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 Learning Series Hypnosis

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Learning Series Hypnosis Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learning Series Hypnosis   Learning Series Hypnosis Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:35 am

Learning Series Hypnosis 
What is Hypnosis 

Is a state of relaxation and focus attention on a certain point, which makes the individual must be prepared to receive orders issued by the Sandman and working out. Came the word hypnosis from Hbnoss (Lord of sleep when the Greeks). Hypnosis depends on social factors and the individual's awareness of the positions so that he can imagine the perception of many things. It also depends on the trust that exists between the individual and the Sandman. Add to that an explanation of what hypnosis for those who do not know it is also very important. The situation occurred with students at (the University of Marina), which replaced its name to the University of creation. This university is located in Baku, Azerbaijan. I explained to the students in the first hypnosis and its benefits, but one student had been delayed for attendance at the time of explanation and then came and began the process of hypnosis slept all students except those requesting and I asked her why, she said I do not know. And reached to clarify that the subject in a scientific affects a significant impact on individuals as well. In addition to the need of the individual to the hypnosis. Often resembles the behavior of the sleeper Batawaim magnetic everyday social behavior. To this effect some quasi-hypnosis to influence social. Social influence 
Definition of Hypnosis: 
Many definitions formulated in this regard we choose, including the following: definition of Suther Land, 1991, 197 "It is the state be it an individual Mrtejea result of indoctrination, and focus his attention and obey the teleprompter. Sometimes do not feel pain and refuses that feeling." The interpretation of the phenomenon of not feeling the pain a bone of contention has been tried on a number of donors, students and found them effective. 
Definition Gleitman, 1992, A36 "as a temporary state of euphoria under the influence of persuasion and indoctrination of the individual natural. During hypnosis can be hypnotized or therapist to teach the individual leading to the accidental effects of the individual as difficulty breathing or difficulty showing words or debate" 
Definition Myers, 1993,540 "is a kind of indoctrination that higher pay individuals to focus their attention on the narrow point so as to be certain their expertise and imagination like the truth and the reality." 
We will complete the subject successively 

These books and references into hypnosis for those who wanted to be found 
1-hypnosis (Joseph Harriman) 
2-hypnosis (Asaad and JP) 

What is hypnosis? 
What is the feeling during hypnosis? 
What can we achieve hypnotherapy? 

What is hypnosis: 

Hypnosis is used for large energies subconscious mind to make a quantum ............ .. 
Hypnosis and the experience of feeling comfortable and relaxed and not stage a deep sleep, but the person at the stage distort hear voices and smell the smells and is aware of the moves and controls his actions. Spending not sleep but relaxed state of complete solitude where the focus on the inside. 

What is the feeling during hypnosis: 
Most people find fun and ecstasy stage is quiet and often heard after the meeting says Ya Salam I felt calm and do not want to go back to the natural state so fast and sometimes you have to go through minutes was like ten minutes. 

What can we achieve Hypnotherapy: 
1 - reaching the stage of serenity and imagination and freedom of the conscious mind barriers critic. 
2 - programming the subconscious mind to resist disease exists or disease. 
3 - to resolve some internal psychological conflicts. 
4 - programming the body to adapt to the pain of emergency. 
5 - programming the subconscious mind to relax and calm and a sense of inner peace. 
6 - to overcome the nerve and the nerve. 
7 - face the kinds of concerns. 
8 - programming on happiness and to get rid of depression and narrow Constant. 
9 - to get rid of authoritarian obsessions and compulsions. 
10 - programming the subconscious mind to Allastratejah goals. 
And much more 

Followed ...........

Questions hypnosis hypnotherapy 
- What is the feeling during hypnosis? 
Usually accompanied by a sense of happy Bartha physical, but nevertheless remains conscious mind 
Per exactly what is happening. It may happen a sense of wrong time, it may take you forty 
Minutes and only like ten minutes. It may not exceed feel a sense of relaxation in 
Ergonomic chair with interesting book, and there are some capabilities that improved during hypnosis, 
Such as remembering imagination, vulnerable. 

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- Is everyone met to hypnosis? 
Yes, everyone met to hypnosis and three exceptions are: 
- A person who does not wish to 
- Intelligent person at a rate too low 
- A person suffering from mental illness severe 

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-Are There is a danger in hypnosis (alpha case)? 
Absolutely no danger of hypnosis 

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- Will I lose consciousness during hypnosis? 
Does not happen, do you ever lose consciousness when you relax in a comfortable chair and enjoy 
Film attractive or interesting book? 

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Do I will reveal my secrets without my will during hypnosis? 

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- Is it possible to do something I do not want during hypnosis? 
Amenkn does not force you to do anything without your will during hypnosis and it is enough proof 
To our word that we achieve through the Internet, so emphasize that this case does not stem only 
Inside each one of us and not for any processor over the role of guidance. 

