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 Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements    Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements  Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 7:52 pm

Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements 

In the name of God the Merciful 

We praise and prayer and poison the beloved and our Lord and Maulana Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family to the Day of Judgment prayers fill the heavens and the earth and fill what he pleases the Lord of Glory of something after, my brothers and sisters in God Forum members destruction valued since it began research and found the origins of science spirituality to understand deeper and try to find out the correct ones and found that my research leads me over and over again (and thankfully) to install the certainty and faith in the Creator Almighty reminds me of how gracing the Almighty Creator of man. It also increases my admiration Balraal first of scientists and the depth of their understanding of this science and creativity where creativity Emma (with resourcefulness and strong wits and resources to hide his secrets). 

Touched on in the first of my articles in the research to key Altsariv and uses spirituality which calls and sections and the fact that it is one of thorny issues which many where modern ado fact that most of them contain the names of non-Arab pronunciation or source except for formulas, some which may be distorted as containing suspicion of maximizing or glorification is God God forbid, one of the things that was accused by scientists and scholars of spiritual mysticism has contributed to conceal the secrets of this Alamorely install these charges except for some delinquency roads and neutrality for the right path Baladavhaly what Jews and others of misrepresentation and fraud in many of the books of these sciences. 

For a moment struck me questions revolved in my mind: 

1) With the proliferation of books and false positives, despite confirmation of errors contained therein, some warn not to read it? Does it have any effect on her Notwithstanding the provisions of errors? 
2) Is included invitations to the words of the lexicon of encoding methods (code) for concealment? 
3) if the encoding or were not what is the principle followed by scientists in written or authored? 
4) Is unable to contemporary spiritual scientists understand the rules for these calls? Did not? 
5) Does the fact that these calls mostly written in a language Jbrocah as interpreted by some? And their evidence for that? 
6) ensure that some of these calls was launched multiple formats, each of which he was the greatest name such as S and other Ahon 
7), prompting everyone to wonder about the reason for the multiplicity of formulas? 
Cool of course comes to mind, a perplexing question what is the difference between the name of God and the greatest names of Allah? 

Of course, this fraction of the questions set by the attempt to understand the mysteries of science and attempt to draw a path for myself to approach my research to make it easier on the matter somewhat in spite of difficulty; Or that it was easier for what I expected? ! We'll see! 

I have suggested to run the forum to create a partition to investigate the science of spirituality and the supervisor Mr. Ali Athari (thankfully) the deployment of Multi discuss this proposal; Responses were received numerous than many of the members in the interaction of disparate, but between those responses made ​​me pause responses Brother Abu Izz al-Din (setter link subject to those who had not seen it previously) 

If we want to explain the properties of the subject and what the mechanism of its impact and the reason for the strength and force enjoyed by the various kinds of symbols or verse in the book of God Almighty or incense or Napata or metal or an animal or a cameo or water or air or fire or dust. We will have to define characteristic. 
The property is:-(which is a comprehensive statement of the things that work the stuff of positive Btabaaha Food) 
This is the definition of who fired Jabir Ibn Hayyan on properties in his great book properties. 
So there is work and speed in the properties by definition. The work is the power and speed to shrug one undeniable 
What is the definition of strength, but it is against any weakness that the strength and weaknesses as a family is broken. 
The water is warm Guo, a surf and cold water is the weakness of a broken heart, but if cold water has increased by more than the amount of hot water will become cold water and warm water breaking broken 
It is the amount and quantity of speculation related to the ferocious .. 
So ((the greater the amount of bit larger than the other thing became a lot Kasra and little broken)). In order to generalize this law on the entire universe, we are forced to look for homosexuals in this rule, if any .. 
The first is the power of homosexuals as a family is also a verse from the Book of Allah Almighty name of God the Merciful (and how much of a small group overcame a class in large God willing) 
Valgelbh meaning Guo as a family and the few are a class above rule is broken by category and many are a class as a family and (then God) make Broken breaking and ferocious broken .. 
Is flipped the room above? Or is the rule in effect in order to become a comprehensive law of the universe? 
Here we have to define the ferocious strength to prove Alacaadh above to make it a comprehensive law governing the properties .. 
To simply and easily abstract 
The greatest power in the universe is like a family (God's name) the Great, who asked him if he answered and gave him if invited .. 
A little category which derived its name from the great and become many and category but with his permission Almighty ..oumany so that the name is plenty of .. 
And I'll give some example .. in the fence, which has a feature characteristic of this abounding. 
If you read the basmalah Decide that you are working on the same frequency Muslims who Ikranha Besg you'll earn a living and they are not few, as is well known 
Millions of Muslims Ikranha day .. 
The Al-Fatihah is dishonest corner of the daily prayers and it is impossible that millions of Muslims Aivla ​​day .. 
Thus, in Surah Ikhlas dishonest .. 
So why is the frequency in the abounding strength and ferocious .. 
So we got to the first law of laws which properties ((the greater the amount of slightly larger than the other thing became a lot Kasra and little broken)) 
This law undermines the old law that says (the properties behind the minds of scientists) 
This ends our search word (frequency) as it will occupy a large side of the explanations the next .. 
I hope you well 

