| [ltr]Positions according to their importance[/ltr]
[ltr]1 - atrophy of brain cells[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/101/36/32/34/35/11, then cupping on the joints and muscles of the neck 43/44 front and rear with honey, royal jelly and a daily massage.[/ltr]
[ltr]2 - Electricity redundant brain (cramps)[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/101/36/32 / (107 on both sides) / 114/11 12/13[/ltr]
[ltr]3 - activated center focus[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/2/3/32[/ltr]
[ltr]4 - Center for Memory[/ltr]
| [ltr]39 / (unnecessarily harmful to memory and repeat inherited oblivion)[/ltr]
[ltr]5 - Headaches[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/2/3 can replace 43/44 instead of 2/3. And add the following if the cause:[/ltr]
[ltr](1) eyestrain[/ltr]
| [ltr]104/105/36[/ltr]
[ltr](2) the sinuses[/ltr]
| [ltr]102/103/114[/ltr]
[ltr](3) high-pressure[/ltr]
| [ltr]11/101/32[/ltr]
[ltr](4) constipation[/ltr]
| [ltr]28/29/30/31[/ltr]
[ltr](5) colds[/ltr]
| [ltr]120/4/5[/ltr]
[ltr](6) the stomach[/ltr]
| [ltr]7/8[/ltr]
[ltr](7) kidney[/ltr]
| [ltr]9/10[/ltr]
[ltr]( of the menstrual cycle for women[/ltr]
| [ltr]12/11/13[/ltr]
[ltr](9) the gallbladder and liver[/ltr]
| [ltr]6/48[/ltr]
[ltr](10) backbone[/ltr]
| [ltr]The cups on the spine[/ltr]
[ltr](11) tension[/ltr]
| [ltr]11/06/32.[/ltr]
[ltr](12) anemia[/ltr]
| [ltr]120/49 kg and a mixture of honey and brown 4-1 km circuit ground and 4/1 kg Nigella sativa crushed and mixed with a spoon taken every day.[/ltr]
[ltr](13) brain tumors[/ltr]
| [ltr]Cups on the head to places of pain.[/ltr]
[ltr]6 - Migraines[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 / 2/3/106 + places of pain.[/ltr]
[ltr]7 - Frequent sleep[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/36 with diluted vinegar and a little sugar.[/ltr]
[ltr]8 - depression, autism, insomnia, nervous tension[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 / 06/11/32, below the knees.[/ltr]
[ltr]9 - Irritable Bowel Syndrome[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/48/7/8/14/15/16/17/18/45/46 and dry 137[/ltr]
[ltr]10 - bedwetting[/ltr]
| [ltr]After the age of five years, dry cups[/ltr]
[ltr]11 - neuritis V and VII[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/110/111/112/113 on the subject of the infected and 114.[/ltr]
[ltr]12 - sciatica[/ltr]
| [ltr]Right: 1/55/11/12/26/51 positions and leg pain, especially the beginning and the end of the muscle.[/ltr]
[ltr]The man left: 1/55/11/13/27/52 positions and leg pain.[/ltr]
[ltr]13 - paraplegia[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11/12/13/34 or 35 and all the joints of the affected side and a daily massage.[/ltr]
[ltr]14 - total paralysis[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11/12/13/34/35/36 and all the joints of the body and massage daily[/ltr]
[ltr]15 - tingling arms[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/40/20/21 and the joints and muscles of the affected arm.[/ltr]
[ltr]16 - tingling legs[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11/12/13/26/27 and the joints and muscles of the infected man.[/ltr]
[ltr]17 - All eye diseases[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/36/101/104/105/9/10/34/35 and above the eyebrows and the hair on the circle.[/ltr]
[ltr]18 - tonsils, throat, gums and teeth and the middle ear[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/20/21/41/42/120/49/114/43/44[/ltr]
[ltr]19 - sinuses[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/102/103/108/109/36/14 and hair circle[/ltr]
[ltr]20 - hearing impairment and inflammation of the nerves of the ear hearing Wash[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/20/21/37/38 and behind the ear[/ltr]
[ltr]21 - Non-pronunciation[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/36/33/107/114[/ltr]
[ltr]22 - chronic cough and lung diseases[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/4/5/120/49/115/116/9/10/117/118/135/136 and Hjamtan knees down.[/ltr]
[ltr]23 - help to quit smoking[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/106/11/32[/ltr]
[ltr]24 - heart disease[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/19/119/7/8/46/47/133/134[/ltr]
[ltr]25 - narrow vessels and hardening of the arteries[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11 cups and placements pain and spoon undiluted vinegar and a pinch of sugar, day after day, especially apple cider vinegar.[/ltr]
[ltr]26 - high blood pressure[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/2/3/11/12/13/101/32/6/48/9/10/7/8 and can be replaced by 43 and 44 instead of 2 and 3[/ltr]
[ltr]27 - elephantiasis[/ltr]
| [ltr]Note: The two-day rest before lifting the infected foot up, then put it in warm water for two hours before cupping.[/ltr]
[ltr]1/55/11/12/13/120/49/121 and around the infected man from top to bottom in addition to 125/126/53/54[/ltr]
