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 Cupping and its impact on Eye, magic and Gin

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping and its impact on Eye, magic and Gin Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping and its impact on Eye, magic and Gin   Cupping and its impact on Eye, magic and Gin Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 9:00 pm

[size=32]Cupping and its impact on[/size]

[size=32]Eye, magic and Gin[/size]

[size=24]The benefits of cupping 
Says Dr. Ali Ramadan in an article in the Journal of health atheist number twenty, that cupping benefit much, God willing, in the following cases: 
1. chronic headaches, which failed with other methods. 
2 different cases of rheumatic pain, especially neck pain, back and legs. 
3. some cases stiff or swollen joints different. 
4. pain and burning in the parties, especially diabetics. 
5. high pressure. 
6. some cases and cases of psychological paralysis. 
7 Some therapists have found the Holy Quran that read the Koran during cupping helps a lot of patients. 
8 back pain and arthritis, gout, diseases of the abdomen, "constipation, indigestion, lack of appetite." 
9 insomnia and menstrual problems ... etc.. Boerma. 

The truth is that the benefits of cupping more than reported, and that his knowledge of the English language Filipges the Internet for the word cupping in several locations to see the researchers say the benefits of cupping. 

The effect of cupping on Gin:
Gin characterize human for several reasons, including the eye, magic and love and hurt ... the x, and influenced by the elves when Tstafrg material and magic eye cupping Vtjd patient is in turmoil and twitching and even fainting or attend full or part-time, such as cupping.
Some of the jinn be restricted in specific places in the body, and may be these places are sites for cupping, either he flees before cupping or alienate the patient, and it has passed on cases attend elves presence completely not the patient feels pain until I finish it, and cases are required server magic cupping Enchanted in the subject   Certain of the body to reduce the amount of magic that affects the patient   , And these things are caused by metaphysics do not know, some gin hurt cupping   And others are asking cupping and the result is one benefit of the patient, God willing.
It is well known that the elves being the son of Adam bloodstream as stated in the hadith, and perhaps leave some cause harmful batters in nerve and muscle and veins rights, and cupping Tstafrg these blends if they signed it.

Cupping and its impact on the eye:
The eye if the hit man have the space and the offense inside the human body, either in the form of vapor or liquid or albumen, however Spell out the form nominated "sweat" or in the form of steam with a yawn or in the form of albumin with phlegm and diarrhea, and learned from cupping it sucks eye or some of the places near the surface of the skin if they signed it.

Cupping and its impact on the Magic:
Cupping served in vomiting magic food and drink and Mashmoom and splashing on the body, "Internal generally."
Valshr after being eaten or drank settles in the abdomen and spreads with blood to most of the members of the body, and be in places more than others depending on the orders of magic, and cupping benefit greatly in vomitingmaterial magic near the surface of the skin, but do not reach the magic in the depths of the body like the one in the depths of the abdomen and chest although it authorizes the Almighty God that vomiting Enchanted Oi gets his diarrhea following cupping, and are generally very useful, God willing, in substance vomiting magic if they continued Enchanted cupping placements contract and the pain and the synagogues of magic.
[size=24]Evidence: reminded me of one of the patients was enchanted to say: I was suffering from severe pain in the lower back and you can not sit down, but leaning on a pillow or other, I went to the cupper and asked him to put a scaled on the subject of pain, and after cupping found lightness and comfort and heal from that pain thankfully.[/size]
Recent say I was suffering from a severe headache did not work with him medicines and painkillers, and was due to witchcraft, advised me a brothers cupping, I went to the reluctance and told him what Oanih of headache intensity Putting scaled the hat is off, and began sucking scaled, and after he removed a scaled wonder cupper of the color of blood was color of tar is closer than blood, and then eased headaches often thankfully.
  Young man I know was enchanted by the magic of insanity and has suffered from this magic thing so much Dallah God Almighty on the road kind of legitimacy, and then to cupping, was frequently coming to the same Bhjama his head and both sides of his neck until she returned to him his health and his mind and the jurisprudence of God to what he loves and which pleases Him.
The last was not able to kneel in prayer, kneeling right in the back because of the charm, and went after the cupping his finds from the pain became kneel kneeling something does not feel right, and praise be to Allah.
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Cupping and its impact on Eye, magic and Gin
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Illustrations cupping wet and dry
» Cupping at Ibn Sina
» Cupping - 2
» Cupping - 1
» Types of cupping

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