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 Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology    Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 3:23 am

Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology

In the name of God the Merciful this tree NUMANIYA in science (Alsemia), one of the scholars of Israel and this section follows a descent Science Alsemia a goal for the student on the other sciences and it sees the wonders and marvels of the ages and this gift from Altejaah priceless and I know of you, the student of science spirituality

It is to fast to God 7 consecutive days Siam Sport spirit and what came out of them is a retreat nor Itikaaf but in Ochgalk Aldnyaoah that you are in and read the section after each prayer 7 times you see your soul in a dream plane, this sign Alsemia The queen in your hand you see her Wonderland and fears God Almighty in your business which these prescription drugs, which are needed for Semia which is to take the fat of mercury five Mthaqil and sulfur red five Mthaqil and ammonia seven Mthaqil and crushes everyone crushed eloquent and you follow the section without a number of case crushing and until it is finished and then save it have then take the bats Macit individual any three or five or seven or nine Tzbhama not be lost of blood cheesed on the ground and then Todaha in Koz pottery black color and put it in the oven and the public for a period of six hours exactly and then remove it and Unlock Alkoz you will find that it froze Vashakh in Hun clean and you follow section without number in the case of crushing to become like dust and add to it the drugs and keep this dust is unsurpassed and put it in a bag of red leather or bag linen blue and read it after each prayer 7 times for sport-mentioned note that the piece is done before the start of sport for reading attic after every prayer for sport as we mentioned at the conclusion of the piece sport do you see yourself in a dream birds these mark the answer and this Mlaib business as you can see I tried again and again with each Altejanyen and this is

First pitch: If you want to bring the image of a person or anything you wanted to ignite the fire and sprayed them Booze dust and Read section once and say, here to attend a book you Ottagh in front of you and all that you require.

Pitch Second: to move inanimate objects that you want, such as Ntah templates brick and beat each other or move anything I wanted, which is that sprayed on inanimate objects of Malk dust and read it section once and must be a power of attorney in Section says Tokelau O spirituality Alsemia to move this inanimate place well or body as well as the it goes to where you want it.

Third pitch: fiber, which can take from palm fiber pieces and sprinkle them the piece of dust and reads the section and say Kony goat (goat) shall be red Malk and stay on the bench, 6 hours to the onlookers and must be from palm fiber.

Pitch IV: jar Take a jar and Atlleha of tar and sprinkle them cheesed of Malk dust and recited section once and say Kony ongoing Fteraha between the present and Thtermk 6 hours while ordering all ordering him to do and I was without words because they do everything they want Bahartk and mortgage your request.

Pitch V: Mendel bowl Take a bowl and an RGB water workshops where something from the piece of dust and read the section once and order a Alhadrien be seen where it asks for himself all that consideration of the audience perceived illness than anything, and the reason for his illness and what is the medication and all what he wanted him asks it sees in the bowl

Pitch sixth flight: that received something from the dust on the clothes and read the section once and say Arfony to such a place you fly to where you want it and travel a full day erase during the bird in a few seconds, did not divulge Bsark to one of the sons of Adam and the children waved.

Pitch the seventh and is to find the money: cut something from Alkagd as much Macit on the amount of dinar or gold or other places of the dinar in the center Alkagd cut Workshops him from Malk dust and let him in the bag linen blue or white and read the section on it once and the bag in your hand, it is heated open it you find dinars on the Railway King Vtmkt six hours.

Pitch the eighth trees: Take chopsticks Elliott, a Roman or orange and everything I wanted from the implant and households in the land and water Turn it sprinkled with dust from the piece and read the section once they become trees to bear fruit in its time and the time before Nazrien.

Pitch the ninth Sea: Take a rag workshops from Malk dust and recited section once Avtlha and Mark candle then Toukdha among those present, it extends sea Adjaja whose waters waves boil air does not invalidate the face until extinguished the candle and be careful not to do everything Aodek place of doubt and put you in the mouth of the children of Adam and daughters Hawa.

Pitch X gems: Take the white stones and sprayed her with the piece of dust and Read section once she becomes a pearl in front of onlookers and stay for 6 hours.

Pitch eleventh bring sugar: Take the stone eggs and sprayed her with the piece of dust and reads the section once it becomes sugar stay six hours.

Pitch Twelfth bring margarine: Take milk sprinkled with dust from the piece and read the section once it becomes Smona purely for his time staying six hours.

Pitch XIII bring birds: Take promises Roman Cosmetic and perfume oil sprinkled with dust from the piece and read the section on it once and Schauer air by boiling the birds descend on you from every side of them take what you want and leave what you want.

(This is the section Sharif)

I have sworn thee, O auspicious hook principal courts Alsemia Pkzmk ah buy Ktaiwr Ttmeshr plans Weah. Answer Hey Memon hook and do-it-as well as the right to Shahuh Mgtoot Cyprat Cyprat pedestrian fading Miqant

Ohloh answer my hook and Memon Do so and so God bless you and you

This Asrafh after all the work done by

Chmia delicious 2 2 2 Baruch peace squirt 2 2 2 HD Hdom 2 Go and departed from this stadium and God bless you

Was: and we have shown this door for the fifth time after immunization home and Exchange Building in order to Asmohawwa us typed and Haddamna who Nstkhaddmanm day and because this section of the secrets of spirituality serious large and Mah we have set for Tlamivtna valued in order to know that we do not hide anything has swore effort our safety that excelled Secretariat, Scientific and publication does not hide anything from him, even if one character

Source: Forum bright light Amittron 01141747586: http://elmagic2.akbarmontada.com/t691-topic#ixzz3BGwNQwOy
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Learn the power of the magic of the great rise Parapsychology
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