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 How to use the power of the psychological defense

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

How to use the power of the psychological defense  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: How to use the power of the psychological defense    How to use the power of the psychological defense  Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 20, 2014 12:16 am

How to use the power of the psychological defense 
Is a science and an art that protects you from psychological attacks that occur revolution conscious or non-conscious 

Aura is an energy field surrounding the body, and there are different types of auras track different types of objects thin 

Body energy or energy body: the body is next after the physical and ethereal or called Aljublazmi, which penetrates the physical body and overtake, the carrier is used to activate and strengthen the physical body, has called halo halo ethereal 

There is also the emotional or astral body, and his aura aura known emotional or astrocytes, and when the physical body dies, the spirit of life to live sequence using astral body, which is the most delicate of the body etheric 

Mental body is a tool for the transport of the mind or intellect, which is thinner than the astral body has called aura aura mental 

Thinking and feelings together produce being intellectual and psychological radioactive fields, where thinking is associated with emotions in bonds, and, two activities Both Magdolan tightly, and think about the meaning of context does not mean the mental process only, but also the emotional process 
Form of thinking in the excitement of discontent and anger 
Form of thinking in the case of Love 

Thinking in the form of anger 

Thinking in the form of ambitious physical material 
  Thinking in the form of fear 
Education in the form of thinking hard and ossified 

You create an entity intellectual, dynamic object is produced through the process of thinking, and creates Being intellectual component of the ethereal and astral and emotional and mental come from Ogesamk ethereal and astrocytes and mental, called a template intellectually because when you think of rights, the template of the energy produced, and if the thought process confusing, the template Product would be ambiguous or vague, intellectual being positive or negative, parked on the thoughts and emotions of the individual, generates negative anger and compassion generate positive 

We are creating a field of radiology psychological, when we contact someone happy we are happy also because it radiates a field Takie of happiness, and the energy field of the invocation makes us pray also to pray according to our beliefs 

Radial myself from the field of energy 

The difference between being intellectual and psychological radiation field: Being intellectual include the exact content of your thoughts and emotions and psychological radiation field contains the quality of ideas and emotions 

Notes irony repeated criticisms impact psychologically dangerous and harmful to the victim, and when they are to accept the idea of ​​a negative by the aura and by some of the chakras (chakras power) when the victim, they will be reflected in the composition of the idea of ​​miserable self, negative thoughts that take root in the chakras victim Bsubh programs negative, this is the reason to make us need to learn the psychological defense 

Slavery is, for example, under the command of attachment to the extent that negated concepts in mind, the solution of such a case using the treatment Barrani or repetitive cutting the rope sexual energy between persons of continuous 

We have no choice in the selection of our relatives, we are forced to interact with people possibly corrupt, or pessimistic or somber, and the power of pessimism and gloom emanating from them, and can Tlutna 

For the happiness of children on parents to learn to live in harmony and to reduce the differences between them 

Decide the principle of attraction and rejection qualities that attract each other and similar traits opposing repel 

The form of a polluted city psychologically 

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Energy centers in the body (chakras): 

· Root: Center for self-preservation and survival 

· Gender: Breeding Center 

· Navel: Center instinct knowledge 

· Almng of: the flow of energy from the root to the rest of the members of the body 

· Spleen: affect the energy level adventitia organically and psychologically 

· Solar plexus: the lower the center of emotions (courage, anger, aggressive, rush, violence 

· Heart Center emotions high 

· Throat: Center of Practical Reason 

· Alajna: the center of the mind and will of the abstract 

· Front: Near the center of intuition 
Crown: Top center of intuition, if you want to protect you by using the spiritual crown chakra 

Eleven major chakras (energy centers in the body) 

Elements: the physical world inhabited by different objects of humans, plants and animals and other objects, and in the spiritual world there are also multiple objects are many, and impossible vision is Almstbesran 

Patterns and psychological sources of attacks: 

