible to be good or evil, and some gin Johmk he went but the fact remains beside you even harm you or catch (enters your body) that if an evil and malignant, but do not worry if you devout Muslim and pray five prayers and keeps dhikrs you, God willing, in the good and safety will remain beside you and will let you, but if you are not committed to the patron and sin not try because you may have a damaged thigh Atdharr Baloslm.

2 Séddk Balguetl..alkh some gin or Cspk In this case, you go to the word of farewell and then attended at a later time because the jinn who talked to him, may not be a finger if it will go, but if you dwell in your house goes calamity therefore prefer to have your house filled with the remembrance of Allah and the Koran in order to Aeskin demons in your house. (Do not be afraid of any threat, but he does not want to scare you and make you anxious and only after all the devil Liquide to humans in general) .althchin important.

3 for Pixie I wonder about things unseen and never especially about death because it would anger you may go or threaten you. I know Aaraak God it did not know the unseen except Allah. (Fear of God is an important point and I Anbari from any action that angers Rahman).

What has been said about this kind of preparation? Will we have are scattered in the East?
Unfortunately a lot of Westerners do not believe in the world metaphysical and claimed to understand NOT BELIEVE really, because they think that the things that get by Gin just illusions and fantasies, or the power of nature or hallucinations and Maaly, this kind of preparation is widespread in the West, and a lot Aznoa that which Ahadthm is the spirit of man died since a long time or something to do with psychology and many of the jinn Akhaddauhm they are the souls of people who died a long time ago Fasedk person, in fact it plays a genie.
West of complacency in this matter where they call it a game and became selling Ouija boards ready in toy stores for children and this calamity, they made it a game, thinking it entertaining. A lot of Westerners have been affected by this kind of preparation because they do not have immunity against the Devils and it's a game Aznoa Some of disease Kalms spiritual disease and some of them were also killed. It is possible to buy this tablet is ready or manufactured by yourself, but many of the experimenters say that effectively made more than ready. One of the brothers told me that he was trustworthy has a concert They were about ten people was ordered genie that holds a glass and opens Dolaba jinn did so in front of their eyes. Many Westerners have complained that when they worked this preparation heard strange things in their home during the preparation as a person laughs or their dog still barking or remain afraid or hear the sound of something heavy falling from the second floor ... etc. The mere appearance of these signs, mostly aimed at the board to stay away from problems. I asked some of the jinn if this is real or just a game as it claims West said to me, does not this is true, a harvest and sitting on my left and there are 5 others think of us and said to me, is a Christian from North America and I live in the West Faihadtna in English you will address the jinn who are around you and most of whom were from people of the country.

- It is possible that instead of saying Welcome to peace, say those who follow guidance and feared Rahman unseen because it may be a genie who Thadth Muslim.

Give you an idea of ​​how the question:
How are you? Masmk? How old are you? Is there a Jenn others in the room? Do you live in our house?
How many bridles in the room? Where are you from? Are you a Muslim? Are you male or female?
Where are you now? (Most of the jinn be on your left) .... Be careful: You should ask each question individually (ask one question and then wait for the answer, then the second question, and so on) ... I often speak with him and open topic and ask him contained and oppose the opinion voiced my opinion, and so on ( Talk Normal).

In conclusion, I tell you Enough of this I have tried to make an objective concept and very clear to Agmod it never behold, I have shown you how to prepare is very well known in our and clarified to you that the board is not required to be ready and has graphics, especially as some say, and this subject is not transferred, but rather presents for the first Once me and fitter (ask fitter and I wonder doctor g) and I have a lot of discussions that happened to me I want to tell her, but I Maysmah compelled to go. God knows this and, thank God, the Lord of the Worlds, and ask God to forgive me and you and the other Muslim men and women
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Log in and learn how to prepare ghost to reap the most clearly and easily, and a detailed explanation
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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Call ghosts and spirits-
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