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 Magical crystals crystal divination

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Magical crystals crystal divination  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Magical crystals crystal divination    Magical crystals crystal divination  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 25, 2014 8:38 pm

Magical crystals crystal divination

Crystal, the crystal is called (Women India) .. and is working the same work that the Indian women gentlemen Alrouhaon Moundl and conjuring them and Alasntzal

Crystal Alchristalah a good opportunity for each and every intern spiritual and lover of Spirituality

And a valuable opportunity to acquire a very good Albloh its own name and on his Mrouhna ..

1 What is crystal crystal?

Aa crystal crystal ball of glass and crystal pure .. and withstand vibrations are strong in every sense and have a number of characteristics that everyone wishes and discovered knowledge.

2 How laataaml crystal by crystal?

Sit vs. a place for yourself and Alafezl be lit at night and the reputation of a white ..
Put the crystal on something high as a table, for example, and be in front of you so that your body mediates

Put your left hand near the open from the left on the table and closed right on the right side of the table

Close your eyes and tried to dive inside the crystal with your mind and your mind will feel the card .. waterless strong Tgdb your mind towards it relates to your crystal and pulls him with all your mind
Feel the heat of your hands and feel like a magnet forces trying to Jdba crystal

Do not open your eyes just focused you'll see a number of things
-chaabapk Your childhood - trees - a number of situations in your life
Repeat the experiment again and when you'll see the evolution of skill present relative in your life .. just get along with it and you'll see everything whatever comes to mind and whatever the

Earning a wonderful experience and Gesma you will find something strange in your life ..

3 crystal and Almendl .. How and how it is used ..

If you're printing an antenna you will easily connect with the crystal and Rohanitk meshes easily with ..

Focus your eyes at him .. and Blortk Alafezl that the light is dim in the light of a candle ..
And it is useful to have a good smell House .. Kboukor smell good ..
Never in the sun and read Surah 7 times overnight ..
And dimension ((see Ibrahim as well as the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to be Moguenin))

And ask the audience so ((Ojibwa Eachdam this sura honest and Benny Akeshvo veil between you and see you even speak to you with my own eyes and my tongue)) and repeat the power of attorney ..
You will see the light and then a short man, Fear not ask him to sprinkle the place and sweep and Call of want of spiritual ..
After you are done Spend everyone Balzlzelh Achtata to 3 times ..

But if you want the experience with someone else .. Valafezl be children under puberty or adulthood without the girl .. the same way as the above-mentioned and accepted in all Almnadl.

4 crystal and Alastnzal psychological and detection ..

Alafezl work out when people sleep in case detection and Alastnzal Alvesy

Incense and attended Tayyip Blortk Put on something high and sit in front of it and smell good Boukurk

Read whatever you can, of Al-Qadr and Wu each state of the light to come

God willing, it will be by way above the establishment of God

Do not forget to exchange Amar and the establishment of God
Each person will request the crystal LCD
Will reach a file of modes of action and how to dispose of the creation of God

And God bless the good and right thing


Meditation session /

Sit vs. place on your own and lit three candles and a white incense Nad be smelled good - see this thread - Incense meditation
And place your right hand on the crystal in yourself and read Al-Fatihah 7 times and you eyes closed and leave your hand on the crystal Bjdb and will feel you are entering it Leave your hand for five minutes and you breathe deeply ..

To evoke spirituality /

Sit in your own place and Alafezl be lit at night and the reputation of a white ..
Put the crystal on something high as a table, for example, and be in front of you so that your body mediates

Put your left hand near the open from the left on the table and closed right on the right side of the table and be close you Alafezl Incense Oud uniforms or promises Nad ..

Close your eyes and read Surah Ikhlas 11 times and tried to dive inside the crystal with your mind and your mind will feel the card .. waterless strong Tgdb your mind towards it relates to your crystal and pulls him with all your mind
Feel the heat of your hands and feel like a magnet forces trying to Jdba crystal

Do not open your eyes just focused you'll see a number of things
-chaabapk Your childhood - trees - a number of situations in your life
Repeat the experiment again and when you'll see the evolution of skill present relative in your life .. just get along with it and you'll see everything whatever comes to mind and whatever the

Earning a wonderful experience and Gesma you will find something strange in your life ..

3 crystal and Almendl .. How and how it is used ..

You can easily contact with the crystal and Rohanitk meshes easily with it ..

Focus your eyes at him .. and Blortk Alafezl be a dim light or candle light ..
And it is useful to have a good smell House .. Kboukor smell good ..
Never in the sun and read Surah 7 times overnight ..
And dimension ((see Ibrahim as well as the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to be Moguenin))

And ask the audience so ((Ojibwa Eachdam this sura honest and Benny Akeshvo veil between you and see you even speak to you with my own eyes and my tongue)) and repeat the power of attorney ..
You will see the light and then a short man, Fear not ask him to sprinkle the place and sweep and Call of want of spiritual ..
After you are done Spend everyone Balzlzelh Achtata to 3 times ..

But if you want the experience with someone else .. Valafezl be children under puberty or adulthood without the girl .. the same way as the above-mentioned and accepted in all Almnadl.

And tell them to focus consideration of the crystal and read what you said, it is down by order of God as long as the crystal Mrouhna ..

4 crystal and Alastnzal psychological and detection ..

Alafezl work out when people sleep in case detection and Alastnzal Alvesy

Incense and attended Tayyip Blortk Put on something high and sit in front of it and smell good Boukurk

Read whatever you can, of Al-Qadr and state Wu light so all attendees

Ojibwa O servants of these names and blessed Akhrkoa blocking and Benny Akeshvo between you and see you even speak to you with my own eyes and my tongue and my need for Solkm pulled down the right of the name of God and Jalal noted and rightly Testament Almokhod you in this crystal ..

God willing, it will be by way above the establishment of God

Do not forget to exchange Amar fit of the earthquake on Ostadta 3 times

Magical crystals divination$ 5000
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