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 Lessons learned Alawvaq full

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Lessons learned Alawvaq full Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Lessons learned Alawvaq full   Lessons learned Alawvaq full Emptyالخميس أغسطس 14, 2014 10:01 pm

In the name of God the Merciful

 The first lesson
 It is well known that the science of science Alawvaq venerable and honorable for the content of the cosmic secrets and knowledge as an integrated collector is aware of the secrets of complexions and letters and numbers and this structure is a comprehensive presence in each cheesed
 Hence we know that the names of Alawvaq launches on verbal and literal and numerical called according to the approval of the ribs and its regions and its countries, and also for agreeing in the business, which is the womb of letters and house numbers and the existence of the effect it intended to numerical and literal, and the verbal is not called in accordance only by metaphor, and Alawvaq numerical three ways:
 1 synthesis (consisting of names and verses).
 2 and geometric (consisting of numbers).
 3 and joint (consisting of the character and number).
 Vlfezh joint termed by scientists this art of latecomers, and numbers downloaded in Alawvaq on the faces, what starts with the one in which differentiation and the one, and this is called a natural
 Also, if it was getting started with the one and differentiation without one on Monday, for example, do not have calculus in which more than that, no less, gets the imbalance in the development of this Alovq, and often starts key Alovq without one, but the differential with the one, must be in all of this knowledge preferred the largest number Alovq in the smallest number in it, with the following statement of assets Alawvaq engineering because it is considered the secret of discharge letters Beruahha of numbers, and put names and verses.
 It is clear to us if we look at the mysteries of numbers
 That number indefinitely is no limit to his afterlife and ole Monday and not a single number.
 And divided that number to the individual and the tens and hundreds and thousands and there is no status of a fourth, but is at his home on Sundays and appreciation of individual thousands, as well as Ashrath and ionized and then on these houses three and arrange the rest of the numbers to what has no end has been ranked the wise forerunners and successors Late in arithmetic books great and it over account minimum and invented in Tassanifam forms call preparation Alovq so unspeakable understanding and mystified the illusion and the form of each of these forms pattern, installation and officer in length, width and diameter signaled for health Alovq
 (And Alovq generally last) give rise for a square divided ribs straight lines gets Tqatiaha boxes junior equal length and width promised Kaadh what comes out of the hit sections one ribs in like him then go down in those squares prepare succession Downloads a tailored (as we shall see) so that it becomes what brings in all a row of wool length and width and the diagonal equal part of some in the account and the number of cells for redundancy and the imbalance has been the whole of the Elders of the Romans and the Persians and India on the health of the shapes and the impact of their properties and have tried many of them even agreed on the impact of their properties as agreed by the doctors on the impact properties of some medicines and Kings top Tfaeloa it and benefited from it. things different so they did not Avarkoha of their lockers when they saw the validity of their properties to facilitate the care of the duties and spend their business -oaalm that you have to be a metal or leather or paper, which is written by a net of defects is not where the cutting does not impact darkening or other van was Alovq triangle makes Kmthelt or square, making them square or pentagon, making them Mkhmsa or pistol, making them a gun or heptagon Vmsava Thus, in the appraiser valuing and nine ample etc. and must remove the side where impact because the effect takes the place of writing if I left and made ​​the tables was written with him not in it Phipptal work
 And must be straight lines and houses and equal numbers on a single system under Sundays Sundays and dozens under dozens and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people under under thousands and so on ......

 Schedules Alovaq
 The fee schedules Alovaq is that the board of inquiry to be writing them in the form of a conciliator who want triangle in a triangle in the square box etc. As already explained, then skip the square with sides of equal length and width has two Aleutan four corners and two so Sfletan

Lessons learned Alawvaq full Aofk1

 If you want Alovq triangle line is two lines long, and not with you as well as casually holds 9 boxes of hitting 3 * 3
 Any length and breadth of the ribs so ..

Lessons learned Alawvaq full Aofk2

 And if you want box line is 3 lines the length and breadth not you box holds 16 of hitting 4 * 4 = 16 so

Lessons learned Alawvaq full Aofk3

 And if you want pentagon line is the length and width by 4 lines not with you 25 box
 * Hit 5 of 5

Lessons learned Alawvaq full Aofk55

 And if you want the gun line is the length and width with 5 lines was 36 box of hitting 6 * 6 and Heptagon of sound 6 lines in length and width was 49 of hit 7 * 7 and the price of sound seven lines in length and width was 64 box of hitting 8 * 8 and the widening of sound 8 lines in length and width was 81 hit 9 * 9 and Muasher of sound 9 lines the length and breadth not with you 100 box from hitting 10 * 10, and so the rest of Alovaq to percentile Fterba him in the area of 9 including Tarazach then find square adequately topped the list of the equal and four corners list, and then of sound nine and ninety lines in length, as well as in supply is obtained 10000 box you obtained from a hit 100 * 100 as it will come to explain that God Almighty
[ltr]__________________ [/ltr]
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Lessons learned Alawvaq full
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