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 Learning out-of-body astral projection

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Learning out-of-body astral projection  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learning out-of-body astral projection    Learning out-of-body astral projection  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 17, 2014 2:33 am

Learning out-of-body astral projection

Today we learn we learn soul from the body .. Some say that these are theoretical and real people they said were myths ...
On the whole Hanna Bntalm way and each one is trying to try them .. and who becomes Weah Legge tells us ..

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O God, Negi's important ::::

* What is astral projection or Astral Projection?
Is simply the state of consciousness during sleep that any body only be asleep while your mind is fully awake in the case.

* What happens to the body during sleep?

Engaged astral projection ethereal presence of the body or the body of energy separated from the
Physical body remains where proximity during sleep. And the two objects are connected with a rope
Silver links between them.

* What are the branches of astral projection?

[center] There are many branches, including:

- Out-of-body experience (Out of Body Experiences)

- Lucid dreams or obvious (Lucid Dreaming)

- Telepathy (Telepathy)

- Remote viewing (Remote Viewing)

Where the first two sections of roads more exercise among those interested in this subject.

* Can anyone practice astral projection?

Theoretically yes, but have longer or shorter period spent by the person in learning relaxation techniques and focus, depending on the capabilities of the person.

* What is the benefit of this type of exercise science?

Practitioners are doing it for fun, but there are other class treating problems
Psychological and even cure diseases through the practice of out-of-body or dreams

* What can I do by astral projection?

You can do everything comes to mind. For example, when you exit the physical dimension and logged in
Astral dimension you can travel between the planets and the galaxies faster than the speed of light.
You can configure your own world and the Hi and entry. You can also control your dreams
And make yourself experienced and control Bahdatha. You can also meet other people
Practicing astral projection and their conversation. You can fly to other countries and enjoy
Without the need to pack your bags.

In short, you can do everything.

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What is the relationship of the body to get out of the exit of the Spirit?

The spirit out of the body is explicitly out a special no-one knows how it is done, but God Almighty and
Almighty for now, when the soul becomes tiring and physical devices that consume little
So breathe and find semi-dead man

But if our intention to exit the voluntary spirit of mean, you want to go out of your body
This left the ethereal spirit and not have a great relationship with the spirit that the Lord told us

* Are there any books dealing with this knowledge?

Unfortunately Arabic books are very rare and useless as containing stories and experiences translated only the best English books in this area is the book

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If you want to experiment succeed must be convinced that it will succeed easy way followed by the well and the experience will change your life

You have to know that astral projection is known by experience and therefore not verbally whenever you
Step is correct in his mastery you have to recognize how it is done, I'll give you directions

Follow the steps which I'll say it and then you will be able to do

The astral projection you must first train on lucid dreams obvious (
Lucid dreaming), which means that you can distinguish your dream and you sleep (mean
You are in a state of consciousness during sleep)

Second: (How can I tell the lucid dreams?)
Follow these steps -

1 must be with you a pen and paper because you will need them
Nam Tnamh like any sleep, but when you wake up and try to remember the events of the dream Who
Her tits just recorded all remember the events of the dream on paper or note.
3 in everyday life from time to remember the events of last dream so as not to forget it.
4 then the previous steps until you reach the tenth day (which means you dreamed the dreams of almost ten) and whenever I dreamed the dream of a new record on the Notepad
- Now remember your dreams ten and how you started and how I felt, and when you sleep will
Dream another dream but this time it does not record the events of your dream in Notepad, but in your brain!
- From here depends on the skill of the person now as a person, for example, may be that it takes
20 days until it is mastering, which is to continue to remember your dreams Thirty.
7 - After all this exercise, you will be able to finally distinguish you from the moment you dream the dream, and this is all just the beginning of even mastered astral projection!

((What should I mastered lucid dreaming?))
The answer:
Because you
You need to comprehend that in astral projection, astral unanimous Valasagat it
It is not a dream but something else no one knows but God Almighty, if were not aware
You're dreaming you'll think you're in astral projection in a dream and always starts projection
Starburst something scary nightmare, your concentration and then disappear like that of Tstikd

Third: (do astral projection)

You have to take notice of me here now, because you are after all that exercise, I was able to do astral projection ((as long as you distinguish during sleep)).
Steps astral projection:

