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 Khaas Hmasag use of verses five

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5250
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Khaas Hmasag use of verses five  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Khaas Hmasag use of verses five    Khaas Hmasag use of verses five  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 6:36 pm

Khaas Hmasag use of verses five
In the name of God the Merciful and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and peace

Glila way conclusive Saheeh Sadaha you use a spiritual Khaas Hmasag verses five

Method One: is the Mptdoan and professionals

Read behind every prayer Khaas Hmasag 1000 times and Taatlleha with this invitation verses Khaas Hmasag five 45 times

It is with this invitation verses

God, I ask suffice Kvaitk and Bahaa Hadaatk and Bia Ikdtk and into your knowledge and R honesty and H. protect you and Bmim Your and Bsin SRC and S ability to harness my spirituality these verses dishonest spend my needs micro and macro In all what I want them Amen and prayed to God to the prophet Muhammad and his companions ladder

Ojibwa mandate spirits spirituality of obedience to God and His names and judge my needs right Khaas Hmasag

Kme sent down from heaven when he saw him plant the land became Hhima windy.

God, who is no god but He, the unseen world and the certificate is merciful.

Day approaching (doom), when the hearts with throats Kazemin what the oppressors of the patron saint of intimate nor obeyed.

I learned the same as what brought swear Balkhns neighboring synagogues and night if Asas waxing if breathing.

Al-Quran and a male but those who disbelieve in pride and schism

Ttheloa call 45 times behind each prayer and accepted Khaas Hmasag 1000 times and continue every day. You respond to that spirituality

Tsn and not well-known Balthasin

And do not forget the veil of grandeur read before reading this roses once or three times.


The second way: PRO does not advise her beginner

Read behind every prayer Khaas Hmasag 1000 times and Taatlleha with this invitation verses Khaas Hmasag five 45 times

If entered by the solitude and fasting was the best

This call is recited 45 times:

God, I ask suffice Kvaitk and Bahaa Hadaatk and Bia Ikdtk and into your knowledge and R honesty and H. protect you and Bmim Your and Bsin SRC and S ability to harness me seven kings spirituality and spirituality these verses dishonest spend my needs micro and macro In all what I want them Amen and prayed to God to the prophet Muhammad and his companions ladder

Ojibwa mandate spirits spiritual obedience to God and to the right of names Khaas Hmasag

Kme sent down from heaven when he saw him plant the land became Hhima windy.

God, who is no god but He, the unseen world and the certificate is merciful.

Day approaching (doom), when the hearts with throats Kazemin what the oppressors of the patron saint of intimate nor obeyed.

I learned the same as what brought swear Balkhns neighboring synagogues and night if Asas waxing if breathing.

Al-Quran and a male but those who disbelieve in pride and schism

I have sworn upon these verses Eachdam Great Ttokloa that such and such.

Alouha 2 calf 2 pm

Of course this last section:

I have sworn upon these verses Eachdam Great Ttokloa that such and such.

Alouha 2 calf 2 pm

Uses as well as in the first method and the second after Alterouhn course and the functioning of the spirituality of the call with you. Vetoklhm work that you want to spend.

This ring call dishonest put in front of you in case of reading

Ring Khaas Hmasag his properties without exercise a wonderful work in his case

It is if I wanted to be treated for winds elves you write with ink saffron and rose water and then read it (Khaas Hmasag) 1000 times and five verses 19 times or 45 times if I wanted to write about it five verses was better then Tmahah used to drink and paint a very on the symptoms and magic.

It is for the detection properties: read it Khaas Hmasag 1000 times and 7 times or call 45 times, and trust spirituality disclose that you want to know and then place the ring under the headrest you see in the same night.

It has other properties used in evil do not need to mention.

But if it Trouhnt way call first or second it becomes Ergonomics for everything you want.

This is the ring again

We wish you luck.

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Khaas Hmasag use of verses five
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