Put forward a model and a gateway to the Snkhudah research raises questions some who do not have a long history and experience in the science of spirituality and draw on motivating others who has a familiar this science to write Mlahoudath and his idea of ​​the subject and the subject will not end yet, and the debate is open to all scientists destruction of those gifted with God Almighty with the knowledge sincere and profound wisdom .. 
I mentioned in the subject of research in the pink before putting Introduction research that I have I'm going to discuss the name of God the greatest, but Aadhan that there is power in the world the invisible parallel to the power of name-Azam and overtake him and hurt Almakr him if the use of the name full understanding this first, either Secondly, when I put some apps name Sawrd vulnerabilities and how to prevent them to get to safety without little damage .. 
My technique in the commentary would be scientifically linked to the land of reality closely Samemia. 
Thanks to my brother Mhartkm Abboud added that the Moroccan mention of the subject well and Abant strengths and caution it. 
I hope you well 

At the time you register as a note in the file responses as points of my research may need to return to it later and read them whenever I stand prepared when Ahtwein paragraphs on what sparked my curiosity 

The start of each creature are the foundation of this science is considered the entrance of science and spiritual story of our father Adam on Npinaalah Alslamwalkhalq and configuration was the first seed to Menasha science and spiritual Aldyanatklha including paganism and Altouhdiqaibdaah since start-up and configuration Valtlassm and Akhawatamoaezzaúm nothing but creating and configuring 

The truth is a very easy recipe .. also ease overwhelm any Hiehakiqi If you find information or something easy to understand soon Vaarafoa he really Analhakaiqa eye is the ease and simplicity 

The greatest power in the universe is like a family (God's name) the Great, who asked him if he answered and gave him if invited .. 

And began to think about what the meaning of referring to the continued creation and its relation to the science of human spirituality? 
Did not suggest the use of the name of God the greatest as a measure to check the validity of wills and sections? 
Science spirituality that was dealing with the truth and the truth is characterized by ease and clarity what the reason for the ambiguity of the entrances of this science or do we delude ourselves Bgmodah? 

But I'm in the prime of life and a graduate of Business Administration and do not know the method of philosophical writing or talking Connie studied in a practical way and directly (and without Akkar not wrench the heart of the opinion of Sheikh Mamdouh Zlteni which became the motto to simplify the threads in the Forum) found at the time that this response does not tells of getting my scientific in any way, and then I said to myself angrily: How I hate philosophy !!!!! Hehehehe are you supposed to graying my head before I found the truth? What Hawwah response between the lines? Behold, I am forced to drill into the rock again, but where to me with a tool to help me on this? 

With my injury insomnia the night (as a result of the emergency landing to start from scratch and its responses to ignite the fuse of a bomb curiosity in me) decided to be the two tools are a series of paragraphs that Erguetna a phrase brother Abu Ezzedine the beginning of creation 

And I said to see what Sajida in this regard and I looked at the story of creation of the universe, and the story of the creation of the angels and the creation of the jinn and demons and the devil and the creation of man and then the story of our father Adam, peace be upon him with the devil, and so embarked look in what has been discovered and reached in this regard resulted in it for finding proof of the most important principle of the the science of spirituality and found the Bathbath scientifically citing Quranic verses and put it in the books. 

The same principle is used by the researcher to explain the meaning of the name of God the greatest and explain the difference between the names of bones and between the names of Allah and explain Enlightenment rhetoric and explained the marvelous and Tpiani for consignments heavenly and an explanation of the algorithms, and so in conjunction exciting and wonderful and this interdependence strongly suggests to contain his research on a large proportion of the health and credibility they are going in one direction and in unison, and the facts known to bind to and always correspond to going in one direction and that stemmed from the same source
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Investigate the origin of the four complexions or four elements
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