After finish your dinner and you stay with your family, you will go to sleep, set the alarm clock in
A certain time until you wake up it ((Example: Set the alarm in time for Fajr prayer))
2 Wake up from sleep activity, and some simple (if you pray Fajr, or look at the window ..... etc) and then counting to bed and slept.
((What I have to do this step?))
Because when you do have your mind in the case of fully conscious while your body is tired, then you will be able awareness in astral projection
Relax your body just does not make moves and take a comfortable position, and Mark brain from net
Ideas and (((Never think that you will astral projection because it will destroy all
Nil))), of course, can not be a person that does not think for a moment, but by every man thinks,
So you have to concentrate Btfkirk one thing only (like say supplications, read
Koran, focused on the central idea of ​​balls in front of your eyes jump ..... etc.) Mark your brain
Conscious amid relax
4 Wait 10 minutes of relaxation, then you will feel
Anesthetic (((Kalbenj))) and phase begins (((sleep paralysis))) or as scientists call
Religion ((Almuth Minor)), which you will feel your heart strong strikes similar strikes
When your heart is afraid (((but very strong about myself I did not feel like this in the heart of strikes
My whole life and feels very scary))), Sttnevs strong like you choked, you will hear
Vote beside you as a person breathes or shrieking woman, or even voices wolves howl, or
Vote humming bees .... bells .... Wood hit .... etc., in case you have not mastered
Clearly, the dream will be afraid of these things, the most terrifying feeling had him feel in
Minimum, but I realized that it just sounds authored brain will not feel the fear
5. continued calm in the middle of the hassle and focused on the darkness that
In front of you and you blindly, then you will feel a strange feeling that you are floating in the air
The move away from the place you are lying ((as if you donate wind vane)), you are now
Moving away from the hassle and heart horrible, then Schr as if you're standing
In the room next to your bed, keep your focus in the dark and then you will notice that you began to see
Your bedroom and out of the cupboard and things (((like you would in fact not a dream!))),
If you turned in your opinion to your bed you'll see yourself in bed asleep ((Calm down here
Because it is a terrifying position)), do not try to see the parts of your body in case you astrocytes
Thus Stikz yourself of sleep.
6 - You are in the phase of stellar, you can
Walk in the house and wander around in the street ((The walk-in astrocytes case is not walking
In nature)), and you will see in the case of stellar things realistic ((for example, went
In the case of astrocytes into the kitchen, and I saw your brother or sister and they drink coffee
Before a certain point in the kitchen)), and when he wakes up from sleep and ask your brother if he
Drinking coffee in the kitchen at the same point that I saw him, he tells you: Yes, I've
I was doing this.
7 you can go to the astral world, which is the strangest thing can
To say, words can not Tocefh you to that strange world, a combination of all
Creations and human creations, is subject can be met with your friends Alkhialeon, that
Be a leader, and do not eat pizza and saturation to taste Btamha, see the exquisite places
The wonderful and beautiful, can fly, breathe underwater, spoke animals, see
Other people (((astral projection are with you))) and Tkhadobam language of telepathy,
And everything that comes to mind can and want in that place, and you can make your world
Yourself (((and what makes it surprising that as the truth, as if you're reading an objective
This))) very real like in everyday life, and the suspect in yourself that you're in
Reality or dream?

"Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences"

Writer Robert Bruce

You can buy this book from Amazon.com site

* What is the feeling you felt when I try to get out of the body?

Many practitioners feel high-energy vibrations in addition to feeling paralyzed during the separation of the etheric body from the physical body.

* Does this change the flag of my religious beliefs?

Never. There is even a study conducted in Britain reported that the practice of out-of-body has increased their understanding of their faith and strengthen their religious feelings

* How do you have a sense of the person and what he sees when practicing astral projection for the first time?

I heard an interview about scary things and hearing voices and increase the speed of the heartbeat often
In the first experiments to be just where that you feel separated from your body will be
The strange thing will scare some, this fear will generate so-called "drop the fear."
Any that you feel fear will turn into monsters or votes or anything scary. You should
To remember that in this dimension, the everything is achieved as soon as thinking about it.

Once Taudk to get out of your body, the feelings of fear will be gone and will be gone permanently with their effects.

And by the way, is not very frightening, you can overcome it once ignored.

* I've said that he can do almost anything ... Can I go out and go to Iraq, for example, and harming the American forces?

I know what it is you can go, but you will not be able to do something once and would only
Surveillance. I remember reading about the person who has to run around in his room as he left the body
Where he tried repeatedly to operate a button lighting but could not.

* If you visit someone (not practiced astral projection) Will see you? And how to be your shape (a ghost, a nice, halo, Shaklak real)?

For people who have to get out of seeing each body but to go to someone who does not
Practiced I do not think that he could see only in one case, namely, that sees you when dreaming
During his sleep. But how will your shape it would be a body of energy, or the so-called
Etheric body.

Researchers in this subject are advised not to think in seeing parts of your body because your mind
Subcontractors will generate imaginary her image and soon find that, for example, your hand will melt and this limit
Abt same sponsor that you trip in this dimension and will be lost concentration and thus
You will cut your experience ..

