Moroccan determination claw ground
My brothers Alchamlean peace, mercy and blessings of God
Following the example of all the cream in this forum Gemayel did not hesitate to transfer and put this wisdom which I found in an old Moroccan brochure stating all the cares of treasures, and the fact that I did not try it as you move it, as I've found. I hope those who try them luck and let us know so check it and be thankful to him. Will not dwell upon you to speak and this is of interest:
(Take and you're heading for a kiss twenty-seven pebble from the valley at sunrise from the days of al and remember when you are taking in each one, "In the name of God the strong extreme and thrown as throw, but Allah threw" In pebble recent complement "In the name of God the strong extreme and thrown as throw, but Allah threw them all ... meaning .. and that God is with the believers. "
Taatarb three days do not eat what the spirit is not what came out of the spirit and follow determination nine without a power of attorney slit, only to spend the need behind every statute and incense be at night with determination, twenty-seven times the popping you reference the information put your trust in God and go to a place buried after immunization veil and quadrature and education as is known, when the people of this art. Then skip around the proverbial position, square of four characters and you stand to kiss each character be a rib and the letters are "u P u j." Where Sinn be the first point of direction and Sinn second hand Dahra and alpha point of the maritime and automatically void the south and in the middle is the subject of the underlying. Then moved away from the place as much as aimed greeted with stones and fired incense and determination to every pebble and throw them in the middle of the box above the underlying to complement twenty-seven, a prayer that is answered in the first nine and only in the eighth century and in the end only promised. Then read and repeat the "name of God, strong and deep as I threw Rmat..ely verse .. and that Allah is with the believers," then take what was visible to you and you to dig. And determination which intends them are:
"Hirh 2 Dharh 2 Zdharh 2 Houdrh 2 Tdharh 2 Seche 2 Osc 2 Psycho 2 Gesh 2 entrust my spiritual and Mazhaiel you and your servants to expel and disbursement of all malfunction and Battal and mind of this place, even defecating and departed safely to the current right of the deposited God of the secrets in the names of bones and the right password, which do you respond disobedient God is strong extreme humiliated him necks and underwent his mighty and Annagadt his creations and still of prestige mountains Lahiya Cherahia Odohnaa Osbaút Al Shidaa but ordered him if he wanted something to say to him, 'Be Glory whose hand the kingdom of everything and to him you shall return. Hinq 2 Avvh 2 ascertains 2 Nfakec 2 Aaún 2 Evakec 2 Qashen 2 Vieq 2 Vanc 2 assigned O Ammers you and Oawank hard this place and show what it is gold or other even defecating and departed from this place I swear to you by God strong and severe right prophet Muhammad, peace be upon God and peace and the right of Michael, but what Tokltm including commanded by the incision this place and show what it is gold or other rightly if the earthquake ground Zelzalha and drove Earth encumber also graduated this land with the permission of her Lord encumber of gold or other and rightly so if the sky split and authorized the Lord and sustained, and if the land stretched out and threw what is already there and abandoned as well give up this land with the permission of her Lord asked where gold or other. And that the name of God the Merciful not Talo Ali and Bring disobedient Muslims are subject to the names of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds Come Alouha 2 2 2 2 pm calf God bless you. "
If you spent your need not take them all, but leave them something and cut incense and departed Boukmesha and ratify the poor is not honorable for the same place and God is a rich cream. The incense is Alqsbor and benzoin and white Alkndr and Almiah liquid and fry Rue.)