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 More characters of voodoo dolls

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

More characters of voodoo dolls Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: More characters of voodoo dolls   More characters of voodoo dolls Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 12:42 am

The health doll

A health doll is more than just a doll to confidence. Properly "programmed" it can affect the disease of the people to be influenced and by general formulas such as: "All cells are safe and sound" the condition of a patient can be improved. Such a health doll at the same time is a nice gift for a sick bed visit. The regular place of a health dolls may be the bedside cabinet or you hide it under the pillow. At casted fractures it may possibly be plastered on a key ring, so it is always right there on the spot where it can have a healing effect.
The typo devil

Do you have problems with spelling? Or one of your children has trouble discovering his own mistakes in writing? Give yourself or your child a typo devil that casts out errors in the document. A voodoo doll with this character can be pretty small and hang on the favorite pen. Caution, it should not be a heavy weight - you can also make a voodoo doll from felt and wool. The typo devil can work wonders if it is paying attention, wherever you write a text. This can be your love letters, but also the classwork of your child. Such a typo devil every person should have who has difficulty with the error-free writing.
A harmony doll

If you have very much dispute with your fellow men a "harmony doll" can help. You can take it to club meetings or to birthday celebrations of "difficult" relatives - this voodoo doll creates harmony. For this voodoo doll a nice design is important – choose rose as the primary color. A rainbow is the symbol of peace, therefore the harmony doll can be designed in those colors. You can prepare the harmony doll especifically for meeting people you often have disputes with.
Voodoo doll "Stay away from me"

You can craft yourself a special voodoo doll, if your life is always marked by physical abuse. This "Stay away from me" doll can play a significant defensive posture, for example by stretching his arms forward and holds his hands up defensively. This voodoo doll can also wear a shield to protect itself against attacks. In stylized way the voodoo doll can be pinned on the jacket collar or hang on the zipper.
The friends finder

Do you know a lonely man or do you feel yourself lonely? You can attract a couple of friends with the voodoo doll "The friends finder". Program this voodoo doll in a ritual so much that you notice all the people that fit with you as friends. So you can approach them in a nice way. The voodoo doll can even wear a small logo on the chest, such as: "I'm a good friend" or "I'm looking for good friends" - sometimes you will certainly be addressed at that.
The organizer

You may advise a chaotic person getting the voodoo doll "organizer". Depending on where the disorder spread so far, "the organizer" has its favorite place. Properly programmed, it will enforce tidiness from now on in the room or on your desk or in your wardrobe. Decorate your "organizer" intuitively. Some "organizers" stand in the room with a wagging finger. Others simply wear a suit that maintains order.
The calorie guard

The calorie guard hangs in many people’s refrigerator. There it can meet his guard service, because the voodoo doll has magnets glued to the back. Does it help you if this voodoo doll looks very fat and unattractive? Or do you need a big "no sign" on the calories guard? The design of this voodoo doll is up to you. Give free rein to your imagination.
The worry doll

A worry dolls can bring a carefree sleep to many people. Design a small string doll and tell it all your worries in the evening. Then you put this voodoo doll under the pillow, where it cares for the solution and resolution of your problens, while you sleep. This voodoo doll especially help older children with sleeping problems. The child can release all the everyday problems and fears of school before going to bed.

People with low self-esteem can create a voodoo doll who has a confident look. Intuitively, the owner creats a character who always supports him if he feels unsafe. This voodoo doll may have, for example, the appearance of Superman or is a golden knight who wins any fight. It can also be a good-natured giant or any character that helps you achieve greater self-awareness.
<- More characters of voodoo dolls
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