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 Lessons in the science of spirituality

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Lessons in the science of spirituality    Lessons in the science of spirituality  Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 20, 2014 4:01 pm

Lessons in the science of spirituality
The first lesson
Introductions in science spirituality

In the name of God the Merciful
(Employer may Atitni of King and taught me the interpretation of conversations creator of the heavens and the earth, you are the crown in the world and the Hereafter Tuffine Muslim and join me righteous.)

(People touched the doors of Kings request for gifts, and the Kings touched Abuibna Time to theirs)

((Oaahid and messengers of God and his angels and the righteous slaves of Allah from mankind and jinn, and elves wholes, I am because I am responsible before God for all the work angers God, done by any student to Aeetmsk fear God, not O has reached, not O Allah, bear witness))

Astronomical spiritual
O.mamed Zahid Khalil al-Husseini al-Mashhadani

Beloved brothers and members of the Comprehensive Honorable Hello
Before more than two months, and I promised you that we begin a series of lessons spirituality that defines a student of this science what contains the foundations of assets and Tdelh on how to access in this science Galilee, as more than a researcher and specialist for some of the benefits that make looking for what he can to take advantage of it through these lessons.
These lessons promised by my brothers and Alchamlean delayed by them, and the reason for delay is due to two things.
I wanted to know the extent of the patience of the students of this science in waiting for the fruits of these lessons Saktefon of fruit, and these are usually clerics where they Aamllona and make us wait until we discover the capacity endured for patience in order to let them know you deserve this science or not, and to know that the bearer of this science should have characterized by qualities and morals, not that easily manipulated by his disgraced and shed or reluctance of people and only God is the avenger of all offensive and unjust for himself and God's creation.
That the entry of the month of Ramadan and the preoccupation with worship and fasting, and do as well as the precious lessons that we have set for the properties of the names of Allah made ​​us what we delay and promised him a full-time and for these lessons.
Thanks to God will begin this lesson that will be prized and precious priceless Bmthmn not evaluate jewels and pearls will be the secretariat put it in your necks, and I decided to go into these lessons, but out of an interview with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in which he said (of God gave him the note and harnesses for people bilge God reins of fire day of Resurrection) or as beloved Prophet said.
It would rate these lessons one lesson each week and possibly more depending on spare time, and will include all the vocabulary knowledge of science of spirituality, of fortifications and departure and Mnadl and business Meteorological astronomical and Boukurat and Ovaq and characters and everything attached to science, spirituality and the truth will be the lessons indispensable for student Mptdy nor the world finished.
So I call upon my brothers the members of the destruction of those who want to follow-up to be his approach to the question and comment a scientific approach and is characterized by seriousness and not to ridicule or comment is useful because any comments or words is not the benefit will leave and will not respond to him, but I ask you my beloved to be your vision seriously and constructively to these lessons.
Before we get into the solid science of spirituality among other issues, and there will be introductions tiger during these first lessons in order to take knowledge including science, we will learn from this, and ask God to Iovgueni to complete and completed the best suit and the best formula is reconciled to God.

Business definition of spirituality:
Meant business spirituality: Business that exceed the capacity of the senses or natural ability of the mind fetching benefit or payment of damage, and this business has multiple partitions mismatch what is good and some are evil and will be the extent of the use of good and evil of them on the same user-Man, which seeks to reform among the people and help them to solve their problems have to do spiritual good and vice versa person who seeks this business to the rhythm of people and sow hatred and rancor, including acts of discrimination or illness or bad luck, the work of spiritual be evil and the general good deeds be more responsive and the speed of their success, especially if he seeks thereby spiritual serve the people and help them because the servants of the names and business from spiritual love to provide assistance to people, and vice versa, the acts of evil and separation, madness, and so are slow to respond and may not get unless intentionally used to draw on the work the bottom and I mean business lower those acts engaged by the user and depends for its success on demons and such acts are forbidden and will come when talk about the business of spirituality between lawful and unlawful acts spirituality double-edged sword can take advantage of it in our lives and spend Hawwaijna solving our problems and can use it to destroy our principles and destroy our values ​​and damage and harm to others, and the extent of the use of this weapon in faceted legitimate or others on the ethics of the user and religion and principles. I appeal to every user that takes into account religion and conscience not to harm others and remind him that the Elders of elves and Rohaniém refuse any damage they cause are appended in others.