[ltr]28 - varicose veins[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/28/29/30/31/132 and placements injury away from prominent places.[/ltr]
[ltr]29 - stimulate blood circulation[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11 and ten cups on either side of the spine from top to bottom as well as a tablespoon vinegar and a pinch of sugar, day after day.[/ltr]
[ltr]30 - Kidney Disease[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/9/10/41/42/137/140 and dry[/ltr]
[ltr]31 - liver and gallbladder[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/48/41/42/46/51/122/123/124 and 5 cups on the right leg from the outside.[/ltr]
[ltr]32 - inflammation of the mouth of the stomach[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/121[/ltr]
[ltr]33 - stomach ulcers[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/7/8/50/41/42 / dry 137/138/139/14[/ltr]
[ltr]34 - Diarrhea[/ltr]
| [ltr]Dry cups 137/138/139/140[/ltr]
[ltr]35 - chronic constipation[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11/12/13/28/29/30/31[/ltr]
[ltr]36 - Hemorrhoids[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/121/11/6 and dry cups 137/138/129[/ltr]
[ltr]37 - Fistula[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/11/12/13 and around the anus and above the slot fistula.[/ltr]
[ltr]38 - food allergy[/ltr]
| [ltr]Dry cupping one directly on the navel.[/ltr]
[ltr]39 - Obesity[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/9/10/120/49 and placements flabby.[/ltr]
[ltr]40 - thinness[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/121[/ltr]
[ltr]41 - Rheumatology[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 and all the places of pain.[/ltr]
[ltr]42 - rheumatoid[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/120/49/36 and all the joints of the body, large and small.[/ltr]
[ltr]43 - roughness knee[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11/12/13 and around the knee and can be added to 53/54.[/ltr]
[ltr]44 - foot salts[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/13 and right and left heel can add 9/10[/ltr]
[ltr]45 - gout[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/28/29/30/31/121 and placements pain[/ltr]
[ltr]46 - Cramp[/ltr]
| [ltr]Several dry cups around the infected muscle[/ltr]
[ltr]47 - Neck pain and shoulders[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/40/20/21 and placements pain[/ltr]
[ltr]48 - back pain[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 and on either side of the spine and placements pain[/ltr]
[ltr]49 - abdominal pain[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/7/8 and dry on 137/138/139/140 backpacks versus place of pain.[/ltr]
[ltr]50 - Dermatology[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/120/49/129/131/7/8/21 and places of injury[/ltr]
[ltr]51 - ulcers and abscesses legs and thighs and itch mechanism[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/129/120[/ltr]
[ltr]52 - Thyroid[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/41/42[/ltr]
[ltr]53 - Sugar[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/7/8/22/23/24/25/120/49 and painted place cupping povidone iodine cream for three days.[/ltr]
[ltr]54 - immunocompromised[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/120/49[/ltr]
[ltr]55 - Infertility[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/11/12/13/120/49/125/126 / 143/41/42[/ltr]
[ltr]56 - Prostate and ED[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/11/12/13 and added to the ED: 125/126/131 on the two men and a dry 140/143[/ltr]
[ltr]57 - varicocele[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/11/12/13/28/29/30/31/125/126[/ltr]
[ltr]58 - uterine bleeding[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 and three dry cups under each breast every day until the blood rises.[/ltr]
[ltr]59 - menopause[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/129 and 131 from abroad / 135/136[/ltr]
[ltr]60 - vaginal discharge brown[/ltr]
| [ltr]Three dry cups under each breast every day until the rise secretions[/ltr]
[ltr]And 1/55/120/49/11/12/13/143[/ltr]
[ltr]If no smell nor color nor Scratcher:[/ltr]
[ltr]61 - menstrual problems for girls[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55 and dry 125/126/137/138/139/140/141/142/143[/ltr]
[ltr]62 - to ovarian stimulation[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/11, dry 125/126[/ltr]
[ltr]63 - Mother after the process of the uterus and colic problems after the session and the binding process of the ovaries and the presence of milk in the breast without pregnancy and diseases of menopause (depression - tension Alasba- infections of the uterus - the psychological conditions)[/ltr]
| [ltr]1/55/6/48/11/12/13/120/49 and dry 125/126 and scheduling session prefers the second day session.[/ltr]