Normal attack myself 

Program Negative: negative thinking, which is grown in person to do so creates a negative pattern of behavior 
Elements or parasites energy when an addict 

Elements or parasites energy when an addict 

Elements or parasites energy when punter 

Elements or parasites when energy is addicted to drugs 

Damn: thoughtful form of psychological attack can be carried out by an ordinary person or coach 

The use of dolls or images: the form is used magicians using the clothes the person, and the doll is directed to focus on dresses linked to the etheric body, harms the physical body, and used needles in certain parts of the doll 

Mental control: by creating a very strong ideas 

Magicians attack 

The law of karma: What grown man reaping, 

Effects of serious karmic 

Invalidate the negative karma: Law of tolerance and compassion, for others errant with you to draw your sins karmic, the practice of zakat to help people, through the tender take 

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Technology Close aura: 

A form of psychological defense in the area under the threshold of consciousness, to protect yourself from the sale Almlhah, for the protection of places crowded and polluted, do not use in front of presidents and supervisors so that is not a challenge or a rebellion, and will not be used in the classroom so as not to hinder the learning process, to protect children from reprimand their parents , 

How close aura: Close aura Supreme hooking hands, and lower hooking legs, to be a complete closure, and closure migraine is to close your legs and put your hands with each other in the lap on the bottom area of ​​the abdomen, and this enables a person from thinking clearly and accurately, the closure of the areola middle and bottom will close the upper part 

Technology Close aura and status complete closure 

The status of the closure midterm 

Energy absorption: close Haltk by closing the arms and legs, the protection of others 

Vampire Energy 

If you do not express anger striker bounce energy it becomes out of balance 

When we bless someone with love and goodness we Nsd negative thoughts that we shed and turn it, the design of my mind bless angry peace with a focus on the heart and bless the person love the structure of that energy will be transformed for calm and understanding and peace 

Hakurti focus on the heart and the crown and the aggressor blessed with love and peace, shed more energy mechanism with a golden color and pink to protect you and turning ideas and negative energies to positive 

Thankful heart: the bodice and conversion aggressive psychological blessing 

Treatment for Relations Across the blessed: 

Write a list of people who have serious problems with them, and do the following: 

1 Hakurti focus on the heart and the crown during the entire process 

2 Raise your hand put the blessed, imagine the person in front of you that you want his blessing 

3 Gently chanted his name three times and continued to shed imaginable with love and compassion, and you focus on the heart and the crown with nice intonation, the Magistrate with you 

4 continued singing about three minutes 

5 supplication to God to grant the power of love and the relationship calendar 

6 perform the same steps with all of the existing 

7 blessed repeat two or three times a week 

Hakurti crown and the heart: the bodice and turn aggressive psychological blessing 

If you feel the weight on your heart, just sweep it topical to dislodge inflation Barrani, 

In serious cases you refuse to be blessed with and tolerance of the hurt you cause an inner peace and internal processing and preparation for nastiness and spoiling myself 

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Strengthening the aura through the physical training 

Rehearsed for thirty minutes to two sessions a week is sufficient, where through training kicked out of the physical body and the internal organs and body energy and chakras and aura tracks and an ample amount of energy consumed and polluted 

Strengthening the aura through systematic physical training 

As for the arduous trips and outdoor power adventitia mountain beneficial effects and therapeutic 

Strengthening the aura through meditation: 

Strengthening the aura through meditation Twin Hearts 

The status of Relay: cross pasted tongue roof of the throat and the closure of hands or Chbeckhma, and when it is pasted tongue, throat, the circle tracks front and rear completed, and thus rising energy level adventitia (GDP) in the body, and when you close the hands, the energy adventitia excess flowing outward naturally be redirected to the body, and thus increase the level of energy and also strengthens the aura 

Paste the tongue to the palate 

Methods for closure of hands: 

- Hands behind the back with bent thumb in the left hand towards the inside hand and clasped her right hand 

