السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت
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 Preparation and determination of population population ghost fitter true

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5248
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Preparation and determination of population population ghost fitter true Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Preparation and determination of population population ghost fitter true   Preparation and determination of population population ghost fitter true Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 12:14 pm

In the name of God the Merciful

And prayer and peace be upon our Master and Ashraf senders Maulana Muhammad Pray God on him and his family, companions

And followers

Peace and recognition of a lot number of grains of sand and gravel

And the number of water droplets and the pouring rain

But after

My siblings in God

This section of the Doors have buried sheikhs and which do not admit it and never affected the service

And that the ousted to Shawamekh

This section of the large number of applicants has become like a needle of gold, which the owner buried in the sand hill

God bless the Mstkhrjha and those who gave them to me he is Hearing, Knowing knows treacherous eyes and what the breasts conceal

This type patch on the blessed white silk time of writing and the moon in the antenna tower Wednesday night at twelve of them

It is the flower and graduated under the sky in your own place and put it in front of you after that be Taibtha musk

This determination and read 1000 times


In the name of God the Merciful

That for the cautious Mvaze gardens and Annaba

The right Hsqger Zsqar 2 2 2 Hsqosq Tsqd Ste 2 Lord 2

Hey assigned Hvtagaiel ordered King skyscrapers such and such, right Rajt 2 and strabismus Jobb 2 2

Come Alouha 2 2 2 calf and God bless you

All this and you're the warden to the area and face up to the sky and do not raise your eyes to the sky and incense in front of the board

It Senderos and coriander and Kander and Hbhan case combines incense amid Aaditk Boukurk case and your opinion to the board

There will be such that you Imithank the tyro no interference from the first work does not make it

What to expire lift your head up to the sky you see is what Sahab spot is located in the sky (well-known to those who will work)

Vocals at the end of the number and divide it

Mujibur fitter true in transmissions and .... and Hua .. and what you want for each

Once again that you do not have Sheikh, though I do not tyro progress on this work evacuated my conscience who will do anything happens to him

Her ear that works by reading light for the people of God and the way Shaykh Mstkhrjha and our sheikh Abdullah and the author and after-Fatihah 5241

Here are the patch honest


Musameh and non-borne _khasim from somewhere else other than this forum

Your brother in God

Aqlkm note and the Madaba and ethics
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Preparation and determination of population population ghost fitter true
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