السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت
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  Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

 Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits    Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 12:22 pm

In the name of God the Merciful

 Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits

 This is the way of anecdotes and valuables, which is rarely found in the stomachs of books and manuscripts, and I am the official of all this talk and I challenge anyone who says that this call found in the book of manuscript books or manuscripts or mentioned sheikh of sheikhs and you will see them when Sttalon Malk

 Explain how

 In the beginning there are important conditions in place that is being done session spirituality

 The room should be not less than 5 per 5 meters and a height of not less than 3 meters

 Must be a dark place fully and curtains closed well

 The room should be free of furniture and completely empty even of the carpet

 Oval table should be placed not less than 2 meters and be of wood

 Preferably be of sandalwood incense and continuously during the session

 Should not be less attendance for two people

 Preferably at the beginning of the session that evokes seated person from acquaintances or relatives so that the image of the deceased person to be stuck in mind when reading the Raúas hearing the call and after attending the Spirit asks them to choose the right person who is close to them in their life in order to dominate the body then able to ask the audience Spirit present call the soul required it easier for members of the meeting of the Isthoudro themselves are the person directly, the spectrum of the difficulty of drawing a picture of this person in their minds, and after attending the required stability can Raúas session that opens the lighting dim and Asilon what they want from the questions and sober wary of provocation quizzed is I go politely because it could harm the direct attendees must then Raúas session to ask the Spirit present in writing a message or anything with a signature and the piece of evidence to prove that the present spirit of the present are actually belong to the person concerned and this call

 In the name of God the Merciful

 Fatihah 3 times

 State of the chair 1

 Descend the angels and the Spirit by permission on every errand: 16 times

 Everybody knows what Alioune - labeled the book 16 times

 Ninohan Bhattm Ninonan Trutm Slough Imaatem Bratem Noor theology is Brhuhta Kimanout Keckhanot blogger in manhood Mubarak's tyranny obeyed in the kingdom Junbhar Malloy Qahikm Bahikm let alone Barbnasot theology Kmahot Bahlha Nhlhe DNA The low light Hannon December Arasm are present Taata The Hague Pinhon (to us Aiabhm) 16 Timhan ( obeyed, then secretary) 16 Tunmahor Denahmon worlds Lahia Lahia Lahia Esbaat Noor Mahut Titnam are high Khammo Naolha Lahiya Mujibur propaganda is easier for you that your hand HEPA Hun Hun --- has

 And either Asrafhm is very important and this call

 Gaze Imhanote Namo Bhenote ordered Ihamotas Nohatem Mamore Istahm Kikahnot Nrato Athaber

 11 times

 In the end, makes sure that the good spirit present Anasrfah for mediator

 And the possibility of attending the meeting Bkamrh video camera and record this session for a male of love, because the Spirit will present speaks with the voice of the deceased

 Dear brothers Aalmo that jinn can not attend and reincarnation Authority attendance as often happens to the piece are not fluent in this science

 ÍÜÜÜíÜÜÜÇßÜÜă God brother, Dr. gift of God
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Proof of success in the preparation of the spirits
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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Call ghosts and spirits-
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