تسخير الجن,تحضير الارواح,تعلم السحر الاسود,تعلم الروحانيات,طلاسم السحر,سحر المحبة,سحر التهييج,سحر الطلاق,سحر الربط,مخطوطات روحانيه,كتب السحر,الكنوز المدفونة,الخواتم الروحانيه,الملوك السبعة,الجلجلوتيه,البرهيتيه
الرئيسيةبحـثأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولاتصل بنا

Buy the product

The policy of buying from the store are magical as follows

First: do not accept purchase from the store, but the magic through Western Union Bank


Western Union - Moving Money for Better
To find out the nearest Western Union branch you Click here

Second: The Magic Store does not accept purchase through visa or MasterCard Kark or other interest of privacy for the user

Third: not for the magic shop or site-world charm Almaz any branches

Fourth: Do not deal with anyone of the members is desirable, but the manager and supervisors sections

Fifth: The only numbers to connect to magicians, such as those of the site is


Sixth: the purchase method of magical Store
1 - you choose the right product from the store and know the magic purchase price

2 go to any branch of Western Union

3 - Money sent the following information

Recipient Name: Saad Mohammed Abdullah

Location: Egypt

City: Giza
Phone: 00201154503096

After the payment process in one of the centers or banks you will get the information arrived in the hawala and the figure for the wire and the adapter name and the sending country and the value of it for the Money

Please send your image for this transfer to the following e-mail


Or send information through a hawala methods of communication in this link below


Preferably sent via SMS text message

Ali the following figure



After sending the data will be sent to your title even receive the package that has the tools that I bought from the store magical for the arrival of the package, ranging from two to twenty days by Country