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 I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar    I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 3:02 am

In the name of God, the king the right to set the Merciful
Peace be upon those who follow guidance
I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar
There is no doubt where the full
To Atflha but I'm in
If you want to work in this Cbashbh It only works on Thursday, half of the day which have to take a bowl of brass and placed where oil Tayyip Green and take 41 Felfela black and also take 41 gallstone Ban Male and Ttheloa call on all Felfela every stone to that with each and Tgayhavy oil a boil on the fire gallstone frankincense incense and oil represent the pepper is and you're not intending to resolve this vacuum pepper and frankincense
This is the call
Talat on Thursday, a half day of on the top deck of the house received Slim senior ascending names Jabbar Aziz, one of them handed the pot and oppression and the second ladder of conquest and victory, and I called and I said oh Ofra Hey girl, Mr. Afar oh his gin and Amar and Aldnahishh and goblins adult and if is six Ofra above her bed Taatsarh in her hair and Tkthl in the same adorned in worn and exude Anzha and built on her lap breastfeed her Bzha and Kalptha lying her side and her cat Base, presented Mehrtha encountered in the Jammeha and Tchkkh in Hgelha eat Aligaha and soldiers heard saying they did not have its mind Vnadett painstakingly and sound downright I Mostagir Balst Ofra girl Mr. Afar said of this, which worried me and my ears vote Ashjany and crying Aiany not Mehrty Vhvht and Kalpty Auaut not my cat Nnott nor daughter Tnhanan I said to my guardian I lost Manaratnetk from the roof of the house on Thursday, a half-day Freight Dbacrlaman lists in peace Mars Ztalaat ladder buyer Sahbalavtkhar and I Artgiuy need spend, said Lee need Mqdah and your affairs satisfactory God willing, the Lord of wild mystery to what you want and do not Taveny Bnog severe I told her I want your cat and your dogs and cats Ibuki and Clababoky and your soldiers and soldiers standing up Ibuki request of such and such come in their humiliated Akeana Mhjajh and Hanh dressed or naked Make ......... Narually Rashanar Vadt six Ofra O Socialized Gin and Alamarwalavarret adults go to it even attend the hands humiliated Akeana to such and such a dorsal this day and pulled down by Kalkhtaatif a such and such so as not to rest nor hour Azmat you, O Socialized jinn and demons and Amar and goblins adults go to such and such right Salgop 2 Cherahim Bahia Cherahia Adonai Esbaat Al Shiday that was the only one Shout if they all have Mhoudron Hajoha the right of the owner of Raya and the owner of brocade Make the ceiling by fire walls, cinder Sharar and the ground sinks beneath the resolution does not sleep vocations, no food and no place Aawiyeha inevitable Anjeha nor Lance and no one is protected until come to the well and enjoyed by ......... and tells him spend Mtlubk of your pet and Acfhina Cherqsmk and Tazimk Alouha 2 2 2 pm calf
Atoni O Socialized agents such and such, right Lahiya Cherahia Adonai Esbaat every right Shiday King Jabbar Aziz Ghaffar powers with extreme oppression taking Hololaqoh not only God Almighty.

God and God that this Cbashbh of Alzachaúr
The tried and true and never be disappointed

I hope that do not do to between couples
Oh God, I had my neck became Khalsthamn Secretariat in a Aanqkkm

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.

Source: Forum bright light Amittron 01141747586: http://elmagic2.akbarmontada.com/t145-topic#ixzz3BGrMX49s
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I'm not Hbashbh to Ofra girl Afar
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