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 More fun in life with a voodoo doll

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

More fun in life with a voodoo doll Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: More fun in life with a voodoo doll   More fun in life with a voodoo doll Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 12:40 am

More fun in life with a voodoo doll

Construct yourself rituals that bring you pleasure. So you can bring a close relative a happy day or a lucky phase. Tinker a lucky doll with the name of the relative and speak a daily formula for happiness.

"Revenge" to a colleague who annoys you - tinker a voodoo doll with his name and think of an amusing prank putting it in a formula. That may be, for example, that his phone is ringing constantly - this could be the formula: "All the time your phone rings as soon as you hang up, again and again!"

Or you wish someone a little more wealth? It could be, for example, the clothing of the voodoo doll made of golden fabric or gilding the whole doll with gold leaf. Then attach the name and think of a benefit formula.

You never want to get a parking violation ticket again or you never want to waste time standing in a traffic jam? Or you want to teach tailgaters on the highway the minimum distance to your car? Then hang a red devil on your rear view mirror inside the car. Program it to your needs while driving. This could be the formula: "I come across well and quickly, securely and safely through all traffic situations." Or: "All road users behave respectfully towards me." Or: "Hold me all the tailgaters in good distance!"
Other accessories for voodoo dolls rituals

You probably need another accessories for your voodoo dolls rituals. If you can concentrate better with it, build an altar. A small table with all the necessary utensils and ritual objects ready to capture - beautifully decorated with candles, incense burner and voodoo dolls. From the voodoo practice is also known that the following supplies should not be missing: a so-called pointer with a buttercup, a mortar for crushing parts of animals and plants, and a pendulum. In addition, it has proven to shape yourself the minds of voodoo dolls with clay. For the rituals you also need selfmade candles in various colors. Moreover you need a variety of steel needles, charcoal and pieces of white chalk. Small bottles used for storage of magic potions, aphrodisiacs and herbal drops, stand on a small shelf. Even a few small jars which are filled with various powders and a wooden cross should not be missed on such an altar.
Production of voodoo dolls for rituals

One of the most important tools for voodoo rituals is the voodoo doll itself. They come in various types, as a voodoo doll made of cloth or wool (string doll), or with heads made of clay, self-drying clay or modeling clay. In addition, you can assign the voodoo doll to different characters through facial expressions, clothing or other accessories. According to research modern ritual voodoo dolls originate from the so-called bocio figures. These were mainly produced from clay or stone in West Africa, for example in the Benin and Togo. They were used as a kind of mascot or protective hero and protected their owners against crop failure, drought, from disease and accidents. Each bocio figure was made in several rituals by various people.

Nowadays voodoo dolls are still made of natural materials surrounding the owner or manufacturer. So voodoo dolls made in New Orleans, for example, usually made of sticks and are filled with so-called "Spanish Moss". In some places, the heads are carved from wood, in others they are modeled with clay and the heads of the string dolls are made of wool or cord wrapped. Depending on the intended use of the dolls they also receive special properties. For example fertility dolls usually get extra large breasts. Moreover, the figures are deliberately given a similarity with the person to be influenced. This can be done by the facial expression or even on the strength of the figure or the shape of the head.
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More fun in life with a voodoo doll
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