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 The magic charge of voodoo dolls

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The magic charge of voodoo dolls Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The magic charge of voodoo dolls   The magic charge of voodoo dolls Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 12:40 am

The magic charge of voodoo dolls

When rituals are made with voodoo characters, the dolls must be charged before.
This charge of each doll is a part of the actual ritual and involves three steps:

1. The cleaning of all cult objects:

Before the start all utensils used for the ritual should be cleaned of all energies, which stick on as a result of storage or previous rituals. These so-called "cleansing" can be done for example by laying on of hands, washing with cold water, sprinkling with salt or rubbing with a purifying essence. Purifying essences are sandalwood oil or olibanum oil (frankincense essence).
2. The production or the adaptation to the influenced person:

The one who wants to do a ritual with a voodoo doll, has to bring himself into a meditative, focused state at first. He may use tools such as essential oils, incense or even trance music. The inner concentration should be focussed on the intended purpose and deeper meaning of the ritual. An important factor is the internal view and the intellectual and emotional connection with the influenced person. Some practitioner of voodoo sticks photo of influenced people to the voodoo doll’s face or uses an embroidery to give this doll's face the facial expression of the person. Others use small name tags, which they stick to the voodoo doll to give this the personality of the influenced person. Rituals work best when interacting with handcrafted voodoo dolls because the ritual user has a more direct connection to it than to an purchased string doll.
3. The consecration of the voodoo doll:

The consecration itself consists of a concentrated ritual action. It serves the connection between the doll, the influenced person and the powers of the universe. The ritual act of consecration can be very different and depends on different utensils and actions according to the purpose. So you will use other herbs and essences for protection rituals than for a revenge - even if meant in jest. For a love spell you will use other essences and colors than for the the magic of financial gain. However, in all consecrations essences and incense are used. In addition, the voodoo doll usually swung in the smoke from the incense and formulas are repeated up to seven times in the same tone.
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The magic charge of voodoo dolls
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