Science spirituality between Halal and Haram:
Comes when a lot of people sometimes question about the jurisdiction of the use of science spirituality Is it halal or haram? Unfortunately, we see that many people on different levels of cultural rush to judge it and asserts prohibition which does not know its meaning and its divisions but exaggerates some stamped her employer and I do not know on what basis legit protested in their claim this and I'm sure that that is quick in judgment in such matters is not his knowledge of legal provisions have not studied in depth Quranic texts were not seen in the words of the commentators and scholars, but I am confident that it does not differentiate between science, spirituality and its divisions and magic that is intended to harm the people, which is forbidden by the Koran and the Sunnah, and to clarify the matter say God reconciled. We can not recall a single legal judgment in the science of spirituality because they include many sciences and all knowledge, his own judgment and we will explain science that belong to the writers and do not linger or go out for fear of expansion and digressions.

1. business spirituality:
Divided business spirituality to good and evil If the work is better and there is no evidence of infidelity or solicitation or closer to the elves, this is not good, and God knows best, and the work of evil If the well which is not where the formulas infidel or evidence to make use of and to draw closer to the elves there is nothing wrong out that worked for Msthakha "human oppressor, or the infringer, or immoral" as a band of people gather to sin, corruption and aggression, although it is better to leave it and the help of with prayers and supplications and the properties of the most beautiful names and Quranic verses it stronger response If the business of spirituality, whether good or evil contain formulas infidel or use of Paljan approached them things illegal, it may not be definitely said that most of the imams and scholars of Islam and Allah knows best.

Sections 2 and wills and Almnadl and others:
The formulations and their meanings were Arab or non-Arab understood the meaning and containing Koranic verses or prophetic supplications and does not involve anything that indicates infidelity or privacy, this was not too bad, said many of the scholars of Islam and Bjoazha not inviolable. But if the opposite where any evidence of infidelity, this is absolutely forbidden.

3 incantations and Astronomical observations:
Linked meteorological astronomical hieroglyphs of the close relationship between them. Incantations and has said many scientists because Bahramtha origin is Arabic and incomprehensible as that of the author or treated her believed to affect the universe and the impact on the ability of God affecting everything and this is definitely not forbidden in Islam, but in all monotheistic religions. Here I would like to clarify the issue, but I facets to people with knowledge and competence is that if the spiritual work talisman and extracted letters or preparation of Quranic verses or supplications or the names of God or something like that and turned it into a character spirituality and by the time the private and wanted her goodness was not believed the influence of the planets and the talisman itself, but I believe that God is moving
Almighty, who deposited his secrets in life, it may act only said some scholars of Islam is permissible, and the other Kaltlassm incomprehensible meaning or spiritual incantations that do it to take down the damage to others or which contain the meanings of infidel and this is definitely haram shirk and God knows.

4. uses and Alasthoudarat:
This section of the business, like spirituality of it and I'm from the Sacred Vallal depends on the relevant section and his words and his servants of gin if they are good or otherwise Vhlal absolutely forbidden.

5. Alawvaq and letters and their properties:
This flag Independent Business spirituality has to do with them, therefore we have mentioned here, have differed in which scientists there are two views overwhelming them said Bhlalh and some who did not go into his study stated that it is haraam or hatred towards correct but it is permissible and Halal has been rewarded for his employer that used in good unlike what if used in evil [see explanation talents Rahman in interpretation of the Koran, Sheikh Abdul Karim teacher, 1 c. The book Fatawa modern Ibn Hajar Haythami, c 1, p 8283. ].
These are some of the provisions of the uses of this science I mentioned a brief explanation of the books of jurisprudence and wanted to expand it in the books of fiqh Please see lengthy.

