السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت
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 Hbashbh hell major

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Hbashbh hell major  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Hbashbh hell major    Hbashbh hell major  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 3:28 am

Hbashbh hell major

If you want to work it

Take the vial and placed them olive oil and write these names on the 21 olive leaf and placed in every paper for gallstone that Zakr and burn under the bottle

And these names

Alamith Talilos 2 2 2 Arkieh Matttiyal Alkyosh 2 2 2 2 bulbs Kmkmosh

And then write these names on the 21 olive leaf and other Aodawa inside the bottle

These are the names

Nora pass 2 2 2 Noor Noah Tkhtkh 2 2 2 Thth Hlyosh 2 and intends them determination following 21 visits


I swear to you, O servants and agents Him Who created universes mastermind of the matter and the creation of mankind and the elves and the extension of the ground for his ability and raise the sky without baffle and make those who obey Paradise and whoever his stick down the flames Invite you in the strongest determination determination by Mr. Solomon son of David peace be upon them, and the names, which created you by Allah, the Lord of the Worlds that Thajoa Jane girl Jane and Tjelboha to so and so the son of so and so rightly said of the heavens and the earth, Oita voluntarily or involuntarily said Aútina disobedient right Kprac 2 Mkriash 2 Mcirbeh 2 Krakoash 2 Mhlosh 2 Hlyosh 2 Trust, O servants of these names and Ajzbzoa spirituality lovingly so and so the son of so and so that she was asleep Vaikzawha albeit sober Oqaduha albeit Base Vemczuha albeit cattle dragged and Hajoha and Ajelboha to so and so the son of so and so the right of these names, letters and verses noble and that of Solomon, and that the name of God the Merciful not Talo supreme Atoni Muslims and take her mind of her heart and thought of her head on the age Rmagm, and came out of the flimsy non-null and Okoha the fire of love for the person Ben Jane even do not eat, drink and do not look only for so and so the son of so and so and enjoy what you have heard right calf slabs time

Source: Forum bright light Amittron 01141747586: http://elmagic2.akbarmontada.com/t161-topic#ixzz3BGy3bzeq
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Hbashbh hell major
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