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 Cupping between rejection and acceptance

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Cupping between rejection and acceptance Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cupping between rejection and acceptance   Cupping between rejection and acceptance Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 9:00 pm

[ltr]Cupping between rejection and acceptance[/ltr]

[ltr]This article   Quoting   Maliki Center site for medical information (quote).[/ltr]

[ltr]Press Briefing: with Dr. Amir Mohammed Saleh, a visiting professor at the University of Chicago and winning the American Board of «« Physical Therapy »» and a member of the American Society of Alternative Medicine magazine people's lives: 218 year number 123-2001 May 26 from 2 March 1422 on Saturday.[/ltr]

[ltr]Did not pay attention to the prophetic medicine, but when we entered the American and European universities .. It is true that treatment with cupping is taught in the curriculum of medicine in America. It is also true that this method of the Prophet, who was attacked and denied by Arab doctors has become a useful treatment for many of the most serious pain capitals of the world.[/ltr]

[ltr]This is confirmed by Dr. Amir Mohammed Saleh, a visiting professor at the University of Chicago and winning the American Board of «« Physical Therapy »» and a member of the American Society of Alternative Medicine.[/ltr]

[ltr]It was a point the discovery of this treatment method is the beginning of the story, Dr. Amir Saleh with cupping .. The irony is that confirmed he did not know much about it before traveling to America .. there and grandfather lauded and teach medical students in most universities, and adds that cupping the door of doors prophetic medicine has responded with more than 60 newly prophetically .. Through scientific journey, which lasted for several years in the United States and some European countries and found that they know this type of treatment is an important branch in the universities and called them (Cupping Therapy).[/ltr]

[ltr]And had to be sailed in the depths of this science., And discovered that cupping was known to the pharaohs, has stated that the father of medicine Hippocrates said that the Pharaohs were divided into two types of medicine Medicine fasting output medicine or medicine cupping through openings in the skin caused doctor. ., and when he sent the Prophet to him him and ordered cupping and approved, but he did this kind of treatment for himself and his wife, Vahtjm Apostle he is fasting and cupping a pilgrim and cupping of the pain in his head and leg .. and cupping of the poison that has developed by the Judaism.[/ltr]

[ltr]* What are the diseases addressed by using cupping?[/ltr]
[ltr]Vahadjama useful in the treatment of some diseases, but not all .. They claim to a clear improvement in liver function and diabetes, in addition to some diseases of ear, nose and throat, as I have achieved important steps in the treatment of children who suffer from cerebral palsy and paraplegia, recorded an improvement remarkable in many cases, as well as cupping succeeded in treating obesity and diseases related to the weakness of the body's immune acne.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Your specialty physiotherapy .. What is the relationship of that treatment prophetic?.[/ltr]
[ltr]I told you that cupping taught and works out in the Western world, which is part of physical therapy and said Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: the drug in three drinking honey and cupper Loki fire .. then forbade Ironing fire did not forbid cupping In another interview says: The best thing about Tdaoeetm by cupping, and God Almighty says: (The Lord God who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then turned on the throne blurred the night the day asking desperately and the sun and the moon and the stars Mskharc ordering not his creation and the command God bless the Lord of the Worlds ) (mores: 54).[/ltr]
[ltr]God created the body and make him approach and the orders and prohibitions, if we did Valawamr true body and if we move away from the prohibitions of the body is also true, and his knowledge of the science of the Apostle of God.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Some object to the tools used in operations cupping?.[/ltr]
[ltr]There is fear of pretenders who practice the profession of treatment materials and natural methods like any other profession practiced by some pretenders and quacks, but that of course does not make them vulnerable to attack and reduce the will but to be put in place controls that govern this work and the criminalization of all those who practice without knowledge, so there will be outlets information for everyone who wants This type of treatment, and must emphasize that we do not attack other treatment methods, but a complement on the right to find a cure without side effects, but for the tools used in this treatment, the many companies make modern equipment for this purpose and is available in most countries world.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Is blood donation sings about cupping blood donation?.[/ltr]
[ltr]Donating blood belongs to phlebotomy and cupping not because of blood donation leads to getting rid of some blood components in specified quantities in a short time and is done through a blood vein and not through the pores of the skin. Therefore we do not benefit from it in certain places in the alert as the skin in cupping.[/ltr]

