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 Method of behavior modification and learning new habits

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Method of behavior modification and learning new habits    Method of behavior modification and learning new habits  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 12:20 am

Method of behavior modification and learning new habits 
Dr. Ramez Taha 

There is a story known to experience significant carried out by scientists from psychologists .. The pioneers of behavioral psychotherapy .. namely "Watson and" Rainer ". 
The two scientists have developed white mouse in the vicinity of a small child named "Albert" had been admitted to hospital for treatment of the disease is myself. 
And innocently and spontaneously extending his hand felt so small little animal brilliant whiteness .. then issued a "Watson" instructed to issue an annoying voice from behind the child, make it scream shuddering and awe. 

The experiment was repeated several times .. Each time the mouse is placed close to the white "Albert" sound is spam leads to sudden panic and screaming child. Then came the second step of the experiment by placing the mouse close to the white child, but without causing so irritating sound .. 

What was the result? 
I've been screaming child strongly in every time he sees the white mouse even from meters away ..! 
After that it was in his fingers .. Athssh become in a state of fear and panic severe just to see from afar! 
The strange thing that has happened to the child after what it called "the phenomenon of circular" has become the child is afraid and terrified of anything that looks like - from near or far - that the White Mouse. 

It has become "Albert" deathly afraid of cats, rabbits, and dogs, but with white fur, and even more than that .. it was haunted by the same shift of fears and panic even if he saw a white fur piece ..! 

We note that "the phenomenon of circular" that occur in a lot of cases .. The father harsh tough to hit his son constantly, and punish him on both large and small, causing treated this in fear Jr. severe, it is not only the father, but from his boss, and every man in site authority or influence. 

The simple experiment, which proves that we have explained phobias, anxiety, severe psychological habits or behaviors are educated as a result of wrong Repeated exposure to frightening or painful position. 

Exposure of the child "Albert" of the White Rat (Interestingly natural) did not cause him any troublesome emotions at the beginning of it. 
But coupling the emergence of the White Mouse (Interestingly, natural) to cause annoying sound scary (conditioned stimulus) led to stir fears of the child and screaming (response). The repetition of such experience to the emergence of unhealthy behavior and the appearance of symptoms .. fears satisfactory. 

It has become the child's "Albert" patients suffering from fear (phobia) can continue with him a lifetime! 
This experience dealing with the possibility of causing disease or defect myself a trial basis! ..obaltaly The possibility of treatment and the removal of symptoms, according to the rules of psychology and behavioral psychotherapy as well. 

This means that the disease is psychological behavior of the learner .. 

We learn to fear, anxiety and obsessive and even learn to configure links policewoman wrong can lead to an imbalance or disorder of thinking conscience. 
From here .. confirms theories of learning and behavioral psychology that mental illness is the erratic behavior learner. 

Rather, the mental illness also Calfsam-face view of behavioral -You only educated continuing to conduct a troubled (and the subject is controversial and different) .. Valvsamy learn since childhood contradiction intellectual, emotional, and when it receives from his parents' orders and messages (verbal and non-verbal) and tell him I do (Q) do not (Q), which I do not do the same thing ..! Then the child fails in the formation of concepts and perceptions of realistic and consistent and specific. 

As we were able to experience symptoms that make a satisfactory .. we can instill healthy habits and behaviors are also desirable. 
In order to deal with a situation like the case of the child, "Albert," we have to make a conjunction and intimately new between the appearance of the mouse White (Interestingly, natural) and between (sexy cop) last raises happiness and pleasure in the same "Albert" instead of the irritating sound frightening, as if the match our between the appearance of the mouse White and offer a piece of candy or a game he loves the child. 

Ie, to create a link between the emergence of a new mouse white and induce a state of euphoria and pleasure - accompanied reassured and not fear - for the child, "Albert." 
It also stipulates that are rounded mouse or any other alternative ever fur white gradually, We start by showing from afar with the provision of candy or toys that are common in the same child feelings of pleasure and tranquility, and repeated the experiment and every time is rounded mouse gradually accompanied by feelings of joy and relaxation, and so we note that we We gave the child the same exciting, which was causing him panic, fear and panic (mouse White) but with all the time shows where it was Almejreban offer the child something to the same pleasure and delight, was associated with the appearance of the mouse White in the mind of the child's feelings of happiness and joy and tranquility .. no longer fear or freak of see! 

