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 Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers    Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 2:00 pm

Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers 

In the name of Allah, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and his family and companions and from above, in every glance and the same blink of an eye, and the number Mausah science of God, and after: - 
Today I read in after dawn post stating the owner he bought the book as well as six hundred dollars and used it Vanekst conditions of, etc., and another person entered in the subject and NATO Iman thickener and he got his Kate and Kate, and looked now to participate to hang them did not find it seems that some supervisors deleted because it believes that this can give rise to anger and gossip and we do not need it, while of course there are people who have benefited such books and answered them, 
@ - But I personally pick the topic from another angle task which does the talismans and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. damage and side effects on people, of course Ambasslaat undoubtedly yes its damage too many Onazaa them the wrath of Almighty Allah be upon nastiness Creative owner and misfortunes afflict him and shortness of livelihood whatever acquired diseases etc. , and there is damage to some of the benefits such as Aloouchet They can be infected drug abusers are deaf as well as affect the Ntafth may beget disabled or insane, and Almnadl can affect the eyes, Allapit also can affect the nerves etc. Thread lengthy, but we shorten and remind illuminations only, according to Mutalatna and we look such matters of years, hand Multi damage Alawvaq on drug abusers, I merely including mentioning Sheikh peacock, one of the giants of destruction, where he said in, mounted when speaking on the triangle because he asked some of the brothers from Nhozlk: either symptoms Alovaq multiple ones as I have said many intolerance and emotion and disease head the weight and the difficulty of conservation and Alnsan rapid and lack of livelihood and the pond and sometimes contrary to the needs and filling all the doors, especially those who used to keep his Dfaún God and thee of them.) ended his talk 
Personally I íÇĚăÇÚÉ goodness I see like that, and I think that the use of incantations such as incantations and numerical calculations mentioned by Sheikh Anwar and some of the brothers have symptoms such as what he said Sheikh peacock and increase as they in fact rely on the spirituality of the person and the capacity of the mental and can deplete something of capacity therefore be nervous and sharp even I am on some days I was installing some Alawvaq and incantations numerical murine same Gadan too get annoyed by people on less anything can be rushed and say talk is not only Mahzh my habit, if left such things calmed myself, so I'm personally not secret to anyone, because these calculations complex in hieroglyphs and Alawvaq and spirituality, which has the power to activate the hieroglyphs and Alawvaq up and running, 
I have no doubt that the abuse of such incantations and Alawvaq and other things in Spirituality have side effects such as symptoms drugs do not doubt it at all affect the same person has been affecting his home and his children and his livelihood etc. and there are people who are strong by nature, and there are people who are weak exhausted Alawvaq and incantations and some of the things spirituality of their energies, there are people who use such things and take astronomical sums, or a high price for not fit with Makedmoh of interest or recipes or scripts etc. 00 and here regret of paying these amounts and they see that they did wrong and Andg them Vidon on from their oppression calamities and lack of pond etc. and perhaps succumb to them turning Adeithm to misfortunes and scourge of laughed at them, and only so much the subject is long, and we ask Allah to help and guide 0
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Damages to use incantations and Alawvaq and Ambasslaat etc. on drug abusers
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