[ltr]When this happens any scratch in the body happens alertness of the immune system, because the skin is the first line of defense for the body standing, the secretion of white blood cells and increases the immune, and in case of any pressure on the body increases alert the immune system and there is pressure normal, where we find that the immune system when women   Pregnant be very active and consists of white blood cells in large quantities., And there is pressure from industry during the occurrence of scratches in certain places of the skin to claim the same result which is what happens in the cupping.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Is there a relationship between cupping therapy and acupuncture?[/ltr]
[ltr]Join cupping different college about the history of acupuncture, but we can say that the processor cupping can be used to map the same sense of centers in the body that the processor uses acupuncture to treat the same disease. But acupuncture is a sense of alarm centers only in the cupping alert centers are in addition to the sense of moving the circulatory system and alert the immune system.[/ltr]

[ltr]* On what basis is determined sites for cupping?.[/ltr]
[ltr]This is done in three ways: first, to raise the alert and areas of pain, and the second is: Alert neural areas that have skin contact or other words of neural connections in common with the skin in the centers of one., As in the cases of the heart, where be alert in certain areas in the shoulder, and prostate are alert at the bottom of the back where the skin is common with the internal organs in places sensory neurons one. third way is to use reactions (Reflexology),where is the alarm in certain places in the skin that occurs reactions in internal organs, such as Alert glands and secretions alert device digestion.[/ltr]

[ltr]* What cases do not have the cupping therapy?[/ltr]
[ltr]When a patient is infected with a cold or when the high temperature and prohibits the employment of those who appeared in the cupping dialysis or the holder in the first three months, as well as those who have liquidity in the blood.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Is the body needs to have cosmetic surgery after these scratches caused by cupping?[/ltr]
[ltr]There are 10 ways to do cupping nine ways, including being without striping and rely on the strength of the suction and one only depend on the striping effects that go away completely after a short time and does not need a facelift.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]* What do you say to those who are attacking this kind of treatment?.[/ltr]
[ltr]Recite tell them we are not biased and have seen for years, but only a matter of purely scientific and West now gasping behind and worth knowing .. So why is this question, and I call on all physicians to treat their patients Egypt cupping so as not to leave it to those who are not Welcome   Her.[/ltr]

[ltr]* Did the doctors in America know prophetic medicine, prompting them to your action on the experiences of cupping in the United States?.[/ltr]
[ltr]In Western countries who teaches the history of medicine, and as I said in the cupping was present days of the Pharaohs, as well as existed when the people of China and in the Greek civilization and Greek. When he conducted the research and studies on the cupping and knew the importance of voices there for the return of cupping to natural medicine or alternative medicine, or what we call Prophetic Medicine.[/ltr]

[ltr]Certificates of patients after years of pain:[/ltr]
[ltr]Cupping treated virus (C), returned the pronunciation of a child[/ltr]
[ltr]Talk with patients regarding their pain and sorrows is very difficult, they do not want to remember the moments of pain and do not want to dig up the roots of a sickness. After several attempts he told us:[/ltr]

[ltr]Mohamed Ahmed Abdulkadir 42 years of rain that he was suffering from gout since more than ten years and went to many doctors did not cure the illness, but after that performed the cupping completely cured and all the analyzes that work then confirm this.[/ltr]

[ltr]Yasser Azab Ibrahim, another patient dwells Street Jafar Wali and at the age of 28 years, spoke with the utmost simplicity and said: I was suffering from the disease alopecia, hair loss, and did not go to any doctor, and after that I heard about cupping went to the doctor and Ahtgmt thankfully been healing completely and returned to the natural state of my hair.[/ltr]

