Move you from the most dangerous books spirituality and famous in our book Ghazali great this determination, I have chosen you some of the properties of love and move it to you correctly and has the book incredibly Say I transferred her and this is that of Solomon, and that the name of God the Merciful not Talualla and Atoni Muslims and Suleiman wind Gduha month Ruahha month We continued his eye diameter and the jinn of works between his hands and Ezg of them hurry Nzgah from the torment of the Blaze Rakha where wounded and demons all us and diver Besvsfial Hiasalial Srbaral Sfikhial Aahial Khial Assaakhial O Samaaal Assayahal Lahiya Cherahia Adhuny Esbaat the Shada Matriosh Makhosh Yuxi His throne, God of Gabriel and Michael and Israfil and Izrael and Hmsaal and God Amittron and Mistron and the God of thunder and lightning, wind and lightning, and the God Alkrobien and the God campaign throne, and all the creatures Khaas Hmasag Hvfajaal Aahrkoa the heart of so and so girl is because the love of so and so the son of so and so and Alpso her body Kalpas that it does not Tfarkoha even dissociation spirited her body clock God bless you over and work out that you type in the ores eBay outrigger and be've got seven pieces of mastic throw the piece into a fire powerful and Mark Hodeidah on fire even blush as you read the will so to fully seven pieces of mastic The second way that you type in a dish Chinese saffron and pour them financial and read determination 21 times on the erasure and Quenching required and its conjugations are many, and special Balmahbat Altheij and untested as a male and was told Btlob comes within an hour of the power of influence and served King Hvfajaal and piety top of things from the book mentioned the most dangerous books as I mentioned God bless