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 Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God    Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God  Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 12:05 am

Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God 
In the name of God the Merciful 
That God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and recognition of Slmo 
The blessings of God on Muhammad and Muhammad 
Dear brothers, that what he says is the world of man and the good of what he says and what he says is ignorant of this I will put the subject of the veil of names in a manner Astkrjtha the grace of God and the blessing of prayer on Mohammed and Mohammed 

Dear reader notes that the verse of the blessed name of God the Merciful God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and recognition of Slmo)) Almighty God is the approval of God and all the angels as they arrive on the Prophet (blessings of God to Mohammed and Mohammed) and also ordered to all the faithful to pray to the Prophet (blessings of God to Mohammed and Mohammed) this verse struck me very much and made ​​me Atamlha again and again and I'm thinking about it Klaty: 
God always pray to Muhammad and the angels and always pray to Muhammad and the believers, and they must always be Aisalo on Muhammad and the Muhammad. So pray on Muhammad and right imposed on us believers 
Well why not Muhammad? 
There is talk agreed unanimously to the effect that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon God and said: I do not pray on the prayer Petra They said to him: What is prayer Petra O Messenger of Allah? He said (tell blessings of God to Muhammad) said: What shall we say then, O Messenger of Allah said: (Golo blessings of God to Mohammed and Mohammed). 
And Quranic verse says the name of God the Merciful ((that God wants you to go abomination Ahl al-Bayt and purify cleansing)) 
So are the folks from home? 
I am a believer that the Ahl al-Bayt are the five owners of clothing without a doubt and I do not want this issue to raise controversy and discussions and polemics this topic is not talking by sectarian but I'm talking what I believe in and I would like all who read this review and do not like my opinion, stand at this point of the subject and look for another topic because I do not I would Never argue this topic 
And also Dalili A Almpahlp blessed name of God the Merciful ((Come Say we call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves)) 
So the prayer on Muhammad and the pure (Ali and Fatima and Hassan and Hussein Hussein and sons of the nine infallible) 
Now embark on a veil names and pray God's blessing on Muhammad and Muhammad 
I was trying to write to members of the Forum valued way full work Hijab and all the demands, but I was afraid to do the work may be used for harmful worshipers of God Vahjmt about it and I know that in this way clear signals and ask God to open by God on those who pleases He knows where to put the messages and ask forgiveness of Almighty God and me and you. 
Today the oldest to the brothers and sisters the way (almost complete) the work of the veil of names assigned to anyone who wants to change the authority of the devil's blessing upon Muhammad and Muhammad and Ohdia to God and to Muhammad and do not wait for anyone other than a penalty and not thankful. 
Note: - I said almost complete for two reasons. 
First: Perfect God Almighty 
Second: I have God on knowing the department by the energies of a very high if you knew with the same weak possible that hurt him worshipers of God and I know that this forum and readers have them from the people of Rashad and piety, but I also know that there are others and the fear of God will remind him and will not Apinh for one never forget what has been used and the other is a strength, but also can not be used unless the interests of the worshipers of God and ask God for forgiveness and mercy to the forum, and my father. 

Taattehr .... wudu .... pray to God rak'ahs Permanent reward to Muhammad and Muhammad and the believers 
Amar acted .... holed launches incense .... ok ... remember the name of God 66 times
Read the verse the name of God the Merciful 
That God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and recognition of Slmo 
Number of characters your name and the name of your mother and our example is Ali son of Fatima Vicu number (Cool times 
Pray to Mohammed and Mohammed (Cool times 