Sections of spirituality and business types:
Business spirituality can be divided according to the disposition of the multiple partitions to be used are detailed below it.

1. acts of goodness:
They all work by the user wants reform and goodness or meet her needs and facilitate things as acts of love and irritation and fetch the girl and marriage Albaúrh and bring customers to replace the trade and meet her needs and other business and remind Nodhaa in the fourth quarter.

2. acts of evil:
It works by the user that wants to hurt others and damage to their encounter few dirhams and this kind of business has multiple images as acts of division and hatred and acts of Projecting and transmission, stoning and business connectivity and the contract and the work of destruction, murder and others.

3 invitations and wills:
Call or determination, is a group of words arranged in the form of a prayer long or short has often lyrics Syriac [words Syriac in sections and invitations spirituality is words Syriac spoken by Christians because the Syriac spirituality old, including what is the language of communication between the elves. Or Hebrew as well as Arabic divided by the spiritual jinn or demons in order to achieve a specific request or need to spend or so. These invitations, sections and spells including what is forbidden because of the groveling to the devil and the use of it and discard the heavenly religions, including what is Halal as demand from spiritual or gin good Muslim to assist in consulting or eliminate the need to read the call for them under certain conditions, none of which requires exit from religion or infidelity even if they were verbally and non-Arab but on condition that it be known meaning of these calls or call Barhettih great determination university attributed to Asif Berechiah or section Slimani or call Algeljlutih blessed and others.

4. retreats and uses:
So that baptizes the user to isolation in a place far from people and noise to be clean and pure, we want the dress and place in many retreats have fasting also in order to transcend the spirit and be able to contact Paljan or animist, then recite the call or varying names which ignites the incense and after the termination period gets his attendance and be between him and the genie who invoked by the Charter of the era and then the user can take advantage of this Khadim as he wants, and retreats conditions and rules can not be mentioned for fear of prolongation.

Differs between the Covenant and the Charter elves good or insured or between the spiritual and the infidel devils and jinn, Valjn good or Alrouhaon stipulate the user is the head of four conditions:
1. attendance hygiene and prayer in congregation.
2. investigate the food and livelihood solver.
3 attendance on a voluntary fast Ksaam Mondays and Thursdays, for example.
4. visit graves of Muslims every week once or twice.
Most of them are demanding adherence to the teachings of the Islamic religion as a prerequisite for the Prince and his violation of the Charter and the interruption of the relationship and the means of communication.
The conditions imposed by the devil or the genie infidel are:
1. disbelief of all heavenly religions.
2. attendance prostitution acts such as adultery and incest even outrageous.
3 attendance offerings to the devil and include offerings such young children are being slaughtered for the devil, as he did the witches in Europe in the Middle Ages.
4. pursuit of evil acts that hurt people and cause them enmity and hatred.
This covenant includes images of actual provided by the magician to the devil if puts his feet on the book of God or urinating him, God forbid, or writes the ayatollahs to the breach of impurity also have entered the solitude which is unclean, we want a place and closer to the devil all the work disgraceful and ugly may even ask him to Satan adultery by all acts had to curse God and the angels and all the people. We ask Allah for good health.

5. Almnadl:
This is the way many spread when all who work in this science which that seeks user prepares a mirror or a cup of the oil puts the drop black ink in order to reflect the vision or other modalities of vision and then ordering the boy under the age of puberty that focuses look at the mirror and then begins the spiritual reading Department prepare Almendl even attend the elves in the mirror and sees the beholder (the boy) and ask them what he wants and is not only the vision of a boy who is an intermediary between the user and the jinn. Almnadl them and what is the bottom attended any demons or jinn infidel, including what is the loft attends Angels or Rouhaon or committees favor depends on the type of audience that reads Section

Does the word spiritual from the jinn or Rouhaon they Salehi jinn and their underwriters who are keen elves to the worship of God and piety Firtqon level of gin to the level of angels worship and obedience to God are called spiritual, and this word has become a calling Employee science related to the fairy spirits
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Lessons in the science of spirituality
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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Spiritual science and magic-
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