[ltr]The Reda Mahmoud Badr 52 years old and works as director of customs, laziness was suffering liver and inflammation in the colon, says: cupping process before I went to more than one doctor in internal medicine, and there was no improvement so I had to work after that cupping despaired of treatment, and now I go to work cupping every month I do not feel comfortable only after conducting .. and it is important that I am not an old man and do not Darwisa but I tried it myself, and analyzes demonstrate that the liver functions have improved no longer feel any pain in the stomach or colon, by virtue of I practical shifts you abit of work and a very cold winter nights you hit colds constantly but now I feel that I have grown immune and already I had not had a cold since the one that you make your sales cupping.[/ltr]

[ltr]Talat Hassan, 57, works as an accountant in one of the private companies in Heliopolis, says: I was having somevirus C and rheumatic pains not lie to you I was nominated senior doctors cupping process after the failure of the normal treatment and already the results have been amazing in terms of seized enzymes liver and liver function, but the virus has not disappeared completely and did not feel the pain of rheumatism promising and I am subjected to cupping each month two years ago.[/ltr]

[ltr]He spoke of the child's father, Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim from Shubra and said that his son, 5-year exposure to a shock in the second year   Of old lost his speech and became not respond to a not speak with one and it went to the Institute of Hearing and speech and started him in the lessons of conversational but that did not come outcome, then we have conducted a cupping dry him and extended three weeks, returned to its natural state.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]In connection with Dr. Said Shukri professor of ear, nose and throat at the Institute of hearing, speech, and fellow University School of Medicine Ohio, who assured us that that attacks a clueless done, this is the ignorance of a particular, and was raised recently about the attack on cupping therapy is only a storm in a teacup , soon will end when he realizes ignorant importance and adds that we grew up on Western medicine and now we are suffering the ravages of complications resulting from chemical drugs, and the West realized this fact and claimed that conducts research and studies on alternative medicine, or what we call the prophetic medicine and the results have exceeded all expectations, While we still bury our heads in the sand.[/ltr]

[ltr]The West created the hospitals full treatment with honey and the number of pharmacies that derive medicines from herbs too many there are and if we are talking about cupping as a branch of prophetic medicine must be no secretariat and the responsibility to make a fair comparison between medicine current and alternative medicine, and I do not want to respond to the attack of this kind of treatment   Because they understand the words of the Prophet peace be upon him and deny the latest results, which will not come out from us, but rather from the west wall.[/ltr]

[ltr]For me, the biggest proof of the sincerity of the effectiveness of this treatment is to improve the condition of patients who Oaaljhm, I would like to reiterate that this improvement is not just the demise of the symptoms and the disease is still present, but that the patient heals completely, I'm Dr. I can know so well as most of the drugs raise the efficiency of the immune system in pharmacies now is a natural herb, be sure to research and studies have been conducted on these herbs, and ultimately assure that the West is seen as alternative medicine with great respect, and cupping operations exist in America and some European countries. No one is unaware of this fact.[/ltr]

[ltr]Dr. Ahmed Abdel Samie Head of liver Hospital EgyptAir says: The iron found in the human body to various bodies, including the free radicals which cause cells to oxidant Vtqll of immunity against the virus, it was found that there are patients who have a high percentage of iron in the blood are their responses to treatment less than others. Thereafter Research has shown that the removal of large quantities of blood from these patients frequently helps in improved rates of response to therapy and cupping is a type of blood out or get rid of it, which is well known since antiquity The Prophet peace be upon him and approved, but it must be conducted in a manner safe medical and be clean and sterile and required by our betters, rather than the attack on cupping, work standards, sound medical study to prove the efficiency of this method or not.[/ltr]

[ltr]For patients who are treated by cupping say that's simple and does not measured it, but the results were amazing People with liver who suffer from the virus C and have a high percentage of iron and high in enzymes .. and who underwent the process of cupping way medical sound repeatedly increased their response to treatment with a drug Inter Veron and ribavirin after the response rate was to have virtually non-existent, and here we see that cupping can actually help in the combined treatment of pharmaceuticals, but it is in itself a natural remedy does not have any side effects and I when I was in Germany I learned that they use them as a means of alternative medicine.[/ltr]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Cupping between rejection and acceptance
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Cupping - 2
» Cupping - 1
» Types of cupping
» Illustrations cupping wet and dry
» Cupping at Ibn Sina

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