The right to respond to the benefit of the owner and the destruction of the oppressor (fitter Bedi)
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you my brothers in God, this interest from Almejrebat great retrieved from some righteous answer right and destroy the darkness has been tried and true, and I gave her to many people and true to them which read Surah Yasin blessed for a week every day seven times, but the time of the recitation be after sunset daily pray two by God intention, and then moving on the direction and ignite promises incense and recite Sura seven times and then calls after this supplication (God right Yassin and the mystery of ice and light ice and the blessing of ice and the heart of Yassin and including inflicted Ali Sayed senders and the right to peace in both word of the Lord is merciful to take me Hakki who Zlmni and infringement, and respond to my right and to show me the verse of at O Lord of the Worlds, and prayed to God to the prophet Mohammed, Ali and his family and him) 3 times my brother in God and I know that this method is if you continue to read for 40 days in the same way the structure of deportation unjust it is gone from the place and passes his home Tdmiraoukd ćŐÍ tried this but I know my dear brother also condemns condemned and pardoned when the estimated God forgive him when brackish this method of Mejrebatna personal cherish and appreciate 0