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We got the sweetest

Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got the sweetest

Secondly :::

* What are the first operations, which is possible from which to enjoy this talent?

Select a very quiet room where anything can bother you. If there
Some noise Turn on your radio or TV and set it on a wave confused
So you hear and only Shousha and adjust the volume so as not to be loud, but enough
To cover the sound of the noise coming from outside the room. Never run the music.
Also make sure the appropriate temperature with you note that you will lose some heat
While doing the experiment. Make sure that the room light dimmed and soft and not dark.

To a comfortable chair with the pillars of the arms and neck for a comfortable armrest, with some inclination
Back. In the sitting position is the highest probability of success of the experiment of placing lie. No
Forget also put a pillow under your feet. Try this chair and justice in his position until you feel
Relieved him. It is also important to wear loose clothing and disarmament of time, and any rings
Something may cause harassment. (The position of the chair is very much like the status of the barber chair)

To be a bit tired and not too tired. Because the simple fatigue helps
Relax easier and faster. In order to get this feeling Perform some exercises
Stressful and then bathe with warm water italics heat and then sit on the
Chair and relax. In this case the body will be tired but mind it
Will be vigilant and Oaia. If you feel that there are some who gathered saliva in your mouth Fabala
Even during the discharge from the body.

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Comes the time set for yourself to practice the experiment Give your subconscious mind some
Commands if the frequency "Now I will fully relax and get out of my body for a period of
Of time and then I will return and I remember it all. "Then exercises and relaxation exercises
Increasing energy until you feel in your body and dragged this case is the beginning of a "state Highness."
Stop relaxation exercises and increase energy, and focus on breathing will help you where
To expel any ideas in your mind may wander. Remember, the greater the purity of mind of thoughts
The greater the likelihood of success of the experiment.

Begins to sound like the voice of the bee (wheeze) inside you and around you. Will grow to be turned into a
Strong vibrations depending on the Activity Energy Center (Chakra) you have. If the center
Energy was very active, this will be an amazing feeling and even terrifying (if you were not Know
What's going on). Will feel that your heart speeds up unreasonably. You need to know that
This is not your heart, but heart energy center. Simply ignore this feeling.

Feeling will peak when your body starts to respond stellar. You now
He graduated from the body with a feeling of slight fall feel it in your belly. Vibrations that you
Feel now turn to the voice sound like a cat when it is comfortable with a voice-like
Snoring somewhat. You are now "float" in front of or over your body separating distance between you
Short "a few feet". Stop all exercises - focused - and stay in a tranquil setting.

Fantastic! Will say to yourself, yes, I did it and I feel a sense of very cool. Time
Select the first time out a few minutes - a very important - and I take it seriously.
Around the room "slowly." You really do not have the aggressive and do not walk out
Never try to be seen. The law of gravity does not apply now so be careful. Only
Try to move slowly in the room - do not think about how they move, but I do and by.

To control your mind. Do not get excited too much and do not imagine or do not expect to see something
In the room did not exist basically. This is important so as not to fall into the effect of "Alice in
Wonderland. "If exposed to this effect, you will not remember anything from your experience.

To crawl before you learn to fly? You can go beyond your room but it is important
The first experiment to determine what previously stated. Return will be easy - simply
To move your body and your trip will be, but hey.

Get up immediately and record your experience in a notebook or paper what. You will need to key words just do not tire yourself by typing the full article.

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What are the damages that may be incurred from this process is it possible to lead to madness?

There is not any damage at all from out-of-body exercise

But on the subject of the forum refreshing for damages

* What are the necessary conditions for the success of out-of-body experience?

There are three basic conditions and job experience in order to be successful, namely:

- The ability to relax and stay 100% in the development of consciousness.

- The person must be able to move to a point of awareness outside the body.

- Must have a person's mental energy enough to be able to control the flight and astrocytes Bahdatha

What are the dimensions that can be accessed when you are out of the body?

Physical dimension (Physical Dimension), where a person is able to watch
World as it is and Bahdath which lies at the same time. For example, you can go outside
Home and see people engrossed in their work, you can tell them that they were doing
Blah, blah. Then you can make a U-turn around the globe and go to
Moon etc ...

The other dimension is stellar (Astral Dimension), a dimension which follows Dimension
Material directly. This dimension captures the thoughts and dreams and memories and Tkulaiat every living organism
On the face of the earth and turning it into facts and objects. Any content that this world is a product of
Tremendous creative energy in every human being and creature. It is hard to describe the world nor
Only way to understand his experience. This dimension differs from the physical dimension that the time in which
Can control it. For example, five minutes in the physical world can be extended to hours
Astral dimension.
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Learning out-of-body astral projection
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