Take your name and the name of your mother and son would be ideal Ali Fatima 
Extract the names of God, according to the letters p = Aleem Ali. L = nice. J = Hadi (we use it in Alovq) 
ABC calculated Ali 
70 +30 +10 = 110 = j s 
ABC calculated Fatima 
80 +1 +9 +40 +5 = 135 = e l s 
Extract the names of God's gracious of total characters names 
J = neighborhood 
S = Qayyum 
E = Hadi 
L = nice 
S = capable 
(We use it in the section) 
Now we extracted the names of these esteemed name of Ali Ibn Fatima (can use one of them or all of them Kurds daily) 
Now we take the characters characters characters and extract from it the following characters 
P = Ein = 70 +10 +40 = 120 = k s 
L = L = 1 +30 +40 = 71 = a p 
J = O = 11 = a j 
So sentences extracted from the characters name is Ali (a k s j) we use in Alovq 
Now we come to his book Veil: - 
Cleanse .... does wudoo .... pray to Muhammad and Muhammad .... indeed gone .... Spend Ammar ... barricaded fired .... ok ... bring incense and white paper unplanned ... Bring saffron book (Read it Yassin Al 7 or 21 or 41 or 70 times, according to you are able and put under the stars of the evening prayer time to time a little before the morning prayer and for 3 days and the best one on Wednesday night and Thursday, and Friday successive) 
Now you Tthzer to write the veil and you pray to Muhammad and Muhammad 

And written in the top right party paper: August c d e f g Trust ye ministers of these characters right Gabriel that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe it arrived and handed recognition. 
And written in the top left party paper: h i j k l m n Trust ye ministers of these characters right Mikael that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe it arrived and handed recognition 
And write at the bottom of the left party paper: o p q r s t u Trust ye ministers of these characters right Israfil that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe it arrived and handed recognition 
And writing paper in the bottom of the party right: V W X Y Z J Trust N, O servants of these characters right Azrael that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe it arrived and handed recognition 
Then leave between Maketbt above empty as much as one line (to write it after a while) 
Written in the middle of the paper. 
Pf pf pf pf ................. 110 times (the number of the name of the owner of the veil) 
M Hamad Trust O spirituality symbols right eye names of the living God Gayoom Pacific Latif Kader and right spirituality name of Muhammad and his secret, but what a great help Kkintm's son Ali and Fatima have made it pretty Mhaba dear in the eye of each of Rah and the poor condition of Gertm good case of Mohammed and right that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and Slmo Recognizing Vsalo on Mohammed and Mohammed, but what Ajptamona prayer blessing to Muhammad and Muhammad. 
L l l l l l l l ................. number 30 (the number of letter l) 
Trust me on my spirituality symbols rallying against the names of the living God Gayoom Pacific Qader Latif and the right name on the spirituality and mystery, but what a great help for you son of Ali and Fatima have made it pretty Mhaba dear in the eye of each of Rah and the poor condition of Gertm good case of Ali and right that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and Slmo Recognizing Vsalo on Mohammed and Mohammed, but what Ajptamona prayer blessing to Muhammad and Muhammad. 

J j j j j j ................... number 10 (the number of symbols j) 
P Atmh Trust in the spirituality of the letter O is automatically right the names of the living God Gayoom Pacific Qader Latif and the right of the name of spirituality and Fatima herself, but what a great help Kkintm's son Ali and Fatima have made it pretty Mhaba dear in the eye of each of Rah and the poor condition of Gertm good case of Mohammed and right that God and his angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who arrived by UMNO and Slmo Recognizing Vsalo on Mohammed and Mohammed, but what Ajptamona blessing prayer Fatima and her father and her husband and her children and the secret warehouse. 

Now operates in accordance with the letters of Astjarajna (k s a j) 

And since I do not know how to use the program in 2007 rose well complemented Alovq I can not, but we extract according triangle in the middle, put the names of God by which Astkhrzinaha name of Ali are: Aleem nice Hadi and reconstruct Alovq way Ghazali 
Nice Hadi Aleem 
Knowing nice Hadi 
Hadi Aleem nice 

Notes: - 1. 
Q & refunded if the name is more than 3 characters as stated in our previous example? 
C / Muhammad Ali and Fatima and Hassan and Hussein and Ali and Mohammad Jafar and and Moses and Mohammed and Ali and Ali and Hassan al-Mahdi and blessings of God they pray the number of creatures and outrigger your words and weighed throne. 

Not permitted to transfer this review to any place other than this forum, but mentioning the name of Forum or the name of God and his subject and agent between you and me
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Veil names and characters gift of God and His Messenger and to the believers and worshipers of God
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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