Thus, the response has been replaced by fear and anxiety when the child "Albert" response of pleasure and tranquility. 
And shows us that the impact of the gradual repetition in providing exciting varying simple increase even up to provide exciting for its size and near normal. 
And also provide the so-called positive reinforcement (reinforcement or encouragement or reward) for the desired response is conducive to the promotion and strengthening of the desired behavior and continue until it is usually - semi-fixed - habits of the individual. 

I think that both of us had seen once a child screaming at him for bathing in the sea for the first time, or when you see it for the visitor Ghraib had never known before .. and how the father-Hakim is the one who remembers to use the manner of encouragement and reassurance gradual child fearful, he is encouraged by helping a child to approach gradually from the water .. or so away from the stranger., and offers his help, Fadmh and patted his shoulder and transmits the tranquility and courage .. the equivalent if candy is encouraged and approached it from what it is they fear and afraid of him. 

And repetitive and the continued strengthening and encouragement we find the child has begun approaching more cautiously, but as if he discovers a world unknown. 
Father and constantly follow in such a style will find his son in advance to take to the sea and amusement and tampering in the fun and happiness without the slightest fear of water, and thus learn any new behavior is possible, but it is conditional on strengthening and reinforcement and encouragement. 

If .., learning is a change in the behavior of the individual so that it can be adjusted or machined or polished. And that this change in behavior could continue if the enhanced reward and encouragement and reinforcement. 

The change in behavior resulting from punishment or which is associated with feelings of failure or frustration is superficial change to Aistmr long and may even result in behaviors Anti unhealthy, but to get rid of any bad habit or any other undesirable behavior depends greatly on that show this bad habit cause of the individual unpleasant feelings and lead to results that are not fun or non-beneficial or harmful harmless. 

It can be used in self-suggestion to help replace unwanted behavior other undesirable behavior through verbal influence - as if to say to the individual himself phrases encourage and support when it behaves desirable .. 

I remember during the study material anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine .. Story associates that were frequency constantly at the beginning of the school year because they do not imagine that you see the body of subhuman and that it expects to fail in substance anatomy because they are afraid and even scream if it deems Srsara or tiny mouse, and months passed and everyone was surprised Balzmalh stuck a scalpel and dissect the process of one of the corpses in the morgue .. then explain each and every muscle and blood vessel or nerve which is holding it between the fingers! And skillfully enviable ..! How did it happen? 

I followed associates - without that mean - of the methods of psychotherapy behavioral, a method desensitization gradual with reinforcement and encouragement of self .. have recounted to us how it is when she saw for the first time the banner labeled with the name of "the morgue," she's feeling of fear and troubled heart, but it took says the same words of encouragement even approached the door and threw a look at the existing marble benches inside and merely the first time this step .. then repeated several times while continuing to encourage and reassure itself and the expulsion of the frightening thoughts and perceptions of her mind .. 

The second step was to enter several steps inside the morgue and out after a short time and only look from afar on the contents of that place, who raises the name of fear and panic in the hearts of many people .. with continuity in the style of encouraging the use of self-confidence in self and broadcast. 

This was followed by conducting a daily rounds until you get used to the place completely rid her mind and exactly the same sensitivity associated with it .. The increase confidence and reassurance whenever deemed colleagues are in the process tissue dissection Adamic dead skill and boldness and confidence, but nevertheless continued to fear and panic if Marat rat or Srsara small. .! It may scream and jump out of the chamber of fear and panic ..! 

So .. has dealt with the same fears autopsy subhuman did not address itself from the fear of small household insect .. 

We learn everything .. 
Learn courage or cowardice .. 
Learn steadiness and calm, or frivolity and anxiety .. 
Activity and learn patience and optimism, or laziness, cowardice and pessimism .. 
Learn the system and accuracy, or chaos, disease and confusion. 
It is no exaggeration if we say that all objects and creatures are subject to the processes of learning and behavior change even the simplest objects.
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Method of behavior modification and learning new habits
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