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-Are Possible to stop smoking with the help of hypnotherapy? 
The golden rule is "every calendar is a calendar autonomy" in the sense that if 
You have a sincere desire and determination Avenue, the success rate of Hypnotherapy 
Be about 100% 

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- What are the uses of hypnosis? 
1 helps you to fully relax, which helps to restore your 
2 improve your ability to remember and learn 
3 overcome fears phobia 
4 slimming 
5. stop smoking 
6 for the treatment of excess tension and anxiety 
7 increase self-confidence 
8 treat most cases, psychological treatment and categorically not temporarily 
9 to help raise the body's resistance to disease and organic treatment of chronic pain 
And chronic headaches, which leads to faster healing 

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How do I choose from Iegany hypnotherapy? 
There is no specific method for the selection of treating Are there several messages to help you 
Like a good choice to consult your doctor for the best of massage practiced hypnosis. 
The golden rule is that you trust Bantabaek you gather together and ask the processor 
Do you feel yourself and respect the limitations of his side? Do you listen to the well? Does it seem 
Trustworthy and respect? The good therapist does not reject that record every session with him 
And also does not reject Houdorahd relatives or close friends of the session with you, as it should 
It should teach you how to reach the alpha state yourself. 

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- How to make a case alpha? 
There are several ways to make a case of the alpha and the way they work with someone who may not succeed with 
And those other roads are summarized as follows: 
1 prying eye or in other words, eye strain and consider it like focus - without 
Close your eyelid - a point higher than eye level or focus on the image. 
2 mental stress, such as the count of 100-1 with reducing the number 3 in the sense that every time 100. 
97-94 - .... etc. 
3 physical relaxation gradual growing 
4 relaxed mental Baltejel like to imagine that you are sitting alone in a place endeared to you 
5. has poise: Like Rocker 
* All the above-mentioned models is needed by the human at the beginning, I have learned to reach 
To the case of alpha, but with exercise can be accessed immediately in 
The same person. 

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What is meant by self-hypnotherapy? 
Is the person to deliver the degree of alpha himself, and the possible use by any individual in any 
Anywhere, anytime. 

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- What are the steps of self-hypnosis? 
This is done in three stages: 
1 setup 
2 bring about hypnosis 
3 listen to suggestions 
1 setup: 
So that lie comfortably on a chair or bed, and helps to relax all that untangled 
Tight fitting clothes or wristwatch and Taatkhala your glasses, for example, and avoid all that can be 
Distract your mind or your concentration alarm bell or telephone, or to be go hungry, or thirsty 
For example .. 
2 bring about hypnosis: As in the answer to the previous question 
3 listen to suggestions (to suggest positive): 
Both motions recorded by yourself or if you are equipped with your doctor 

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What are the general rules for proposals (suggesting positive): 
Be positive: Do not say you will spent with my family and my children 3-5 hours a day 
Say: I spent with my family and my children 3-5 hours a day 
Be specific for less: I spent more time with my family every day 
Say: I spent with my family from 3-5 hours every evening I am happy 
Not less than: I spent with my family from 3-5 hours every evening 
Say: I enjoy Belkaúy with my family and my children from 3-5 hours every day, we would like 
Emphasize that suggest positive is the key to a cure in the form of simple, how 
The image that you see yourself as you wish and how exceed the negatives that are around you or 
Other how to deal with the problem in all circumstances. 

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How to ease the pain? 
The sensation of pain differs from person to person, as well as different handling of this pain 
And you respond to him, and undoubtedly that your dealings with the pain affects your sense of the extent of per thousand 
M. Valjzaa of severe pain in will often lead to increased pain sensation 
And tension. 
There are several ways to treat pain, such as: 
1 Relaxation 
It is very useful for many people, and relies on the idea that pain leads to tension 
And anxiety, both of which lead to involuntary changes in the body such as the speed of the pulse 
And respiration and tight muscles of the body, high blood pressure ... etc. The only thing that 
We can control it is to breathe. 
If you breathe slowly and the depth it is possible to reflect the session. The other thing is that 
Sense of the ability to control yourself and your stress will no doubt Adja sense and wise 
The pain is much better and has already explained that in the pre-progress in the Calendar 
2 Visualisation: 
It is possible to add it to relax and imagine yourself in a place that you feel comfortable to you, 
It may be comfortable chair in a garden full of Balzhormthela and should try to imagine all 
Details such as colors, flowers, trees, sky, sounds, like the sound of the birds 
As well as the scent of flowers. 
3 suggesting treatment: a deep relaxation and access to the alpha state, where the 
Communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind in the best form, and the assumptions 
Positive more detailed. It can provide you with relaxation tapes, whether public or 
Each person according to requirements .... 
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Is it possible to improve our relationships with others through therapy suggesting? 
Yes, it is possible to improve all types of relationships, whether emotional or family or 
Professional. People's actions with you but largely affected by your character and your outlook for yourself 
And evaluate them, and your assessment of the problems, and in order of importance. It continues through the mind 
Sub-conscious and can arrange those ideas better and overcome any fears 
Or the effects of the experiences of older affect your relationship with others. 

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Are you suggesting therapy helps in improving your sports? 
There is no doubt that the outstanding sports is usually intelligent and confident of himself 
And treatment by suggesting as it improves your image and self-confidence in yourself or overcomes any 
Private Fears hinder you stand sports. Also using a method, or a certain technique in 
Suggesting treatment enables sports of exercise in mind and lead to improved 
Significantly in performance sometimes more than play sports practice muscle
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Learning Series Hypnosis
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