The status of Relay: Put your hands behind the back and the closure of the left hand with the thumb bend inward, then clasped left with right 
Close your hands with thumbs bend inward and put them inside the sinuses 
Hands clasped in front of the body above the left-right 

- The left hand with the right front of the body 

- Close both hands with thumbs bend and put them in the pockets 

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Strengthening the aura using crystal: 

Wearing crystal Kqladh or ring can be used Crystal six parties made ​​of quartz Net pink, amethyst, Termalin Green, and balances the crystal with the six parties chakras top and bottom, as balances and strengthens the sections upper, middle and lower portions of the halo, prefers not to wear it when the region of the heart for a long time has adversely affect the heart, and prefers to wear between the heart and throat, and as the last preferred fingering pinky or middle in the right or left, carnelian to strengthen the aura and prefers to wear the right, nor wearing of pessimists and passive, Opal brings luck for healthy and optimists 

Strengthening the aura using crystal 

Crystal Necklace six parties 

Cleaning crystal: 

Cleaning before wearing panning with soap and warm water for a minute and more, and with rubbing under running water with the intention of mental cleansing of pollution, fingers rubbing inside the washtub with water and salt or soaking in water and salt, and the use of alcohol for expensive stones 

Hakurti using the crown and hand: Paste tongue roof throat, focus on the crown and hand, sweeping the light purple or white light Shiny ten times 

Hakurti use the crown and hand cleaning crystal 

Shipping crystal: 

After cleaning your breathing Albrani 7.1 7.1 face palms of the hands of the piece and continued breathing for 12 cycle, programmed item: (will protect me from every attack myself and pollute and harm any danger in the night and day to not as I want to not like), and then install energy The blessing over the halo coloring piece light blue whitener 

Shipping crystal through breathing Albrani 

Shipping Balapthal to God: Note claims with shipping should be every week 

Side effects to wear crystal: 

You must know when to wear or not to wear, where lead to activation of the chakras, especially the bottom: You should not be worn by those who have blood pressure and heart problems, cancer, creates a defect balances in the event of bad ones and not to be programmed and shipped well, contemplates the development, there is the possibility of suffering from Synchronization Alkndalini 

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How to build a protective Halaa: 

- The closure of the eyes with the awareness thankful root 

- Paste the tongue roof throat 

- Breathe deep Outboard 7-1 

- Imagine elliptical bulb lit orange or pink to reddish yellow in front of you, imagine that you have become small in size and entered into 

- See yourself inwardly entirely surrounded by leftover transparent bright orange with a sense of faith strongly protective corona unbreakable 

- Imagine a condom Kbertqalh metal lit 

- Continued deep breathing for nine sessions 

- Confirmed silently (I'm protected from all attacks and psychological pollution and the danger of not, this condom lasts for 12 hours is not, which is impenetrable and unbreakable for is not, possible force him not to internally as well) 

- Can supplication to God for blessings and spiritual teachers to all the holy objects 

Building a protective ethereal 

Defensive programming: condoms can be programmed for a specific period of time, during his stay period in which you want 

Making condoms possible force and that means protecting yourself from attack and contamination with the possibility of getting rid of energies contaminated consuming and cons, and in the case of the face of imminent danger works and protective unenforceable to be effectively stronger so that it does not last a: Impact of hours simple as it may urge poisoning myself self with psychological imbalance due to non-discharge of the negative energies 
Protective coloration with light golden pink 

Condom that protects you, it may hurt others, including the one you love, so you have to give a condom the ability to transfer, focused on Hakurti heart and crown, then draw or shed light golden Qrnfelaa about condom corona, with the intention of transforming the ideas and the negative forces that will guide you to a calm and understanding and peace 

Things to be avoided to maintain the strength of a condom: 

Avoid fear and shape so that you have a firm belief that condoms protect you exist and can not be breached, not anger and maintain calm anger smashes a condom because if enforceable internally
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How to use the power of the psychological defense
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